I became the Pink-haired Childhood friend.

Ch6: New start. (S)

How do you feel having a second chance, Sarah?

Old Zack, now Sarah, getting their bearings in order looked at their old body wonder why he just cursed. One second he was confused as if they never met before but then the next he just cursed! Did they ever talk like that when they were kids?

 "I-Is something wrong?"
 "Oh, what? No no, don't mind that..."
 "O-oh, Are you sure?
 "Yes, don't mind that."

Seeing this, Now Sarah lets out a wondering look at Zack, feeling like this was not the person they recall when they were a kid. He felt... best way they can put it was distant. They remembered that when they were Zack they would always say hello to Sarah first thing in the morning, well from the looks of it afternoon now. And seeing how they were Sarah now he should be saying hello to... her...

 'I am Sarah...'

Sarah thinking this, started to feel sick to her stomach and leaned against a wall of the alley. The idea of being in the body of their ex did not hit till now cause all the confusion and strange things. So they started to puke.

 "W-woah, hey are you doing Ok?"
Zack, seeing this started to get a little worried seeing a girl just start to throw up randomly, she was fine just a minute ago...

 "I-I am fine, just think I might have eaten something bad last night"
 'Yea right! I can tell with how that felt that I barely ate at all!'

Cleaning herself up a bit with her sleeve which are rags anyway, she sat on a wall in hopes that it makes her feel better and having a better time thinking of what's happening.

 'How did this come to be? Did that Null-slug really make this happen? And why is the old me still here? Different too... AH WHO CARES! I got to think of why I am in this body, should I go to the Bottomless Cliff? Nah, that is a surefire way for hell if I don't met that thing again plus its scary...'

Falling into worry, she choose to just lean her head against the wall and hope it all goes away, who knows maybe if she sleeps and wakes up it will all be solved! 

 'Yes, I will just go to sleep and hope its all gon-'
"Hey, are you just going to sleep? I want to get some food but I don't think I can do it alone..."

Opening her eyes to see Zack, looking at her looking at her with some annoyance but there is a hint of worry in those green eyes.

 "O-oh, right food. B-but Zack weren't you the one that m-mainly gathered the food?"
 'Why in all that is holy am I stuttering? Was I cursed?'

But now wondering, how much does this Zack know of their lives? Are they even a Zack to start with?

 "Oh uh yea. But today I am feeling a bit lazy, plus I don't really know what you can eat after... that."
 'YEA RIGHT. Ok they really don't know that that was my job before all this, they are someone else or lost his memory. At least I can say they are no meanie with worrying that I need to eat something after that.'

Thinking this with a calmed mind, Sarah gets up and tries to brush off the dirt, only to spread the puke that was still on her sleeves more.

 "G-God sakes. I understand let me c-clean up a bit before we head out. Can't l-look too awful."
 "Uh, sure. Just make sure that you are ok before we leave"

Heading for the puddle to clean up a bit Sarah gives the thing a bit more thought.

 'I guess in a way, this is a second chance at life. Not only that now that I am Sarah I won't have to deal with that in the future... Wait I got to think on that... weren't we dating since now? From the looks of it that Zack looks like me when I was 13... forget that. Also got to avoid Aunt Kelly, I don't want her to share food this time... Looks like we will have to get food from somewhere else for now.'

For now, Sarah will do her best to not bring something like that up. But she also needs time to plan for the future on what she will do with this Zack here... who is looking at the busy street like if its the first time he ever seen anything like this.

Done with cleaning herself, Sarah walks up to Zack and asked.

 "W-what are you looking a-at?"
 "Huh? Oh sorry, I was just shocked by everything..."
 "S-shocked by a busy street?"
 "Don't worry about it. It seems you are done cleaning and all that, lead the way I will do the best I can to help."

Hearing this and agreeing, Sarah started to head... wait she forgot where to go. Its been some years since she has been in the lower-circle or at least in her local alley...

 "What is it?"
 "I-I seem to have f-forgotten the way for the best spots..."
 "Hold on, you mean we don't know where to get food...? And from the looks of it seems we do not have a home...?"

Starting to realize more problems, they start to panic on what they should do. They both started to look around the alley for trash are anything that is edible till a voice put a stop to their thoughts.

 "ZACK! SARAH! There you are been looking for you!"

Turning their heads, they see another boy Zack's age running to them.

 "I heard the news from Aunt Kelly!"
 "T-Tomas? What a-are you doing here?"
 "Wow, what a way to say hello Sarah, even if something good happens you are still like that. But why are you stuttering?"
 "I-I don't know, anyways w-why are you here?"

While they were talking, it seem Zack choose to join in to ask a question.

 "I will also ask that, coming here with a loud voice."
 "Woah woah, someone woke up in a bad mood. Hey there Zack I thought you would be a bit happier"
 "I don't even know what you mean by that. Anyways I want to know if you have some food on you, or a place with food."
 "Food? Did you not go already and get some from Aunt Kelly? Or the trash behind the bakery?"
 "... No I did not have the time to, I woke up to see... Sarah puking and I want to know if you got any food on you so that she can eat something"
 "Oh that's what you mean! So you were just worried for Sarah. Somethings never change huh."
 "Uh.. No that..."

Confused by what to do, he look at Sarah with a look of help.

 'Really? can't he handle one kid? Well, guess I will help'

 "Tomas, I am s-sorry to ask but we do need food right n-now..."
 "OH SORRY! I forgot that you guys did not eat much last night. Come on lets go to the bakery, they should have thrown out last nights bread."

Walking with the boy named Tomas, the two went to another area in the back alley's in hope for food, but they forgot something.

 'Wait didn't Tomas come yelling about something? Ah its Tomas, might not be that big.'

Hello, It be VelconTill again. I choose to keep writing until I feel I am done with it but chapters might be now and then, Idk for now, might just go 2 main story a week is what I hope. As for what people said on the view point being confusing, I am sorry and from now on I will do this to make it easier on the view point. Chapters will now have a (S) meaning for Sarah and (Z) for Zack, and if its other it will be (O) unless its a named character maybe. Ok thank you for reading and I hope there is more to write in my head as I go.

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