I am the celebration monster of Academy City

Page 29

Shaking his head vigorously, the girl with bee-colored hair was thrown out of his mind, and he refocused on the situation in front of him.

Generally speaking, this kind of equipment will not be leaked easily. The reason why Yu Ganizumi can easily get it here is because of the Anbe authority shared by Kakine Teitoku last night.

That authority opened up a new world for Gan Quanyou.Therefore, after searching for conventional equipment carefully, Gan Quanyou spent a lot of money to purchase this batch of equipment.

And make a note to let the hound troops bring them over, just like it is now.

Although friction and confrontation often occur between the dark parts, cooperation is very common.

Freight transportation like this is the foundation of the foundation.The advantage is that they are all crows in Anbu, and no one will think about what you are doing with this kind of thing.

"TheWoz. We're at our destination."

Someone next to him carefully reminded Gan Quanyou.

Generally speaking, people who operate in the dark department will give themselves a code name intentionally or unintentionally.

For example, if there are too many Kiharas, members of the Hound Force will use Western names as code names to hide their true identities.Therefore, on this basis, people who are generally active in the dark side are more inclined to use code names to refer to others.

Even though LV5 monsters like Kakine Teitoku and Mugino Shitoshi don’t deliberately use code names to hide their identities, others will still refer to them as the second/third place, or Weiyuan matter and atomic collapse. them.

Even Teito Kakine himself called the current Mugino Shitoshi by the third person.But he insists on being called by his real name, which is quite a double standard in a sense.

"Well. I see."

Gan Quanyou nodded, put the opened black box aside, closed the tablet and picked up the Advent Calendar that was put aside.

People with a little knowledge may associate Ganquan Yu's code name with the nickname "TheWoz" of American computer engineer Steve Gary Wozniak.

To some extent, this understanding is not wrong, but for Gan Quanyou, this code name actually has a double meaning.

With a constant smile on his face, Gan Quanyou got off the parked armored vehicle and walked towards the foster facility not far away.

The hound troops were on guard around to prevent the team that specialized in killing abandoned children from committing a surprise attack here.

In the deserted armored vehicle compartment, the mechanical bee placed in a black box in one corner suddenly lit up with a faint yellow light.

Flapping their wings, these mechanical bees quietly left the black box without making any sound, and flew from the opened door of the armored vehicle to different buildings according to the pre-set routes.

Let's put it on~~

@@@@ There's bad news and good news here.

The bad news is that the era of Isis with free chapters is coming to an end.Next comes the Age of Osiris, a paid chapter.

The good news is that some people will stay in the age of Isis, and a small number of people will enter the age of Osiris with me.I hope to reach the end of the Age of Horus with you.

The age of Osiris begins tomorrow, and today is the last age of Isis.

And from tomorrow onwards, there will be no more vote-seeking work. All the vote-seeking before that is just to ensure that the era of Osiris can be smoothly entered.

Here, I finally ask for a wave of first subscriptions, not to be able to continue subscribing, but to look at the happiness brought by these 55 free chapters, even a first subscription is good.Just one chapter, not many cat coins are real.I hope that happiness is yours, and sadness is mine.

Tomorrow will be updated depending on the situation of the first order.

That's right, it's up to you.Hand over the first order to me.

I'm not going to listen to your opinions.

Chapter 56 The Assailants Arrived as Promised

There are really few shelters in the second school district, and there are not many abandoned children actually taken in.

From a purely cost-effective perspective, the school district that Teito Kakine chose in the task list is indeed very cost-effective.

It didn't take too long, and shortly after the lunch time passed, the four blue armored vehicles started their return journey.

They were not overly harsh on the abandoned children who were taken in. Three armored vehicles were allocated for them to ride. There were not many children in each armored vehicle, ensuring that they would not be crowded like sardines in a can.

The compartment of the remaining armored vehicle is even more spacious, because there are only two people, Gan Quanyou and Kakine Teito.

Before departure, when Kakine Teitoku came back and saw that the carriage was full of members of the Hound Unit, he just stood outside the armored car door and frowned and said a word——

"Are you going to let me squeeze in with you? Or do you really think that if something happens, all of you together can play the role of a Kakine Teito?"

For a short moment after these words landed, time seemed to stand still.However, after such an instant, all the members of the hound unit sitting in the carriage quickly got out of the carriage without saying a word, and only a stunned Gan Quanyou was left in the carriage.

It has long been heard that LV5 has more or less personality defects.It was only after we really came out and ran together once that we realized that Kakine Teitoku really had a big temper towards certain guys.No, at this level, it doesn't even reach the edge of character flaws.

At the beginning, the four cars headed to the second school district... oh, three cars. It can be said that there was no one left in the Hound Unit except the driver.

These members of the hound unit will change other transportation equipment and follow the four armored vehicles, but because they are only following the surroundings, if something really happens, there is no way to launch a counterattack immediately, which is also helpless.At that time, Kakine Teito and Kanizumi Yu need to stand at the front to deal with it.

After all, the members of the Hounds were driven away by them.

Well, to be precise, Kakine Teitoku was the only one standing in the front.A certain celebration monster is still unable to join the combat effectiveness of the advanced battlefield.

"How are things going with you?"

Kakine Teitoku leaned against the armored car with a speechless expression on his face.Although the task is somewhat easy, there are not many shelters to go to.

But if you think about it the other way around, most of the time is wasted on the road. Every time you go to a place, you don’t even need to report your name, and send your subordinates to pick up the abandoned children and get on the bus to the next shelter.

Just explaining it like this can feel unspeakably boring. In practice, it will neither make people feel the tension and excitement of fighting, nor can it feel the fun of doing interesting things.

If you think about it from this angle, Gan Quanyou, who is doing the same thing on the surface, but secretly following up on another thing, may be able to find interest in this boring repetition of tasks.

Therefore, what Kakine Teitoku asked here was definitely not about the situation of Ganquan Yuran's shelter.

With a knowing smile on his face, Gan Quanyou shrugged.

"I have done everything that should be done. There were no major problems during the process, so I can think that they have been hidden from them...or they don't really care about my existence at all. Then I just need to go back and spend some time. Once confirmed, it’s fine.”

"I won't take this kind of mission again next time, it's meaningless at all. And I have to get in touch with Kihara guys, none of those guys are normal people."

Seemingly getting a satisfactory answer, Kakine Teito casually changed the topic to another direction.

Gan Quanyou smiled lightly. Just as he was about to say something, the armored vehicle that was running smoothly suddenly vibrated violently, and a loud noise could be heard outside the armored vehicle.

The inside of the armored vehicle was no longer stable, but was shaking violently. If it was outside the armored vehicle, it would definitely be able to see the armored vehicle itself advancing in an S-shaped swinging arc.

This is the driving strategy that has to be adopted in order to stabilize the armored vehicle again.

Gan Quanyu's expression changed slightly, and he leaned on the wall to stand firm, and subconsciously looked at Kakine Teitoku.

"They actually came?"

"Then go out and see what kind of idiots it is."

Obviously not holding on to anything like Yuu Kanizumi, Kakine Teitoku still stood there firmly in the violently shaking carriage. If you want to ask why, the answer is probably the six wings on his back.

Kakine Teitoku, who was walking towards the closed carriage door, suddenly stopped, and as if he had remembered something, he turned and looked at Kanizumi Yu who was supporting the wall without supporting anything.

Gan Quanyou: "..." Well, it's so embarrassing.

"How about...you go out and have a look first? I'll follow up later?"

"I'll take care of everything when you catch up."

He walked to Gan Quanyou's side in two steps, lifted Gan Quanyou with his hands, and then returned to the door of the carriage and kicked out the door of the armored car abruptly, and the heavy door spun and landed in mid-air When it landed on the ground, the moment it landed on the ground, it rubbed against the ground and splashed a lot of sparks, and then it got farther and farther away from the armored vehicle that was still driving.

"Wait, wait a minute, it's the first time I've appeared as Anbu, so I'm being mentioned like this, is there something wrong?"

"Stop talking nonsense, follow closely and don't fall."

"fall down?"

The blue armored vehicle is not advancing at the limit speed. If it is driving at the limit speed, the speed will be about 120 kilometers per hour.But even so, the current forward speed is approaching a high speed of [-] kilometers per hour.

The asphalt pavement paved on the ground is almost no different from the high-speed movement of a hook and chain to the armored vehicles traveling at high speed at this moment. If it falls from here, anyone can imagine what will happen.

However, Teito Kakine, who was holding Yuu Kanizumi in one hand, jumped off the edge of the armored vehicle with no doors indifferently.

There was no process of falling downwards, but the moment it jumped out, it flew upwards in violation of the laws of physics.

With the six white wings behind him fully unfolded, Kakine Teito overcame the force of gravity with his own strength without the aid of any equipment.Even carrying another person.

Not being thrown off by the armored vehicle advancing at high speed, Kakine Teito not only kept a relative distance from the armored vehicle, but even caught up with him. He slowly landed on the roof of the armored vehicle, facing the high speed of nearly [-] kilometers per hour. He Gaifeng looked at the things that seemed to be surrounded by wolves chasing antelopes on the grassland.

But from the outside, the left side of the armored vehicle that Kakine Teito and Kanizumi Yu were riding on had been deformed, and it was sunken inward as if it had been bombarded by something.

On the empty road in the second school district, four armored vehicles lined up and gradually increased the already slow speed again.

On the last armored car, there seemed to be an angel who should not have appeared in the world standing in the wind.

And further back, surrounded by these four armored vehicles, there are more than thirty white objects, which seem to be people, but in terms of action mode and flexibility, they are more inclined to unmanned self-driving small motorcycles.

Chapter 57 Oasis, let's celebrate

Facing the opposite direction of the vehicle, a strong wind with a speed exceeding one hundred kilometers per hour blows from behind.Even with a wing behind her, her hair and clothes were still flying wantonly in the wind.

This wave of blood loss.After the operation is over, I have to go back to get my hair done.

Such an idea was the first thing that came to Gan Quanyou's mind, who was squatting on the roof of the car.

As if he just woke up and couldn't tell the difference between dreams and reality, when this thought faded away, Gan Quanyou really felt how abnormal this world with a speed of more than [-] kilometers per hour is!

Although he talked about Anbu Anbu, the darkness in Academy City's darkness, didn't he say it was a safe task at the beginning?What kind of safety is it to stay on the roof of a car with a speed of more than [-] kilometers per hour after a disagreement.

Just a little weightlessness made Gan Quanyou's heartbeat almost stop.At this time, as long as you take a wrong step and fall to the ground, your flesh and blood will fly like being rubbed against a grater.

"Don't pay attention to that, or you will lose the courage to stand up. Now you should pay attention to this group of garbage trying to destroy our mission."

There is still a wing of Kakine Teito behind him to resist the wind pressure and protect himself, Kanizumi Yu took a deep breath and slowly stood up, standing side by side with Kakine Teito.

The things that were coming towards the convoy got closer, so it was possible to see what they were.

Not drones, but actual humans.

Simply put, a human in a motorcycle suit and a full-face helmet.

However, these human feet, knees, elbows, shoulders, wrists, waists, backs, chests...

More than 50 parts of the body are covered with small pulleys similar to single-blade roller skating.Presenting the forward-leaning posture in the speed skating competition, he rushed towards the team quickly.

Behind them are also equipped with two small jet engines with a diameter of 20 centimeters and a length of about 55 centimeters.

It is conceivable that the violent shaking that Yuu Kanizumi and Teito Kakine felt was the result of one of them bombarding the armored vehicle.

It is not clear whether they were suicide attacks by sacrificing one of their members, or if they had a means of protecting themselves.

However, with the deformed armored vehicle under their feet as a reference, they must pose a considerable threat.Humans are not as tough as armored vehicles, if they resist a blow from the opponent...

"These guys... seem to be the attackers in the report."

Gradually getting used to this abnormal world, Yu Kanizumi said loudly to Kakine Teitoku who was close at hand.

There is no way, if you still talk like you usually do, your voice will be blown away by the wind the moment you say it.

Kakine Teitoku nodded.He frowned slightly, and clicked his tongue in displeasure.

"This kind of equipment definitely has a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour. The way of action is to fly through the sky and escape like a roller coaster. With the weight of a human being, coupled with that speed, just hitting it can cause a fatal impact.

Although it has no effect on me, their goal is not aimed at us.Let them pass here, and the three "goods" in front will definitely be destroyed. "

Kakine Teito and Kanizumi Yu ride in this armored vehicle at the end.If you are on the route to launch a surprise attack, then the best choice is definitely to start the attack from the first car, because as long as the first car stops, the ones behind can only be forced to stop.

However, with the speed of such an armored vehicle, coupled with the opponent's equipment, it is undoubtedly a huge risk to attack the first vehicle. Therefore, starting from the last vehicle and encroaching on the front, it depends on what kind of results you can get while preserving yourself. What kind of results will be obtained.

This is to analyze the tactics used by the opponent from the records.

Sure enough, this group of guys attacked the last car where Yu Kanizumi and Teito Kakine were in.

However, it's time for them to discover that the person sitting in the car is not what they imagined.Then they either retreated or switched to attacking the penultimate vehicle.

The attackers did not retreat, they resolutely avoided the last armored vehicle, and outflanked the front from both wings.

Regarding their actions, Kakine Teitoku slowly pulled a ferocious smile on his face.

"Great, if you retreat here, I will be disappointed."

As if wanting to hug something, Kakine Teitoku opened his hands.

Boom! !The roar exploded.

The countless feathers that made up the four wings on Kakine Teitoku's back turned into sharp blades.

It's an explosive jet.Or to be more precise, it was like a long spear stretched out with a violent momentum, and then bent everywhere, attacking a certain target from different angles in an encircling movement.

Perhaps, the tactics of targeting the security guards made this group of attackers succeed repeatedly, but the one who was attacking here now was Academy City's No. [-].

The bodies of the attackers were easily pierced by the spears.

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