I become light in American comics

Chapter 93 Space Explosion

Midtown is a city that never stops.

Many people would say that each city's iconic superheroes set the tone of the city itself, but to some extent, conversely, heroes are also influenced by the city that raised them.

Midtown is such a dynamic city. The neon lights of high-rise buildings dot the city skyline at night, and the lights complement each other. Vehicles come and go on the street, and traffic lights flash alternately, creating a scene of light and shadow that never stops flowing. The traffic flow formed brilliant ribbons, weaving through the night, like the rhythmic arteries of the city.

Earlier tonight, an explosion ripped through the streets of Midtown.

No one knows the cause yet, but three people disappeared in the explosion. At this time, the cordon has been raised, and staff wearing warning hats and protective clothing are busy investigating and collecting evidence in the streets. Police cars and ambulances came and went, flashing lights and blaring sirens piercing the silence of the streets.

"Pal, what are we looking at now?"

In stealth mode, Shen You hovered high in the sky, looking down from a high position. The visual sensor magnified the busy crowd in the blockade below.

"An explosion of unknown cause, sir. The official report has not been released yet, and the media has not reported further."

"So it looks like we're going to have to go down and talk to someone on site to get the details."

"Looks like it, sir. Do you need an identity then?"

"Of course. Help me design one. Hmm." Shen You thought for a while, "Forget it, no need for a new one, let's just use the one from last time. Mike Williams, senior agent of Sky Eye.

Help me get through to you, and remember to call your superiors at the Midtown Police Department. "

"No problem, sir."

So a few minutes later, Shen You, who had put on the "Agent Williams" vest, had already crossed the blockade and came to Captain Singer, who was leading the investigation site.

Captain Singh nodded after looking at his ID: "I have received a call from above, saying that an agency above will send a secret agent. I think you are that agent. Welcome."

Shen You shook hands with him and successfully entered the blockade.

"This is the on-site investigation specialist from our identification department."

Captain Singh introduced a young man to him. He was a young man with blond hair, a delicate face, and blue eyes. He was quite handsome but had a temperament unique to a technical geek.

"Barry Allen, Crime Scene Identification Division." The young man also shook his hand.

Shen You couldn't help but pay more attention when he heard the name.

So this is the legendary Flash.

But Shen You had paid special attention before that the laboratory electroshock accident that turned Barry into the Flash had not yet happened. Therefore; theoretically speaking, he is just an ordinary person now, who fails the physical test and running results, and is not the fastest person in the world.

"Take our commander to understand the situation on the scene, Allen." Captain Singer said stiffly, "Don't mess up again this time. Also, don't forget to review. I will see it tomorrow morning."

"Yes, sir," Barry muttered.

Shen You recognized that expression.

It's the iconic expression in the workplace where on the surface the leader looks long and the leader is short, but secretly he wishes the leader was short and soft.

"I have written a review, so I understand." Shen You chuckled, "How many words is it?"

"One hundred thousand words," Barry said pitifully.

Shen You suspected that he heard wrongly: "How much?"

"One hundred thousand."

Shen You didn't know what to say for a moment.

After pondering for a while, he said: "Brother, have you violated the rules of heaven?"

"It's just that I'm late. It's just a little too late." Barry said sheepishly, "And Captain Singer is quite strict."

"It's okay, I understand difficult leaders." Shen You smiled, "I also have a difficult leader. He's as fat as an aircraft carrier and he's very self-righteous. He's very difficult to deal with when he opens his mouth."

After exchanging pleasantries, Barry quickly led him to see the scene.

"There was a sudden explosion without warning. No signs of suspected explosives can be found. The cause is still under investigation." Barry frowned, "I won't tell lies. It's not like I haven't seen the scene of the explosion before, but there is absolutely nothing like this." Even stranger.

Three people were missing in the explosion, and this part is equally puzzling. I mean look, there's no limb fragments, there's nothing left. It's like they just pulled it out of thin air. No more, you know what I mean? "

"It sounds like you are talking about disappearing from the world." Shen You said.

"That's pretty much what it means," Barry said, "and it's even weirder considering it's not the first time."

"Isn't it the first time?" Shen You raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, there was one last Tuesday. A similar explosion occurred in a restaurant. There were no signs and no explosives were found. Two people were missing that time."

Barry shrugged.

"We have no clue about the series of explosions. The director is almost going crazy. By the way, this is why you are here, right?"

Barry's eyes lit up and he lowered his voice and spoke mysteriously.

"I heard that you specialize in dealing with aliens. Is that true?"

Although the Sky Eye was originally a top-secret organization, with the increasing number of paranormal phenomena around the world in the past year, the activities of the Sky Eye have become more and more frequent, and many people have begun to hear about the existence of this organization.

So although it is a top-secret organization in name and has never officially announced its existence, it is actually no longer that top-secret.

"Roughly the same."

"Wow, cool."

Barry was quiet for a moment, then asked even more quietly.

"Then if it is discovered that it is really related to aliens, will you use 'that' to me?"

"Huh?" Shen You was stunned, "Which one?"

"That's it. The long, rod-shaped one." Barry gestured, "They said if you let that thing flash for a moment, you won't remember anything.

Oh, by the way, if you want to do this, be sure to remember to set it up and don’t delete the review. Because I thought about it, if I forget to write a review tomorrow, Singer will definitely be super angry.

Oh, by the way, if possible, please don’t delete the memory related to the washing machine. I was in such a hurry to go out this morning that I didn’t even put the clothes in the washing machine. If I forget them again when I go back, they will go bad.”

Shen You: "."

As expected of Zheng Lian, he is a talkative person who is better known than heard a hundred times. Now it seems that this attribute is obviously innate and has nothing to do with his super powers.

Shen You raised his hand and made a gesture to stop him from continuing.

"Stop, okay don't worry, we won't delete your memory."

Barry's mouth moved twice but no sound came out. It was as if he stepped on the brake too fast and swallowed the words without having time to stop them.

"Are you really not going to delete my memory?"

"Of course. What do I think I am? A man in black?" Shen You said, "But would you like to be quiet for a while first? Let me do my job?"

"Oh sure, no problem."

Barry made an OK gesture.

"You know I can be very quiet when I want to be quiet, the kind that doesn't say a word. I actually don't like to talk that much, when I was in class."

Shen You sighed softly.

Okay, it looks like it's going to be a while.

But Shen You soon became convinced that he was in the right place. The abnormal energy readings in this place reached their highest level and have not dissipated even now.

"Sir, the readings have been rising since the beginning. And the speed is getting faster and faster." Pal reminded.

Shen You frowned: "Now? Here?"

"Yes, right where you are. The reading broke through a critical value in an instant. If the calculation is correct, you should be able to see it now."

Shen You raised his head suddenly and immediately understood what Parr meant.

A flash of lightning.

Golden lightning leaped like thousands of golden snakes over the blocked area.

A crack was opening little by little under the countless lightnings, like a huge devouring mouth.

".Yes, I saw it."

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