I am A Villain

Chapter 1278

But the arbiters are still a little slower.

Now the fighting situation is completely beyond their control.

Moreover, the court did not continue to dispatch troops to the Exile 2 planet. The reason is simple. The four most powerful of them have already sweated on the battlefield. If none of these four big brothers can fix the situation, Then count as smashing into the battlefield a few giant battleships, it is only increasing the ob position.

Interesting thing, when no one dared to intervene in the core theater, no one dared to provoke the sun.

This is something that even Yang himself hadn’t thought of.

But in fact his name in the eternal galaxy started two years ago, and people have never forgotten what he did in purgatory.

And for the court’s army, their boss is now fighting in the core area of ​​the battlefield. At this moment, no one can give orders on their behalf, whether they want to participate in the battle, or bypass the creature called Yang, no People can give orders.

Because this is a situation they did not anticipate.

Imagine when this situation occurred in the Eternal Galaxy in the past thousand years, that is, the four highest-ranking bigwigs are all caught in a hard fight, and they have no energy to take care of the army next to them, and even give orders. No more.

This is something that everyone never expected.

A large group of court officials, with a mighty fleet, stared at them.

Yang almost couldn’t stand it anymore.

The battle trend in the core area is basically the same as he expected.

The four originators indeed have very powerful combat effectiveness. Together, the four of them are not much weaker than Yang. But the rule point is still a big bug after all. If they don’t know how to destroy the rule point, they will never be able to win this confrontation.

What’s more, there is still a stunned Green Barnes in it.

Today, Origin will undoubtedly lose.

Yang even felt that perhaps in the future world, there will be no civilization like the Eternal Galaxy in that so-called alliance, which is largely related to what is happening today.

Fortunately, he only told the two shadow men that the way to test them was to fight with the Originator instead of letting them kill the Originator.

Otherwise, starting today, the eternal galaxy will officially end.

After thinking about it, Yang felt that there was no need for them to kill them all.

After all, this is not a life and death situation.

There is no hatred between him and the eternal galaxy, at least from his personal point of view. He is just a passer-by here. For him, the eternal galaxy is a journey of only a few months, and it can’t even be regarded as a positive period. Yes, he just came here to find something. Yang didn’t have any special thoughts about it. However, after the Sombra spoke about the future alliance war, Yang began to have some ideas.

According to the other party, the old version of himself was destroyed in the future battlefield to such a weak and weak appearance. Although to some extent it may be that Yang himself was already old at that time, but it is undeniable. The enemy must be very powerful, and for Yang, the eternal galaxy is the most powerful civilization he has seen so far. The four originators can also be regarded as the real and powerful creatures he truly identifies. Such a group of powerful and incomparable guys, if they just fell into decline, isn’t it a bit too pity?

Those who are capable of fighting should go to the battlefield.

Although the current point in time has not ushered in the so-called alliance war, according to time speculation, it should not be too long. For a civilization, time is not a very long concept.

If the eternal galaxy can be passed on and eventually appear on the battlefield of the Alliance War, it should also be a good combat power supplement.

After all, through the words of the shadow man, Yang also has a general idea of ​​the future battlefield’s combat effectiveness.

If the four originators appeared there, they would definitely not be ordinary creatures.

“Then we still have to stabilize the situation.”

Yang murmured.

Fighting like this is not the same thing.

He came here for the purpose of not fighting with these people.


In the wilderness, Yang directly catapulted and started.

The battle mode he uses on the eternal galaxy is derived from the power system of the court.

This is the energy model he learned after slaughtering n multiple court ambassadors. This energy nature itself is the power that exists in this universe, so it operates locally and is the smoothest.

Yang trampled the ground and rushed directly toward the core battlefield!

Everyone thought that this guy must have joined the battlefield to put more pressure on the four originators.

After all, fools can see that the current situation is very unfavorable for the originators.

It could not be beaten at first. If Yang is added, the consequences will be disastrous. Yang was able to fight against the Originator two years ago, and now I don’t know how far it has grown. This pair of court officials who have been staring at Yang It is a very bad signal for the military.

The moment Yang started.

The court on the horizon caused the army to charge directly at him.

This time, there is no need for orders from the highest command level. They know what to do.

However, Yang did not have the desire to fight them at all. When the battleships all over the sky rushed down, his figure was instantly covered by shadows, and all the detection systems could not find a trace of Yang.

Yang directly chose to avoid these troops, and in the shadow mode, jumped over these warships and cut directly into the center of the battlefield.

The court ambassador rushed to nothing.

After rushing into the core battlefield, Yang went on a fierce rush and directly pressed against two of the originators.

When the other party saw such a menacing guy like Yang, of course he was ready.

After countless fierce energy crazily intertwined, they bombed together.

Even the other two originators nearby rushed over to try to stop Yang.

A terrifying explosion spread through the air.

Yang alone directly tore the original melee situation into two parts.

“Enough is enough.”

After auzw.com distanced the two sides of the battle, Yang first stopped Barnes’s forward trend.

“Don’t forget what we are here for.”

Yang came to Barnes and stopped him.

Originally, he didn’t intend to let Barnes participate in the battle, but because this guy rushed too fast, he didn’t have time to stop it.

He had only wanted to try the attitude of the two Sombra before, and the ghost knew that Barnes would rush to fight the Originator in a daze.

On the other side, the four originators who had separated their distances finally stabilized their breath.

To be honest, they had never faced such a weird opponent like the two shadow men.

When facing the originator, the black shadow man even raised his figure a lot, changing from a human physique to a taller physique of a court-civilized creature, except that the body was a black patch. Besides, their appearance is indeed very close to court creatures.

The Originator was completely defeated today.

Although there was no winner or loser in the end, they knew that if they continued to fight, they would definitely lose.

This is probably the evil that appeared when facing unknown enemies. They knew nothing about Sombra, and the dilemma they got into was almost the same as before Yang and Barnes faced Sombra. , I don’t know how to fight the opponent at all, and in the process of fighting, I can’t help but think about why the opponent has the same energy form as myself, and even the strength of strength is similar.

Stopped high in the air, the four golden figures were in a dilemma.

This is their place. Even if they can’t beat them, there is no way out, but if they really want to continue the fight, they are actually helpless. As old monsters who have lived for more than a thousand years, they know that they can’t do that kind of stunned talent. Stupid thing.

However, Yang’s behavior made them feel very surprised.

For the Originators, Yang is the guy they have missed most in the past two years. It can be regarded as thinking day and night. They all want to pull the Yang out in their dreams, because the gene structure is in the hands of Yang.

For the entire court civilization, Yang is the number one criminal.

But what the Originators could not imagine was that when they were obviously in a disadvantaged situation, Yang took the initiative to stop the battle.

And it seems that Yang is the one who can really give orders to the other party.

Normally speaking, Yang dare reappears within the detection range of the court. It must have enough confidence to fight against the originator. In the eyes of the originator of the court, Yang is their enemy, so it is reasonable to think that the Yang will They are also their own enemies. Since they have already fought, and it is Yang’s advantage, why should they stop?

This is not in line with the positions of both sides of the war.

Probably this is the hypocrisy of the court people. Yang stopped the fight, and they seemed to be unhappy, snakeskin…

The two sides confronted each other in the air.

Barnes was very persuaded this time. After Yang stopped him, he did not continue to rush forward. The reason is simple. All those who can make him unable to control his desire to fight are people who have a bit of hatred against him. For example, the Weil people, the first generation, and the Yang, but the originator, honestly speaking, these guys, Barnes is not familiar with them at all, except for one of them that looks more similar to the first generation, which looks a bit irritating Except for the other three, Barnes couldn’t even remember their looks.

Not to mention the other two black shadow men. They are now Yang’s toolman roles. Yang said that they don’t need to continue fighting, and they certainly won’t be arrogant.

Even from their personal point of view, they have a similar idea to Yang.

The opponent is very strong.

The power released by these originators felt very powerful even if they had experienced alliance wars. Since such civilizations exist in the black hole universe, why didn’t they participate in alliance wars in the future? That is a great loss.

The little abacus in the hearts of the two black shadows was beating quickly.

And Yang is already trying to talk to the originator of the court.

However, he soon realized a problem.

That is, he didn’t learn the language of the court from beginning to end. During the months when he was active on the eternal galaxy, he had always used translation devices to communicate with other creatures.

“I need a translator”

Yang pointed to his mouth and then to his ears.

He knows that the level of science and technology of the Eternal Galaxy court civilization is very high. They can use brain data to copy and identify the memories of civilizations belonging to different creatures, and rebuild a complete translation database.

So it is not difficult for the court to get a translator in a short time.

Yang clearly stated his attitude, he was not here to ask for trouble, he was here to talk.

Although these are all expressed in sign language, and they are not serious sign language, they are just making gestures. It is estimated that he alone feels that he has expressed enough clearly…

However, the courts did not lose sight of a few old monsters who had lived for more than a thousand years. After making a blind gesture, they actually understood what he meant.

Both sides maintained their vigilance and successfully produced a translation device.

The thing was suspended in the air and sent to Yang’s hand.

Throughout the process, the Originators still maintained a state of being in a tight array. They had been staring at Yang for fear that he would suddenly attack or something.

Yang didn’t bother to care about them anyway.

He is proficient in putting on the translation device, and then waits for the system to read his voice data.

Soon, what he said after opening his mouth became the language of court civilization.


Yang cleared his throat.

After thinking about it for two seconds, he said the first sentence: “Then what…My suggestion is that we don’t fight for the time being. It was a misunderstanding just now, how about it?”

The people of the entire eternal galaxy, the eight major civilizations thought that this guy was going to say something powerful and threatening after taking the other three people to suppress the Originator, but he did not expect this guy to have such an attitude. According to him According to the statement, the thrilling live fight just now was a bit like a special street fight, right…

After Yang said these words, the Originator was silent for the first time. .

They don’t understand what Yang means.

It stands to reason that what Yang said at this time is not too much, because he has the upper hand.


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