I Became a Police Officer in a Superhero Genre

Chapter 47 - Even the Police in This World Have Jinxes(5)

Sai thought. That she had made a really big mistake.

Mistake. The word meaning an unintended wrong was quite distant from Sai even in her own opinion.

Of course, even though she has power and superior intelligence, she still makes mistakes as a person. But most mistakes were mistakes that didn’t deviate from variables she could control in the palm of her hand.

This mistake is different. The mistake she made this time was very unfamiliar to Sai.

It’s not that something ignorant of its place interfered with the plan she drew up, or that things went wrong. To suffer a setback by making an irreversible mistake with a ‘person’.

A sensation she didn’t know when dealing with things that only resembled people, that she didn’t feel when merely imitating knowledge. Sai rubbed her cheek as she walked steadily.

Detective Lee Mun-su. Her senior officer. While Sai had been watching him with interest and happily doing appropriate things as a criminal he should catch,

She ended up making a mistake in the incident caused by that trash called Minus. She just scared him a little because it was funny that he was digging into her, but that maggot went crazy and ran wild.
That maggot put a knife to Detective Lee Mun-su, and the incident happened.
Because she didn’t stop him from going to fight even though he was stabbed with a knife, he ended up injured to the point of becoming disabled.
Sai was truly shocked and surprised by this, and realized she had been misunderstanding him until now.

Yes. He was just human. Not an innate superpower user like New Hope or herself, but a person no different physically from the worthless things around him.

But seeing him break through the schemes she plotted, not collapsing, not giving up, Sai spent a dreamily enjoyable time and ended up forgetting he was an ordinary person.
She also forgot the fact that his body could break down before revealing his instincts as a human and despairing.
This isn’t good. Sai thought she should have stayed calm.

Seeing him collapse after being stabbed by Minus, she felt for the first time in her life her head getting hot and not knowing what to do.

Afterwards, her mind was filled only with thoughts of tearing that Minus bastard to pieces, and she couldn’t pay attention to whether Detective Lee Mun-su could endure or not.

Because of that mistake, Detective Lee Mun-su received a disability assessment saying he wouldn’t be able to use his right arm properly, and he couldn’t use his leg freely either.

Sai felt the emotion of guilt for the first time in her life. She couldn’t simply dismiss it as a toy breaking like usual.

The person she wants to see, wants to be beside, who makes her laugh when they’re together, was hurt because of her mistake. And he might never be able to stand up again if things go wrong.
She clearly wants to see him collapse and fail too.

It would be really enjoyable if a person who tries to do what needs to be done silently despite getting hurt and collapsing, and receiving jeers from those around, despairs and reveals his nature as a human –
But she can’t accept him collapsing like this. It can’t be in this way.

The fact of not being able to use one’s originally free body is something that can easily break even a strong person.
On the news or in dramas, there are often stories of strong people who overcame disabilities from accidents, but.

How many people are there who ‘didn’t overcome’ and don’t appear on that news? How many were strong but collapsed?
Thinking that he might collapse in despair at his injuries, Sai trembled feeling fear as if the world was collapsing.

Sai knew that the ridiculous thing called guilt destroys people. But since she had never directly felt it until now, she couldn’t understand why.

But now it’s different. Sai understood why guilt is dangerous.

It feels like her head is about to burst, her heart is being crushed, an invisible blade is stabbing her heart, and when her eyelids sink and the curtain falls, she hears voices condemning her in that darkness.

Wouldn’t it be better to just heal him with her ability? She pondered this every day.
It’s entirely possible to reveal her identity and heal him. But if she does that, what kind of face will Lee Mun-su make?
Will he hate her? Will he curse and try to kill her? Usually she would laugh saying that’s good too –
But for some reason, Sai really disliked the idea of him making such a face towards her, so she couldn’t visit him for as long as 5 weeks.

A sensation so mysterious and unpleasant. Sai thought it wasn’t pleasant, but it was clearly an interesting emotion as she recalled it.

Yes, she could think that way because it had already passed.

“[You look like you’re in a good mood.]”

Sai rolled her eyes towards the one suddenly speaking to her. Her subordinate Yagi, wearing a Hahoe mask, was talking to her.

For her to speak to me when she usually doesn’t ask questions. Was my emotion showing on my face that much? Sai rubbed her cheek again and answered.

“Do I look like it?”

“[Yes. You look happier than I’ve ever seen before.]”

“Indeed. I am happy.”

Sai answered with a blooming smile.

Right now, she has overcome her guilt. More precisely, after conversing with Lee Mun-su, she realized it wasn’t time to be swayed by the emotion of guilt and moved on to the next step.

Sai recalled his words again as if ruminating:

‘I’m not going to spout nonsense like “everyone who went to the scene with me in uniform did what they had to do”.

Look at the people hospitalized and the dead people. How unfair. Their families died because of a damn shitty psycho murderer bastard.’

‘Aren’t you frustrated? We’re ordinary people without superpowers or anything. If we get badly hurt, we die, and no new power appears to break through the crisis in situations where we might die.

Just because we’re “police”. But because we’re police, we had to do it, right? If you’re wearing the uniform too, don’t talk nonsense and go do what you have to do.’

Sai felt heat rising as if her eye sockets and brain fluid would boil just recalling his words.

He didn’t care about his situation at all. In the eyes looking at her, she felt firm hostility towards Sai herself along with sadness and enthusiasm.

Does he remember what happened that night? No, given his personality, if he remembered what happened that night, he would have already shot her.

Then that hostility must be a detective’s instinct. Although she controlled Lee Mun-su’s brain to erase the memory, something must remain in the unconscious realm causing such a reaction.

Or Detective Lee Mun-su, who had been suspicious of her from before that night, might have found something to increase his suspicion of her outside her field of vision.

It doesn’t matter which. The important thing is that he hasn’t given up. Detective Lee Mun-su will surely return.

Even if his arm is broken and he can’t use his leg, he will return as a ‘police officer’ to catch ‘criminal’ her.

Realizing that, Sai felt her heart pounding more than before, her face flushing. And she smiled.

“It’s strange. I feel an even stranger sensation than before. When I think of that person, I feel good and happy. I vividly feel the sensation of blood flowing throughout my body, and my head feels fuzzy as if there’s not enough blood going to it. It’s really a strange sensation.”

Sai mumbled with a dreamy face. Her face was flushed and her focus was hazy as if in ecstasy.

Yagi, who had been silently watching that appearance, had a flash of what she just said pass through her mind, but she didn’t voice it.

Sai is Yagi’s savior and god. And humans are those who follow God’s words, not those who speak something, so Yagi maintained her silence.

Sai shook her chin without paying attention to Yagi standing silently behind her. It’s good to contemplate this unknown cause, but because she has something she needs to do first, Sai asked:

“The things I mentioned. Are they going well?”

“[Yes. Everything is being prepared without problems.]”

“That thing from back then. You caught it properly, right?”

“[Yes. This time we’ve secured that guy’s family too, to make sure he can’t escape.]”

“Good – that’s enough.”

Sai nodded satisfactorily at Yagi’s answer. He will surely return. She will ‘make’ him return.
But it won’t be due to simple coincidence or by her hand, but will depend on what choices he makes.
Simple coincidence and opportunity don’t suit him. What makes him is only momentary choices.
He will surely agonize. He might despair, he will suffer.
But if he overcomes even this trial she’s prepared this time – then let’s prepare the next crisis.
And if he overcomes all of those too – then –
Let’s ask him about these unknown things I’ve felt after truly revealing myself. For some reason. I feel like doing that.
Sai smiled while sitting on the hospital bed where Detective Lee Mun-su had disappeared.

“What the fuck!”

What on earth was that just now? My eyes suddenly opened. Not just opened, but I got up cursing with a disgusting and shitty sensation beyond waking up on the first day of entering training camp.

Even as I caught my breath waking from sleep, the goosebumps that had risen all over my body wouldn’t subside, and cold sweat kept flowing non-stop.

“Ow, crazy. Why is this – ow, shit!”

My body curled up at the pain felt in my right arm as I habitually tried to wipe off sweat with it, and right after that, the situation before I fainted came to mind.

Yunari, whom I encountered at the PC bang. The idiot girl who approached me surprised when I appeared, saying she was having an online argument. I fainted in front of her.

But where am I now? Looking around, white wallpaper and yellow linoleum flooring caught my eye first, along with used syringes and a tray that seemed to have been used.

Following that, I saw an IV line connected to my left hand, and a small-sized bed that was unbelievably small to believe I had been lying on it.

Looking around more closely, long hair and dust rolling around under the bed that hadn’t been cleaned made it look not at all like a hospital.

No, rather it looks like an ordinary home that can be seen anywhere, but where on earth is this?

I hunched over like a rat under the silence and looked around. While looking for anything that could be a hint, I found long hair rolling on the floor.

A woman’s long purple hair. It’s the first time I’ve seen hair that’s so easy to identify the owner. Surely the owner of this hair must be Yunari.

If this hair isn’t someone’s hair dyed purple meticulously to the hair tips, it seemed Yunari deliberately brought me here instead of sending me to the hospital when I collapsed.

Then two questions arise here. How did she bring me here? And why did she bring me?

As for how she brought me here – since Yunari is also a superpower user, she may be stronger than an ordinary adult woman, and it would be possible if there was someone helping, whether a taxi or a person.

But why? That girl was scared thinking I had come to catch her for arguing online when she saw me. A woman like that brought me to a place like this instead of calling 119 when a person collapsed?

It doesn’t add up. Come to think of it, it doesn’t make sense that we happened to meet when she was at such a secluded PC bang to argue online. Then did she follow me after all?

I reflexively looked for something that could be used as a weapon indoors. Seeing the IV stand next to me, I decided to use that as a weapon.

My body still feels a bit heavy but not to the level where I can’t move. Rather, my body feels better than before I fainted. … Then that means I was treated. Why? Kidnapping and then treatment? Why?

The question of how I was treated made sense given the setting in the novel that Yunari was not only excellent as a forensic scientist but also had deep knowledge in medicine. Except for where the medicine came from.

I should have put it in the bread last time after all. While regretting, my body diligently removed the catheter stuck in my hand and then pulled out the middle part of the IV stand to grip it like a spear.

Now that I’ve obtained a weapon, it’s time to leave the room – logically, if I was kidnapped, they would lock the door and prevent me from leaving the room.

But if I try to break down the door and leave, if there are other people besides Yunari outside, it would be difficult to win in my current body condition. Then should I wait for when they open the door and come in?

I pondered while rolling the IV stand in my hand, but my body diligently checked if the door was locked.

Even kidnappers are human, so there aren’t absolutely no cases of victims escaping and reporting because the door of the room isolating the victim wasn’t locked.

Well, that smart Yunari wouldn’t make such a mistake-

“What. It opens.”

…Anyone can make mistakes. Let’s put aside the thought that she’s an idiot. It’s good for me if the door is open so defenselessly like this.

Although I kept feeling uneasy in a corner of my mind, as someone in a position that needs to escape from here, I decided to think positively that what’s good is good, and I stepped out the door with my waist lowered, even holding my breath.

Opening the door whose old hinges made a faint sound, the first thing I saw was an ordinary home’s living room with nothing particularly special. The kitchen and living room were in the same space.

A metal front door, a door to what looks like a bathroom and another room. And even a veranda with objects that look like they belong in a laboratory.

Except for the veranda, it looks no different from an ordinary house, and the scattered delivery food containers that haven’t been cleaned up are overflowing with signs of life to the point of exploding.

Was I really kidnapped? It was a peaceful and safe-looking scene to the point of making me wonder.

“…What is this really.”

Did she perhaps bring me directly to her home and treat me because I looked sick? Looking at the IV that was connected to my hand and the used syringes scattered around carelessly, that makes sense too.

But why bring me home deliberately when she could just call 119? Questions just keep piling up. My head was about to hurt from a situation where I couldn’t get answers. But I sensed movement from another room.

If the owner of this house is really Yunari, the person in the house should be Yunari, and I should be able to resolve my current questions by directly asking her why she brought me to her house.

Still, to prepare for any possible situations, I entered the slightly open door of another room while strongly gripping the IV stand in my left hand –

What I saw there was an indescribable scene with a huge bromide[?] of New Hope Mina’s face hanging in the middle of the room, and photos of super villains hanging around it.

“Hehehe… This is good! Hee, hehehehe!!”

Yunari was making ghost-like laughing sounds with earphones on in front of a laptop in that room.
She had even taken off the white gown she was wearing and was only wearing a tank top, looking like she was comfortably rolling around –

Seeing her not just laughing but grinning and making an unpleasant smile, I felt it was stupid to even be wary.
I dragged my legs into Yunari’s room and tapped her shoulder.

Only then did Yunari seem to notice me, blankly meeting my eyes, and then she threw the laptop she was holding at the wall, smashing it.
“Did. You see?”

Yunari asked with a sound like a vengeful ghost possessed by hatred. I bit my lip tightly and shook my head saying I didn’t see anything.

I did see two naked men, but I decided to pretend I didn’t see. I decided to do that.

There was a bit of a commotion. I asked Yunari right away. Why she brought me here instead of sending me to the hospital.

Tell me if you had any purpose. If you needed help, I can give it. Of course, if you did something stupid, I said in a roundabout way that I’d hit you with my left hand. Yunari spoke hesitantly:

“…Uh, seeing Detective coming out of the hospital room despite your condition, I thought there must be a reason you had to be out there… so I brought you to my home. With that incident recently too…”

Because I was walking around outside despite being injured, she thought there must be a reason and brought me to her home?

It was a really funny story. To have such thoughts seeing a detective sitting in a PC bang of all places?

I’m curious about the structure inside her head to give such an answer. But there was not a hint of lie in her eyes, and she seemed to be speaking only the truth calmly.

I chewed over her words. The words that faltered slightly at the end. She said with that ‘incident’ recently.

The meaning of that ‘incident’ is something so messed up that it wouldn’t be strange for a passionate detective [nonsense though] who was hospitalized to rush out and be at a PC bang –

I don’t know exactly what incident it is, but it’s clear who plotted it. Damn it.

As I furrowed my brow worrying about what kind of incident it could be and trembling in fear, Yunari continued speaking without even breathing:

“Those people, making a strange group and growing its size looks really dangerous. When I went to check, it seems like they’ll cause a big accident if left alone?”

“But the police people say they’re short on manpower because of the last incident and don’t even pay attention.”
“There are rumors that even that Dokkaebi was seen in that strange group, but they’re ignoring it like this… Even a researcher like me can see it’s dangerous but the police aren’t doing their job…”

I was half-listening to Yunari’s words but stiffened at one word that brushed my ear. Dokkaebi, Yunari clearly mentioned the Dokkaebi.

I grabbed her shoulder with my left hand. Yunari flinched and trembled, her star-engraved eyes shaking, and I met those eyes and asked:

“What did you just say?”

“Huh? Th-The police aren’t doing… Ah! I don’t mean you, Detective! You’re the most diligent detective!”

“Not that. Before that!”

“The Dokkaebi, is in that group?”

Group. Dokkaebi. I asked again feeling a sudden anxiety. Yunari seemed to sense unease seeing my eyes and started speaking haltingly:

“There’s a rumor that the super villain Dokkaebi appeared in that group… It’s a group formed by people gathering to find human rights for superpower users, but one of them, is a dangerous guy I know…”

“What’s the name of that group?”

“Th-Those people call themselves the Chosen Ones…”

The Chosen Ones. I heard those words Yunari spat out and thought.
Fuck, is it starting already? That’s what I thought.

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