I, a Demon Slayer Girl, is Invincible!

Chapter 26

Chapter 26:

A big mouthful of blood spurted out.

“The internal organs are already broken, and the bones of the whole body are almost broken…”

Looking inside, he instantly understood how serious his injury was.

If it wasn’t for the special exercises that Cao Honghua practiced, he would have died long ago.

He also has a clear understanding in his heart, even in the outside world, it is difficult for him to fight against the innate peak Shang Luoyun.

What’s more, in the environment that suppresses Taoism, such as Bizarre Realm?

“Why, why, it’s like this again!”

There was pain in his eyes, and a dusty memory flooded into his heart.

Deep mountains and valleys, empty and quiet.

A Taoist temple stands in the valley.

“Senior sister, is this the Youquanmen?”

“Well, Junior Brother Cao, you will live here in the future.”

The senior sister in the black robe smiled softly.

Since then, Cao Honghua has lived in the Taoist temple. There are more than a dozen children about his age in the Taoist temple. There are brothers and sisters who teach them to read and practice Taoism.

The life in the Taoist temple was very hard. After the collapse of Youquanmen, it was a matter of risking life to get supplies.

Therefore, these people cultivated some fields in the valley, and the men tilled and the women weaved. Cao Honghua and these children can’t do farm work, so they do some cleaning work and help weave baskets and straw sandals.

This life went on for several years.


is destruction!

Under the darkness of the night, the burnt down Taoist temple, the brothers and sisters who used to know each other fell to the ground, blood in a river.

Several elderly generals are burning their lives, pinning down the innate talent of Jing Yaosi.

The disciples of Youquanmen are running away.

Cao Honghua followed the senior sister who had rescued him.

They shuttled through the dark forest, and from time to time they heard human voices and dogs barking behind them.

It was Yasuyoji’s ride.

“Quick, quicker!” Senior Sister shouted anxiously.


Suddenly, a purple light fell from the tree.

“Haha, I really caught a few fish that slipped through the net.”

Shang Luoyun, who had not yet become an innate at that time, watched the panicked few people.

“She is alone, kill her!” Senior Sister’s eyes flashed and she said ruthlessly.

“Oh? Is that so?” Shang Luoyun sneered at the corner of his mouth, clapped his hands, and a dozen torches were raised around him, all of which were rangers.

The entire group of Youquanmen was pale.


“Quick… escape!” The senior sister in the black robe said struggling.

Later, Shang Luoyun stabbed him through the heart with a knife, and then stirred again.

Blood splattered.

Shang Luoyun also suffered a few injuries, but she was full of interest.

“Remember, the person who killed you is Shang Luoyun.”

The light in the sister’s eyes gradually disappeared.

Cao Honghua went mad, and fear and hatred dominated his mind.


“Why?! Why kill us?!”

Shang Luoyun glanced at him, dodged and grabbed his neck.

He said coldly, “For the millions of people in Pingzhou who were killed by the scourge of Youquanmen!”

A punch of inner zhenqi pierced through his heart, directly shattering his heart.

Suddenly, Shang Luoyun’s face changed, “This breath… get out! It’s the star palace.”

Cao Honghua’s consciousness fell into darkness. Thanks to his years of practice, there is still a faint vitality left.

It’s just that this fire of life is like a wooden sliver with sparks, and it will be extinguished in the next moment.

Suddenly, he heard an old voice.

“Is there only two left?”

“And this…the body is completely destroyed, and it won’t last long.”

“Forget it, let’s see how you make it.”

He felt a warm force pouring into his body and barely stabilized his riddled body, followed by another exercise.

【Netherworld Blood Records】

“I want to… live! Down! Go!”

His amazing talent was revealed, and he instinctively began to practice this exercise.

In a dimly lit cave, a little girl was looking at the pitch-black jar in front of her. She was pouring a bottle of bright red nutrient solution into the jar.

Beside the jar, there is a small piece of flesh with eyes and a few tentacles.

Swish! The eyes of the flesh and blood opened, and the little girl jumped up in surprise.

“Master, Senior Brother is alive!”

‘What’s wrong with me? ‘ Cao Honghua was confused.

An old man in gray robe walked into the cave.

“Yanlan, you did a good job.” He rubbed Jiang Yanlan’s head.

Cao Honghua exerted force on his tentacles, raised his eyes a little, and looked at the old man.

The old man sighed, “Live, for those who died, even so, live.”

‘Live and take revenge! ’

“But, it can’t be done…”

Cao Honghua, who was blasted into the ground, looked painfully at Shang Luoyun who was fighting with the flesh-and-blood demon not far away.

After Cao Honghua was abolished, Shang Luoyun almost fought against the flesh-and-blood demon.

Knife after knife! Containing endless murderous intent, the wound of the flesh-and-blood demon had no sign of healing.

Shang Luoyun’s sword has the power of will, restraining the super-fast regeneration of the demon.

In just ten strokes, the flesh-and-blood demon was driven to a corner.


There was a loud noise in the strange environment, stirring up smoke and dust.

It was the flesh-and-blood demon who blew himself up.

‘Is she dead? ‘ Cao Honghua thought nervously.

The smoke dissipated, revealing Shang Luoyun’s figure, looking a little embarrassed.

“Cough cough… It’s just two ants, you still want to fight with me?!”

Shang Luoyun’s tone was a little weak, but he was still proud.

He ate a bite and blew himself up on the front, but he was accidentally injured.

‘It’s over. ‘ Cao Honghua’s heart felt like a fire.

“It’s just that I’m not reconciled…”

why! I can only watch every time tragedy comes? !

why! The enemy who killed Senior Sister is standing in front of you but can’t do anything? !

for! Varied! What!

At this moment, a cold and indifferent voice sounded in his heart.

“So, are you willing to give everything in exchange for strength?”

Part 32 Chapter 32

“I do!”

Cao Honghua replied without hesitation.

“My everything! Take it all!”

“I only need strength!”

“Then, as you… wish.”

The cold voice said.

Shang Luoyun held the knife and walked to Cao Honghua on the ground step by step. Although the wound had regenerated, she could clearly feel that her breath had slipped a bit.

Two innate beings who are not weaker are fighting for their lives, and she is also slightly injured.

“However, in the end, I won.”

Gu Qingan yawned boredly.

“Senior sister is still stable, this is not the same as beating a baby.”

Suddenly, Gu Qing’an’s face changed, and in her system radar map, a dazzling red dot, as bright as blood, suddenly appeared where Cao Honghua was.

“Sister Shang, be careful!”

Suddenly, Shang Luoyun stopped abruptly, feeling Cao Honghua’s breath, and a look of shock appeared on his face.


Wind blows! Cloudy!

Thunder on the ground!

A large amount of strange magic energy poured into Cao Honghua’s body.

Even, due to the disappearance of a large amount of magical energy, this strange situation began to collapse.

The grayish-white color in Bizarre gradually faded away, revealing part of the real world.

When the flesh-and-blood demon exploded before, the flesh and blood splashed all over the ground flowed to the pit where Cao Honghua was located at a very fast speed.

Crack clap.

Distorted, twisted, grid-like tentacles grow recklessly, and amber pupils and sucker-shaped ferocious mouthparts grow on a mass of ten-meter-high squirming flesh.


Cao Honghua murmured unconsciously.

With all of his power and most of the power in this strange realm, a terrifying monster has been created.

“This is… a demon, an egg of chaos?!”

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