I am a Big Villain

Chapter 100: The Soft Rice Man’s Self-Cultivation 16

The later part of this arc’s last chapter already updated, I’m going take a break like usual before continuing to the new arc @[email protected]

Following the trajectory of his previous life, Yan Chu came to the place where he had a car accident.

In another five minutes, he walked one hundred meters further.

Yan Chu glanced at his watch. There were not many pedestrians on the road at this time. Because the sky was also dark, many people rushed home for dinner.

He counted the time and followed the pace of the previous life at every step. Because he did not know whether that event would happen or not, Yan Chu could only reconstruct everything that happened that day as much as possible.

“Twenty, nineteen…”

Yan Chu counted down in his mouth. When he counted to 17, a truck suddenly rushed out of the corner, ignoring the traffic rules, and rammed him directly on the sidewalk. Yan Chu had already prepared and dodged away as fast as possible. The truck crashed into the green belt on the side.

The people in the driver’s seat did not seem to expect Yan Chu to react so quickly. It could be said to be an accident just now. If he turned his head and hit Yan Chu again at this time, it would be a deliberate murder.

Thinking of the money he owed for gambling, if he did not die now, he would be beaten to death by loan sharks in the future. If he killed the man in front of him, his family could get one million, enough for them to hide in a place where no one knew and had a new life.

The man took a deep breath several times, and his face was red. He reversed without thinking much, drove the car away from the green belt, and rushed towards Yan Chu.

Yan Chu had long guarded against the driver who he did not know who hired him. If the first attack missed, he would do the second one. He ran towards the place where the crowd had evacuated so as not to hurt the innocent.

This scene shocked the onlookers. The driver was an undisguised intentional homicide. The onlookers who were far away and safer immediately picked up their mobile phones and called the police.

The driver also realized that if he could not kill Yan Chu, the police would come. Regardless of stepping on the accelerator, he rushed towards Yan Chu. Seeing that he was blocked in the corner of the wall and was about to hit, the onlookers subconsciously covered their eyes. Yan Chu hung his hands on the side of the window and jumped to the window sill above flexibly. The moment the car hit the house, he took the opportunity to jump to the roof unharmed.

This thrilling scene shocked the onlookers, and they were relieved to see that Yan Chu was safe.

At this time, more than half of the car had crashed into the house. The person inside also suffered a violent impact, with blood on his head, loss of consciousness, and coma.

“Yan Chu? Are you Yan Chu?”

After running too intensely, the mask had already fallen to the ground. When the onlookers nearby saw that the fierce driver had no fighting capacity, they spontaneously started to approach, and soon someone recognized Yan Chu.

His film has been highly successful recently. A star, who appeared on the street, almost got murdered. If the police had not arrived in time, Yan Chu would not have gotten away.

However, after he was taken away by the police, the news spread quickly throughout the Internet. This fact had a terrible impact. The onlookers at that time filmed those videos. If it were not for Yan Chu’s quick response and good skills, perhaps he would have died long ago.

Who had a deep hatred toward him to kill him? What about Yan Chu now? It was what netizens and his fans were most concerned about.

When Zhong Li received the news that Yan Chu almost got killed, the always-strong woman nearly fainted. Without much consideration, she hurried to his hospital.

At that time, to avoid the impact, he jumped onto the window sill of the house with glass pieces to prevent thieves. When Yan Chu’s hand was on it, he was cut bloody and now got bandaged in the hospital.

When Zhong Li arrived at the hospital, a group of reporters surrounded her. Seeing that Tianqi’s big boss appeared, they all surrounded her like flies biting meat.

“President Zhong, may I ask who on earth wants to murder Yan Chu. Is it because he has offended anyone?”

“President Zhong, President Zhong, can you let Yan Chu come out and say a few words to us? We want to interview him about how he felt at the time.”

“President Zhong…”

Surrounded by a group of people, Zhong Li had difficulty in taking a step.


Zhong Li was almost mad now. She had no patience to entangle with these reporters.

“First of all, Yan Chu was the victim of the whole incident. Now he is injured and is still being treated in the hospital. I won’t and can’t let him come out and hold a press conference for you. Secondly, this is the hospital. Many people have to go in to see a doctor. You’re blocking here. You’re irresponsible for the safety of other people’s lives.”

Zhong Li sternly said: “Now I’m going in to visit the injured employee. Please get out of the way.”

Her aura was too strong, and the reporters were stunned by the accusation. Zhong Li’s bodyguard quickly helped her out.

“President Zhong, what is the relationship between you and Yan Chu? Why are you so nervous about his affairs?”

The reporters who recovered quickly ran after Zhong Li, but they got blocked by the bodyguards who had pulled up a line of defense outside the hospital. They took the microphones and asked at the view of Zhong Li’s back.

Just that ordinary bosses and employees, did she need to be so angry? Zhong Li immediately came, and Yan Chu’s injury was not serious. The relationship between them was very intriguing.

A reporter at the scene suddenly came up with a photo taken before. It was the photo with only the figure seen from behind when Yan Chu accompanied Zhong Li to a dinner for the first time.

The reporter compared it with Yan Chu’s figure, how it looked like they were all the same person.

He took a few deep breaths and quietly walked away from the crowd. He thought he might have discovered shocking news.

“Doctor, my injured hand won’t affect my cooking, right?”

Yan Chu regretted that he had used his right hand. If he had used his left hand, he would be in less trouble now.

“Don’t cook when you’re hurt. You have to eat some takeaways recently and not touch the water. It’s almost turned into a beehive. If you don’t pay attention in the later period, it may leave scars.”

The doctor thought the star in front of him was outstandingly amusing. He did not hear him groan when he treated the wound with hydrogen peroxide or when he stitched the injury. He did not have the squeamish and fussy spirit he imagined the star should have. Contrariwise, he was a nice person to get along with.

He remembered that his daughter liked him very much. He would ask for an autograph.

“That’s not good. The person I like loves to eat the food I cook. She doesn’t like to order takeaway, so she eats less. Her good stomach, which is hard to get, is going to get ruined again.”

Yan Chu looked at his right hand wrapped into a rice dumpling and said helplessly.

“Listen to the doctor. Don’t touch the water until your hand recovers. I’ll stop some endorsements for you later. You can stay at home for me to recuperate.”

When Zhong Li came in, her eyes were red. She stared at the little man who did not let her worry and then quickly asked the doctor what to pay attention to.

The doctor did not know much about the entertainment industry. He even knew Yan Chu because his daughter liked him, so he did not recognize who was in front of him at all. He only thought she was Yan Chu’s girlfriend. He also felt that the handsome man and the beautiful woman in front of him matched well.

The younger boy looked a little whimsical, and his girlfriend was more stable, just enough to hold him down.

“What happened?”

They used underhanded means to depart from the back door of the hospital. Sitting in the car, Zhong Li asked Yan Chu.

“I don’t know. The police said that the man woke up and wouldn’t say anything. He just said he drank too much, but I don’t think it’s that simple. I suspect a person.”

Yan Chu did not believe the other party’s confession. After thinking about it, it was Su Can who was most suspicious.

The Zhong family mingled with the shady in the early years. It had been washed white in recent years, but Yan Chu did not believe that the Zhong family could truly stop this when running a large company. If this matter needed to get investigated, it was best to let Zhong Li do it. Moreover, if it was indeed related to Su Can, it could make her disgusted completely with Su Can.

Because Yan Chu described the strange look in his eyes in detail when he ran into Su Can in the hotel during the day.

For his words, Zhong Li chose to believe unconditionally and immediately made a phone call to ask her people to check.

Of course, Zhong Li’s methods did not need to be said. Soon, the driver, who stubbornly bit and refused to speak and stayed in the detention center for a few days, confessed everything.

It turned out that he got hired to drive into Yan Chu. He did not know who hired him. The other party gave him 100,000 Yuan in cash at the designated place and promised to transfer him the balance after he did it. If he died, he would send the money to his relatives. And if he did not get caught, he would arrange for his family a good life after the wind passed.

Initially, the gambler intended to hide it, but the days in the detention center were too difficult to endure. The gambler did not know why four to five people came and were locked up in the same room with him. They had all kinds of ways to torture him, but they behaved better than anyone in front of the police. What frightened the gambler most was a tall man in that group. He had that disgusting habit, stared at his ass every day. His eyes were scary. He did not want to stay with those people for a moment. As for money, he could not control that much.

He was smart enough to record the phone call. Although the other party used a voice changer, the technology was already developed. Soon, the recording got restored. On top of that, there was a surveillance camera near the designated money delivery place at that time. After several investigations, the police locked Su Can. In addition, the other party took 100,000 from his account at that time, and now all the human testimony and material evidence were available.

The police soon arrested Su Can for attempted murder.

This case had attracted the attention of many media outlets. Almost the first time Su Can got arrested, the news had been published on the Internet.

Netizens did not know much about Su Can. The only time the other party appeared in the public eye was because of the scandal with President Zhong, although it turned out that the two people’s affairs were only the past tense of the president.

Su Can hired someone to kill Yan Chu, which sounded a bit inexplicable. These two people were irrelevant, except that Yan Chu was a member of Tianqi, and Tianqi was a company owned by the Zhong family. There was still something that everyone did not know.

And then, Bagua Weekly, which was known as the most comprehensive weekly publication about the entertainment industry, published explosive news before everyone had a clear understanding of this relationship.

The whole report from Yan Chu’s entry into The Blue to being kept by Zhong Li and successfully receiving the film contract from Director He, the entire process was well-founded.

Several photos were attached to the report. Some of them got taken in the saloon. Yan Chu sat in the center of the stage singing, and several women, who had their faces censored, threw money at him. The hot scene made people imaginative, and the news about Yan Chu was a cowherd boy was almost confirmed.

In addition, there were photos of the dinner party that Zhong Li took Yan Chu to attend, and even pictures of the two people entering the same apartment at night and never coming out all night.

It was almost positive that they had a close relationship beyond the boss and employees.

If it was just his back photos, it was nothing. But the pictures in the saloon were too ambiguous and revealed the atmosphere of sex trading everywhere. Would Yan Chu from that place indeed be as simple as the image he showed?

Yan Chu’s Weibo quickly got captured. Qu Jianglin’s fans were very frustrated these days. Who made Yan Chu play Third Master Chen too well? Anyone with a discerning eye could see that his acting skill was much better than Qu Jianglin. By praising He An’s good vision, they belittled Qu Jianglin, the best supporting actor of Ten Thousand Flower.

His fans got rebuked for not looking at the truth and talking nonsense. They could not refute it. Now, Yan Chu was exposed. His fans soon made a comeback and criticized Yan Chu for relying on the woman. That role initially should have been played by Qu Jianglin. If he had been allowed to play, he would have been better than Yan Chu.

Yan Chu’s fans want to refute, but the photos were real. There was no trace of PS. It was indisputable. Everyone could only wait for the two protagonists of the scandal to speak up.

At this juncture, Tianqi held a press conference. The two protagonists of the scandal, Zhong Li and Yan Chu, would also attend. All the media moved when they heard the news. Even the reporters and newspapers who had not received an invitation tried their best to get in.

“Yan Chu, are these photos real?”

The reporter asked, holding up a few photos of him secretly taken when he was still in The Blue.

“It’s true.”

Yan Chu’s frank admission made all the reporters’ blood boil. They stared at him hard and wanted to dig some flesh and blood from him.

“My father had uremia and needed a kidney transplant. At that time, I was still a third-year student, and the only presentable thing I had was my good voice. So I chose to sing in the saloon. For me, this money was faster than part-time work. Singing well, got more rewards. I could have 1,000-2,000 in one night. At that time, it was almost the source of our family’s expenses.”

When Song Fei was packing Yan Chu, he wanted to disclose his father’s illness, which would sell miserably very well. But at that time, Yan Chu felt that it was not the time to expose it. He would consume the audience’s sympathy too early, and there was no tragedy to sell when he truly needed it.

After listening to his answer, the reporters were stunned. They patronized Yan Chu and forgot to inquire about his family.

Since Yan Chu dared to say so, it meant that it was all true. Otherwise, such a big thing could not be fake.

“When President Zhong came to the saloon. She appreciated my voice and wanted to sign me into Tianqi. At that time, my father’s kidney transplant operation couldn’t be delayed. I urgently needed one million Yuan. I thought President Zhong would refuse, and unexpectedly, she immediately gave me money after learning about my family situation and regarded it as my salary in advance. Because of this money, my father successfully completed the operation. For this, I have always been very grateful to her.”

The reporters underneath looked at each other. They clearly said that it was the scandal of the wealthy female tycoon raising a small wolfdog. How could it suddenly become an inspirational sociological news report for a kind-hearted female entrepreneur to help a student in need? This person on the stage did not follow the script.

“How can you prove that what you say is true?”

A reporter asked.

Yan Chu glanced at him and directly took out a long printed remittance slip, which also clearly appeared on the projection screen of the press conference.

The above showed all the money transactions between the two bank accounts. According to this bill, it was clear that Yan Chu received one million on a particular day and then returned it with many small funds in the next few months. Until the last 400,000 was remitted three months ago, which added up to exactly one million.

Yan Chu could not have known that this matter would be exposed today, so his repayment at a very early time proved to be reliable.

“Part of this money is my salary, and the other part is my income from stock trading. For a detailed certificate of each income, any reporter who wants it can receive it from my manager Song Fei. I can guarantee that every certificate will be indeed reliable, and I dare to bear legal responsibility for it.”

Yan Chu’s words were resounding, and the reporters were even more confused. After the kind-hearted female entrepreneur, there was another template for an inspirational youth to show gratitude and tried to report. He did not give entertainment media a way to live.

“You can participate in the movie directed by Director He, is it because of President Zhong? How do you explain your relationship with President Zhong?”

The reporters clung to it.

“The previous evidence is only to explain that the relationship between Zhong Li and me is not a physical and financial transaction, but we are really in a relationship.”

The flash flashed up, and the reporter who had just been sullen was suddenly psych up. This news was big stuff, big stuff.

“Yan Chu and I are both adults and can be responsible for our emotional life.”

These words were Zhong Li’s first sentence at the press conference: “In fact, even if there is no so-called disclosure, you can soon know the news of us being together.”

The two of them took their hands under the table and clasped their fingers together. Everyone present could visibly see the engagement rings on their hands.

“We will be married in two months. We are both serious about this relationship.”

After receiving the news of Yan Chu’s accident, Zhong Li completely understood her mind. Yan Chu was significant to her. She seemed unable to bear the pain of losing him. In that case, she firmly locked him by her side.

The engagement rings were worn, and the date had been set for the wedding. This act was definitely not playing around. The reporters were going crazy. This material was too big, and they had to digest it well.

At the end of the press conference on the same day, the on-site interview was put online. The original criticism and abuse finally had different voices.

【I think President Zhong is so domineering. In reality, Yan Chu has hinted at a long time whose he likes, but at that time, everyone thought about Chu Yinmeng and ignored the more powerful President Zhong】

【I’m even more surprised by Yan Chu’s family. I’ve never heard him mention his father’s illness before. I thought he had a smooth and happy life since he was a child. Compared to those artists who like to sell sob stories, Yan Chu only shared his joy with his fans and hid all his sorrows. He was not ashamed to go to the bar to sing and earn money, and he returned the one million he borrowed from President Zhong after he got money from filming. At that time, they were already a couple. Honestly, Yan Chu’s behavior is already a perfect score in my heart, and I will continue to be his fan in the future. 】

The strength behind the Blue could not be underestimated. It was only an accident when it got dug up by the weekly magazine. But after the Yan Chu turmoil, no one mentioned what kind of bar the Blue was. The nature of the few photos of Yan Chu already got defined as a resident singing in a bar. In this way, the acceptance of the masses was high. It was not embarrassing to sing in a bar, and it was even less embarrassing to go to a bar to sing to cure his father.

Most importantly, Zhong Li was about to marry Yan Chu, which showed that they were serious. With Zhong Li’s status, there was no need to sacrifice her marriage at all if it was indeed just a physical and financial transaction. Except for a few netizens who still believed that Yan Chu was after Zhong Li’s money, most of them still sent their blessings, and their lives had returned to the calm of the past.

After that, another sensation happened in the entertainment circle. Qu Jianglin got beaten in a sack. The beater ran too fast. There was no surveillance video at that time, so it was impossible to catch the perpetrator.

His face was the most seriously injured. His forehead and cheekbones that just filled got hit with several holes, and the prosthesis of his nose and chin were crooked. At that time, his distorted face, like an alien, was photographed by onlookers. Those photos quickly spread on the Internet. When Qu Jianglin’s PR was intercepting it, the whole network knew about his cosmetic surgery.

At first, he refused to admit it, but now the evidence was conclusive. It was impossible to refute it.

For this reason, he lost most of his fans, and many people expressed disappointment in him. Not only that, because his face was severely injured, even the best plastic surgeon could not restore his face to its previous appearance. The rich woman who kept him got tired of him. He lost his face and reputation, so he could not stay any longer in the entertainment industry.

Qu Jianglin chose to leave the circle. No one knew where he went in the end.

As for Su Can, his prison life was even more exciting. Zhong Li had prepared many “friends” for him, enough to make him no longer alone in his life every day.

She found out the other party’s purpose of returning to China this time, and his attack on Yan Chu completely touched Zhong Li’s inverse scales.

His sentence was fifteen years. As for after this spectacular prison life, perhaps there would be an accidental end to his life, and Zhong Li was right.

Zhong Li felt her head very heavy, but her consciousness was clear. She looked at the strange and familiar place around her, a little at a loss.

“President Zhong, the young master made an appointment for your dinner today, and the young master made an appointment for your lunch the day after tomorrow.”

She watched a woman who looked exactly like her in the room. Behind her was her secretary Jiang Xin. But neither of them seemed to see her. Jiang Xin even passed through her.

She tried to shout a few times, but no one heard her.

For the first time, Zhong Li thought of Yan Chu. She wanted to find him.

Floating around, she went to many places, from the big flat-floor apartment where they lived in the beginning to the old house of the Zhong family where they lived after having children, but there was no shadow of Yan Chu anywhere.

Finally, Zhong Li could not believe it and found Yan Chu’s tombstone in the cemetery based on the conversations of others. The boy in the photo had a young face and gradually overlapped with her husband, who was nearly 50 but still beautiful in Zhong Li’s mind.

In her world, they had spent 27 years in the negative view of many people.

Yan Chu loved her very much and, as he said, focused on the family. He only took one film a year. As a man of the boss, Yan Chu had the right to be capricious. But because of his superb acting skills, every film he made was applauded and acclaimed. It took only two or three years to establish his position as a powerful faction.

At that time, he wanted fame and status. He did not lack wealth, nor did he lack the young and beautiful girls who adhered to him wholeheartedly. However, in his eyes, there was still only Zhong Li. No, later, there was another little woman, their little princess.

He studied cooking and floriculture. After their child was born, he started school to learn how to be a good father. There was no scandal. After filming, he directly returned to his family. On the contrary, she was a mother who was often too busy because of the company and made a lot less contribution to her family and child except money.

In these 27 years, they were loyal to their marriage and loved each other deeply, but Yan Chu in this world died early. Why?

She stayed beside herself in this world and finally found out what happened from some conversations.

In this world, she was unmarried for life, and the two children at her knees were obtained from artificial insemination abroad when she was 35 years old.

There had been two men around her in this world. One died in a car accident, and the other designed the car accident and was sent to prison by herself.

Unlike her, she was calmer and colder in this world. In this world, someone named Yan Chu appeared. But he did not bring her laughter and warmth like another world’s him. A man, who represented the youthful and fond memories of that time, had not deceived her in another world and naturally had not deceived herself in this world.

Zhong Li looked at the unsmiling self sitting in the office. She was glad that they were different.

That Zhong Li seemed to feel something. She raised her head and looked at each other with cold eyes. Zhong Li suddenly woke up from this dream.

“Have a nightmare?”

Yan Chu was still sleepy. As usual, he raised his arms to hold her tighter, hugged her to his broad chest, raised his hands, and gently touched her back, just like coaxing a little girl.

“It’s a nightmare.”

Zhong Li softly whispered, leaning closer to Yan Chu’s arms.

Fortunately, because of him, the nightmare was over.

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