I Am Looking For Immortal Dao Alone

Chapter 84


Chapter 84 Lu Zhen’s Five Qi Towards The Origin

Under the bright light, Lu Zhen watched Tao Te Ching After a few chapters, my heart calmed down.

He has carefully read both Tao Te Ching and the South China Classic, and has no problem understanding the meaning of the text.

There is only one copy of “Zhuangzi” annotated by Guo Xiang, he has never read it, and he needs to spend time and read it several times before he can roughly understand its meaning.

Heavenly Master asked him to read these books, and the unfinished words should be in it, he just needs to comprehend it himself.

Lu Zhen understands the Heavenly Master’s approach. This is not because the old Heavenly Master is stingy with guidance, but some things are useless no matter how much others say. The real clear comprehension can only rely on itself.

Actually the old Heavenly Master was a generous man.

He said that he would only answer three questions, but Lu Zhen asked more than three questions in the big question with small questions.

While many questions remain, some of them have been answered.

In terms of pointing out his Cultivation mistakes, it is already an invaluable gain.

“You can get pure yang… pure yang…” Lu Zhen closed the book, and the words of the old Heavenly Master echoed clearly in his mind.

In the old Heavenly Master, it was said that refining the yin and soul to become pure yang, not to eliminate the consciousness of people, to destroy the seven souls, but to make the Primordial Spirit see through the temptation of the soul of consciousness, not for foreign When the object was moved, Lu Zhen already realized that he had gone to extremes.

Using Bright Soul Technique to forcibly suppress emotions and enter a state of no-self and no-thought, in order to improve the state of stillness, is just spill things through excessive enthusiasm.

The real cultivation should not put the cart before the horse, but should focus on improving the temperament cultivation base to achieve a realm that captures the body and mind, and the mind is not distracted. On this basis, it can naturally be closer to Qi.

It is not to enhance the sense of qi, enhance the ability to compete with others, forcibly suppress distracting thoughts, or even kill Seven Emotions and Six Desires, so as to be ruthless and innocuous.

Using Bright Soul Technique to forcibly improve Jinggong, although Lu Zhen feels closer to Qi, and the Qi in dantian is also growing, but there is no matching temperament cultivation base, and it is nothing but an illusion in the end one.

After all, if you don’t cross the Sea of Bitterness, where is the other side?

I don’t know how many people in the alien world only pursue pure power, but forget the true purpose of cultivation, and become dead bones in the mound.

Even though Lu Zhen realized that his temperament cultivation base was insufficient, he didn’t pay attention to it and didn’t know the right path, so he would inevitably go astray.

It was not until a conversation with the old Heavenly Master that Lu Zhen had a clear comprehension of Cultivation at a higher level.

He didn’t say anything on the surface, he didn’t seem surprised, but he was well-educated, but his heart was already churning.

“The eyes do not see but the soul resides in the liver, the ears do not hear but the essence resides in the kidneys, the tongue does not speak but the spirit resides in the heart, the nose does not smell but the soul resides in the lungs, the limbs do not move but the mind resides in the spleen…”

“Three Flowers Gather on Crown, Five Qi Towards The Origin” is the Cultivation highest realm said by Taoists, which is actually a different route from what Lu Zu said, “refining the yin, that is, obtaining pure yang” to the same destination.

Or “Five Qi Towards The Origin” actually provides a feasible way for “refining the soul”, and it is also the broad and open road that Taoists often travel.

During the conversation, although the old Heavenly Master didn’t talk about any specific cultivation method, he had already reminded Lu Zhen how to proceed with cultivation.

Looking at Lu Zhen’s perception, it’s easy to understand. Even if the old Heavenly Master didn’t say it clearly, he understood what the old Heavenly Master meant.

But how difficult is it to follow the Cultivation step by step as the old Heavenly Master said, and finally get the realm of “Five Qi Towards The Origin”?

Even the old Heavenly Master may not have reached this realm.

How sad it would be if it wasted a hundred years, not immortal dao, and returned to the tomb? How can you be willing?

Old Heavenly Master has the Tao of the old Heavenly Master, and Lu Zhen also has his own Tao…

“When the body does not move, the essence is solid, and the water flows toward the Yuan, and the heart If you don’t move, the energy will be solid and the fire will be in the Yuan; if the true nature is still, the soul will be hidden and the wood will be in the Yuan; if you forget one’s emotions, the soul will be subdued and the Jin will be in the Yuan; the four elements will be peaceful and the mind will be fixed and the earth will be in the Yuan…”

Lu Zhen sits cross-legged on the recliner and closes his eyes.

For a long time, he stretched out his right hand, and a dark aura appeared in his palm.

Hei Qi wriggled, and an old face was vaguely visible.

Took a deep breath, Lu Zhen pressed his right palm towards the location of the kidneys in his abdomen.

The dark qi ball in the palm entered the kidneys, scattered in the meridian, and under his keen perception and precise control, all the qi that was cultivated by the meridian was sent back to the kidneys without any trace.

The temperature at the kidneys dropped rapidly, gradually numbing Lu Zhen.

However, under the stimulation of the Qi produced by the cultivation of Extreme Yin’s restraining spirits, the kidney qi is rapidly generated, and ascends rapidly along the meridian until it ascends to the Upper Dantian of Lu Zhen.

As if Heaven and Earth first opened, in the violent shock, countless colors appeared in the dark consciousness.

Walking through the bizarre world, a mirror appeared in front of Lu Zhen’s eyes.

In the mirror is an elderly man with white hair and age spots.

The old man’s face was slack, and his squinted eyes were not showing the kindness that they should have, instead, they were full of chilling fear and fear.

“Why? Why is God so unfair!”

“I…have been alone for more than a hundred years, why is the immortal dao still unknown when the deadline is approaching? !”

“I don’t want to die! I want to pursue the immortal dao!”

“But I can’t live for two more days!”

“God Ah, you are so blind…how can I be convinced by Lu Zhen!”

The moment the words “Lu Zhen” appeared, there was a violent shock in consciousness again.

In a trance, Lu Zhen felt a little familiar with the face in the mirror.

“Is this the future me?”

As soon as this idea was born, the mirror began to shatter, and everything returned to darkness.

Lu Zhen opened his eyes, and there was the same fear and trepidation as the person in the mirror.

At this time, the last bit of Dou Mei’s supernatural influence on him disappeared, and he was full of panic.

If he walked in front of the mirror, he could find that his expression was exactly the same as the person he saw in the mirror, but one was an old man and the other was a young man.

“This is what I’m most afraid of? Is it… an illusion, or the reality of the future?” Lu Zhen took a deep breath and began to adjust his turbulent breathing to calm his turbulent mind.

It’s just that the inexplicable panic in his heart is like gangrene. No matter how he controls it, it hasn’t weakened in the slightest, so that the Qi in his dantian has always been in a state of disorder.

The Qi group planted by the old farmer in the Lower Dantian was stimulated again and shook a little, and the Qi in Lu Zhen’s body became calmer.

I managed to control Bright Soul Technique’s blue qi to suppress my restless emotions, and Lu Zhen’s disordered breathing and violent panic were controlled.

“Is this the backlash of forcibly raising the cultivation base in order to enter the Five Qi Towards The Origin? Or is it a cultivation deviation?” Lu Zhen’s pale face was quickly returning to blood.

Humans have five internal organs, which transform five qi to generate joy, anger, sorrow, and fear.

Among them, the heart is for joy, the kidney is for fear, the liver is for anger, the lung is for sadness, and the spleen is for worry.

He uses the same restraining spirit as the kidney attribute of the emotion of fear to stimulate the kidney, so that the kidney qi can be rapidly generated. The Kidney Qi in Five Qi Towards The Origin was the first to enter Upper Dantian.

The consequence of such stimulation is panic and riot.

(End of this chapter)

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