I am editing at Marvel

Chapter 65 Mechanical Eternity vs Firepower Supreme

Chapter 65 Mechanical Eternity vs Firepower Supreme
Electric energy surges!
A streak of acceleration flashed across the tip of the Mercury Cannon.

The compressed electric cannonball directly pulled out a ray of light in the air after passing through the acceleration array, fired towards Victor's body, and then precisely penetrated the wall around Victor.

Apparently Jess hadn't completely ignored it yet, he still used cluster shots instead of explosive shots when he attacked.

After all, it has already violated the regulations. If there are more casualties, Jess doesn't know what punishment he will receive.

Victor, who dodged to avoid the attack, began to run fast. He came earlier than Jess and knew the terrain better. Plus, Jess had no intention of killing, so he was just a little embarrassed for a while.

Just when Jess pushed Victor into a corner and was about to capture him alive, the wall behind Victor turned red within a second, and a ray pierced through the wall and shot in.

He blocked Mercury's cannon with his backhand, and under the action of the electromagnetic field, the ray was directly deflected to the ground next to him.

Immediately afterwards, Jess felt a sudden burst of suction from under his body, and his whole body fell to the ground with a slap.

Victor took a few steps back, and retreated through the hole pierced by the death ray.

The gravity field under Jess can only act as a surprise soldier. With Jess' ability, it won't take long for him to break free.

After he broke free, at this distance, Victor's chance of defeating Jace was less than one.

boom!A brilliant light burst out from the end of Mercury's cannon, piercing directly through the gravity field generator.

Jess put his hands on the ground, stood up, and rushed towards the direction where Victor escaped. After rushing out of the gap, Jess slowed down.

In front of him was a formation of drones covering the sky and the sun. The death ray emitters on each drone were ready to go, and yellow energy was accumulated at the mouth of the rays.

Jess took a deep breath and launched the attack first.

The electromagnetic accelerator door opens!Ten bursts of electric shock!

Bunches of energy cannons landed in the drone array, exploded suddenly, and immediately shot down the drones one by one, but this number was only a drop in the bucket compared to the total number of drones.

"The body is the greatest weakness of a machine, Jess, you will realize this." Victor's voice came from behind the drone array.

Accompanied by his words, rays from all over the sky shot out directly, directly covering a large area in front of and behind Jess.

Mercury's Cannon, Warhammer Form!
Kacha Kacha, compressed energy bullets were added to the war hammer one by one, and when the bullet casings were ejected, the entire hammer was full of violent energy that could not be concealed.

Jess held the end of the hammer with his right hand, and raised his arm. When the arm was stretched to the maximum, the end of the hammer sprayed out violent flames.

Thunder Clap!
With the movement of Jess, the continuous thunder light directly sprinkled in front of him, and the brilliant purple light directly blocked the view of the hidden observers.

The diffuse lightning formed a high curved wall in front of Jess.

Every part of this wall is emitting its own energy unscrupulously outward.

"Mechanics are nothing! Firepower is the most important thing!"

Jess roared angrily, and a huge crater of tens of meters exploded between the collision of the thunder light and the death ray.

Huhu~ I took a few breaths, the compressed energy bombs put too much pressure on the body, using several of them in a row, the physical fitness of Jess's intermediate knight was a little bit unbearable.

Victor silently looked at the smoke and dust in front of him, turned and left after a moment of silence.

When Jess left the Hex Agency, he brought all kinds of ammunition and charging crystals, and what about him?The existing charging crystals have just been charged in the Stark Group's new energy research laboratory.

In the case of extremely limited energy, Victor didn't want to fight hard with Jess at all. He activated a singularity to create a chaotic storm, which would deplete the reserve, and Jess, looking at it like that, probably could have several thunderbolts.

Victor is gone, but the drone array he left behind is still functioning.

Unable to face-to-face confrontation, the drones began to disperse and fight guerrilla warfare, and the rays also changed from long-term shooting to short-frequency and fast burst shooting.

Jess swung his warhammer and smashed the drone in front of him to pieces.

Then the Hammer of Mercury cut into the shape of a cannon, aimed at the sky, and shot down one by one.

Jace didn't even dare to chase Victor until he got rid of the drones.

As Victor said, sometimes the physical body is indeed a weakness when facing the machine.

It doesn't take too long, it only needs to be continuously irradiated by the laser for more than three seconds, and the accumulated energy is enough to penetrate Jess' physical defense.

Of course, with his speed and reflexes, a laser launcher would definitely not be able to do it, but Jess wasn't sure if there were other drones ambushing around, or where a gravity generator was installed on the way of pursuit. .

When Jess cleared out the remaining drones, in the dilapidated research room, Stan was eagerly looking at the empty charging crystals and some strange parts left by Victor on the table.

After witnessing the battle between Jess and Victor, Stan also knew in his heart that neither of these two people would be able to stay, so it would be better to get the interest in front of him.

For things like energy, generation is a difficulty, and storage is another difficulty. As long as he can crack these charging crystals and lower the price to an acceptable level, then he can at least occupy the Stark Group. a seat.

Even if Tony wanted to drive him away, he couldn't do it, just as he couldn't drive Tony away before.

"Boss! That man is about to finish the battle!"

Stan's secretary reminded in a low voice while looking at the situation outside.

"Understood, you go to the gap and stand there! Hold him!" While Stan commanded, he accelerated the speed of packing.

He is now worried that Jess will come back after finishing the enemy and clean up all these things left behind.

"Boss! Boss! Don't worry, the man seems to be chasing after Victor after the drone is dealt with!"

The secretary looked outside and said excitedly.

Stan at the back heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, his nervous mood relaxed, his tense hand loosened, and a crystal hit the screwdriver.

The anti-piracy device left by Victor was accidentally triggered, and the crystal immediately began to self-destruct, and it exploded into pieces with a snap.

Stan was taken aback by the accident, and took two steps back with the box in his arms.

However, when Victor designed the anti-theft device, he also designed a point, that is, after the anti-theft of a crystal is triggered, other crystals at a certain distance from it will also start to self-destruct.

Crackling and continuous explosions sounded in Stan's arms.

The self-destruction damage of the crystal is not high, but there are more than a dozen of them in Stan's arms.

In an instant, the skin and muscles on Stan's chest were blasted away, and the whole person slapped, and fell directly on the ground with his head backward.

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(End of this chapter)

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