I became Voldemort

Chapter 27: Invisibility Cloak


The news that Colin Creevey had been attacked and now lay dead in hospital spread only on Monday morning.

So all of a sudden, all the little wizards in the school felt in danger and did not dare to act alone.

During this time, without telling the teacher, everyone exchanged amulets, amulets, amulets, and a ton of amulets plus some other things to protect themselves.

This practice soon became popular in the school, and Neville Longbottom bought a big smelly green onion, a pointed amethyst, and a rotting salamander tail.

The result was a lingering stench in the common room that even Cyrus couldn't stand.

"Neville, you don't need these things. You are a pureblood and will not be attacked." Cyrus fanned his nose, trying to let in fresh air.

"But he attacked Filch first. And everyone knows that I... I am almost a squib." He said in fear and embarrassment.

Cyrus couldn't stand the smell, so he simply returned his body to Ginny and continued to study alchemy and magic in his inner space.

'Well... Where am I... Oh! the common room'

"Hello, Mr. Riddle - is the Quidditch match over? Can you show me" Ginny asked drowsily.

Hearing Ginny's question, Cyrus remembered that he hadn't returned her body to Ginny in the past few days, but fortunately, he had memorized all the scenes of the Quidditch match, although his mind was distracted.

"Yes, my eyes didn't miss any details of that match."

"And it's been over two days Ginny, today is Monday," Cyrus said seriously.

"It's Monday?" Ginny was stunned. She didn't expect that Mr. Riddle would use her body for so long this time. "Did something happen, Mr. Riddle?"

"Colin Creevey was attacked -" Cyrus tried to make his statement sound more serious.

"Colin?" Ginny's eyes widened and she looked very uneasy.

She was sitting at the same table with Colin Creevey in Charms class, and the two of them were good friends who could communicate together. But now, Colin was attacked!

"Yes, this is all my fault! - When the cat was killed before, I thought it was a prank and didn't pay much attention to it. Moreover, it was me who suggested that he should sneak out to see Harry at night. If not for this, he would have not gone there and.. probably...*sigh* He won't be killed." Cyrus said in a tone of responsibility.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened again. I want to find out who is the murderer, so I plan to break into Slytherin with Harry and the others to see if they can find a clue."

"It's not your fault Mr. Riddle!" Ginny said forcefully, "Who knows how crazy that Slytherin heir is, if not Colin it will be someone else. His purpose is to get rid of all the Muggles!"

He also told Ginny about the Polyjuice potion to prevent the secret from being exposed.

"Sorry Ginny, I may have to borrow your body a lot during this time."

"It doesn't matter Mr. Riddle, it would be great if we could find the heir of Slytherin sooner." Ginny shook her head.

Ginny could completely understand "Mr. Riddle's" self-blame at this time, so she agreed to Cyrus' request without hesitation. And she had almost forgotten about that Quidditch match.

So in the following period, Ginny had less time to wake up to consciousness....


In December, it began to snow heavily at Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall brought a large stack of forms and asked those who planned to stay in school to fill out applications.

"Malfoy is going to stay at school for Christmas!" Harry said in surprise.

"This is so suspicious."

"But the Polyjuice potion hasn't been brewed yet," Hermione said urgently,

"We must steal the potion in Potions class this Thursday, otherwise we won't be able to make it in time. It's best to make a fool of yourself!"

Both Harry and Ron looked ugly. If they were asked to steal the potion, Harry would rather confront Voldemort.

"I'll steal it." Cyrus took the initiative to take on the job. "You create some chaos in class, and I'll sneak in."

"What, no! I can't let you get expelled!" Ron said with a look of death, "I'd better go!"

Hermione quickly refused: "I can go because I have no criminal record."

"It will be very easy for Snape to notice that there is one less student in the class if one of go, am I wrong?" Cyrus asked rhetorically.

"But Snape's office is at the back of the classroom. How could you sneak in while we were in class?"

"There is a way..." Cyrus looked at Harry, who was determined to go to Snape's office, "I can borrow your invisibility cloak."

"I almost forgot that I still have the Invisibility Cloak," Harry said suddenly.

Every time he uses up his invisibility cloak, he throws it around, as if it's not a Deathly Hallows but a tattered trench coat.


In the evening, Cyrus got Harry's invisibility cloak, and that night, he wore the cloak and wandered around the castle.

"What's so special about the legendary Deathly Hallows?"

In his opinion, the magic power of this invisibility cloak is no more powerful than a perfect illusion spell.

Compared with the invincible Elder Wand and the Resurrection Stone that can resurrect the dead, it is indeed a bit mediocre.

"If you can't hide from Moody's evil eye, how can you hide from the eye of death?"

"Well, the legend is just a legend. As Dumbledore said, the three Peverell brothers were just very powerful and dangerous wizards who successfully created these extremely powerful artifacts. The story of the Deathly Hallows is just that. It's like some sort of legend that has arisen around these inventions."

This possibility is indeed greater. Since Nico Flamel can create a magic stone that can turn any stone into gold and achieve immortality, it is not so difficult to accept that the three brothers can create a resurrection stone that can bring people back to life.

The power of the Elder Wand and the curse also seem to be closely related.

But regardless of whether the legend of the Deathly Hallows is true or false, the three artifacts do have their own special features.

Cyrus stroked his cold cloak and slowly reached the seventh floor.

"I need a room where I can study magic items."

"I need a room where I can study magic items."

"I need a room where I can study magic items."

When he said these words in his mind three times and turned around under the portrait of the trolls, a door appeared on the blank wall.

Cyrus took off his cloak, opened the door, and walked in. The door disappeared instantly.

This is a room that is somewhat similar to the Potions classroom, but not exactly the same. In addition to various crucibles, there are also many mechanical artifacts, or artifacts that look like mechanical artifacts. In fact, they are all products of alchemy.

In the magical world, alchemy and potions are not completely independent, but an intersection.


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