Chapter 173: FAMILY ISSUES CH. 01 By allthatisfuta
Diana found her future husband on a humid July afternoon. She was looking for him for years. At least that's what she told everyone including herself. She opened several profiles in several dating sites and had been to several "Finding Mr. Right," seminars. More as a novelty. It's not like Diana had any problem picking up guys. However, sometimes what you search for far and wide, can turn out just under your nose. It was a chance meeting inside the elevator which sealed the deal for her. Her future husband, ironically, lived a couple of floors downstairs.
On the same day that Diana met her future husband, Helen, her big sister, left her office in order to closely monitor the construction of her newest acquisition. A four-story building in the newly developed real-estate hot spot. The city was changing. The old run-down crime infested neighborhoods were dying. Rich people started moving in, buying real-estate opportunities and pushing the old poor tenants out. Helen, even though she was formerly one of these poor tenants, wasn't about to let the party go by her without getting some punch.
"Yo, Cyclop, show us them big titties." The lewd call echoed from the scaffolds and bounced off the soon to be demolished high rises.
"For fuck sake," Helen said. "Is he drunk again?"
Bob, the construction manager, took off his yellow helmet, scratched his balding top, blew air and inflated his cheeks.
"He is drunk," Helen said.
"I'm too embarrassed right now to invent any decent excuse, Boss," Bob put his helmet back on. "I really thought I sorted him out."
"That's what you said the last time," Helen said.
"That's what makes it so embarrassing."
"Princess, I wanna lick that peach of yours," the lewd caller had a heavy Russian accent. He leaned down from the scaffold and kissed the air a couple of times in Helen's direction.
"Shut the fuck up, Ivan," Helen shouted.
"Yo, Cyclop."
"Quiet, Ivan!"
"I've got some quiet for you right here," Ivan grabbed his crotch and wiggled it.
"That's it, I'm giving him the boot, Boss," Bob said. "I don't need that shit."
"Don't!" Helen said.
"Just make sure that he never goes on a scaffold drunk again."
"I've warned him twice already, Boss. The son of a bitch ain't worth the trouble."
Helen wiped sweat and construction dust from her forehead. "He's also got two little girls and he's the sole provider."
"How do you know?"
"I know the family. They live two blocks down from where I grew up," she said.
"No shit, Boss? You're from the projects?"
"East side rules," Helen smiled, "well, what's left of it anyways. I've heard they are going to demolish another two blocks south of the river."
"Yeah, sins of the past. You gotta love progress, Boss."
Helen shrugged.
"So, you grew up on the projects? I was always under the impression that you were an uptown... You know."
Helen woofed and smiled. "An uptown bitch? I grew up on West Englewood."
"Tough neighborhood, and I meant no disrespect. I mean, who would have thought that you were one of us. Must have been hard on a girl like you... I mean... A futanari... I mean... You know what I mean."
Helen nodded. "I had to break a few heads every now and then."
"Cool. So, about Ivan."
"Make sure he cleans up. Fine him if you feel like it, but don't fire him. He's not a bad person when he's sober."
"You're the boss, Boss."
An hour later Helen was trying to relax in her apartment. It was a high summer sticky afternoon. The air was on an Italian strike. It did show up to work but it didn't do anything productive.
Three white doves on the balcony murmured softly, singing sweet promises to a grey female that scanned them with indifferent aloofness. Helen was halfheartedly skimming the Daily's financial section, arguing with herself whether she should take a hot bath or go for a jog first. Discipline vs. self-indulgence.
The male doves started a masculine pecking rumble, in a desperate attempt to impress the female when Diana burst into their apartment and slammed the door behind her. She leaned her back on the door and sank down to the floor. Her tiny chest heaved up and down as if she had just finished a marathon.
After a full minute passed in which Helen didn't lift her head from the paper, Diana became cross. "Aren't you going to ask, Helen?"
"Ask why are you acting like a B-movie melodrama actor? No. Don't care enough to."
"Fuck you, bitch. I'm in love. That's what happened."
"Aren't you a bit curious?"
Helen lifted her head. "Do you want the long answer or the short?"
"The short," Diana said.
"Okay, the long."
"I'm burning up in here and you just don't give a fuck, do you?"
"Do you want the long answer or the short?" Helen returned to the daily. Her little sister was born with a fondness to drama and a zeal for life. She used to come down to dinner in their old house, announcing that she's falling apart and about to starve to death. Diana then would go ahead and attack the meal with the vigor and the manners of a famished lion. Their mother had to restrain her with sanctions, to make her slow down.
"His name is Kevin, and he lives on the third floor."
"Kevin O'Brien?"
Diana's eyes turned into slits. "How the fuck do you know his family name? You've met him?"
"Not in person. Third floor apartment. He's one of my new tenants."
"I know," Diana said. "Funny shit or what?"
"Hilarious," Helen said dryly.
"And I'm gonna marry him."
"Of course."
"He is perfect. So beautiful. Breathtakingly beautiful. He's got purple eyes, and I don't mean dark blue. Purple like... like..."
Helen snorted. "Like Barney the Dinosaur."
"Yeah, laugh. Wait till you see him, Helen. Blonde with spikes, like a backstreet boy. Yummy. Perfect tan. Huge eyes, deep purple. It's the most beautiful thing you've seen in your life. So weird, so beautiful. Tight body. Baby ass. Like it could fit inside my palm. Like a perfect tiny peach. Like a perfect bun for my sausage."
"Like gross."
"You know what you are right now, Sis?"
Helen yawned. "Tired?"
"You're mom. You're being mom."
She'll take a bath, a hot bubbly bath to wash away all the dirt from the construction site and Diana's bullshit from her mind.
"Remember that time in Macy's when I wanted that white unicorn, and mom wouldn't let me have it because she already bought me firecrackers? I cried for hours. I'm having a déjà vu. You make me feel right now just like I felt back then."
"He's not some stuffed imaginary horse with a horn," Helen neatly folded the Daily, and took off her reading glasses. "He lives downstairs."
"You need a GPS to find the elevator?"
"I can't just knock on his door," Diana rolled her eyes.
"Try the doorbell."
"It's that small button near the door. You press it. It goes gling-glong, and someone on the other side answers. Easy peasy."
"What am I going to say?"
"Say, Hi, I'm Diana. You're the white unicorn my cheap Mom didn't want to buy me when I was ten. Let's do the dirty."
"Don't say that. He might be offended."
"Funny as fuck."
"Since when you have issues asking boys out?" Helen needed a bath. No, jogging, and only then a bath. But it's going to be one hell of a long bath. "Look. Just knock. Say you think he's cute. Ask him if he wants to catch a movie. Maybe a nice restaurant."
"He's not into futas."
"How can you tell?"
Diana picked herself off the floor and took off her sweaty T-shirt. She almost ditched it on the floor, but then saw Helen's eyes turn to slits. They promised quick death to slobs who thought dirty laundry finds its way to the laundry basket with the help of magical imps. "I've searched him on Facebook. Guess what, Sarah is on his friends' list." Diana had trouble containing her enthusiasm.
"So, I called Sarah. It turns out Kevin's a free-diving and a scuba diving instructor at the marina. He works for the Siam school. Well, she got her second diving star last week with him as the instructor. Tried to hit on him. He gave her the speech."
"The speech?"
"The, 'I'm flattered and all, but I don't roll that way,' speech. You know. The speech. Well, of course you don't, because you've never asked a guy out, so you've never got rejected for being a futa."
"Well, you haven't," Diana went for what she thought was her aloof face. "Otherwise you wouldn't give retarded condescending advice like, 'find the elevator and tell him you think he's cute.' As if you've ever had the balls to do something so bold yourself."
"Bold, my ass."
"Yeah, then why don't you knock on Kevin's door and show me how it's done?"
"Sugar, my life is men free, and they're perfect the way they are."
Diana's rabbit like tiny nose twitched. "How can you tell?"
"How can you tell that your life is perfect if you have never had anything else to compare them to?"
"I compare them to yours," Helen said.
"Interesting." Diana's closed one eye and scanned her sister from head to toe. "You've compared my rhythm to cuddling every night with a chapter of Game of Thrones, and you came to the awesome conclusion that your life is just perfect?"
"Beats returning every night at four AM, stoned or drunk."
"And you've never wondered if conquering a real warm male body might be better than wanking to Jon Snow?"
Helen blushed because she remembered last evening's masturbation session that included Jamie Lannister's image frozen on the screen. "Gross. I never..."
"What about the butterflies," Diana said. "The chase, the moment you have a juicy guy wiggling in your net?"
"All that drama? Not my jam."
"And the boom boom?" Diana lifted her eyebrows quickly. Twice.
"Boom boom? That's what's fucking called these days? I guess I'm not so much into men."
"Aha. Sure."
Helen felt her face redden again. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing. Anyway. Back to Kevin. Sarah said she'd sell her left nut to have a go at his cute tiny ass."
"That's a massive surprise. Not."
Diana smirked. "I'd sell mine. He even smells like... One sniff and I go crazy. Hell I don't know what it is. Pheromones. I've read about it. Some males... they just smell that way. It's scientific."
"Some would say scientific. Others might say hogwash or bullshit. Potatoes, potatoes." Helen said.
"Smell Kevin once, just once, then tell me there is nothing special about it."
"I will certainly not."
"After I met him I followed him to the park. He went for a jog."
Helen twisted her mouth. "Creepy."
"I told you already. I had to, I'm in love. You're the cool headed cold bitch, I'm the romantic."
"Some would say romantic. Others might say a psychopathic stalker. Potatoes, potatoes."
"He jogs. Through the park. When the guy sweats, he leaves a sweet trail of wow... You should see the futa joggers on 5th avenue. They all have a tent in their pants a minute after he passes by."
"Double gross."
Diana's tongue licked a full circle around her thin lips. "Yeah. Gross. I had stood half an hour outside his doorway just now and sniffed. I got high without acid. This is it. I know I've said it a couple of times before, but this is it. True love."
"I think you should check the dictionary for the meaning of 'a couple of times.'"
"Laugh, sure. I earned it. But you don't get it, Helen. Kevin is not some skanky party animal I've got the hots for in a club when I was high on molly. He's a keeper. Someone to settle down and have puppies with."
It was Helen's turn to smirk. "Settle down? You?"
"If anyone can make this filly slow down, he's the one."
"Amen to that, young horsy." Helen sighed. "Too bad he's not into futanari."
"A minor obstacle."
"When you check 'a couple of times,' use that opportunity to check the word 'minor.'"
"I've got to have him, Helen. He..."
"Yeah, I get it. Kevin smells." Helen twisted her mouth again. It's going to be the mother of all bathes.
"Why am I even talking to you?" Diana lifted her arms in mock despair. "You're not helping."
"You need professional help, lil sis. Seek therapy."
"He's our tenant, no?"
"Once Mrs. Lewinski signs the papers. Two weeks if everything rolls the way it should. Not just him. His apartment and the five other divided apartments on the third floor."
"Who gives a fuck about the other apartments?"
"Me? I've only been working on that deal for a year and a half," Helen squinted her eyes. "And just to make it clear, they are my tenants, not our tenants. Since it's my business, not yours."
"Our business," Diana nodded. "You're responsible for the revenues; I'm the CFO of fun expenses."
"Funny as fuck." Helen smiled with little mirth. "Wanna guess what's gonna be the first thing I'll do as the new landlord?"
"Buy me the Audi Coupe I wanted?"
"I'm going to kick Kevin and his boner enticing aroma out of apartment number ten. Then I'm going to sue his cute little ass, the one you've so meticulously described. The asshole hadn't paid rent in five months."
"No kidding? How come Mrs. Lewinski let him get away with it?"
Helen shrugged. "Maybe she has a soft spot for tiny blonde boys like you do? Dunno. Don't care. It's not like the old girl run a tight business. He's not the only one behind payments. Though he stands out with his five months."
Diana clapped her hands excitedly. "Awesome!"
"Not really. My plan is to renovate and sell. Suing tenants is a complication. Complications suck."
"This is just the leverage I need. Tell Kevin you'll sue his ass unless he starts dating me."
Helen laughed. "Say what?"
"No, I'll tell him. No, it's best if you'll do it. You're better than me at being a bitch."
"I meant it in a good way," Diana rolled her eyes.
"Roll them some more; you might find a brain in there."
"You don't need to be Einstein to do the math here. We bought the property and the debt. He owes us money."
"I bought the property, Diana. Me. He owes me money."
Diana shrugged. "Semantics."
"This is going to be Liam all over again, isn't it?"
Diana made a face she reserved for cockroaches under the sink. "Don't ever say that name near me."
"He was the love of your life, not so long ago."
"If Liam is down here." Diana lowered her palm below her knee. "Then Kevin is here." She raised her palm above her head. "It's like comparing a Toyota with a Lamborghini. It's like comparing a donkey with a Lamborghini."
"The Lamborghini owes me five months of rent plus interest for the delay. I sure hope he can pay," Helen said.
"I hope he can't. I think he can't."
"How do you know?"
"The cutie pie wears clothes from the thrift store, doesn't own a car," Diana said. "He gets around on his crappy bicycle and he lives in a shitty apartment the size of a dog kennel."
"Maybe he's just super cheap?"
"I think he got financial issues."
"No. Awesome. So, when you offer to trade his debt with being my boyfriend he can't say no."
Helen shook her head. Diana was the guru of childish and stupid ideas, but this one was taking imbecility to a new level. "I'll have to look it up with my lawyer to be sure. But I think that sexual extortion is a criminal offense."
"Fair trade."
"Extortion, Diana."
"Fair trade."
Diana pouted. "Why do you have to be like that?"
"You mean rational?"
"If I'll have Kevin, I promise I'll stop going out every other night to party till the small hours."
"On the twelve of never?"
"I will. You know what? If you'll do this one for me, I'll go back to college and finish my law degree."
Helen snorted. "Like that would be the first time I've heard that promise."
"I swear it on mom's grave."
"Don't!" Helen raised her voice.
"I will. I promise. Just think about it. I'll be a certified lawyer. I'll stop mooching money from you. I'll even rent my own place. I'll be independent like you've always wanted."
"You mean a grownup?"
"That too. Kevin's worth it. He's worth the effort. Hell, he's worth any effort."
"I'm not saying that I'm going through with this idiocy, but let's just say hypothetically that I do. How is exactly forcing Kevin to be with you will make him your loving boyfriend?"
Diana noted the softer tone and smiled on the inside. Her interactions with Helen usually followed a pattern. Almost a ritualistic dance. Her sister was a bitch. A hard businesswoman. That's at least how everyone who knew her, perceived her. But she had a lot of soft spots inside. One just had to know which buttons to press.
"Who gives a fuck about how Kevin feels about it?" Diana said.
"I'm no expert, but you get me confused with your view on the male, female relationship."
"Male futanari relationship," Diana nodded. "Men always say they don't want to, but then I get the equipment going," Diana thrust her pelvis forward. "Then they can't get enough of me."
"Oh yeah. Awesomely gross."
"I said hypothetically."
Diana smiled openly. She knew she had won.
"I already gave the last check to the fat schmuck, dad," Kevin rolled his eyes. He loved his father, but you'd think that after twenty-one years they would be able to stop the pretense. His father had no way of making the check clear. To pretend that there was a choice other than Kevin's bank account was a ritual meant to save some of the old man's dignity. "Look, dad, what's done is done. I've got to hang up. My new landlord said eight PM sharp." He sighed. "I don't know, dad, but she didn't sound like someone who appreciates people who are late. So... Love you too. I'll call you back later to tell you how it went."
Kevin took a long breath and knocked gently.
"Hi." The girl who answered the door was barefoot, and still, his head reached her boobs. Not that it was a challenge. Kevin, since his first grade, in every group photo had always sat in the front row. However, the girl could tower over people who weren't height challenged. She had the heroin chic kind of beauty. Waist you can encircle with two fingers, nubile tiny chest, and legs like a giraffe. She wore a white tank top and white boxers, which emphasized all her assets. A pretty redhead with a ponytail. Dark almond eyes scanned him with a bit more enthusiasm than he felt comfortable with. She stared at him as if he was a prime rib on a plate.
"Hi," The bold stare caused a red hue to blossom on Kevin's cheeks.
"Come in, Kevin."
"Sure," he huffed. The penthouse interior was nothing like his crumbling apartment downstairs. The entire building was fifty-year-old, but someone renovated here. Big time. Bright, modern furniture and chocolate brown walls, super smooth rings of illumination wires, and wall to wall windows giving a breathtaking view of the city. So, this was how the other half lived.
"I..." He started.
"Yes, sweetie?"
"I don't want to give the wrong impression, but you do look familiar."
"You've probably seen me around. We moved in a month ago, and I'm hard to miss."
Kevin shook his head. "Yeah, we met on the elevator two weeks ago. But I'm not talking about that. I remember seeing you on a screen. TV? Did you play in a movie?"
"Do you watch futanari porn?"
His face and neck reddened. "I... No. I..."
Her laughter rolled for a few seconds. "I'm fucking with you, Kevin. The look on your face. Priceless."
"Oh." He laughed, feeling stupid. "But you do look familiar. Were you on TV? The Amazing Race? Survival?"
"Survivor, not Survival." Her smile deepened. She had dimples which he liked in a girl. "I was on Seduction Resort season five."
"Oh. Yeah, I think I remember. Nice. Won anything?"
"Crabs." She winked.
"You're fucking with me again."
"You're catching up. The producers gave me the boot on the second episode."
"Meh. The douche they paired me with turned out to be a total douche." Her smiled was healthy white, and it lit up the room, as they say. Kevin decided that he liked that smile.
"When the cameras were on he was this sweet, open-minded, 'I'm so into you' kind of guy," she said. "When the cameras were off, he was Mr. Hyde. Disgusting little shit. He had a futaphobia."
"It is what it is. The other contestants voted me out, but the real story behind the scenes was that I broke his arm and two front teeth."
"Wow. I'll remember not to pick a fight with you."
"But I love fights. Especially the makeup sex," the tall woman gave Kevin a wink and laughed when he reddened again.
"So Helen I-"
"That would be my big sister. I'm Diana." She offered her hand, and Kevin eagerly shook it. If his new landlord was anything like her little sister, then he was in the clear.
"Right this way, sweetie."
He followed her into a study that was taken straight out of a décor magazine aimed for seven-figure salary kind of people. Strict lines, operation room clean, and a definite aura of 'no-nonsense, here we do business.'
Sitting at an office desk that was probably worth more than he earned in six months was his new landlord. Helen shared with her little sister the six feet plus frame. If anything, she was even taller. However, that's where the similarities ended. If Diana was a fiery southern blaze, then Helen was a Nordic chill. When God made her, he was much more generous in the curves department. Unlike Diana's honeyed tanned skin, she was Norwegian pale. Her long golden locks reached all the way to her lower back. Luscious lips and a burning green eye of a tiger. Eye, singular, not plural. Because that was another thing that you noticed immediately about Helen, other than the cold beauty. She wore a black eye patch over her left eye. A prominent scar crossed her pretty face above the eyepatch and crawled all the way to her cheek.
When he and Diana entered, Helen didn't lift her head from her laptop's screen. Kevin thought that it surely could not be a good sign.
"Excuse-" he said, but she cut him off with a raised hand.
She was working or pretended to be, whichever the case, Kevin figured he shouldn't do anything that might be considered rude. Helen sounded cold on the phone, and she resonated aloofness in real life.
"Helen, that's hardly polite," Diana said.
"Hi," Helen raised her head and gave a smile that could sour lemons. "Sit!" She motioned at her desk. "You're Kevin?"
Kevin nodded quickly.
"Helen." She didn't offer her hand. "I've just finished reading your rental agreement."
He thought he would start with pleasantries, but this woman or rather futa was straight and to the point. "Mrs. Lewinski printed it from the internet. Here I'll show you where she got it from." He pulled out an ancient looking mobile and fired off the web browser application. "What's the Wi-Fi password?"
"No need. I could have guessed. It's as standard as it gets, including the security deposit clause."
"I even helped her find it online," He placed the mobile on her desk, eager to earn points with the frightening lady.
Helen scanned him from head to toe. "Except that, I called Mrs. Lewinski five minutes ago, and she said there is no security deposit."
Kevin blushed. "She never got around to take it. I assumed she forgot or didn't feel like she needed a security deposit after a while."
"Well, it was a convenient assumption," he went for a weak smile.
Helen's finger trailed the scar on her cheek. She caught herself doing it and blushed. "So, Kevin, as we discussed briefly on the phone. We're here about your current debt."
"To Mrs. Lewinski," he said.
"I bought apartment number ten and twelve, seven months ago. Your debt is to me."
"Mrs. Lewinski didn't tell me anything about it."
"I thought I would let her run things till I settle," Helen twisted her mouth. "Apparently, it wasn't a wise choice."
"Yeah, I'm aware that I'm a little behind payment," he laughed nervously, "but let-"
"Saying that you are a bit behind payments, that's like saying that the Ku Klux Klan is a bit racist. Five months, Kevin. That's unacceptable. I don't know what kind of an arrangement you had with Mrs. Lewinski because your agreement specifically says payment at the first of every month."
"I'm having some financial issues right now. But you can ask. I've been a tenant for two years, and I've always paid on the 1st."
"Wow, the truck with the medals is on its way," she said dryly.
"Five months, Kevin. How did she let you get away with it?"
"We had an understanding."
"I see," she said.
Kevin didn't like Helen's tone or the look that she gave him. He felt that an assumption was made about him that was neither kind nor flattering. She swiveled the laptop and pointed at a lower section of an excel sheet. "This is how much you owe."
"What? That can't be right. That's more than five month's rents."
"Plus, ten percent interest. The 'late rent fee clause' in your agreement."
"I expect you to make the transaction tonight."
"I... I don't have that kind of money."
"Take a loan," she said.
"My credit score kinda sucks."
"Why am I not surprised?"
"I came here today to apologize for being so late." He tried looking straight back at her cold gaze and couldn't. His eyes searched for an escape route in the tiles. "And... And mainly because I can't pay for this month either," he almost whispered. "I'm so sorry. But I'll pay you back. I'll pay it all back. I'm not a thief or a freeloader."
"Seriously? That apologetic puppy look worked with Mrs. Lewinski, or was there something else going on between you two?"
"You know what?" She scratched the scar on her cheek. "None of my goddamn business and I don't give a crap anyway."
"What do you mean something else?" He blushed again, this time it was anger.
"It didn't sound like you meant nothing. You meant something."
Helen's gaze could solve the world melting ice caps' problem.
"Mrs. Lewinski is older than my dad," Kevin said. "And she's a sweet lady. So, I don't know what you were insinuating, but-"
"Whatever." She cut him off. "If I understand correctly, you've planned on coming here tonight to ask if you could go on with the current non-payment program."
"I'm so sorry."
"Should I call my bank and ask if they'll accept your apology for a down payment?"
Kevin looked at Diana, his eyes pleading, but she gave him a sad smile. "I know that sounds-"
"Childish, Kevin. It sounds terribly childish. Grownups own their shit. Clear the apartment tonight."
"It's eight o'clock."
"By tomorrow morning, then. Expect to hear from my lawyer about the money you owe me."
"Where am I supposed to go?"
Helen shrugged. "Don't you have parents?"
"My dad lives hundreds of miles away. I live here. My college is here; my work is here. Look, I'm willing to work as payment. I can clean your house for free." He said.
"I have a cleaning lady."
"I can cook."
"Not interested. Look, I heard you work as a diving instructor."
"But you do have a steady salary. The judge will garnish your wage if you can't pay."
"But I need my salary. If you take my salary, I can't pay for... Look, you bought the entire floor? Right? I'm good with my hands, I can... I can fix stuff. Do your maintenance for you. Look," He felt tears coming up which made him hate this woman. She was right, grownups own their shit and don't cry like little girls. "I'll do anything. Why waste money on courts and lawyers?"
"I'll add my lawyer fees to the lawsuit."
"But why take it to court? I don't dispute the fact that I owe you rent. I'll pay you back to the last penny. Plus, interest. Just give me time. Please, you can't do this to me."
"Maybe there is something you can do instead," Diana suddenly found her voice, "the thing we discussed earlier, sis?"
"Sure. I'll do anything." Kevin felt like a drowning man who was offered a rope. "I'm a hard worker. Just give me a chance."
Helen twisted her mouth. "Yeah, there is something that my sister and I discussed earlier, but in retrospective, that's just too embarrassingly stupid to bring up."
"Whatever it is I'll take it."
Helen took a long breath and rolled her eyes. "My sister fancies you."
"What?" Kevin blushed.
"Weird. But she does."`
"I... I don't understand..."
"I'm not blaming you. If you two can come to an understanding, you'll be debt free."
"Great. Wait, wait, what sort of understanding?"
"Be her boyfriend for a year."
Kevin laughed hysterically, then he caught Diana's look and toned it down. "You're both fucking with me, right?"
"I wish we were," Helen gave Diana a crooked smile. "I gave it a shot, Di."
"Yeah, you really pulled an effort there. Let's hope you didn't sprain any goodwill muscle. Thank you so very much. She's serious, Kevin. Let's reveal the cards. Put them on the table as they say. My sister is filthy rich. The money you owe her, that's like what she earns in an hour."
"Not by a long shot, Idiot," Helen rolled her eyes. "You're annoyingly clueless."
"What do you mean I'll be her boyfriend for a year?"
"Don't you know what a boyfriend means?" Helen said.
"It's when two people who like each other choose to be a couple. Choose being the keyword here. When one side forces the other to be with him, that's something else. It's called slavery. We even had a civil war about it. I saw it on the history channel." He gave a frightened giggle.
"Nobody is forcing you, Kevin."
"Like hell. What other choice do I have?"
Helen shrugged. "Be a grownup about your debt."
"Shut up, Helen!" Diana raised her voice. "Look, sweetie, I saw you a couple of days ago, jogging. And I liked what I saw. I mean."
"I'm... I don't know what to say. I mean... I'm flattered and all, but... I mean... You're beautiful, Diana, so... I mean, if I was... I don't..."
"Because I'm a futanari."
"I'm not transphobic or anything."
"That's offensive because I'm not transgender," Diana's face hardened.
"I know. I'm sorry. I don't have any issues with you being..."
"A dickgirl."
Kevin blushed. "I just have an issue with me being..."
"With a dickgirl."
"With someone who has a penis. Yes. I... I'm not homophobic or futaphobic or whatever. I just... I like girls. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I know how a futa relationship works. I can't be someone's girlfriend. I'm a man."
"That settles it then," Helen closed the laptop and sighed in relief. "Clear the apartment, by tomorrow morning. Expect to hear from my lawyer."
"I can't pay you, Helen. I don't have the money. I can't give you my salary. I need it."
"You need to pay your debts. That's what salaries are for."
"I can't."
"Well, there is always that other option. Be my sister's boyfriend for a year. If she's happy, then you owe me nothing."
"Are you her pimp?"
"Watch it!" Helen's face hardened, and he suddenly saw the potential of violence lurking under her cold beauty.
"Sorry, but do I look like a prostitute, Helen? Is this even legal? The thing that you ask me to do?"
She shrugged. "Like I said. No one is forcing you."
"Why are you doing this to me? I told you I'd pay you eventually."
"I don't believe you."
"I think you had a sweet gig running with Mrs. Lewinski. I'm not sure what it was. Maybe you used to bat your big eyes and cry a little, melting her heart. I know a lot of futa girls that would be smitten," Helen nodded towards her sister, "by your cute boyish... thing. You thought you could pull the same shit with this futa." She pointed at herself.
"I did not."
"I know boys like you all too well."
"You don't know a fucking thing about me," Kevin snarled.
"But I'm old enough and experienced enough to give it an educated guess."
"So, I'm a gold-digger. That's what you're saying. Mrs. Lewinski was my sugar momma, and I'm a lazy freeloader."
"You said it; I didn't."
"You know what you are, Helen?"
"A female dog?" She gave him a nasty smile.
"You said it; I didn't."
"Spit it out, honey, give it your best shot. Call me a bitch or a cunt or whatever. Just consider you might have to learn how to eat with a straw, considering you won't have teeth to chew with."
"I'm not scared of you, Helen."
"Good for you."
He nodded and said nothing. There was a short struggle on his handsome face. Helen thought he might cry and it made her regret being so hard on him. "Okay then," she said. "Good talk. You probably feel that life isn't fair right now. But give it a couple of years, and you'll understand that this was the night in which you started your journey towards being a grownup."
"Fucking amazing. You won't settle for pissing on my head; you wanna pretend it's sweet apple juice." His face went through a sudden change. They hardened and relaxed as if he had come to a decision. "When you look in the mirror, Helen, what do you see?"
"Bah-bye, Kevin. Put the apartment key in my mailbox when you leave tomorrow."
"I'm not going anywhere."
"I can kick you out."
"I'm doing that other thing," he said.
"What?" Helen and Diana cried together.
Kevin shrugged. "I'll do it. Whatever it means, I mean it's a... I'll be your loving boyfriend and do whatever you want. How hard can it be?"
"Hard? It's going to be awesome," Diana almost glowed.
Helen and Kevin said nothing. They faced each other, locked in a staring battle. Helen surprised herself when she blinked first.
"Yeah, how hard can it be?" Kevin smiled bitterly. "You know, Helen, you're rich and powerful, and probably can knock my teeth out with a punch. But I'm not a shitty person. I always keep a promise, and I never try to exploit people like you do, especially when they're down. Mrs. Lewinski went easy on me with the payments not because I've given her anything. She chose to help because she is a decent human being. And that's something you would never understand in a million years.
"Your room is... wow," Kevin gave an appreciative whistle. Diana's room had a wall to wall glass door which led to a big balcony facing the park. A bar stood in one corner, and Kevin poured himself some scotch. Not because it was a grownup drink but because he thought he might I need the alcohol buzz soon. "I thought people lived like that on TV."
"Like it?"
"Could use some tidying up, but... Wow."
"Yeah, sorry about the mess."
"What mess? Can't see the mess under all these piles of clothes." They both laughed. Diana's bedroom's floor was invisible under small hills of pants, dresses, underwear, tampons, belts, shopping bags and some less recognizable stuff. Kevin felt as if he was in some teenager's cave.
"It's better like that. Sometimes Helen gets angry, and she folds everything, and later I can't find anything."
No wonder Helen has a beef with immature people, Kevin thought.
"You're here in my room," Diana licked her thin lips. "It's a dream coming true."
Freddy Krueger idea of a dream, Kevin thought.
"I'm sorry, by the way, about... You know..." she made a sour face. "My sister can be a real bitch sometimes."
Kevin stared at her but said nothing. Was she that deluded? She figured she could pin everything on Helen?
Apparently yes. Diana waded through the piles and jumped on her massive bed. "Come here, sweetie."
He hesitated, but only for a second. Kevin grew up in a semi bible-belt area. Family Values, and a bit of a redneck neighborhood. He never met a shemale before he left for the big city. Helen's offer didn't include details about the nature of his and Diana's relationship, but he wasn't born yesterday.
"Sweetie, don't look so tense. You don't know it yet, but you were born to do this."
"I kind of doubt that," he said.
"Come here and sit down," Diana patted the bed sheets beside her. "You're not angry with me or anything?"
"N... No." He said. If he was going through with this, he shouldn't make her unhappy.
"Good. Put that sweet ass closer, baby. Closer, sweetie. I won't bite, much."
He did. "What now?"
She placed her hand on his thigh. Her palm was warm, but Kevin shivered.
"Hi," She smiled and breathed him in. "Now you make me feel special, and I'll make you feel special. It will be awesome, you'll see."
"I've never been with a futanari," he whispered.
"That's obvious. But give it your best shot. It'll be great, I promise. See, Helen thinks she knows everything there is to know about people. She spends her days in the world of real estate sharks, so she had to grow the biggest teeth. The problem is that she forgot there are normal people out there too. She thinks everyone is a crook."
"And what do you think?"
"I know she's wrong about you, sweetie." She took a deep breath and smelled him in. Her breath trembled with a mixture of excitement and lust. It was a new experience. Diana was all about the chase. When it was over, her lust diminished. Sometimes instantly. But having Kevin under her absolute control didn't diminish anything. The fact that he was so innocent, clueless and without choices, was intoxicating. "You're so sweet. To die for," Diana's voice was hoarse with lust. "So that you know, a futa is just like any other girl. Well, ten times the intensity, lovemaking skills, and million times the fun. Have you been with many girls?"
"Just two," he reddened because the look on her face told him she was not impressed. "I had a girlfriend in high school."
"A high school sweetheart?"
"Her name was Ola. She was Russian, and when she had to leave with her parents back to St Petersburg, I was heartbroken."
"Everything about you is just so goddamn sweet."
He thought he could do with less sweetness.
"Who was your second?" She touched his cheek gently.
"You're the second."
She laughed. "So, one."
"I... Yeah... I'll be twenty-one next month. How many men did... I mean, when you were my age. With how many men...?"
"I'm twenty-eight, and more than I can remember."
With a pianist long finger, Diana trailed a line from his cheek to his lips. "I've never seen anyone with purple eyes before," she said. "That's gonna be a first for me."
"Got it from my mom's side of the family," he shivered.
Her naked toe joined the fun and moved up and down his leg, just as her finger gently painted patterns on his cheek and mouth.
"Don't be so tense, honey. As I said, you're going to love being my boyfriend."
He tried to tell her that he sure was hoping she's right, but his voice broke, so he just nodded.
"I'm a semi-celebrity in this town. We'll cruise all the best parties together. You'll see." Diana leaned to kiss his cheek, and her arm encircled his shoulders. "God sweetie, I think I'll eat you up." Her lips touched his. Her eyes were smiling, and she was soft and pleasant. Diana's kiss felt innocent. A Lover's touch.
"Nice," she said. "Hey, open your eyes. Don't make it look like it's work. It's not." Her lips touched his lips again, gently, and her tongue now joined the dance. It knocked and then tried to burrow inside, like a little worm.
Kevin forced himself to open his mouth and tasted her. Not that the experience was terrible. Quite the opposite. She smelled great, and she looked terrific. A tiny fellow like him could only dream of getting a number from a hottie like Diana. And here he was, not only the hot girl wanted his company, she also craved for his touch. It was electrifying.
She moaned into his mouth. Her tongue led the dance with a sure step.
"God, you are so sexy, Kevin."
"You're beautiful, Diana."
She swallowed his ear and chewed on it. Kevin quietly sat back with his eyes closed and tried to enjoy the new experience. Diana closed her long-fingered hand on Kevin's. He felt steel in her touch. It was a well-known fact that some futanari were insanely strong.
She guided his hand to the nubile tit that waited underneath her top.
"Squeeze it," she whispered. "Yeah, just like that. Gently. That's the best. Do you like them, Kevin?"
He nodded quickly.
"I used to have issues with those, you know, when I was eighteen. Girls in my class looked like they could work on a dairy farm as a cow. Me, I had buds."
"They're sexy."
"They make you hard?"
Kevin laughed and blushed. "Yeah," he whispered.
Diana felt waves of joy running all the way from where his hand was touching her tit, to the tip of her cock. "Tell me more about how my tiny titties turn you on."
Kevin laughed again. He couldn't remember a sexy moment like he was experiencing now.
Diana took her tank top off and threw it on one of the piles.
"Well, that makes sense. Now I know why they pile."
"You can tidy up my room in your spare time if that bothers you so much. Only in your spare time, though. Like when we're not having sex, which so far, the way I see it, is never going to happen."
Kevin smiled and stared at the tiny boobs. They were juvenile, which fit in with the rest of the Diana Show. "They're awesome. Like two little birds." He said.
"Birds? Really?"
"They even got a tiny beak." He reached out and touched the beak gently.
Diana gave him a warm smile. "Funny that you say that because it's time for you to meet Big Bird."
"Who?" He said.
Diana stood up and looked down at her crotch. There was a prominent bulge in her boxers. "From Sesame Street."
"She'll teach me how to count to ten and to cooperate with the other kids?" He laughed.
"Oh, she'll teach you alright. Once you take off my shorts."
Kevin swallowed. He breathed in deep.
"Aren't you curious?"
Not particularly about this part, Kevin thought, but he nodded nonetheless.
"Well, go on, sweetie."
"Maybe we should take it slow?"
"Kevin, if you're my boyfriend then you should be eager. Much more eager than the vibe I'm getting from you right now. It pisses me off."
"Take my boxers off."
Kevin took a deep breath, hooked his fingers in the elastic band, and pulled.
She did have a Big Bird down there, the actual original Yellow Big Bird from Sesame Street. It was tattooed on her immense girl-cock. The yellow bird's legs decorated her smooth balls, and the beak was the cock's head. It was on full display because Diana had a raging hard-on.
"I don't think your Big Bird sends the right message to kids." Kevin couldn't take his eyes off the monster. Diana had a Prince Albert Piercing, and it looked like Big Bird was giving a blowjob to a tiny metal cock. "Not very didactic."
"It teaches good kids how to swallow." A clear drop of pre-cum materialized at the tip, accumulated size on the piercing and dripped to the floor. "Touch it," she said in a low voice.
"Go on."
"I can't," he mumbled.
"Of course you can. You were born to do this."
Kevin reached out, hesitating and touched the creature. It sprung to his touch, and Diana sighed. Her cock was warm, and it spewed out more pre. Some fell on Kevin's hand, and he jumped as if it was poison from a Mamba snake.
"Sweetie," she said in a tender voice. "You promised you'll-"
He nodded and touched it again. The massive cock jumped again. Kevin closed his small palm around its girth and got another moan from Diana.
"Put your other hand on my bad boys," she whispered.
He dutifully clasped the balls, or whatever they were called on a futa. Diana's sack was hairless, round and fat. It reminded him of a male sac, and yet it wasn't. The two orbs were so big, that they barely sat in his palm.
"Don't be afraid, squeeze them, but gently."
Kevin did. It wasn't an unpleasant experience. You can do this, he thought.
"Yeah, that's right. God Kevin. I'm about to pop. I don't think that someone had made me so horny since I was a teenager."
Her words made him blush with pride. He knew that he was good-looking, but his short stature and lack of muscle tone were a deal breaker. His shyness didn't help either. Kevin never dreamed that he could make a girl say things like 'you make me horny.' True, she had a cock and balls. On the other jerking hand it was an equipment he knew how to operate. He started working on her cock, tugging and pushing it slowly. His fingers massaged the sensitive mushroom head and gently played with her piercing. His other hand kneaded her balls.
"Good boy." Diana patted his head. "Good boy."
He played on her skin, stretching Big Bird and folding it like an accordion.
"No, stop, stop..."
He paused and looked at her, surprised.
"I want to last longer."
"Kay," he said in a small voice and started again, slower. He stared into her eyes, so she gave him a warm, loving smile and placed her hand on his head. Her other hand caressed his cheek. "Kevin, you have no idea how good you make me feel."
It made his heart race. The boyfriend-girlfriend thing turned out to be far less terrible than he imagined. True, if any of his friends could see him presently, they would call him gay. If anyone from his old town could see him, they wouldn't want anything to do with him (and that was the best-case scenario). But it felt great. The look on this beautiful woman's face was priceless. On top of it all, it was going to get him out of his financial blunder.
Suddenly, Diana closed her palm on his. She gave a lioness roar. Her cock expanded in his palm and sprayed out a rope of white jism that hit him just above the eye. Kevin jumped back, but Diana closed her other hand on his head and held him in place. She started shooting copious amount of white fluid.
"Ah, Ah, Ah," she cried with each rope of viscous fluid. She kept heaving time and time again, each strand of cum landing on Kevin's nose, mouth, cheeks, and hair. Once she was done, she let go of his hand and dropped like a felled timber on her bed, laughing.
"Oh, baby..."
Kevin sat on the bed's edge in a state of shock. His face decorated like a Christmas tree. Diana's fluids dripped from his blonde spikes and chin. These sorts of things happened in porn movies; they were not supposed to happen to real people.
Diana was glowing. "I just wanted foreplay, before the main event, but baby... Wow. Your touch. It's something else."
He stared at her mortified. Was she for real? She took what little Helen left of his self-esteem and ejaculated all over it. "I..." He said quietly. "Can I use the top you threw to clean myself?"
"What? No! Lick it."
"What?" He said.
"Taste it. It's great. Baby, don't give me that look as if it's the first time you've seen someone bust a nut. Lick it."
"I can't."
"What's wrong with you?"
"What's wrong with me? It might come as a shock to you, but people ejaculate on my face on Friday only, and today is Sunday."
"Sweetie, don't be flippant. I don't like smartass boyfriends."
"You're going to have to get used to it. The sooner, the better." She used three fingers to scoop a generous portion of her love juice off his cheek. "Open up."
"Choo choo train."
"Open up, she said again. This time there was an undertone that wasn't so cheerful.
"Diana, I-"
"Open up," she said slowly, lingering on every syllable. "Or the deal is off."
Kevin opened his mouth slightly, and Diana immediately jammed her three fingers inside.
"Suck on it."
He did. The taste wasn't gross. It didn't taste like anything much. The texture was a bit too much, but he pretended that it was melted vanilla ice cream.
"See, it's good, right? Soon you won't be able to get enough of it."
He licked her fingers clean, winced, and swallowed.
"Good boy. Now lick your lips. Excellent. Now clean the rest with your finger. No, don't smear it on the bed, dummy. Put it in your mouth."
Kevin scooped another load into his mouth.
"Don't swallow yet," she smiled.
"Savor it. Like you would taste wine?"
"Go on, sweetie."
Kevin played with her love juice around his mouth. Diana rolled on her stomach and rested her head on her palms, smiling at him. "Roll it on the tongue. Good boy. Open wide, and put the rest in there. Play with it. Show me you still have it all in there."
Kevin opened wide.
"Now make bubbles."
"Like spit bubbles only with cum."
He blew cum bubble of a nice size. It exploded and sprayed his face with little cum droplets.
"Good boy. Now swallow the rest."
"Can I go wash, Diana?"
"What? No. You need to clean me first."
"But you're not dirty with- I mean, you don't have that stuff all over your face."
Diana rolled on her back, pointed on the now soft Medium Bird and smiled.
"You're kidding me."
Diana squinted.
"You're not kidding me."
"Okay let's stop right there, Kevin." She made a timeout sign. "I see the problem. Let's use guided imagery. Imagine you make a list of all the things that you wouldn't do with me even though I tell you to. You now hold that list in your hand."
"Now you fold it very neatly. Is it folded?"
He nodded.
"Guided imagery. Use your imagination, sweetie. Can you imagine that list in your hand?"
He nodded.
"Now imagine I shoved it where the sun doesn't shine. I hate to quote my sister, but she's right. You need to grow up. A relationship is about giving, not just taking."
"What exactly am I taking here?" he said.
"Eight inches," she giggled.
"So this is how it's going to be?"
"No, you lean over me, stop pouting, and stop bitching. I want to feel those beautiful red lips of yours on Big Bird. That's how it's going to be. It's the last time I need to ask twice."
"No problem," he said. "This cookie won't give you any more trouble. He took a flaccid cock in his hand for the second time tonight. There was a moment of hesitation, and then he parted his lips slightly and sucked in the mushroom head.
Her hand went automatically to his hair. "Good boy," she said. "Yeah, right there."
"Done." He lifted his head. "You're clean."
"It's done when I say it's done," she pushed him back. "Imagine it's a pacifier," she said. "Suck baby suck."
Kevin vacuumed the mushroom head into his warm mouth.
"Pay attention to the teeth, honey." Her cock jumped. "Do you know why it does that, Kevin? It's because it's happy, and when the Big Bird is happy. I'm happy. Use your tongue on my Prince Albert."
Kevin dutifully played with the piercing; wiggling it with his tongue.
Diana started thrusting slowly, pushing the big head just a little further into the soft confines of his mouth. She moaned, and he got the message. He started bobbing his head on her shaft. Letting the mushroom head almost slip out, and then sucking it back in. Her girth was stretching his mouth pretty wide, and he couldn't help but dwell on how it felt to have his lips wrapped around her like that. He was gaining confidence. Each time he pushed, her Big Bird pecked a little further.
She straightened her back and leaned against the wall, looking down at his blonde head. "Baby, change position. Slide back. I want to see your lips, and I want you to keep an eye contact. Good boy. You listen. That's what makes a good bed partner. Listening."
Diana looked down at him, lips parted, as she watched her thick cock slip between his red lips. His purple eyes' beauty was hypnotizing. They were big, and they followed every move she made. She bit her lip hard, drawing blood, and then pushed his head off Big Bird.
"What? Did I hurt you? With my teeth? I tried hard not to. You got to believe me."
"Oh God, you are beyond cute," she smiled. "I don't want to pop so soon, but with you, it's simply mission impossible. Go slow. If I tap your shoulder, simply stop."
Kevin moved uncomfortably and went back to head bobbing.
"Wait, are you having a condition called 'uncomfortable stiffy'?"
He blushed deeply.
Yep, Diana thought, way beyond cute. "Well?"
"Aha," he mumbled, his lips still enfolding her cock into a loving embrace.
"So you like it!" There was a triumph in her voice.
He nodded his head, his tongue working around her tip, lavishing the underside. He rolled his lips up and down the length of her shaft. Diana rewarded him with a pat on the head. She pressed forward and watched his mouth engulf her further. The soft head pressed against his throat's entrance.
Kevin made a gurgling sound and tried to push further.
"You can't take me into your throat without practice, baby."
Kevin was so eager to impress her that he pushed anyway. He choked and almost puked.
"Told you. There will be lots of time to practice later, baby. Anyway-"
Kevin kissed the tip of her cock, surprising them both. It's not like he had a choice. He had to be her boyfriend for a year. He might as well learn to enjoy it. That's what he told himself at least when he entered her room. But as the evening progressed he had to admit the situation was hotter than he ever experienced. Cock or no cock, Diana was a super sexy woman. Her domination and her reactions made him hard. The apparent pleasure he was giving her was touching a dark fantasy inside him. Kevin started bobbing up and down again. As he sucked her cock, one hand slid down across her thigh, gently cupping her balls, coaxing her baby makers out. The silk touch of his tongue joined the fun and painted intricate symbols on the sensitive head.
Diana tapped his shoulder frantically. Kevin didn't let go. He pushed himself further, and Diana flexed her legs beneath them. His eyes were mesmerized, pleading.
"Baby, stop. Take a breath."
Kevin shook his head, sending another pleasure signal as his tongue massaged her slit and the cock's rim. He had some experience in free diving, and could proudly hold his breath for a little more than four minutes. Kevin didn't need to breathe. He needed to hear her moan.
"Hon. Ah... You... Fuuuhck." Diana roared for the second time that night, and a torrent of lust painted the insides of Kevin's mouth white. She gripped the back of his head hard and pulled him deeper. His cheeks bloated from the amount of cum, but he didn't let go of her cock. At last Diana pulled back. Her cock reluctantly went out of his mouth with an obscene plop, and she dropped on her back, gasping.
"Hell, Kevin..."
"Liked it?" His voice came muffled.
"What the fuck? You didn't swallow?"
He shook his head.
"Good boy. You're learning fast. Let me see."
He opened wide and showed her his tongue which was coated with her white substance. Opening his mouth caused the viscous juice to dribble out the corners of his mouth.
"God, you're hot. Now gurgle."
Kevin laughed and chocked because you shouldn't laugh when you have a mouth full of futa cum. Some of her juice crawled into his windpipe. He coughed, spraying spittle and semen.
"Funny, eh? You've spilled all my babies, Kevin."
"You're a Catholic?"
"Come here, idiot," she growled and pulled him into a deep kiss.
"It's not like I can get pregnant."
"Baby," she said tenderly. "Take everything off; I wanna see all of you."
Helen tried to go over a Restricted Appraisal Report, but the numbers and names were doing gymnastics on the page. She washed her head under the sink, letting the cold-water wash away her doubts. Kevin words had gnawed at her more than Helen was willing to admit. She tried going back to the report, but nothing made sense, and all she got from her attempt was a headache.
She expected Kevin to be some moocher who uses his charms on girls of her kind. A privileged spoiled brat who thought he could get away with everything using charm. But at some point tonight, he looked so confused and lost that she almost caved in. She had to steel herself, by telling herself it was all just a show.
After all, his charms were pressing all of her buttons, big time. Diana didn't exaggerate when she said that Kevin was the stuff that naughty dreams were made of. He had the boy-band slim beauty and the face of an innocent angel. The kind that causes fourteen-year-old girls to scream and faint. His purple eyes could borrow a hole in your soul if you weren't too careful.
From across the very long hall, she could hear Diana roar for the second time. The inconsiderate ass didn't bother to close the door. Didn't she know there were other people in this house?
She thought of her little sister on her bed with the naked lithe form of Kevin writhing under her. She had to go to the sink and rinse her neck with cold water again after that scene played in her mind.
She should have forced Diana to move to another apartment, long time ago. Hell, Helen was willing to offer her an apartment as a gift, if she'll move. Helen scolded Kevin for not being a grownup, and here she was raising a 28-year-old toddler. Diana worked as a salesman in a fancy boutique. Her salary barely supported her monthly shoes and dresses' budget. The rest she always smooched from Helen.
From across the hall, Diana laughed too loud. She was vocal with her lovers, but there was a new edge to the sound.
Why can't she close the fucking door?
Helen marched on stiff legs, out of the office. Asshole. Her sister was an asshole. Kevin was an asshole. But the biggest asshole was herself. She was the responsible adult in this sorry situation, and she should have known better. She allowed her stupid sister to manipulate her, yet again. What was she thinking? Be her boyfriend for a year. She never believed that a hetero guy would go for something like that. She never considered that he might not have a choice. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
"Can't you close the fucking-" she started and froze. Kevin stood naked with his back turned to her, but when he heard her, he turned. His body was a free diver's body. Ripped. He had a wasp waistline and a six pack that wouldn't shame a Mr. Sexy Magazine front page. True, he was on the short side, and he didn't have massive shoulders, but he was stringy muscles all over. Kevin blushed when he saw her and covered his genitals.
Helen stood in the doorway frozen, staring at the naked image as Moses stared at the Promised Land from the mountain when God said he could watch, but he could never enter.
"You came for a show, you perv?" Diana laughed from her bed. "Costs fifty dollars to watch and a little more to participate. I thought you weren't into men, Helen?"
Helen found the strength to move her limbs again. She managed a strangled "Idiot," slammed the door shut and ran all the way to her room, locking the door behind her.
"What was that all about?" Kevin said.
Diana shrugged. "Beats me. Super weird."
"Why did you say that?"
"That she can watch? Don't worry; she's too prude to do anything like that."
"No, why did you say she's not into men?"
"I was kidding. My sister says that's she's not into sex, but that's bullshit. I've seen her browsing history more than once. Hot naked boys." Diana mimed aggressive wanking and laughed like a she-devil.
"Oh, that's not nice."
"It's funny as shit," Diana smiled. "Because she always gives me that 'You're a slut' attitude. But I know her dirty little secret. She's just full of shit."
"That scar of hers and the eyepatch," Kevin said. "Helen scares me."
"I know. A bit of a freak show," Diana shrugged. "You'll get used to it."
"No, I meant that I get the feeling that she hates me."
"Helen hates all of my boyfriends. But don't you worry your pretty little head about it. It doesn't mean that she'll do anything about it. She'll simply ignore you."
"What happened to her? A car accident?"
"Are you seriously going to stand here naked and talk about my bitch sister? Come here this instance, beautiful. You owe me an erection since you stole the last one. Use that kitten tongue of yours to lick me proper instead of wagging it." She stretched her back on the bed and opened her thighs.
Kevin crawled quickly between the warmth of Diana's parted legs.
"So eager? Good boy." Diana placed her hands behind her head and sighed happily at the ceiling. Kevin eagerly took the base of her cock in his small hand and licked through her length with his soft tongue. Once her cock was slick with his saliva, he pulled the mushroom head deep into his velvety mouth.
Life was so good. In fact, if it'll get any better Diana figured that she might explode. "You'll be bringing your stuff in here tomorrow. Did I tell you to stop? Don't give me that puppy look, Kevin. Being a couple means living in the same house and sleeping in the same bed. That's what grownups do."
He nodded, and his cheeks caved in around her sensitive tip as he sucked.
"Oh, that was great. Do that thing again with your tongue. Like you were trying to burrow into the slit. Good boy. Good boy. We'll make a decent cocksucker out of you yet."
After that, she went quiet. Just happy to give in to Kevin's hot mouth. It was in cahoots with his plush lips and soft tongue, working their magic on her girl-cock. For some time later, there was no talk just the sound of his lips sucking air around her pulsing shaft, and the obscene symphony when his lips swallowed the head and rolled all the way back to the tip.
"Jesus. No way! I'm about to pop again."
Kevin smiled, his mouth still on her cock.
"No way, baby. It's time. Raise your head. I need five!"
"Time for what?" His voice was shaky because he wasn't born yesterday. He knew what girls like her did with boys like him.
"Don't worry, sweetie; we'll take it slow." She pulled herself into a lotus pose. Her massive cock was pointing skyward.
"But you're huge, Diana. It can't..."
"I'm only three inches."
"Are you counting in dog years?"
"Three inches wide from the base to the tip," she gave her devilish giggle. "Don't worry baby, we're going to do this with a ton of lube," she winked. "It's in the drawer."
Kevin found the blue gel tube. Diana leaned back and nodded in the direction of her massive member. Kevin poured a generous amount on it. His ass was quivering from the stress.
"Breathe, baby, in and out. The key is to relax."
"Easy for you to say."
"It'll be fine. You're not my first virgin. Now squat!"
Kevin stood up on the bed, facing her, spread his legs and lowered himself slowly to her waiting embrace. He clasped her fat cock, firmly, and aimed it at his quivering starfish. The spongy head bumped into the tiny entrance. Kevin shuddered. "No, I'm sorry, I'm..."
"Come on."
"I can't... I can't do this, Diana. I thought I could, but I just can't."
"Okay, so just the tip."
"Just the tip?"
"Just the tip. You've been such a good boy tonight; I think I can cut you some slack."
"Just the tip." He lowered himself further. The slippery head moved up and away from his starfish and Kevin fell into her lap. Diana giggled.
"Your tiny boy clit is so cute."
"My what?"
"Look," Diana pointed down. Their cocks stood head to head, touching. More precisely, head to belly, because Big Bird dwarfed Kevin's cock both in length and girth. "Your little chick looks like Big Bird's little brother. It's like a boy clit."
"Stop it."
"I'm fucking with you, baby."
"Not funny. I thought we were trying to fuck, not fuck my self-esteem. "
Diana smiled and kissed his lips. She had managed to convince him to deflower himself, which added a sweet cherry to the top of this beautiful boy cherry popping.
Kevin rose up again. This time he closed his warm hand on her massive cock and held it firmly. He aligned it until it nestled on the starfish's opening, then shuddered and lowered himself down. Diana's cock was slippery and didn't breach his virgin hole, so he tried to coerce it into the opening with his fingers.
"It's impossible, Diana, that's like stuffing an anaconda into a coke bottle."
"Try harder."
The young man laid one arm on her shoulders and used it to steady himself as he slowly skewered himself on the thick spear. His expression transformed as his small sphincter yielded around her fat knob. Millimeter by agonizing millimeter he felt his ass opening, as more of the big intruder claimed him. Kevin huffed like he was giving birth and his brow had lines of sweat.
Diana's legs started shaking. There was no denying the insane effect this young boy had on her body. His amazing eyes, tight body and scent combined to a senses overload. On top of it all, Kevin's sphincter was giving her sensitive head a firm massage. Despite everything Diana didn't close her eyes and didn't surrender to the pleasure. She stared at him, not even blinking, unwilling to miss even a heartbeat of her conquest.
After several minutes heavy breathing Diana's patience ran out, and she decided to give Kevin a helping thrust. His Scream went through the roof and the bulbous head through the quivering muscle, into the tight Embrace of his ass. The sphincter closed around the bulbous head and locked it inside a loving prison.
Kevin tried to scream again, but nothing came out of his mouth. "It hurts, it hurts, take it out."
Diana lifted him, and the burning pain returned as the head jammed into the closed muscle.
"Don't take it out, don't take it out. Just stay still! Don't move!"
"Take it out, leave it in. I think you misunderstood the roles in this relationship."
"It hurts," There were tears in his eyes.
"Don't be a pussy."
"Let's just wait till you go soft again, and then you can pull yourself out."
"Might take hours."
"I don't care," he huffed, "don't fucking care."
"Kevin, baby, so that you know, you're officially the best piece of ass I ever had the fun to visit." Diana placed her hands on top of Kevin's thighs and pulled.
"No," he huffed, "no."
Slowly but surely her cock conquered his super tight tunnel.
"P... P... Pull it out."
"Oops, sorry," she laughed, and instead of pulling it out she drove it deep into his rectum.
"Uhnnggghhh," he grunted loudly as she continued penetrating, stretching parts of him that weren't meant to be stretched so far. His ass was clenching and unclenching, driving her pleasure to peaks she never conquered before.
"Baby, your ass is so good, I just can't wait any longer," Diana forced herself balls-deep inside poor Kevin. His ass cheeks came to rest on her thighs. He screamed again, but she muffled it with a loving kiss, tonguing him deeply. She continued to kiss him while she began to withdraw her massive cock from his aching ass and then feed it back in. He tried to push her away, slapping her frantically like a blind man. He just wanted to escape the giant cock that was rearranging his insides. Diana loved those moments of deflowering. She pinned his arms to his body, and her stroke increased.
Kevin tried to squirm free. His attempts made his ass squeeze hard, sending Diana over the edge.
She thrust harder and faster, exploding a torrent of white cum deep in his bowels. Each thrust lifted him up from the bed, jerking him violently. When she was spent, she hugged him tight and rested her head on his shoulder.
Kevin felt lost. There was nowhere to run. His head sank between her little breasts, and he concentrated on breathing.
"Sorry about that baby."
"No, you're not." Kevin's face was red and tearful. The pain subsided, but the humiliation only grew when he reflected on the situation. He wanted to run away, but he simply couldn't find the energy to lift himself. "That was cruel, Diana. I thought you said you liked me."
"Sweetie, you were a virgin. The first time is always the hardest, but you'll soon learn to love it. I promise."
"What if I won't?"
"You're already starting."
"Are you mental, Diana?"
"Then why is your stomach so wet with your own cum?"
Kevin looked. Sometime during his ass ravaging he ejaculated on himself. He was too focused on the pain to notice. "It wasn't fun and I didn't like it, Diana. You said, 'just the tip.'"
"Oh, grow up for fuck sake." Diana lifted him, and her soft cock plopped from his ass. A stream of baby making juice followed it and dribbled down his legs. She lay down on her side and motioned him to spoon into her.
Kevin stared at her. She must be the most self-centered person he had ever met. When something didn't go as planned or wasn't to her liking, she just pretended it didn't happen.
"Well?" She said. "I need a good cuddle."
"I need to wash, Diana. I got to call my dad; he'll be worried."
"Call him."
"I think I left my phone on your sister's desk when I showed her the contract."
"Be super quick about it. I wanna sleep."
Helen had an intense masturbation session on her bed. She usually used Jaime Lannister's photo, but tonight she had a new image etched deeply in her mind, that of the naked lithe form of Kevin.
"Oh Kevin," she whispered at the ceiling. "You're as beautiful as a Michelangelo Statue. You want me bad, don't you? Yes, you do. You like older women with a massive credit card, don't you? Well, I have something massive for you. Do you feel it inside you? You feel super amazing, Kevin. Oh..." Her body was already hot, and it needed little encouragement before it went over the edge and she had to change her wet sheets. Then, she had to replace them for a second time. On the third session, she sat on her bathroom's toilet, because enough was enough. She closed her eyes and pictured Kevin's purple eyes as she rubbed her rigid pole.
Diana was right. There was just something irresistible about the young man. She told herself to let it go, that it was only a weird state of horniness that overwhelmed her tonight. But as she imagined Diana and Kevin squirming passionately on her sister's big bed, Diana's body going like a piston up and down between his thighs, Helen felt a nasty pang of envy.
Why couldn't it be her for once instead of Diana? What if she told Kevin that he must to be her boyfriend?
Helen stared at her image in her bathroom mirror. She scratched the eyepatch and then trailed her finger along her scar, down all the way below her neckline, where more scars awaited.
"He would probably run for the hills; you freak," she told her image, sighed, and went outside for a drink.
Someone was in her study. She saw Kevin's willowy form as he picked his phone off her desk. He wore boxers only, and his back was flushed with exertion. Kevin dialed a number but hung up immediately, wiped his eyes, and breathed deeply. He then he sat down, buried his head in his palms, and cried silently.
Helen's maternal instinct kicked into gear. A minute ago, in her imagination, he was just ass and lips for her pleasure. The dissonance between the imaginary sex toy and the real broken boy that was sobbing in her study, made her heart ache. Shame overwhelmed her. She wanted to go over and hug him. To tell him that everything is going to be alright and that they'll figure it out together somehow. But then he composed himself and dialed.
"Dad," his voice was shaky, and he was trying very hard to control it. "Yeah, I'm sorry that I didn't call you earlier. It took longer than I thought it would. No, no, everything is all right. Everything is-" He froze in mid-sentence because he finally noticed Helen standing in the hallways and staring at him. The look of pure hate he gave her, hit Helen's stomach hard.
"Sorry. No, nothing, I hit my toe on the... No, I'm okay. Really. I just sound like that because I ran up the stairs. Don't worry. I met the new landlord. Yeah, I told you I would I sort everything out. Yeah. She is. My new landlord is also a futa lady, like Mrs. Lewinski. Yeah, one of them dickgirls. No, this one's not pretty at all." Kevin straightened his back and stared at Helen, defiant and hateful. "In fact, she's as ugly as fuck. On the inside as well as on the outside. But I managed. It's okay. I've made a deal to sort out my debt. I'll call you tomorrow. Love you too."
Kevin hung up the call and went past Helen, back to Diana's bedroom. He didn't look at her or even acknowledge her existence. She felt transparent. Helen stared at Kevin's back and then stood in the hallway for a long time after he was gone. The big clock in the dining room and her only memory left from her mother chimed Twelve O'clock. She shuddered and ran back to her room, fell on the bed, covered her head with her pillow and cried for a very long time.
To Be Continued