I Became a Servant the Dragons Are Obsessed With

chapter 458

458 – The first step to stop the demon dragon

“So, maybe… … . “Do you have any clues?”

“Okay, so Schnelia? “Can you tell me about the representative clans currently residing in the north of the Drango continent?”

I declined Schnelia’s offer to return and instead asked a question.

Of course, as Schnellia said, returning could also be a way.

Reorganizing the messy academy,

Because it was a good opportunity to strengthen our strength.

However, I couldn’t just sit back and watch the demon dragon’s suspicious movements.

There must have been a good reason for Detronos to hastily turn north.

I thought that the Demon Dragon’s main goal was to eliminate the descendants of me and the six ancestors, but for such a thing to suddenly turn north… … ?

Even though it was suspicious, it was too suspicious.

Moreover, he did not participate in the battle.

If he had come forward, he could have devastated the academy in an instant.

In any case, it was a move that raised doubts in many ways.

There must be a reason for this movement.

Like Schnelia said, something is suspicious.

It was clear that there was something the demon dragon was looking for in the north.

“If we are talking about the clans that are currently maintaining their territory in the northern part of the continent… … .」

In response to my question, Schnelia pauses for a moment with a serious expression on her face. Since this is a sudden question, it may take some time to come up with an idea.

“Ah, that’s right… ! 」

Schnellia soon moves her lips again. She answers, turning her gaze to my side as if something occurred to her.

“In the northern region, the Lightning clan has been spreading rares for a long time! Right, Rayleigh?”

“ah..? Yes, that’s right. principal.”

“Yes, your clan has had very little territorial movement since the beginning, I guess?”

“yes. As far as I know, I heard that it has been rare in the north center for a long time.”

Suddenly the question is directed to Riley.

Rayleigh lightly nods at this.

Even as she was answering, she kept scratching near her right eye, probably because the eyepatch was uncomfortable.

“This is where the Lightning Clan is located… … .”

Now that I think about it, I remember.

Why did Riley insist on wearing a coat?

She always revealed that she was from a cold northern region.

Then, Detronos is also… … .

“Breeder? Could it be that Detronos is looking for Rayleigh?”

Schnelia speaks for me. Her eyes turn to me again.

“Well, maybe not? Schnelia If, as you said, Ditronos has not yet regained his strength… … . “Wouldn’t he try to regain the strength he had left behind as a last resort?”

It was like that. A long time ago,

The ancestors of Lightning had all betrayed themselves.

I deceived my friends and colluded with the demon dragon.

It wasn’t long before I found out about his betrayal.

Anyway, the Lightning clan that joined the Demon Dragon’s side was able to use magical energy and use tremendous power. That power has been passed down from generation to generation through the right eye.

The magical power contained in the right eye must have grown larger as it was passed down over a long period of time. The demon dragon must have secretly saved some of his power in preparation for the sealing.

“Raylee?! Take your hands off the eyepatch! If your eye patch comes off by mistake, your location will be discovered by the demon dragon… … !」

“Ah, yes… … !”

“Anyway, how is your right eye? “You’ve been wearing the eyepatch well all this time, right?”

“Well, of course. “Have you been wearing it all day today?”

“Then I’m really fortunate. But why have you been scratching the eyepatch since a while ago? Is there something wrong with the eyepatch?”

“That’s actually… … . “I’ve been feeling itchy since I ate dinner tonight.”

“hmm? It’s not the eye patch that’s the problem, it’s the food… … ?」

Schnelia tilts her head in response to Rayleigh’s answer. She gave an expression that was difficult to understand.

“Oh, Riley? Does that mean there was a problem with Mr. Breeder and Sylvian’s food? “I don’t mind?”

At this, Sophia, who was quietly listening to the conversation, intervenes.

“what? Is that really true? “Am I the only one with itchiness around my eyes?”

“I guess so, huh? By any chance, everyone? “Is there anyone who feels itchiness or abnormalities in their body like Rayleigh?”

“”… … .””

There is no answer to Sophia’s question.

Everyone was just shaking their heads.

Everyone was checking each other’s complexions, saying there was no problem with the food.

It was a natural result. Because the abilities given to Kkanpunggi were only for Rayleigh.

The reason why my eyes suddenly felt itchy was probably because that ability had an effect on Rayleigh.

“I think it’s just me… … ? Have you been wearing an eye patch for too long?”

“That may be the reason, but Riley, you drank late at night. “That’s quite a lot.”

“Eh..!? Now, wait a minute, Sophia! In front of Principal Agil… … ?”

“Maybe it’s not the food that’s causing the problem, but excessive drinking that’s causing the polymorph problem?”

“Hmm? What did you guys just say? alcohol… … ?」

As soon as Sofia brings up the topic of alcohol, Schnelia twitches her eyebrows. Her expression and voice become cold.

Although I went out in the name of vacation,

I guess I didn’t know it would unravel like this.

Disappointment is clearly evident on Schnelia’s face.

“profit… ! Sophia, why are you saying useless things… … !”

“Even though you guys are on vacation right now, are you going out drinking in these times? “Without any report?”

“Well, I wasn’t the only one who drank it… ! Raylin also drank it together… … !”

“How what!? Seniors? I’m sure I drank too, but I’m fine… … ?!”

“Well, what I’m saying is that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with drinking! Right, Leylin-?!”

“That’s true, but… … .”

“principal… !? Itchy eyes have nothing to do with alcohol! Plus, we heard that Sophia can drink it… … !”

As soon as Sofia brings up the topic of alcohol, the atmosphere becomes bustling.

There was no time for me to intervene and they were too busy trying to deny each other that they were at fault.

“Everyone be quiet!!!”

“”… … .””

Schnellia, who had been silently listening to the excuses, soon raised her voice and silenced everyone.

Her expression on the screen was dark.

She always showed a gentle face… … .

Was it because of the sudden invasion of the Demon Dragon?

Schnellia’s mentality doesn’t seem to be very good.

In fact, the entire academy was almost blown up, so it was a great feat to be able to hold on to reason like this.

“Whew, alcohol isn’t the problem right now… … . Breeder? “I apologize for suddenly raising my voice.”

“no. It could be so. But thanks to this, I think the tension has eased a little.”

“Ah, as expected, the original existence was different… … . Even in this situation, you think positively… … ?」

“Anyway, you don’t have to worry about Rayleigh. “It’s probably because of the influence of my cooking ability that itches for a while.”

“Oh? Is that really true?”

“Eh? Ah, uncle..? That’s really it… … ?!”

I wanted to reveal this from the food stall earlier, but I didn’t know that I would be saying it now.

Anyway, there was another reason why Rayleigh’s eyes were itchy.

It seemed like the abilities given to the 10-star Kkanpunggi were being used properly.

“okay. Perhaps the effects of the food are slowly manifesting themselves. So, even if it itches, please be patient.”

“They say it’s itchy, you can endure it as long as you want… … . “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“I wanted to do that too, but as you know, it was such a busy day that I didn’t have time, right? And for the effect to fully take effect, we will have to wait until at least tomorrow to observe the progress.”

“That means… … . Does this mean it will take about a day for the effect to take effect?”

“that’s right. I was going to check later when the sun came up… … .”

“What kind of effect… ? ah! Like the last time I ate fried chicken called Yuringi… … ?!”

“Well, you could say it’s similar to that.”

“oooh… … ?”

Rayleigh looks like he realized something, recalling the time when he was freed from his eyepatch for a moment.

“Anyway, Rayleigh? Please make sure you wear the eye patch for the time being. It’s true that you have to be careful until the effect of the food is fully activated. And I’ll tell you more about that later. “Now is the time to focus on the demon dragon, right?”

“Oh, yes… ! “Of course!”

“And Schnelia? I’m sorry to ask you for such a mess, but… … . “If possible, can I ask you just one favor?”

“Sure. “There are many problems that I can solve with my own strength.”

I got out of the drinking conversation and came back to the main topic.

An overall blueprint emerged for how to move forward and how to utilize the members of the academy.

I intended to put the first step into action.

“Then maybe… … . “Could you please send Vice Principal Benetrick to us?”

“yes? Benetrick… … ?」

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