I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 428

### Chapter: 428

Partes’ Member

Mid-tier God, Maios.

He was slowly descending from the sky, surrounded by floating orbs of light.

Mid-tier God.

The criteria distinguishing low-tier gods from mid-tier gods are actually quite simple.

It’s about whether they can transform the divine energy flowing from the stars within them into multiple forms.

Low-tier gods can only handle one type of divine energy.

They are like newly born beings in the eyes of the gods, just now awakening their divine energy.

Low-tier gods continuously emerge in the divine realm.

And among them, less than 1% actually become mid-tier gods.

Gods have a lower desire for ascension compared to humans.

So, very few manage to rise to the rank of mid-tier god.

This means that those who become mid-tier gods possess a significant desire for ascension.

Just as desire drives humans, so too does desire function as the innate talent for the gods.

Once a god can manage their divine energy in various directions through their desire for ascension, they are referred to as a mid-tier god.

And at this point, mid-tier gods can finally intervene in the Middle Realm.

For them, humans serve as their growth catalysts.

Since only the greedy gods become mid-tier gods, they chase talents greedily even in the Middle Realm.

Thus, mid-tier gods are fundamentally different from low-tier gods.

Perhaps, in fact, low-tier gods and mid-tier gods should be considered entirely different entities.

“Tsk, tsk, making me travel all this way. Calling a senior like this just because you’re a junior.”

With his arms crossed, the mid-tier god Maios slowly scanned the surroundings.

The yellow plains.

A place where low-tier gods spawn in abundance, and also the homeland of the Celestials.

Therefore, higher-ranked gods usually avoid meddling here.

This place is like a playground for children.

‘Let’s see, the banquet hall in the yellow plains should be around here.’

He turned his head towards the banquet hall, and soon his expression began to twist slightly.

A foul odor rode the wind, tickling his nose.

“You called me in a hurry.”

He stomped his foot on the ground beneath the blue blanket.

Then Maios’s figure became distorted as he dashed through the sky.

From below, he would look like a shooting star zipping by at ridiculous speed.

Gradually, the banquet hall came into view.

He found it.

The banquet hall was in shambles.

It was clear that someone had launched an attack here.

‘They say the son of the Thief God has arrived.’

It was the remark of his junior, Gius, who belonged to the same Partes faction.

At first, he scoffed at such nonsensical talk.

However, Gius, who was a junior in Partes, assured him it was true and offered to prove it if he came. So, despite his annoyance, he braved the trip to the yellow plains.

But lo and behold.

The banquet hall of the low-tier gods was indeed in terrible disarray.

This meant that whoever had appeared here possessed enough strength to overwhelm a large number of low-tier gods.

‘If it’s truly the Thief God’s son…’

How did he reach this place from the Middle Realm remains a mystery.

The son of the Thief God had garnered widespread resentment from many mid-tier and high-tier gods for his deeds in the Middle Realm.

Among them, some high-tier gods were also involved.

Capturing him would undoubtedly yield unimaginable rewards.

A slow smile crept across Maios’s face.

This was something to look forward to.

Hopefully, the one who turned this place into a mess was indeed the Thief God’s son.


Finally, Maios landed in front of the banquet hall.

As he did so, a man behind the crumbled wall caught his eye.

A man whose hair was a mix of dark blue and ash gray.

The moment he saw him, visions of Kraush—whose visage had left the gods in outrage—surfaced in his mind.

“Is it really?”

Just as exhilaration welled up in his eyes, Maios noticed Kraush’s sword too late.

There was a powerful aura emanating from the sword, which bled ashy flames.

Caught up in the excitement of recognizing Kraush, Maios became stiff.

This scoundrel had been prepared for his arrival all along.

“Did you notice?”

Just as Maios hurriedly pulled a fan out from under his blue robe…

A sinister smile spread across Kraush’s face.

“It’s already too late.”

Strike First, Win

Kraush often recited this mantra to himself as he lunged at Maios without hesitation.

Annihilation Erosion (滅火浸蝕)

Eight Forms (八式)

Annihilation God of Fire (滅火武神)

The ash-colored flames completely melted the outer walls, obliterating them from existence.

The spreading flames rapidly engulfed even Maios, who had opened his fan.

A storm of flames raged.

As the fiery storm surged and consumed everything, the moment it faded…

There stood Maios, wide-eyed, fiercely aiming his fan.

His fan had turned to ash, crumbling to dust.

Eventually, the completely erased fan and his burnt blackened arm were revealed.

“Is that all you’ve got? Even after taking a hit? You’re a mid-tier god, aren’t you?”

Then, a voice reached his ears.

As the fiery storm subsided, a man emerged from the smoke, chuckling lightly.

He showed not an ounce of fear before an established mid-tier god.

And that man undeniably possessed the strength to back it up.


The palpable presence radiating from him sent shivers down Maios’s spine.

Maios had come to the yellow plains seemingly for entertainment.

But to his surprise.

The opponent wasn’t someone he could take lightly.

‘If I’m not careful…’

He could definitely be in trouble.

An enemy.

“…You’ve surprised me. It seems you haven’t awakened your divine energy fully.”

The condition to become a mid-tier god is to manifest the divine power flowing from the stars into various forms.

Kraush hadn’t mastered that yet.

However, it appeared that Kraush was unleashing power that rivaled mid-tier gods through sheer brute strength.

It was as if he had distilled and fused every power he could grab.

“Such brazen strength without any realization, huh?”

“It sounds about right.”

Kraush grinned as if he didn’t care.

“I don’t think I’ll have a problem capturing you, though.”

Maios’s eyebrows twitched.

He had given him a compliment, yet all he got in return was provocation.

Then, he would surely deliver a fitting punishment, as per his original intent.

A gust began to whirl around Maios.

How convenient.

He’d unleash his full power to take him down, then present him to the high-tier gods!

“Let’s see how far this monkey can flap his gums.”

Maios pulled out another fan from his robes.

Immediately, the invisible blades of wind surged toward Kraush.

The entire scenery warped as the invisible blades swooshed, not even a hint of presence.

But Kraush recognized them through the starlight emitted from the Celestial Realm.

Swish, clang!

As Kraush sliced through the incoming invisible blades, he took a step back.

The impact from the swords was unexpectedly intense.

The murderous aura emanating from Maios was clearly on a different level from that of low-tier gods.

He had devoured quite a few low-tier gods, so it was a miscalculation to think he could easily handle this.

That said it was fine.

Kraush had never fought an easy battle in his life anyway.

He tensed his body and planted his feet firmly on the ground.

At that moment, his legs bulged powerfully.


Kraush shot forward like a cannonball.

The surroundings whizzed past him.

The accelerator coursed through his body, propelling him even faster.

However, Maios was unbothered by Kraush’s advance.

Instead, he folded a section of his opened fan.


The fan folded slightly, releasing a resonating sound.

Then, a wind akin to lightning struck down upon the entire area.


Kraush’s momentum slowed down abruptly.

The atmosphere bore down upon him.

The grass in the yellow plains was thoroughly flattened and crushed.

Kraush’s speed, naturally, began to wane.

So this is what it means for a mid-tier god to manipulate nature on a different scale.

Meanwhile, the invisible blades kept raining down on Kraush incessantly.

Kraush, readying himself against it, drew upon even more of his strength.


The blaze that erupted from his body enveloped him, infusing him with power.

He pierced through the subdued wind and began to advance steadily.

The more fierce his flames blazed, the faster Kraush’s acceleration became.

Maios’s eyes narrowed.

Was it truly possible to move like that even within such a gale?

For an ordinary low-tier god, their body would be utterly pulverized by such force.

Yet, despite being comparatively slower, Kraush showed no signs of backing down and continued to press forward.


Of course, Maios had no intention of simply watching.

Once again, with the folding fan, a gust of wind swirled around him.

Then, the gathered air morphed into the shape of a massive bird.

A formidable raptor soared through the sky.

Suddenly, the bird started to fragment and splinter into pieces.

Countless tiny birds, now no bigger than a palm, multiplied in number, joining the winds into the hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands.

Executing a synchronized dance in the sky, the tiny birds then began to swoop down toward Kraush.

They represented a storm of avian winds.


As Kraush intercepted one of the birds, the condensed wind exploded.

The bird that fell to the ground left a crater that marked its passage.

These birds continued to split, launching coordinated suicidal attacks on Kraush.

Kraush’s sword sliced through the oncoming birds.


With subsequent explosions, more bird formations flew toward him.

Essentially, these multiplying birds were akin to living bombs.

Every time they exploded, Kraush staggered.

The strength of the winds was so overwhelming that even he found it difficult to remain upright.

“Looks like that fierce aura you had a moment ago is gone.”

Maios chuckled, watching with glee as he folded his fan once more.

What appeared next were countless wolves.

The wolves, circling the entire yellow plains, raised their mouths to the sky.

From their open jaws surged a current of air that soared into the heavens.

The yellow sky of the yellow plains began to shift gradually.

Before long, ominous clouds filled the sky, and with them, even fiercer winds erupted.

Cutting winds.

A fierce, slicing gust that felt almost like it could cut through skin just by grazing it, swept across the surroundings.

In this storm of wind, Kraush appeared like a flickering candlelight.

The winds converged to extinguish that flame.

Yet amidst all that chaos, Kraush stood quietly, gripping his sword.

Deflecting the oncoming wind-birds, Kraush’s eyes slowly locked onto Maios.


Once again, an eerie sensation crept over Maios’s body.

Before he could fully understand what it was…

“That’s what it is. I get it now.”

Kraush smiled, as if he had gained some insight.


The raging winds torrenting from Maios suddenly ceased.

Maios’s eyes slowly opened.

What on earth has happened?

And the moment he opened his eyes, he found Kraush right in front of him.

“I’m your natural enemy.”

It was the moment when his vision filled with ashen light.

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