I become light in American comics

Chapter 84 Spaceship

The miniature device, the key technology that transforms the city into a "city in a bottle", can also be regarded as Brainiac's personal signature. Lao Bu will drive his spaceship over his designated city area, release miniature light from the sky to shrink the city, and suck it directly into the spacecraft along the tractor beam.

As his mind moved here, Shen You's armor suddenly turned 180 degrees in the air. During this period, the monitor in front of him quickly locked onto a full circle of robots around him.

The shoulder magazine popped open, and all three neat rows of miniature warheads were ignited, and they roared towards each locked target under the guidance of AI self-aiming.

A series of roars and explosions, the skeleton machines exploded like fireworks in the sky under the bombardment of warheads.

This is the technology that Shen You just updated last week, a super-miniature version of the Specium warhead.

Because considering that although the previous Specium warhead was powerful, it did not need that level of firepower when dealing with ordinary enemies. In most cases, the damage was overflowing.

The design goal of this small warhead is to fight in groups. It can load eighteen rounds in one breath, and each round is mixed with Specium substance. It achieves maximum firepower under the restriction of being concentrated to the minimum volume. It is a powerful weapon for instantly clearing troops.

"Wow, this is amazing." Kara's eyes lit up.

"Ammunition is limited, there is only one round left in this move."

After temporarily clearing the area of ​​miscellaneous soldiers, Shen You quickly flew over.

Shen You said and handed out the bracelet, ripples in the space flashed, and three transparent cone-shaped crystals emerged from the space of the bracelet.

"Ah, Kryptonian crystal." Kara, a native Kryptonian girl, recognized this technology at a glance.

"Yes, I did it with the help of Kryptonian technology." Shen You said, "To make a long story short, I won't explain the principle. In short, Brainiac's spaceship is already in low-Earth orbit, and he should be coming to Metropolis soon.

He will release miniature light that will shrink and absorb the entire city."

"Like he did to Kandor," Kara said bitterly.

Kandor was once the capital of Krypton and the most prosperous city on Krypton, but now it has become a collection for figurine enthusiasts.

"Yes, but we will stop him."

Shen You opened his palms, and the armor projected a map of the metropolis and marked three locations.

"We need to go to these three coordinates to set up these crystals. Once set up, they will grow an 'anti-miniaturization device' based on Kryptonian crystals in a few seconds.

When Brainiac releases his miniature light from the air, the device will automatically create a barrier to absorb his light. "

Shen You paused and glanced at the two of them.

"Three crystals, three people. What do you think?"

Without saying a word, Superman took one from his hand and smiled softly.

"I think? I was literally born for this."

Three afterimages, centered on Lex Industries, flew towards their respective coordinates along the metropolitan blocks filled with steel frenzy.

The sounds of impact and explosions came one after another. Wherever the three afterimages passed, the skeleton machines along the way exploded one after another, collapsing into pieces in the air.

The energy beams of the mobile armor are gorgeous and horizontal, the red and blue afterimages are like cannonballs, and the cutting of the heat sight is unstoppable. Any machine that blocks the road will be turned into scrap metal.

At the same time, a spaceship was slowly entering the atmosphere, propelled by purple tail flames.

From a distance, it looked like a huge suspended skull. The hull was covered with mechanical structures waving metal tentacles, and countless tentacles twisted like vicious snakes.

A figure sat on the metal throne in the center of the spacecraft and slowly opened his eyes.

A half-human, half-machine body, a tight necklace of metal components and muscles and tendons. Half of his face was covered with a metal mask, and there were circular interfaces all over the mask and the top of his head, emitting a lavender light.


Images of the surface played before his eyes. In three different areas, two Kryptonians and a pair of red and silver armors were killing each other in and out of his mechanical army.

But Brainiac didn't panic or get upset. He just watched and analyzed while massive amounts of data were rolling by in other interfaces, recording data and information.

"The ability of Kryptonians will leap forward when exposed to yellow solar radiation. Preliminary observations of two Kryptonian individuals are still in the preliminary stage and have huge potential for improvement. It is recommended to take action to capture the individuals and control them with red star energy for further research and analysis."

He paused and then turned his attention to the other piece of armor.

"Code name, 'Ultraman', unknown race, unknown origin. There is no matching race in the known galaxy. Known abilities include enlargement, body energyization, super strength, super speed, interstellar weapon-level energy projection, body reorganization, Entering dreams and changing landscape-level telekinesis.

It is speculated that it also has a large number of unknown abilities. Its technological system also does not match that of known galaxy civilizations.

Recommended actions require further observation and data collection before taking action. Wait for 'Guntras' to be in position before taking further action. "

After some analysis and summary, Brainiac quickly made his important strategic decision.

Continue to edge ob.

Anyway, Lao Bu doesn't have many other things but cannon fodder, and the monster sea tactic has always been his fundamental tactic in any invasion.

The raw materials for the machine army are originally from the earth, but they are just using Lao Bu's technology. That entire army was completely costless to him, and he wouldn't feel bad no matter how many were destroyed.

For low-level civilizations, simply stacking a sea of ​​monsters is enough to win. Advanced civilizations can also rely on these free cannon fodder to disrupt the opponent's rhythm and induce the opponent to take action. Lao Bu can take the opportunity to analyze and understand the opponent, so that when he takes action himself, he can find the optimal solution and prescribe the right medicine from his endless knowledge.

When the troops went up to the top, he sat in the back and commanded the spring water, and his tactics were stable.

Can you still follow the network cable and unplug it for me?

Just as OB was getting excited, an alarm suddenly sounded in the spacecraft.

"System vulnerability! Repeat, system vulnerability."


Brainiac frowned, realizing that things were not simple.

Can a level 3 civilization invade its own system?

No, it can't be from Earth.

Could that be

The next second, the operating equipment in front of him suddenly started to glow!

Endless brilliance shot out from the cold machine, and then flew out a fist made of countless light particles condensed in an instant!


Old Bu received this dull punch on the bridge of his nose, his head tilted back, and he flew far away from his seat.

The brilliance condensed into a life-sized Ultraman form and landed lightly on the ground. Brainiac flew out of the seat, rolled far away, and shot into the metal wall with a bang.

A light blue energy structure was exposed in the cracked spaceship wall, and electric sparks danced on Lao Bu's body.

His face was expressionless, he mechanically twisted his neck joints, stood up and added in a smooth tone.

"The record has been updated. The target codename is 'Ultraman', and the ability list has been updated. The observation object can really follow the signal and come to hit me."

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