I Become A God, Exposed By A Reborn

Chapter 195

Chapter 195 Future Diary: My name is Chen Che, I cannot look directly at God, and I will eventually achieve the highest in the future

The future diary in his hand seemed to be blown by the strong wind, turning up countless pages, and each page had three golden characters.

“Zhonghai City”.

These three large characters seem to cover all the pages of the diary in the future, so that they no longer have the ability to write other words.

Seeing this, Chen Che drew a few golden streamers again and escaped into the future diary.

These few golden streamers, wandering wantonly in the future diary, soon made the future diary feel a burst of warmth.

The chaotic torrent of information in her mind quickly calmed down.

If we say that the original future diary is like a chaotic library, each book is not arranged and classified, it looks messy.

Then the golden streamer is like a librarian who sorts and sorts the books in the library of the future diary in an orderly manner.

Let the future diary be able to clearly and easily absorb the information about the entire Zhonghai City.

At the same time, the information in the void world is also at a glance.

However, the future diary said in a panic, “The great, sacred and lofty cannot look directly at God, I will absorb all the information of Zhonghai City, but it will not affect the weirdness in the world of nothingness. 99

Don’t look directly at God helping her in this way, but she is such a waste, it really makes her feel frightened.

As expected.” Chen Che smiled slightly, “You just contain a trace of unspoken rules, how can you shake the weirdness.”

Without waiting for the future diary to speak, Chen Che took out the Lan Xingyi sent by Xia Xiawei.

On the Lanxing instrument, the map of Sakura Country is clearly visible, but the maps of other countries are blurred. This made Chen Che know that the original gift of Lan Xingyi might also have the function of collecting information.

This original gift, I am afraid that it has been in the cherry blossom country for several years, I am afraid it is impossible to light up the map of the cherry blossom country.

Thinking about it, he once again led a stream of light, containing the information of Zhonghai City, and quickly fell into the blue star instrument.

Lan Xingyi has no mental consciousness, so Chen Che can let go of his actions and does not need to take care of each other like taking care of the future diary.

Soon on Lan Xingyi’s Kyushu Kingdom, the map of Zhonghai City was directly lit up.

Chen Che’s gaze passed through the map and directly entered the Zhonghai City of Lan Xingyi. At the same time, he also brought in the future diary.

As soon as he entered, Chen Che felt that he could easily control everything in the world of Lan Xingyi.

The ability of the Blue Star Instrument is to manipulate reality, but it actually magnifies the strength of the master countless times and weakens the abilities of all creatures in the Blue Star Instrument countless times.

In this way, the master can easily do whatever he wants in the blue star instrument and control the reality.

Entering the Zhonghai City of Lanxingyi, Chen Che quickly entered the world of nothingness in Lanxingyi. Sure enough, there are golden pupils covering the sky and strangeness that is thousands of feet high.

However, when the scene of the void world was displayed, Lan Xingyi couldn’t bear it anymore, and there was a slight crack on the outside.

Seeing this, Chen Che quickly drew down a golden streamer to repair it.

Although the Lanxingyi can enhance the strength of the master and weaken the strength of the internal creatures, there is always a limit.

The incomplete belief in gods like the god king Zeus is also in the weakening of the Lanxingyi, so Kamigawa Masato can easily occupy his body.

But the complete belief in God, or the six basic rules that contain the same person as him, is not enough.

In other words, the six basic rules of believing in gods and isotypes are not within the scope of the weakening of the Lanxingji.

But Chen Che had expected it.

The next moment, the countless golden streamers of the real world escaped into the Blue Star Ritual, and the future diary was brought in. At this moment, he clearly realized his intention not to look directly at God.

When the golden streamer escaped, the pages of her book moved automatically without wind.

The next moment, the golden streamer in Chen Che’s hand turned into a pen again, and then he kept the pen in his hand on the future diary, signaling the diary to control and write by himself.

Seeing this, the future diary was excited, she manipulated the golden pen and began to write stroke by stroke.

“My name is Chen Che, my identity is not to look directly at God, and I have mastered the six basic rules of not looking directly at the rules for a long time.”

“I know that one day, I will enter the primordial world, swallow up the six basic rules, and let my billions of brilliance shine on the heavens and the world.

“At that time, I will be the only supreme, and my will will be above all.”

After writing this, the future diary found that she had been stared at by the God who couldn’t look directly, and she was so frightened that she didn’t dare to be swayed again, and continued to write in a serious manner.

“But before that, I have one thing to do, and it’s about my future. I know that the weirdness in front of me is my stepping stone to the highest eternity.

“I used the blue star instrument with unimaginable rules to ask for the future diary with unspoken rules, and then integrated my own rules that cannot be seen directly, and used the three rules to the extreme.”

“The connection between the three basic rules allows me to completely devour the weirdness in front of me.”

After the writing was completed, Chen Che could feel the information of the surrounding environment surging, but whether it was the Blue Star Instrument or the Future Diary, it only contained some basic rules.

Even if the two are intermingled, it cannot affect this incomprehensible weirdness.

However, with him, it is not impossible.

As for completely swallowing the weirdness in front of you, it is impossible to do so, the future diary is just bragging.

The combination of the three can at most accelerate the speed of swallowing, but this is the purpose of Chen Che.

The future self is obviously in trouble.

Then the current self, as long as he accelerates the devouring of the incomprehensible weirdness, he is racing against time.

In the real world of nothingness, the strange person who was imprisoned by the golden chains suddenly struggled violently, as if he felt something.

Although unconscious, it has instinct. If you don’t resist, you will be swallowed up sooner or later.

However, all in vain.

I didn’t know how to resist before, and I was being devoured by Chen Che all the time.

Compared with the time when he first encountered it, the strange power has already descended a lot. Now that Chen Che has the ability to ask for two original gifts, he is even more unable to resist.

The pen of the future diary keeps on writing, and she is writing all the time.

The Lan Xingyi itself cannot weaken the weirdness of the basic rules, but Chen Che assisted by the rules that can be seen directly, and the Lan Xingyi finally began to play a role faintly.

With the blessings of the three, Chen Che’s eyes showed a hint of joy.


If the speed of swallowing incomprehensible weirdness was one before, then the speed of his swallowing weirdness is now ten.

A full tenfold.

He silently calculated in his heart, it would take several years before he could completely swallow the weirdness.

Now, it is estimated that it will take a few months.

For a few months, he could have waited.

“” “Yes, well done.

The future diary is praised, and the mind is joyful.

However, she now needs to manipulate the golden pen to affect the weirdness of the void world in the Lanxing Instrument all the time.

Therefore, she can’t lick God now, she can only write bitterly for 24 hours in a future that is beneficial to God, and she can’t stop for a moment.

Chen Che also felt that he was inhumane and used the Future Diary as a slave.

He is still very concerned about his own people.

Thinking about it, he took out an ordinary (Zhao Dehao) diary from now on, and used the golden streamer to send a parcel of consciousness from the future diary into this ordinary diary.

Although it does not have the effect of a future diary, it is still possible to chat with Dong Mingyue in normal times.


“The great, sacred and lofty cannot look directly at God. You have such a mighty power far beyond miracles, yet you are so compassionate and compassionate…”

Before Sen Shen’s remarks were finished, Chen Che glanced at the other party and asked the future diary to continue writing in the Lanxingyi.

After doing all this, Chen Che looked back, seeing that Hua Mingyue had already prepared a meal and waiting for him, he would need to talk about the future diary.

Then, hand the ordinary diary containing the consciousness of the future diary to the other party.

Chen Che knows that the future diary is now at Hua Mingyue, and it is a tool to accompany the chat. As for those future writings, because of his existence, Huang Mingyue no longer needs it.

Huang Mingyue naturally didn’t mind that God used the Future Diary as a tool, but instead raised both hands in agreement.

After eating, Chen Che’s cell phone could not help vibrating.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, the name of the note is that the fifth member of the Congress is earning no words,

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