Hyperion Evergrowing: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

Chapter 124: Twin Heart

The Twin Heart compound stood alone, a single building and its surrounding courtyards and facilities taking up an entire city block. A low wall with a peaked roof outlined the compound's exterior, many passersby resting under the shade it provides. Groups of armed and armoured men and women came and went, their destination a monster hunt or some other guild activity.

Banners flew proudly on the sea breeze, twin circles of dark crimson separated by a swirling pattern of black and white. The massive wooden doors marking the entrance of the Twin Heart headquarters stood open and inviting, but a large gathering of nervous looking younger men and women, several still in their late teens, stood off to the side as if waiting for permission to enter.

“Look at the cute newbies.” Nayet said, waving to a nearby group of teens who awkwardly waved back.

“That was us not too long ago.” Tollumi said with a smirk. “I don’t think we ever looked that nervous though.”

“Are they members of the guild?” Leif asked, stepping up and assessing the gathering of stressed and excited humans. He mentally nodded at the few who stood attentive and calm, silently marking them for likely success among their more rowdy peers.

“Not yet, they’ll need to pass a series of tests before the guild will accept them as initiates.”

“Then they’ll be attached to a mentor group for a few months before they earn their tin rank.” Nayet finished for him.

“Is that something you’ll do? Be a mentor for a bunch of kids?”

“Not until we’re bronze rank.” She said with a shake of her head. “Actually, it might happen if for some reason the guild is recruiting more than normal and they need all hands on deck, we are basically there already.”

They marched through the entrance, leaving the waiting hopefuls behind. A paved path led up to a large wooden building, the way was marked by well trimmed trees that stood stiffly even with the wind buffeting them. Overhead clouds swirled in chaotic patterns, a symptom of turbulence rather than anything to do with the guild or city.

A large man with a receding hairline and bulging muscles stepped out of the building, laughing over his shoulder at something Leif hadn’t overheard. The man turned, and his eyes lit up with recognition. “Welcome back! Nayet, Tollumi! If it isn’t my favourite pair of lovebirds, glad to see you alive and well!”

“The remnants of the monster wave were no problem, not after the undead took a bite out of them and they mostly broke against the cordon.” Tollumi said, tensing as the newcomer pulled him into a bone breaking hug.

“Jay!” Nayet cried, joining her husband in the embrace, though tactically placing herself on the outside of the crush. “What happened to your hair? Is it a casualty of battle?”

The man, Jay, snorted. “Fuckin hardly lass. The alchemists ran out of ointment, and with all the new blood in the city stock has been abysmally low.”

“Aww, that sucks. You should really shave it all off though, it looks terrible.”

Jay reeled back as if struck. “Young lady, take back that grave insult at once, I will not have my honour tarnished! Ah, but who’s this? I don’t recognise their face. Not that I can see it, but I respect the fashion choice of wearing a mask.”

“A friend we met just out of town, we almost died facing an evolved Merfey that landed in a quarry. Jay meet Leif, Leif meet Jay. This big, balding man is an iron rank member of the prestigious Twin Heart guild.”

“I’m making the push for silver, I’ll be there this time next year, mark my words.” Nayet whistled approvingly while Tollumi looked sceptical. “Anyway, I’m part of the team battles this afternoon in the big arena everyone seems to love, but it’s been great seeing you both!”

“Make sure you win.” Nayet said, waving the man off.

“Hells yes I’ll win, nobody beats Jay the Mighty!” He said, jogging off with a wave and a laugh.

“A friend?” Leif asked, watching the man as he exited the compound.

“Definitely, he’s scary strong too. He has some sort of metal based class though he’s never shared the details.” Tollumi said.

“People don’t wear metal armour when they fight him, because if they do he crushes them inside it.” Nayet added as they stepped up into the nearby building.

Inside both adventurers were greeted by another five people, each mixing their welcome with good natured banter. Unlike the Pricelance guild building that had once been in Klos, this structure wasn’t multipurpose, or at least Leif didn’t think it was anything other than a reception office. A board with detailed listing of jobs and bounties lined the far wall, but with all the people standing between him and it Leif couldn’t make out much details.

A series of booths lined another side of the large room, and Nayet and Tollumi both approached the closest unoccupied one to mark their return and receive any due rewards. Leif let them go, standing back and off to the side. He wasn’t sure how he felt about being in the guild building. He needed to come here, he wasn’t sure how else he could return the academy token, but being surrounded by powerful humans who were specifically trained in monster hunting put him slightly on edge.

If my identity is revealed here, will I be able to diffuse the situation before I’m attacked? What would the consequences be if I’m discovered? A trio of women walked past, a vibrant red snake that had wrapped itself around the neck of the closest adventurer glared towards him as if suspicious, its tongue flickering in and out as if trying to taste him. But the humans paid him no heed other than a curious glance, more interested in whatever task they had entered the building to complete than investigating the masked stranger. The scion relaxed slightly, the slowly building tension leaving his body as he exhaled slowly.

“You lost, stranger?” Came a gravelly voice from off to the side. “Applicants need to wait outside the compound.”

Leif turned to see a man with slick black hair and twin sabres at his sides. He looked young at a first glance, but the way he carried himself alluded to a degree of confidence Leif suspected came from being comfortable with the power he wielded. He took this all in with a glance, all the while going through the ways he could respond. Was this adventurer looking for a fight? Were they genuinely concerned he had skipped the line and broken into the guild without invitation.

“I saw the potential recruits on my way inside, but thank you for your concern.” Leif said, slightly inclining his head but making no further moves.

The man raised an eyebrow. “Then may I inquire as to your reasoning for being within the Twin Heart headquarters? For security reasons, I’m sure you understand.” He said, in no way adjusting his posture, but emitting a faint whisper of danger nonetheless.

Leif knew he could answer vaguely, but decided against it. There was a time and place to play the mysterious masked stranger, and that wasn’t now. “I’m here to return something that was lent to me. I had intended to request an invitation, but I was guided inside by two of your guild’s members whom I met on the way into the city.” He said, motioning towards where Nayet and Tollumi were engaged with some sort of clerk, oblivious to his own predicament.

“An appointment?” The man asked flatly. “With who, and for what reason?”

“With Darius, because I have his academy token.”


“I trust that’s a valid reason?”

“It… is. I apologise, one can never be too careful with current events.” He said, something invisible shifting in the air around him. A pair of passing adventurers stumbled mid step, as if they hadn’t noticed the man up until that very moment. “I am Lars, guild enforcer, what was your name again?”

“Leif, it’s a pleasure.”

“Leif… Leif… that name… Ah,” He said, snapping his fingers. “I do recall a Leif being mentioned after the incident with the Academy expedition. I will admit my… surprise to seeing you here. Regardless, follow me, I will take you to Darius, he is not an easy man to find when he doesn’t want to be seen.”

With that Lars turned on his heels and began to make his way towards a closed door near the back of the room. The man made a subtle gesture, and Nayet and Tollumi jumped in place as if receiving an electric shock. Nayet turned and made a silent ‘O’ before giving him a little wave and a nod of what might have been encouragement.

Somewhat hesitant, Leif followed the guild enforcer, the man seeming to slide in between roaming groups of adventurers as if somehow unseen by the majority of the room’s occupants. That man is dangerous. Leif thought, hardening his aura and tightening his focus. If this was some sort of trap, then he would be ready.

The door opened without any apparent contact as Lars approached, and clicked shut behind Leif as the Scion stepped through the threshold. Functionaries darted in and out of side rooms as they made their way deeper inside the building, but none paid him or the guild enforcer any mind.

“That’s an interesting skill.” Leif said as he followed behind the man. “I confess that I have no idea how it works.”

“Good.” Lars said, then continued without missing a step. “It’s an application of my aura skill, and if someone knows how it works it becomes far less effective. You’ll have to forgive me if I don’t explain further.”

Did he open the door with his aura? Leif wondered, letting his own aura spread slightly so his perception could partially leak into the rooms they were passing. To his surprise, there was more than a little resistance to the walls, as if the building was made of both physical and spiritual barriers. They ascended a flight of stairs, then crossed over a bridge that seamlessly connected the office to an adjacent structure.

Eventually they arrived at a heavyset double door, the dark wood was engraved with gold, the pattern was the guild’s symbol, with the door’s seam breaking it down the middle.

“He’s in here?” Leif asked, wondering if the young man he had met during the Academy expedition was influential enough for this to be his room or place of work. Though I guess he is the guild leader’s son, maybe this level of opulence is completely normal?

“Yes.” Lars said simply, stepping to the side as if to present the doors for inspection. “My uncle knew we were coming, but my cousin is unaware.”

Cousin? Uncle? Lars is related to Darius and the guild leader? He wondered, stepping up to the door.

“It’s polite to knock.” Lars said with a faint smirk when Leif didn’t move for several seconds, then the man turned and marched down the hallway.

So Leif did so, rapping his ivory knuckles against the door. A moment later a voice called for him to: "Enter"

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