Hyper Luck

Chapter 49: Prince of Rebellion (2)

The clouds roamed all over the sky filling itself up, and the rain was pouring down without hesitation.

A heavy rainstorm and the wind blowing from the depths of the clouds from the magical continent ‘Olu' located in the north caused colorful lightning strikes.

Under the lightning cloud, through the grass shaking their heads like crazy, numerous players were carefully roaming around in a balanced formation.

"God, these lightning strikes are hurting my eyes!”


As soon as a player complained about the rainstorm clouds causing the colorful lightning strikes, he was scolded by others from left and right.

"This was a quest given to every single player, so the rewards must be amazing, right?”

Nevertheless, some of them still murmured believing that the intense thunder and the sound of water droplets falling from the dark sky would cover their noises.

"Our raid party’s probably the fastest right now.”

"Hopefully, we can get this over with quickly and get our rewards.”

Everyone in the group had bold and confident expressions on their faces. All of them In rain-soaked robes and armor, with a bloody sword, with a staff, and with a mace.

Every single one of them had a symbol embroidered with roses and a sword on their shoulders, and this symbol was,

"Alright. It’s just as the people from the Information Guild told us. We’re going to be facing them very soon, so be ready.”

The mark of the guild this man talking right now had established, with his square jaw, sharp cheekbones, and light brown eyes like the bark of a tree.

It was raining heavily, and all of his handsome mohawk hairstyle had fallen down, covering a huge part of his face. However, that wasn’t quite enough to cover his handsome and thick lined face.

"Guildmaster, we’ve arrived at the point.”

A female player standing beside him whispered to him in a hurry.

"Good, tell everyone to use their crystal ball.”

At the Guildmaster’s words, many players within the formations on either side of him hidden in the reed field pulled out a crystal ball. The Guildmaster started whispering into the crystal ball.

"We, the Guild of ‘Rose Holic’ will be the first one to complete the ‘Prince of Rebellion’ quest. Everyone, be ready to get your rewards!”

There was a murmuring sound from all over the place. It was a medium-sized guild named <Rose Holic> led by a user with the nickname ‘Guardman'.

The Guildmaster, ‘Guardman’, was a strong player that was in the top 30 of the rankings approved by the Information Guild.

And under his charismatic lead, there was currently a formation that consisted of 240 guild members of Rose Holic right on this field, ready and waiting for his order.

Guardman too was an owner of a rare class, much like Mose. The class specialized in tanking named the ‘Scale Defender’ was given the ability to specialize in scrimmage rather than individual battles, and it had an explosive synergy with high-level <Rose Holic> guild members, whose average level was close to 55.

The fact that the <Rose Holic> guild had countless victories in wars against other guilds, under Guardman’s charismatic lead was the factor that made everyone gathered here so confident.

This guild, <Rose Holic> was not an enterprise type of a guild, but a guild purely made out of players.

And they were the first ones to enter and jump right into this gigantic event.

After the ravenous sound of rain and occasional lightning strikes from the sky, the white-haired woman at the forefront of the formation on the left grabbed the bow she was wearing on her back and frowned her golden eyes.

"They’re coming…! Everyone, in your position!”

And as soon as she finished speaking,


A shriek echoed from the clouds. The flash of lightning was so strong that the previous lightning strikes paled in comparison, the surroundings became brighter in an instant,

Because of the intense flash of the lightning much like a flash from a camera, the members of the <Rose Holic> guild were able to confirm the existence on the other side for a slight second.

The number was not very large. About 40 to 50, there was no way to know how armed they were. However, since they were all riding on horses, about five guild members would have to fight together per soldier.

Everything was already calculated in the Guardman's head. Soon he put the muddy helmet he had left on the floor on his head without hesitation.

He completely lowered the face shield hanging in front of the helmet to cover his face, and then stood up.

"Let’s go! Let’s wipe ’em out!”

Guardman's roaring voice that overwhelmed the hundreds or thousands of raindrops crashing to the ground, echoed through the ground.

And a moment later,



The guild members who stood to the left and right of the Guardman shouted excitedly and stood up in unison.

"Tanks to the front! Melee DPS stand right behind them! Disperse them by pulling and spreading the aggro!”

They moved busily like very well-trained soldiers.

"Alright, let’s get it, y’all!”

A charge command erupted from the Guardman's mouth, who turned boiling blood into the fighting spirit for the upcoming battle, and at that moment.

[ Guardsman used ‘Shield Force’. All party members equipped with a shield within 200m distance will gain 80% increased defense. ]

A phrase worded with blue-colored font passed through Guardman’s sight.

And behold, thus the ‘Wailing Wall’ and the ‘absolute defense’ of <Rose Holic> was completed and brought to the battlefield.

After that, dozens of bowstrings were pulled simultaneously under the guidance of a white-haired woman.

"Here they come!”

As soon as the sound was over, the sound of heavy stomps of horses resounded from far away.

D- D- D- D-

At first, it struck the ears of the <Rose Holic> guild members with its sound, but shortly after, it made their bodies tremble with a strong rumble from the earth.

"Try us, sons of bitches!”

"C’mon! C’mon!”

"They won’t just charge at this shield! They will split into two and attack our backline! That’s the moment when our melee DPS’s burst out to disperse them!”

"Ah, Hyung! You’ve said that so many times now!”

"Does our Guildmaster not trust us?”

There were players intoxicated with excitement, players who plan til the end and draw pictures of the progress of the battle, players who take it lightly as if nothing special, and players who are still light-hearted.

The <Rose Holic> guild members were ready to face the rushing cavalry.

Contrary to the Guardman's expectation that the cavalry would spread into two to avoid the wall of shields, they charged straight ahead.

Guardman, who saw such a situation, smiled softly.

"Idiots, if you charge at us like that then you’re done for…”

However, Guardman's expression soon became distorted like a dried fish.

A cavalry of 50 men and a man leading the charge wearing pitch-black chestplate ran out from the front. The moment Guardman realized what was written on the top of the man on the lead’s head,


Quietly whispered despair to himself.

<Lv. 144 Lidornn>

With the words burning with red flames, the Prince of Rebellion Lidornn led 50 cavalries and rushed towards the wall of shields.

The sharp charge of the cavalry completely shattered the shield wall.


"Ah… Aaaargh!"

The scream of the player who was sent flying by the strong warhorses marked the beginning of that massacre.


The screaming of players who were pierced by the spears in the chest, without being able to pick up the shield that had collapsed in an instant echoed through the battlefield.

"Get back to your position! Tanks, get your shields and get to the backline!”

Guardman hurriedly tried to repair the collapsed wall of shields and retrieve the guild members who were still alive. However, Lidornn had already slashed dozens of archers and healers in the backline after quickly penetrating through the wall of shields.

"What the fuck is this!?"

As soon as one lost guild member with a completely defeated mind left his position, a black shadow fast as the wind passed right by him.

The player's head swung through the air for a couple of seconds until it reached the ground. His body evaporated after a flash of light.

The cavalry that quickly penetrated the <Rose Holic> Guild’s formation turned its nose to face the guild once more. Guardman grabbed the guild members as he desperately tried to build the wall of shields one more time.

"Endure as long as you can!”

"Those bastards, how dare they do this to Berre!”

"It hurts! I’m injured! It hurts so damn much! I need healing!”

"Potion! Where are my potions!”

Guardman chewed on his lips as the mind numbing chaos devoured the battlefield.

The difficulty of the S-class quest was beyond anyone’s imagination.

Even the level of a regular soldier was at least 80!

Based on the battlefield experience he had accumulated so far, Guardman instantly reached the conclusion that this quest was impossible to clear in the first place. He had made the realistic and logical decision to bring this information to the Information Guild in order to form a much bigger raid party.

"We have to retreat.”

Guardman’s calm voice echoed through the battlefield. The chaos had settled down a bit, and the guild members started to prepare to retreat in a hurry.

"Some of you may die, I am so sorry.”

"It’s not your fault, man! Like damn! Who could’ve thought it’d be this difficult!?”

"I’ll be the last one to leave, go!”

"What are you saying! Let the lower level members retreat first as we hold on as long as we can!”

Everyone was ready to retreat, and as they were about to move in formation, a rider in a black breastplate stopped to stand in front of them.


It was the Prince of Rebellion. His blue eyes gleamed in the helmet shaped in the beak of the black griffin.

He stayed silent and blinked his eyes twice, then he raised his right fist to the sky and said,


And as soon as he finished speaking that one word,

Guardman saw the change in the quest window that appeared on the right side of his field of vision and clenched his teeth so hard that his gums started to bleed.

[ Large scale Co-op Quest ]

[ Prince of Rebellion ]

Difficulty: S

Defeat the Lidornn the Prince of Rebellion and the Black Griffins Cavalry led by him.

Lidornn: 0 / 1

Black Griffins Cavalry: 0 / 2870

And a moment later,

Lights began to appear one by one around the <Rose Holic> guild members.

And soon, hundreds of lights surrounded the guild members from all directions. And with the sound of hoofs trembling through the earth and heaven, the <Rose Holic> guild members including the Guardman were swallowed up in darkness.


I woke up from my sleep and took a look around my surroundings. I woke up to the sound of raindrops knocking on the window and thought I was still logged in the game for a moment.

However, I was in my small rented room when I took a look around, only then I realized that it was also raining in real life.

I let out an empty chuckle as I was surprised at the fact that I would be confused in such an absurd part of life that I did not expect.

I couldn’t get Khea’s face out of my mind since yesterday. The charming bright emerald-colored iris and her sharp eyes that droop or rise depending on her emotions lingered in my head like an afterimage.

She and I had dinner inside the SkyLord, laughing and chatting all night long. Most of them were stories of intense training back in the Sanctuary.

After talking for a while, she decided to stay in one of the cabins inside the SkyLord ship as I suggested.

I had to hurry up and prepare to connect. Nevertheless, this time, I made breakfast with sincerity. I had many thoughts. Now that I have earned a lot of money. Let’s not make it look like I’m living a life of poverty.

What I had to do was find some margin in <Circuit>, and when I achieve that goal, I will leave this room.

I grilled ham, fried eggs, and even cooked kimchi soup, and turned on the circuit channel on my phone. The moment I took a spoonful of rice and put it in my mouth,

I heard something amazing from the channel.

– Yes, as you can see right now, Toika temple and the Mejis temple under it are completely burnt down leaving only black smoke behind. Both temples are the location where the players are revived when they lose their lives after 7 days. After the temples are destroyed, many players are suffering through various debuffs that did not exist before this incident.

– Could you tell us in detail what the debuffs do?

– Firstly, players who died near the ruined temples have an increased penalty of 21 days of revival time from 7 days. We will give more detailed information as soon as we receive updated information.

– Thank you, Reporter Kim MiJu. Next up, is the super large-scale event held in <Circuit>. We bring you the latest news about the Prince of Rebellion.

We have received updated news about the <Rose Holic> guild. They were the ones to head off first for this event and were completely annihilated.

Right after the battle, Prince Lidornn led his cavalry and attacked Toika and the Mejis temples.

The anchorperson paused for a moment and adjusted her posture.

– The spark that started due to the ignorant actions of a very small number of users, so-called troll players, has become a wide-spreading wildfire. Each of the large guilds expressed their intention to solve the event in solidarity with each other. There is a lot of anticipation and concern at the same time as to how it will end. With this, we will end today's news.

As the anchorperson wrapped the news session up, I shoved my food down my throat. And as soon as I finished my meal, I got up from my seat and headed towards the connector in a hurry.

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