I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 215: You Are A Prince

It just came to me that I haven't really mentioned anything about my Daily Quests. Well, I still do complete them and the reason why I don't say anything about it is that it is an easy clear every day. I just bite myself ten times and that's it, I get the rewards with minimal effort. One would argue that I could use the Daily Quests as an excuse to bite other people but no, that would be against my ideals. Although I'm part rabid human, I'm still a human, you know. That'd be weird if I just went ahead and bit other people.

Still, if I were supposed to bite someone, I'd rather bite someone with smooth skin and a nice scent. Just laying it out there.

Back to our current situation, the pinkish light that surrounded us is some sort of teleportation skill of the Space Element. It required the overall Qi Energy of every member of the Sky Knights so I could tell that it was a pretty hard skill. To be able to teleport such a huge crowd is an incredible feat, even I was amazed.

Once the pinkish orb of light that surrounded us dissipated into thin air, we found ourselves in a wide open space built with marble. Pillars stood from afar and they were of the same texture and color as the marble wherein we spawned. The place seemed to be far above the ground since one I could literally touch the clouds in the sky. The air seemed to be thinner here as well, a normal human would probably pass out after ten to twenty minutes by how thin the air was, but no one said anything about it. Aside from that, there's a huge castle by the end of the columns of pillars that towered over a wide pathway.

"This is the Sky Kingdom, home to the Tang Clan," Mae announced. "Once again, we formally welcome Young Master to the Sky Kingdom."

As our group walked towards the gigantic castle, Mae began her explanation. "Long ago, there were two clans, the Tang Clan and the Yan Clan. These two clans had the most powerful elements to ever exist, and from them, the other elements branched, creating the elements we know of today... "

'So we're starting here, huh. interesting.' I told myself as our group eagerly listened.

"The Tang Clan had the Light Element, an element that brought healing and brightness to the world. And as such, every cultivator with the light element was deemed a genius, and they were highly sought after throughout the centuries. Because resources were focused on them, they managed to stand at the top, cultivating their talents more and more for the betterment of mankind. The other cultivators who awakened to other elements were still taken care of, but the resources given to them were incomparable to the ones given to the light element cultivators."

"As for the Yan Clan, they had the Dark Element, an element that resembled chaos and destruction. Time, Space, and Chaos Elements branched from the Dark Element, making them the most powerful and destructive elements to ever exist. These elements were so rare, that one out of a million people could awaken one of them. Compared to the Light Element, which can be awakened by one out of a hundred thousand people, the Dark Elements were so rare that it caused a great disturbance to the Yan Clan, they thought that one of these days, they'll be overrun by the Tang Clan and because of that fear, great unrest befell the people."

"But what the Yan Clan didn't know was that one cultivator of the Dark Element could easily take on ten Light Element Cultivators. After discovering that fact, the two clans decided not to fight, and for centuries, they lived in harmony."

"After a few more centuries, however, the Tang Clan discovered that having the Light Element enables a cultivator to learn all of the elements in the natural spectrum. Elements such as water, ice, light, thunder, poison, earth, fire, and others could easily be learned by any Light Element cultivator. And not only that, they could learn as many elements as they can. Thus, the balance between the Tang Clan and the Yan Clan tipped in favor of the Tang Clan, driving the Yan Clan into a corner. But even after all that, the Light Clan never attacked the Yan Clan because they liked the peace... but it was all in vain."

"Fearing that the Tang Clan is plotting against them, the Yan Clan made their first move, attacking the Tang Clan in secret during a gathering. Many members of the Tang Clan died that day, and the others were forced into captivity. Because the Tang Clan wanted peace more than the Yan Clan, they were the ones who fell first. And in just five years, the Tang Clan was driven out of the Higher Plane. The Tang Clan were forced to dwell in the Middle and Lower Plane where a lot of criminals from the Higher Plane were exiled."

"They were surprised to see that the criminals who were exiled were already dead, and their descendants had already thrived in the Middle and Lower Plane. With no hope of coming back to the Higher Plane, the remaining members of the Tang Clan lived a comfortable life in the Lower Plane and the Middle Plane. For millennia they prospered, and before long, the Middle Plane and the Lower Plane have finally become a stable community, a stable world where people could dwell. It was totally unlike before wherein both Planes were home to the worst of criminals, and the harsh conditions were a constant punishment for them. Now, the Middle Plane and the Lower Plane were terraformed into something that resembled the Higher Plane."

Let's just say, I could already tell where this story is going. I had the urge to interrupt Mae but she was really getting into the moment telling the story, so I thought that it'd be best if I just let her continue.

"However, those in the Yan Clan weren't satisfied with exiling the Tang Clan and gaining control over the whole Higher Plane, they wanted it to stay that way." Mae continued. "So every ten or so years, they go through what they call 'The Purge'. If they see someone cultivating and climbing realms faster than they wanted, they would eliminate that person. Any threat they see in the Middle and Lower Plane is checked out, killed because none is allowed to step into the Higher Plane, except those people who belong to the Yan Clan. You may have heard from your grandfather that your mom and dad died from a fire when you were young... but do you think your mom and dad could die in a simple house fire, Young Master?"

"No, now that you mentioned it, I did have a  nagging feeling that everything was false. My mom and dad were already in the Transcendence Realm at 24 years of age, they're considered geniuses... or so that's what my grandfather said."

"That's right. They died because the Yan Clan considered them a threat. Your grandfather died in their hands as well."

"Wait, how do you know all that? Are you perhaps related to my parents?"

Mae shook her head and proceeded with her explanation. "Although I am not connected to your grandfather nor your parents, I have sworn to protect the Young Master no matter the cost. Did you know, Young Master, that your grandfather is the direct descendant of our Tang Clan leader? He is, in other words, the King of the whole of Tang Sect, and your parents were next-in-line as the King and the Queen."

"You are a prince, Young Master." Leonard joined in.

"And you have no idea how much your grandfather and your parents sacrificed just to keep you safe. Young Master, we really are glad that you could come back. We hope that you would rule over us with good judgment, as our king, and the new leader of the Tang Clan."

"Wait, grandpa is... and mom and dad are... wait, what? WHAT?!" I exclaimed before I realized it. I then coughed to try to regain my composure but my mind was already swimming in an ocean of confusion. How could I readily accept being a King when I was just a lowly Sect Master a few seconds ago?! And who would've thought that my mom and dad were like that, what?!

Natalia and the others stared at me in amazement as well, and I could tell that they were not expecting the revelation at all!

"Five years ago," Mae went on normally as if she just didn't drop a bomb on us. "The Yan Clan decided to get rid of the whole Tang Clan once and for all. With the help of a virus and the influence of the Black Spirit Sect which they formed over the years, they proceeded with the plan, and five years later, here we are, with the Middle Plane and the Lower Plane almost wiped out."

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