I become light in American comics

Chapter 77 Archive

Shen You struck first, accelerating and at the same time activating his super speed. He flashed forward in front of the first robot, and punched the metal skull face with a thruster, shattering it into pieces.

This punch was like a fuse that suddenly exploded, instantly kicking off the fierce fight in the dark factory.

A large number of Brainiac's robots emerged from the darkness, their smooth steel bodies reflecting each other's dim green light. They were equally fast and quickly deployed in formation, surrounding Shen You from all directions from the air and the ground.

"Collect. Collect" There is a robot making a weird mechanical sound.

Shen You jumped into the air, and at the same time, an accelerating knee hit the machine's chest with a huge crack. The robot's eyes flashed for a while, and then its body fell down.

"Knowledge needs to be collected, and the world needs to be archived," another robot said.

Shen You flew into the air riding on the flames, and more robots followed him into the air, dense beams of light shooting from all around. With such a large number of enemies in the closed space and green laser beams crisscrossing each other, it was impossible to move around even at the fastest speed.

But the Ultra Barrier energy had already been released, wrapping the armor in the form of a force field shield. Dense beams of light struck from all directions, and exploded continuously around Shen You, but they were still unable to shake the solid shield.

"How is the force field?" Shen You asked.

"The integrity is 86% and it can completely hold up." Pal said.

The shield system is quite powerful, taking tons of damage without even a crack. Shen You opened his bow left and right and fired continuously with both palms. The Brainiac robot exploded one after another under the impact of the palm cannon.

"They used to say that mass production would lead to scum, but I thought they were just talking."

As he spoke, Shen You had already sprinted to disrupt the robot's formation. He punched one machine through with a rocket punch, and then knocked down another robot with a backhand swing.

“Scanning revealed that these robots used a variety of extraterrestrial technologies, but the metal elements that made up their bodies were all from Earth.” Palhui reported, “It is speculated that Brainiac was the pioneer who hijacked Earth’s assembly line production.

But because local assembly lines and raw materials are used, the physical strength is not high. The output of the light energy cannon maintained above 7% is enough to destroy the outer shell. "

"7%, remember."

Shen You threw out an eight-point light wheel, and the entire row of robots was neatly broken into two pieces.

In just one minute from the exchange of fire, more than half of the robots in the room have been reduced. But they knew neither pain nor fear, and the rest continued to come up one after another, still mumbling strangely.

"Both the lake and the sea will be destroyed, and all the birds and beasts will be eradicated——"

"Eradicate them all——"

"The important things will be taken over by us——"

A Specium warhead fell, and the explosive flames swept away the lethal material. A large number of machine bodies were shattered one after another, and explosions, sparks and steel collisions intertwined, leaving a large charred mark.

The last machine also disintegrated, and a huge screen lit up in the darkness.

Shen You stepped forward, and a green background and a skull-like face appeared on the screen.

"I am Brainiac."

A mechanically synthesized sound seemed to come from somewhere far away.

"You are a planetary anomaly, you do not belong on this planet. I am always observing"

"Yeah, then I'm really flattered."

Shen You said calmly, while Pal was already trying to trace the source of the signal.

"What do you want?" Shen You asked.

"Knowledge, collection, archiving." Brainiac said, "I collect thousands of worlds and store the knowledge of every civilization the universe has given birth to."

"So you're targeting the Earth next?"

"Correction. I am not targeting the Earth next. I have already been here, and the knowledge of this planet has been archived long ago." Brainiac said calmly, "The species living on this planet - They call themselves 'human beings'.

They are primitive and backward, but at the same time they are full of suspicion and self-righteousness. The presence of the Kryptonians and you unnerves them, leaving them looking for a way out.

And I provide them with solutions. So they voluntarily opened their doors to me and gave me what I wanted to collect. "

"What do you mean?" Shen You narrowed his eyes and glanced at the tracking progress bar in the corner of his field of vision.

As long as the source of the signal is found, Shen You can theoretically digitize his body and trace it along the way - of course, whether he should do this is still open to question. It is a reckless behavior to rush in without knowing all the details about the environment, deployment, enemy status, etc. on the other side, which is obviously not advisable.

Pal silently showed him the progress on the screen display. The positioning was traced to somewhere outside the atmosphere, somewhere in the endless starry sky. But it got stuck following the progress bar, and the loading icon kept spinning around, but it seemed that the source of the signal could never be traced.

"I know you are stalling for time. You want to find where I am, but that is impossible." Brainiac's voice was calm, "I am everywhere."

But at least Shen You was sure of one thing.

Lao Bu himself should not be on earth.

"I originally came here just to collect earth civilization, but after I came, I discovered that there was an unexpected harvest." Brainiac said lightly, "The remaining Kryptonians are also here, and they have grown up on the earth since childhood. Kryptonians. Important specimens that need to be collected.

And more importantly, you. "

Shen You seemed to be able to feel the super AI's burning gaze through the electronic screen.

"I have collected civilization after civilization and conquered world after world, but I have never seen a creature like you. Life in the energy state is like an emerging star, with powerful power and endless possibilities."

"Thank you for the compliment, but if you want me to be your pet, you don't have to."

"You know how"

The signal seems to be unstable. The screen began to flicker, and Brainiac's voice also contained the sound of electricity.

"Just give it some time. But before that, the Kryptonians have already started archiving."

The screen went off and the signal was interrupted.

Shen You frowned slightly.

Already started archiving? What's the meaning?

But he soon found out.

A phone call was received into the armor, showing that the message was from Kara.

"Kara? What's going on?" Shen You asked.

"Shen You! Come back quickly! Have you seen the news? It's Karl. Oh my God, Karl was..."

"Calm down Kara, speak slowly, what happened to Superman?"

As he said this, Shen You already signaled Pal to open Metropolis News on the monitor.

Then he also immediately understood what Kara was referring to.

Almost all channels are showing this breaking news.

"Superman was successfully captured?" 》

Good news, thanks to the support of book friends, although the fan novel has been slashed, this book still won Sanjiang with excellent follow-up results!

Bad news, there are too many summer books and they are too voluminous. Sanjiang has been scheduled for next week, and its release has also been pushed to the next week.

The original plan was to rush through the climactic part of Metropolis in one go, but the arrangement was completely disrupted by this release arrangement. . .

However, I don’t want to deliberately slow down the pace in order to put the card on the shelves, and I still plan to stick to the original outline. I just always feel that I can't burst out and rush over in one breath, which is very unpleasant and annoying. . .

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