Chapter 165: THE SEDUCTIVE SEED OF A T***NY MILF by SugarandSalt
Jackson got home and immediately curled up in bed. He didn't want to move for the rest of the weekend. He'd finally worked up the courage to ask a co-worker out at work. She politely rejected the invitation. Then later on in the day, Jackson spotted her flirting with some musclebound blockhead. Seeing that was like having hot coals dumped over his head.
Twenty years old and he'd never had any real luck with girls. Jackson felt cursed by his puny body. Forced to watch muscular jocks snatch up the girls he liked until the end of time. Damned to have a small, skinny body no matter what he did. He tried all the diets and exercises; the shakes and supplements whose labels promised to help him build muscle, and none of them worked.
This latest dating embarrassment prompted Jackson to renew his search for the secret that might finally do something for him. He was browsing in bed on his tablet for tips and tricks to adding bulk when he stumbled onto something interesting. He started reading articles with the most peculiar headlines. They declared the health benefits of drinking semen. It seemed ridiculous, but Jackson kept finding those articles and he kept reading them. They claimed medical studies showed it had all the nutrients of a protein shake. Semen was being proclaimed a superfood and a wonder ingredient all over the web.
Jackson found it pretty funny, but not very helpful. He wondered how anyone could get their hands on enough "human ejaculate" to make any sort of difference. They'd have to work at a sperm bank. He hated to imagine the scene when someone got caught stealing from work at a place like that. Caught red-handed, or creamy-lipped, as it might be more accurate to say. Even if it did offer all of the health benefits that those articles claimed, it seemed impractical. Ever getting it in the quantity necessary to truly be beneficial seemed impossible.
He was about to put his tablet away and forget about it when a strange thought came to him. He found himself thinking about somebody else that lived in the building. A fellow tenant he saw around. He recalled just seeing her heading down to do laundry as he was getting home.
Jackson knew her name was Martha, though they did little more than share a hello from time to time. She was a mountain of a woman around the age of forty-five with tangled hair and sun-beaten skin. It was an open secret throughout the complex that Martha wouldn't exactly be welcome in a ladies' room in the south. Rumor had it that she not only had a cock, but that it was enormous.
She'd popped into Jackson's head because of her socks. She always had a few dirty, old socks hanging off the side of her laundry basket and anyone could tell that they were caked in cum. Jackson couldn't stop thinking about those crusty socks and how completely coated they were in dried jizz. He wondered if cum could really be the key to adding the kind of muscle he wanted so desperately. Was it a genuine superfood like those articles had suggested? If any man produced enough semen to make ingesting it worthwhile for that purpose, it had to be that woman by the name of Martha. Jackson bet she could out-cum a horse. So the question arose, how realistic was it that she could become his sperm source?
Jackson hopped out of bed and piled up the clothes off his floor. He hastily transferred the pile into his dirty clothes bag. He sped out the door and down the stairs to the laundry room not knowing what he'd say if he caught her in time.
He made it all the way down and discovered her still there. She was leaning against one of the machines going through her mail. Her dirty clothes basket sat on a washer. The socks hanging off it got Jackson's attention. Getting a good look at them unsettled his stomach, but he kept looking. He didn't know if his mind was playing tricks on him or if he could actually smell them from where he was standing.
"Looking for detergent?" Martha glanced up to ask.
Jackson realized she'd noticed him staring. "No, I'm good." He loaded up his washer and Martha began to do the same. He didn't have a plan. Didn't know what to say. "Would you let me drink your semen so I can bulk up and girls will like me, miss nice big cock woman?" didn't sound right. He wanted to strike the right tone.
She'd emptied the rest of her basket before gathering up those soiled socks dangling off the side and that's when she said, "You're acting kinda strange today. You okay, honey?"
The stained socks distracted Jackson and he didn't answer right away. "I'm, I'm fine."
"Problem with the ladies," she surmised.
"Or lack thereof," Jackson confessed.
"I wouldn't be spunking up my socks if I didn't know the feeling," Martha added with similar candor and an amused chuckle before finally tossing them into the washer. "You didn't want to hear that. Sorry. My filter must be off today."
Jackson wondered if a woman that walked around with cum-coated socks draped off her laundry basket actually had a filter to begin with, but it was the opening he'd been waiting for. All he needed to do now was approach it right. "You know, you could bottle that stuff up and sell it instead of filling your socks with it. People will buy anything."
"Sell my spunk?" She let out a hearty laugh.
"Well, um, there have been some studies recently about its health benefits. They say it helps build muscle. It sounds silly saying this out loud." Jackson began to have second thoughts and tried to play it off as a joke, but he saw a twinkle in Martha's eyes.
"I have heard that before. Ever tried it?"
"No, no, never." He felt defensive all of the sudden, the off-putting smile she gave him raised his level of discomfort and he quickly regretted ever bringing the whole thing up. "I only read articles about it because I was looking for protein supplements to help pack on a little muscle. Then I saw those socks of yours and figured I'd give you a heads up that there's probably a market for that sort of thing."
"That makes sense," Martha said. "I bet it would be good for bulking up. I happen to like my guys small and sweet, but I know big muscles get the girls these days."
Martha's admission turned Jackson's face a deep shade of red. "It's no big deal. I probably should have left it unsaid."
"No," she said. "I think you brought me a good opportunity." There was that off-putting smile of hers again. Jackson didn't like the way she was looking at him. He hurriedly added detergent and set the machine going before scurrying up the stairs and back to his apartment.
There was a booming knock at Jackson's door no more than fifteen minutes later that startled him. Nobody stood outside the door to his apartment when he went to check. He was about to shut the door when he noticed a lidded container at his feet. Jackson glanced around but saw no one, he bent down and picked the note up that sat beside the container. It read:
"This one's on me."
Jackson brought the container inside with him. It felt warm in his hands. He set it down on his desk. Jackson peeled back the lid and suppressed a gasp at the sight of the milky, murky liquid contained within. Martha's semen. Jackson didn't know how to react or what to think as he studied it. He wanted to be grossed out, and a part of him was, but another part of him wouldn't let him look away, wouldn't let him spill it out in the sink and forget it.
Jackson lifted the container. Filled nearly to the edge with cum, it was heavy. Jackson hadn't known loads this large even existed. He nixed the suspicion that it could be from multiple ejaculations because he'd just brought the subject up to Martha not fifteen minutes ago. Her ejaculations must have resembled an erupting volcano, she'd cover everything in the vicinity in her molten lava if she wasn't careful. Jackson imagined how massive her testicles had to be to expel such a payload. The thought left him feeling woozy.
He thought of the girl at work he had a crush on who'd rejected him, the shame and dejection he felt over his slight frame, it all rolled through his head on repeat. This container of musky splooge represented his last hope, but he didn't relish the idea of drinking something that came out of Martha's body. He wondered if he could really put a substance in his mouth that had brewed inside that greasy woman and shot out of her penis. He decided that if he ever wanted any success with girls in his life he would have to.
Jackson raised the virile fluid to his lips and sniffed it. He tipped the container to his lips and took a sip of the substance rolling around inside it. The syrupy liquid coated his tongue. It's rich, powerful flavor assaulted his taste buds. He swallowed. Jackson's mind was hit by an image of Martha orgasming into the container. It left him disturbed. He was unnerved, but he took another sip, and then another.
Jackson struggled at times to swallow Martha's thick butter. He wouldn't let himself give up, even when it felt like it was coalescing in his stomach and forming a knot. He disregarded more mental images of her busting the nut he was drinking. He tried to hide from the fact that the substance he gulped down was produced inside Martha, pumped up her shaft and blown out of her hard cock. From her dick to his mouth.
Jackson put the container down only when he'd polished off her entire load. He'd ingested so much of her sperm that it felt like cum was going to start pouring out from his eyeballs. Jackson sat there and considered what he'd done. He took a deep breath and wiped the sticky residue from around his lips as best he could.
He wondered if this made him a sissy now. He'd just slurped down someone else's semen. Guzzled the potent sperm syrup down and coated his stomach with it. Did that make him Martha's bitch now? He'd swallowed the horny older woman's massive load. That sounded like something only a sissy or a bitch would do. Jackson washed the container out in the sink. He didn't know whether he should bring it back to her or not.
Jackson didn't want to write the whole thing off completely. In an effort to capitalize on the protein he did some curls with his dumbbells. He'd just put the television on when he remembered his laundry. He passed a cute girl he'd been crushing on in the hall that lived in the same building. Her name was Megan and she gave him a funny look as they crossed paths and then kept walking.
Jackson wasn't exactly happy to find Martha back in the laundry room changing her clothes over as well. He nodded when she said hello and began loading the dryer himself.
"You get the donation I left outside your door? How was it?" Martha asked.
"I don't know what you thought I was going to do with that..."
Martha abandoned her clothes and walked right up to him. "I thought you wouldn't be able to resist. I figured you'd gobble it up." She rubbed the side of Jackson's mouth with her thumb and then drew her hand back to reveal a pearly strand of partially-dried semen on it. "I was right."
Jackson felt like kicking himself. Megan must have seen that dripping off his face in the hall. What must she have thought? Did she think he was a degenerate or a pervert of some sort? Was he?
"Uh, I tasted it just to... to see what all the fuss was about online. I wanted to know what people were willing to pay for."
"Did you find it out?" Martha sucked the glistening wad off her thumb and smacked her thick lips.
Jackson blushed in response to her ostentatious display. "No," he said. "I don't think this is my sort of thing."
"Then you're saying I shouldn't leave you any more samples?" she asked.
"Yeah. I guess you're going to need those socks again," he chuckled uncomfortably.
"You're probably right," Martha replied with a wise smirk.
Jackson woke up the next day officially prepared to put the whole incident behind him. Martha could go back to soiling her socks, she could keep filling containers, she could even ejaculate off the side of a building for all he cared. The only place he knew her next big load wasn't going was down his throat.
Jackson felt pretty good. His mood was upbeat. He had plenty of energy. He was feeling so nice that when he saw Megan at the bottom of the stairwell he went down to say hello and clear up their minor misunderstanding from yesterday.
He lied and said he must have looked odd because he'd put shaving cream on and hadn't washed it off very well. She accepted his explanation and seemed fine with it. Jackson was beginning to feel at ease and continued their conversation until another guy emerged from one of the apartments and met Megan with a kiss. He was wearing a muscle tee that let everyone see how ripped his arms were. Megan introduced him. Her boyfriend Derrick. Jackson ended the conversation quickly and shut himself up in his apartment again.
That painful reminder convinced Jackson to abandon his decision to avoid Martha and her big loads. It hadn't taken long for him to become desperate enough once again to drink her cum. Jackson made sure he was there the next time Martha did laundry. The older woman seemed to be expecting him down there in that dimly-lit laundry room. She greeted him with the smile that made him uneasy, but after his latest humiliation, he didn't let that dissuade him.
"Hey Martha, I've been thinking..." he said, "just because it's not my sort of thing doesn't mean I couldn't help you sell... your stuff. It still feels like a shame to just wash it away in a washing machine when people are willing to pay for it." He glanced over at the dirty socks hanging off her basket of clothes.
"You're asking for a business partnership. You wanna help connect me with buyers?" Martha appeared quite amused at his latest excuse to get his hands on her dick milk.
"I, I could pay you upfront and handle the rest myself. You wouldn't have to do anything. Other than the... the getting the product out. And you'd do that anyway." Jackson's own words made him cringe.
"Is that so?" Martha pretended to be unconvinced by his newest proposal.
"I have some money on me. I could pay you." He started to fumble around in his pockets and pulled out his wallet.
Martha shook her head side to side. She pushed his wallet away. "Keep your money. I think we can work something out for payment," she said in an abstruse tone.
"How, um, how can we?" Jackson blinked anxiously.
Martha hefted his dirty laundry bag up and started going through it. She yanked a bright pair of red briefs out. "We'll do a swap. My loads for your unmentionables."
Jackson wanted to tear his underwear out of her hands. "Those are dirty!" he protested, "They wouldn't even fit you! You're... I mean... you're a lot bigger than me."
"They'll fit quite nicely wrapped around my cock, smart-ass," Martha snapped the small waistband, "Might be a little snug, but that's kind of the point." She grinned.
"That's disgusting!" Jackson griped. He felt repulsed just thinking about it.
"You don't want to see how the sausage milk is made, you just want to drink it. I get it. If you really don't like it you can refuse my next spunk shake. I might even give you back the underwear. They're going to look a lot like my socks do when I'm done with them," Martha informed him with a high degree of satisfaction in her voice. He remained speechless as she walked off, her hips snapping, his little red briefs swinging from around her finger.
Jackson wasn't startled this time when ten or fifteen minutes after he'd headed back to his apartment someone banged on his door. "Delivery!" Martha boomed from outside his door. He waited to open the door until he'd heard her descend the stairs. Sure enough there was another container sitting on the mat just beyond his doorway. Jackson took a quick look around, just to be sure, a guilty expression on his face. He brought the container inside with him and set it down on his coffee table.
Jackson paced in a circular pattern around the table before finally sitting down on the couch across from the container. He couldn't believe he was thinking like this, but he didn't want it to get cold. Jackson popped the lid off the container and brought it to his lips in one seamless motion. He sipped slowly from the container, letting its warm contents wash over him. He was strangely calm this time, swallowing thick, weighty mouthfuls of Martha's sperm. He'd felt a tad hungry and in a shameful way this really hit the spot. Jackson watched the way her load shimmered under the light, the way it careened around the edges of the container and into his mouth.
He'd finished off most of it by the time he happened to look down and notice his erection. The revelation didn't sit well with Jackson. He wasn't supposed to be sprouting boners from drinking Martha's semen! This was supposed to help him become a better man, the kind of man that girls would like to date. Instead it felt like it was turning him into more of a sissy than he already was.
He had to admit at some point that he liked the taste of it. That wasn't supposed to happen either. It was warm and rich and it felt good going down. It left him feeling sated deep inside. There was another component, a darker pleasure he didn't know how to admit to himself yet. It seemed to carry with it an intimate connection. It was more than some protein shake you put together in a blender, it was personal. It was Martha. The sweet part of her. Jackson didn't know how to comprehend any of these feelings so he took the rest and quickly swallowed it.
An unsettling dream preyed upon Jackson's sleeping mind that night. Martha's naked, sweating, heaving body towering over him. She seemed ten feet tall, stroking her massive cock over his face. Her breasts bounced together to the rhythm of her jerking hand. Her breath was harsh, rasping. He heard it like it was in his ears with him. The muscles in her legs flexed as she rubbed the huge monster in his face. Her entire body tensed suddenly. She moaned so loud that the room shook as her cock erupted violently. Martha painted his face in her hot cream. The crazy thing was he loved it. He lapped it up and slurped it down any which way he could get it. She spewed gallons of it all over him. He didn't want her to stop. He wanted to drown in it. He wanted to bathe in it. He wanted to live in it. He wanted more. Always more.
Jackson awoke in a cold sweat and threw the blanket off. He reached over and gulped down the glass of water on his nightstand. The dream hadn't even disgusted him. It had done something worse. Up until now he'd tried to avoid thoughts of Martha orgasming into that container, filling it with her gooey seed just for him. Those mental pictures were unavoidable now. He was seeing them in his dreams. The back of Jackson's throat tickled with desire. He cared less and less about how the sausage got made, only that it made its way to him. He wanted more, always more, and it wasn't a dream anymore. It was his reality. Two feedings and he was addicted.
I don't have to tell you that Martha and Jackson started doing a lot more laundry. Nearly every day they'd meet up in that dreary laundry room and initiate the exchange. Jackson inconspicuously passed Martha his dirty briefs and not long after he'd have a hot and fresh delivery ready to drink at his door. A week went by before Martha broke the protocol they'd established. This time when she took possession of Jackson's underwear she brought them right up to her face. Martha inhaled them deeply. She rubbed them over her nose and lips and moaned intensely. Martha shut her eyes and basked in their scent.
When she opened her eyes again she took notice of Jackson's disapproving expression. "Don't look like a prude when you're going to have a pint of my DNA splashing around in your stomach soon," she said.
Jackson stifled his objections. He needed Martha. Needed what she could provide. He was always going to have to make certain concessions to keep her happy and willing to supply him. Jackson had no way of knowing how steep those compromises would soon become.
It was her next request that clued him into the scope of what she intended for their new relationship. The time came quickly when Martha seemed particularly unimpressed with their current bargain. One day out of the blue she wouldn't take his underwear.
"You don't want them?" Jackson asked, a little embarrassed. He'd just gotten used to the idea that his unwashed skivvies could be desirable to someone like her and now she didn't want them.
"No," Martha said, "I may not be bringing you my loads anymore."
"No?" Jackson's spirits instantly deflated. "Is there... someone else?" he asked with a surprising amount of hurt palpable in his voice.
"There's no one else," Martha replied. "I want to keep feeding you. But do you want it too?"
"Yes. Please. You know I don't want to stop. I could wear other underwear. You could pick them out if you want," he offered with some evident embarrassment.
"It's going to take more than that," Martha declared. "I'm tired of doing all the work. You've been getting the milk practically for free. From now on if you want the cream filling you're going to have to do the milking."
Jackson blushed crimson. "You want me to... to help you masturbate?"
"It's to help you. You're the one on the semen diet. You don't have to say yes right away. I'm going to make this so easy for you. You know where I live. Come see me anytime. Tonight. Tomorrow. Next week. Help me rub one out and the load's yours. Show up or don't. That's the only way you're getting my seed from now on. Be prepared to work for it."
Martha didn't wait for Jackson's response. She gave him a wide grin, grabbed her clothes basket and left. Jackson looked back and watched her big, voluptuous ass swinging as she walked. It was the kind of ass that could crush a man and make him beg for more. Jackson felt crushed and he worried he might soon be begging her for more.
Jackson couldn't hold out for long. That tickle in the back of his throat, the burning desire from deep within wouldn't let him rest. The next day after work he stood outside her apartment and stared apprehensively at the numbers on her door. To knock or not to knock. Jackson had a serious decision to make.
His hand rapped at the door.
A few pounding steps and the door swept open. Martha stood in the doorway, a bathrobe adorning her body and a smile on her face. "Thought I'd see you last night," she said. She looked down at her robe and then over to him, "I was just changing from work when I heard your knock. Come in."
Jackson passed through the threshold into her apartment for the first time. He peered around the room. He knew the layout well because his apartment on the upper level was similar; their taste in furnishing and decor wasn't. Martha seated him on the big leather couch in the middle of the room, a singing fish hanging on the wall over the tv. She offered him a drink from a shelf overflowing with vodka and whiskey bottles.
"You're in luck today. I was so sure I'd see you yesterday that I never jerked off. You're going to get one hell of a big one today. Are you ready for it?" Martha poured herself a drink and sat beside him. Her robe split open a few inches, revealing the inside of her thigh. She stretched, stirring the robe open further and divulging that she wasn't wearing anything under it.
"Do you want it?" she asked again when he failed to answer, his eyes glued to the gap in her robe.
"What, um, what?" Jackson suddenly felt very hot and nervous.
Martha took a long sip from her drink. She sat back comfortably. "A drink from me. The best drink in the house." She spread her legs and let her cock poke through the gap. Jackson's breath stalled in his chest. It was big, fat, and getting harder. He'd never seen it before, only the golden nectar it produced, which rolled down his throat and pleased his stomach like nothing else ever had. A juicy vein crawled up the shaft and tapered off just before reaching the thick, meaty head. A cock more impressive and powerful than any of the ones he'd seen in pornos. A woman's cock.
He couldn't run from it any longer. Her dick stared him right in the face and said, in nothing but a whisper at first, "Touch me."
"It won't make me a sissy to touch it?" he asked apprehensively.
"No, of course not. Give me your hands," Martha told him.
Jackson extended his hands to her and watched as she took both of them. Hers were bigger and stronger than his, but they held him with a gentle grip. Martha clasped his hands in hers and examined them carefully. "They're pretty," she remarked. "Like they were made for stroking cock."
"Thank you," Jackson said, not sure how much of a compliment it really was for a straight man to receive. His focus remained on what lay between her legs, only it wasn't laying anymore, as he watched it swell in size.
Its sibilant whisper grew louder. "Put your hands on me," it implored him. "Stroke me. Touch me. Give yourself to me and I'll shoot my stuff for you. I'll empty my love goo all over you and finally quench your thirst for me." It talked until Jackson became keenly aware that he was the one doing the talking in his own head and he didn't need anymore convincing.
Martha released Jackson's hands and let him begin to explore her stiff meat for himself now that she was sure he would. He grasped her cock in his small hands. It throbbed for him. When he touched the engorged head a milky pearl formed there. Jackson swiped the hot syrup onto his fingertip and brought it to his lips. The flavor made him purr. So thick and warm in his hand, he began to stroke her incredible pole. His hand moved in long, slow motions up and down the length of it.
"Ohh, that's good," she said. "It's about time we put those soft little hands to use. When you want butter you gotta churn for it."
Jackson felt a tinge of insecurity as he compared his small hands to her enormous slab. He couldn't close his fingers around it, although Martha moaned when he tried.
"It's very big," he murmured, somewhat to himself. It was no longer a mystery in any sense of the word how she managed to produce such massive loads for him to drink. Her huge, plump testicles and fat, veiny shaft told him everything he needed to know about the who and the how. Jackson licked his lips, the single bead of pre-cum he'd milked from her so far had stimulated his taste buds and awoken his ravenous, cum-hungry stomach.
Martha deduced some of the things that were rocketing around in his brain as he masturbated her throbbing phallus in slow, deliberate, almost loving strokes. She savored the view, raking her fingers gently through his hair.
Jackson rubbed out another dollop of pre-cum. "You should use that to lubricate my shaft," she said, but he'd already wiped it from her and sucked it off his finger by then. So Martha spit in her hand and coated her stiff rod with it.
"Thanks," Jackson said softly, slightly embarrassed that he might be coming off like a cum-addicted freak, but figuring that the way he could stroke her faster now with the added lubrication more than made up for it. Martha's shutting eyes and low moans told him all he needed about the kind of job he was doing.
Jackson pumped her fat shaft, his eyes glued raptly to the meaty, swollen tip, studying its size and shape as its color changed from pink to red, then reddish purple. Driven on by his impatient waiting for another pearl of Martha's precious syrup to whet his appetite, he discovered he could squeeze just below her over-sized crown to make a glazed, milky bead of nectar form at her hole practically on command. He smiled triumphantly, he really could milk her.
Jackson went straight for the inviting droplet, but Martha pushed his finger away. He couldn't understand why she would slap him away and looked up into her face with genuine fear weighing on his features that she might be having second thoughts about this whole thing. Her eyes twinkled at his.
"It's enough poking me with that finger, honey. It gets cold on the journey from there to your mouth, anyway. You've got to grab it straight from the source. You're gonna have to catch it with your tongue if you want more."
Jackson might have had reservations if he'd taken a minute and thought about it; if he weren't sitting between her chubby, mature thighs, corkscrewing her fat shaft with both hands. Jackson slowed the motion of his jerking and dipped his mouth down, sending a twisted shiver down each of their spines as his tongue touched her tip. He took the rich, creamy pearl between his lips and swallowed.
Martha's thick lips spread into a pleased smile. "Can't believe I ever spunked up my socks with a dollface like you living in the same building as me, ready to slurp down everything I can muster."
The ripples of pleasure slicing through Martha's mature body were intensifying. It was as though she could feel the cum begin to boil inside her. It wouldn't be long now.
Martha moaned harshly and put her hand down on Jackson's shoulder. "Quite a load brewing in there for you. All I can say is you better have arrived on an empty stomach. Use a hand to rub my nuts if you want that butter, honey."
Jackson juggled her fat, pulsing balls in one hand as the other tirelessly massaged her shaft in firm, quickening strokes. His eyes focused on her swollen, angry tip. He shuffled his knees anxiously and licked his lips.
Martha tightened her grip on his shoulder as she approached the precipice of her orgasm. "Your special delivery's almost here. Get ready for some big mouthfuls," she rasped.
It dawned on Jackson that they didn't have a container to capture her cum with. "Wait!" he cried frantically, "let me get something to catch it with!"
"Too late," she said, seizing his shoulder even harder in case he tried to move. "Put your lips on the end of my cock and I'll shoot in your mouth. I hope you're a quick swallower." Her breathing suddenly intensified. "Get a single drop of it on my leather couch and I'll never feed you my cream again." Martha's eyes clenched shut.
Jackson had no time to decide. The only thing he knew for sure in that split second was that he couldn't let any of Martha's sperm spill on that couch and risk losing her loads forever.
"Seal your lips on the head! I'm cumming now!" Martha cried, using the hand that wasn't clawing at Jackson's shoulder to blanket his hand on her shaft and help with the last few strokes.
Jackson rushed forward and took the fat, throbbing crown between his lips just as love goo bubbled through Martha's shaft and flooded down Jackson's unprepared throat with the power of a Cat 5 storm. He had little time to savor the wondrous flavor of her boiling syrup, struggling down thick mouthfuls of it, doing everything he could not to choke, his eyes watering.
It was a fiery eruption, filling Jackson's mouth with hefty spurts of her tangy splooge. His hand continued to milk her shaft while his lips maintained their vacuum seal on the end of her cock. It was a battle to keep up with the flow of butter filling his stomach, but he wouldn't give up and he wouldn't let a single drop spill, not if it killed him. Jackson took it all.
It didn't look pretty, but that voracious little tickle in the back of Jackson's throat finally felt sated. He was elated to swallow each and every new blast. And while it might not have looked pretty, it was the most beautiful thing Martha had ever seen. His sweet lips wrapped around her angry mushroom, stimulating all those hypersensitive mid-orgasm nerves with his hot mouth, drinking down her load like a pro with tears streaming down his cheeks from all the exertion.
Martha fed him everything she had. Every last drop until she'd been drained so completely that her balls ached pleasantly. Jackson's eyes were closed. He sat there contentedly, teasing her veiny shaft with his feathery fingertips, her tip between his tightly-sealed lips, resting on his hot, velvet tongue. He could feel her sticky load rolling around in his stomach. It was a feeling he desperately craved.
"I think that's all of it," Martha said with a warm chuckle after she'd let a minute pass and he hadn't moved. "That was a lot more fun than filling my socks. Thanks, honey."
Jackson blushed. He let her massive tip drop from his lips and licked them clean, scoring another honey sweet strand that had started to dribble down his chin. Jackson looked up sheepishly at his well-hung benefactress and wondered if things would ever be the same for him after what had happened between them. His own throbbing erection and the pure satisfaction radiating out from his stomach told him emphatically that they wouldn't be.
A turning point in Jackson's life came the very next day. He knew the knock at the door had to be from Martha. He rushed to it and found a lidded container waiting for him on the mat just like before. Jackson picked it up, his heart beating through his chest at the very sight of it. He couldn't help feeling a little disappointed when he found a note inside instead of her hot splooge. The note said to come to her apartment fast as he could for a creamy surprise.
Jackson didn't need to be convinced. He burst out of his apartment and was well on the way to Martha and her waiting surprise in just a few frenzied strides. He would have been there in record time if he hadn't stumbled right into Megan in the hallway. She didn't seem to be watching where she was going either.
"Sorry," Jackson blurted out, moving his feet to negotiate past her.
"It's all right," Megan said, she sounded angry, but not at him.
"What's wrong?" he asked gently.
"Derrick broke up with me. Can you believe it!" Megan stamped her foot and checked her phone again as if to see if he'd texted her since she'd last checked.
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"He was a dick anyways," she vented.
"You'll be able to do a lot better than him if that's true."
Megan put her phone away. "You're absolutely right. I don't want to think about that bastard anymore. It looks like you're in a hurry but if you weren't doing anything right now maybe we could..." She gave him the glimmer of a mischievous smile.
Here was the moment Jackson had been waiting for, but now that it had finally come all he could think about was the creamy surprise Martha had waiting for him. It was getting colder the longer he stood there gabbing with Megan.
He'd never turned down a girl before and had no idea how. "I already made plans. I, I'm sorry. Perhaps another time."
Megan's smile evaporated instantly. Her expression morphed into the one she'd worn when Jackson first bumped into her.
"You're going to see that strange large woman, aren't you? The one with the crusty socks? I heard people talking in the building but I didn't believe them."
Jackson's face reddened. "She's very nice in her own way," he said, looking down at his feet.
Megan's expression softened. She gave him the hint of a smile and said, "I hope she makes you happy. Don't worry about me. I'll call some of my girlfriends up and get drunk. Then Derrick and I will probably be back together in a week like last time."
Jackson returned her smile nervously. "Thanks," he said. And they walked off in opposite directions.
Jackson's cheeks stayed red with embarrassment from Megan's assumption that he was in some way dating Martha. It's not like they were dating, Jackson was just... slurping her potent seed down like a ravenous dog any chance he got. Dating might be kinder than the truth.
So there he stood outside Martha's door. He'd been in the exact same spot the day prior deciding whether to knock or not. The answer was even more clear today than it had been then. He could no longer hide behind the excuse that he needed Martha's loads to bulk up so that girls would be interested in him. A girl he had a crush on, a girl whose boyfriend had just broken up with her, and there she was offering herself up to Jackson on a silver platter. He'd turned her down cold. Martha was waiting for him and she had a creamy surprise with his name on it which he couldn't let get cold.
Jackson knocked.
She didn't come to the door to meet him this time. "Come in," her voice called out from within.
He opened the door and stepped inside her apartment. The couch was empty. He peeked around the corner into the kitchen and it was empty too.
"In the bedroom," she beckoned him in a sultry voice he'd never heard from her before.
The door was open. The lights in the room were neither bright nor dim. Her bedroom had faded flowery print drapes on the windows and a bookshelf with more snowglobes and various knick-knacks on it than books. Martha was turned away from him, standing at the dresser by her bed. She was naked. His eyes followed the shape of her generous curves, fixating on her large, thick MILF ass. This was his first time really seeing this side of her, literally. His cock came to life in his pants.
"I've been waiting," she said, still turned away from him. "You shouldn't keep me waiting, honey."
"I'm sorry. I ran into somebody in the hall. I got here as fast as I could."
"I'm glad you're here. I don't know how I'd clean up this mess if I didn't have your hungry mouth to count on." Martha spun around, Jackson's eyes zeroing in on her huge, half-hard cock as it whipped around with her.
Slowly Jackson took in the rest of her. His lips curved into a smile as he did. Her stomach, arms and most particularly her breasts were splattered in cum. Jackson's erection throbbed. Martha's big tits and thick nipples were coated in her cream like a giant pair of shimmering candy apples. Jackson hadn't paid much attention to her breasts before, only in his dream. They were gorgeous, especially when they were dripping in cum.
"Get over here and eat up, lover boy." Martha coiled one of her arms out to him.
"At your service."
Jackson closed the gap between them in an impassioned flash. He took her thick arm in both of his skinny ones and attached his needy lips to the glob of glistening semen nearest them. All thoughts of Megan were flushed from his brain. Suddenly he didn't feel puny, he didn't feel inadequate. His arms fit around Martha's perfectly and when her syrupy load hit his taste buds with their virile tang, all his complaints were gone.
He cleaned her arm off with long, swirling licks. It tickled Martha and sent a pleasurable surge through her prick. Jackson swallowed the drying white globs of sperm hungrily. When one arm was sparkling clean he moved onto the next, sucking and lapping at her fleshy arms as if in a fervid trance.
Jackson dropped to his knees and licked the trail of cum off her stomach, negotiating around her growing erection to do so. He struggled to stand and had started to reach for her plump, cum-splattered titties when she eluded him.
Martha hopped up on the bed. A crooked smile adorned her thick lips as she drew him closer with her finger. "Up on the bed with me if you're ready for the main course," she said.
Jackson was ready to leap on the bed and get at those dripping breasts when Martha pushed him away easily with her foot.
"Clothes are never allowed in my bed, honey. You've gotta strip if you want my spunk." Her smile widened ominously.
He couldn't turn back now, not when he was so close to sucking those fat melons clean and filling his needy belly with another helping of Martha's special protein product. Jackson sighed as he whipped his shirt off.
Martha chuckled softly. "Told you you'd have to work for it." Her eyes took in his slender chest. It was her turn to lick her lips and feel a hungry void in her stomach as Jackson stripped his pants and little red briefs off. His pink, bouncing dick and skinny legs launched another horny jolt through her stiff member.
Not long ago Jackson would have been mortified by the obvious size disparity between their respective packages, but today he didn't give it a thought as he glided over to Martha on the bed and pressed his tiny body onto hers. Jackson's gluttonous lips found her creamy breasts. She cupped the back of his head in turn.
He licked her sticky breasts clean one at a time. They were so doughy and warm, jutting out from her lightly-freckled chest. Faint blue veins led like a path toward her areolae. The supple skin was smooth and flattened against her chest as his tongue brushed along the twin treasures.
"Hungry today, aren't you?" Martha moaned. Her hard cock burrowed between his chubby, little thighs.
Jackson licked her breasts until only the areolae and nipples were still creamed. His face dived between the two sticky orbs, he was busy collecting the pools of cum that had drifted there when Martha, keeping her hands in his hair, pressed the inside of her arms against the sides of her tits, making them pancake out around his head and trapping him there. Jackson closed his eyes and enjoyed their warmth and incredible softness. It didn't matter that they were suffocating him. He could breathe in the next life.
Martha eventually loosened her titty grip and let his head go. "Like that, huh?" She laughed warmly. "Keep going. These fat tits better sparkle before you're done. Don't waste a drop of my special juice." She humped her throbbing prick between his clasping thighs.
Jackson dragged his tongue in circles around her areolae, gulping down every tiny shred of Martha's syrup, its nutty, sweet flavor soothing his entire body. A rocketing spark of pleasure ripped through Martha when his pliant tongue strummed across one of her nipples. She froze in the middle of a deep breath and moaned.
Each of her thick nipples had a good-sized dollop of milky seed attached to it. Martha's toes crunched and her legs flexed together as Jackson licked the glistening butter off. When he was satisfied that he'd cleaned every drop of her creamy load off her tits he looked up into her eyes.
"Did I do as good a job?" he asked coyly.
"I'll tell you when you're finished, honey." Martha cupped the back of his head tighter and brought his shiny lips back to the juicy, engorged nipple he'd just tongue-polished. "Suck it," she said with a glassy stare.
Jackson took the sensitive nub between his smiling lips and sucked. He suckled her puffy nipple gently, tasting the rubbery skin and tickling it with his tongue. His aching dick laid flat between their stomachs, hers stayed nestled between his warm, gripping thighs.
"Like sucking those, don't you? Don't stop."
Jackson nursed contentedly at her breast and listened to Martha's fluttering moans. He scraped the tender nub with his teeth and felt her big body squirm beneath him. He could tell when it was becoming too sensitive to continue and so he turned his head and caught her other nipple between his lips. Jackson slurped loudly and sucked down hard on the thick, swollen knob.
Time ticked away quickly amidst the amorous nursing; a smack of Jackson's lips here, a purring moan from Martha there. Finally she had no choice but to push the boy away and give her stiff, aching nipples a rest. His soft lips detached with an audible pop.
Jackson shifted his weight, inadvertently rubbing his tender thighs around her girth. Martha smiled as it reminded her of the other stiff, aching knob in her possession which could use the attention now that his mouth was free.
"Hungry for another serving of cream?" she asked, grinning.
Jackson nodded profusely and used the opportunity to disentangle his body from on top of hers. He sat back naked on her bed and stared down at her huge, hard pole. Martha took the veiny shaft in her hand and gave it a few pumps.
"I'm pretty close after all that," she said. "I could've easily unloaded between those cute little thighs of yours."
"Do you want me to stroke it for you like last time?" Jackson asked somewhat timidly, watching it throb with starstruck eyes.
"There's no way I'm downgrading back to your hands now, honey. Use your mouth." Martha caused a big bead of fresh, tempting pre-cum to form at the tip with her stroking.
Jackson's stomach started to growl looking at the sticky dollop of cream glisten on the end of her slit. Even so, giving Martha an out-and-out blow job seemed to be taking things a little far.
"My mouth? Can't I jerk it for you and then put my lips on the end to catch the cum when you're ready to blow like before? That would feel really good for you and I'd still be doing all the work like you wanted."
"You're right." Martha winked at him. "That would feel really good." She grabbed him by the back of the head and used her arm to slowly drag him down to her crotch with what felt like the brute strength of a 10,000-pound excavator. "This will feel even better." Martha stopped pulling only when Jackson's lips were nearly brushing the fleshy tip and she could feel his hot breath bathing over it.
"Do what you did when you were sucking on my tits and just pretend it's a big nipple."
A very big nipple, Jackson thought as he took her suggestion, stretching his lips wide around the over-sized head to get it into his mouth.
"A very big nipple," Martha said with a chuckle, as though she were in his head. And since her fat tip was throbbing in his mouth at that very moment, she literally was. Martha looked down on the welcomed sight with a thankful twinkle in her eyes. She moaned as her flared, swollen corona disappeared between his lips.
Martha patiently guided Jackson's head lower on her cock. "That's it. That's it. If your mouth feels stuffed just imagine my sweet, silky nut rolling down your throat and swallow another inch."
Jackson captured more of her length between his tight lips. He took her advice to heart on two counts, imagining himself hungrily gulping down her buttery load and pretending it was like Martha's big nipple in his mouth that he was sucking on. As he'd done when he was suckling her tits, he flicked his tongue against it, thrilling the sensitive nerves on the underside of her swollen prick with feathery tongue strokes. Martha liked it, she liked it very much.
"Oh, that's wonderful," Martha enthused. "Earning your load quick with tricks like that." She fed more of her thick shaft into his mouth. "Best magic trick a young man can pull on me is to make my cock disappear," she said with a wise chuckle.
If you'd polled Jackson thirty minutes ago, he'd have recoiled at the thought of giving a blow job. It didn't seem so distasteful as he greedily slurped down the near constant trickle of delicious pre-cum leaking from her thick member. Jackson fluttered his tongue on the fleshy tip and crammed another pulsing inch into his hot mouth.
"Love to see your sweet lips around those knotty veins curling up my shaft. It feels even better than it looks. Fuck, I'm a lucky old girl!" The horny MILF used one hand to toy with her nipple and the other to run through Jackson's hair.
His slobbering mouth incited a dozen gratifying shivers to run down her spine. Martha very nearly exploded when she felt Jackson's soft hands grasp her swollen balls. She held back, gritting her teeth, deriving a particularly naughty pleasure from the look on Jackson's young face; an expression like an open book which told her how badly he was dying to gulp down her hot load.
Her engorged prick looked even larger than usual in Jackson's small mouth and against his thin face. She stroked his cheek and listened to his frenzied slurping with the rapt attention of someone relishing great music.
Jackson took the fat shaft as deep as he could into his tight throat, swallowing hard around the spongy, stiff head. He blinked away a few hot tears and continued to tease the needy python with his tongue, playing it like an instrument with squeezing sucks placed in between.
He got more used to bobbing his head along her length, keeping his lips tightly sealed to massage the sensitive skin and letting the leaky tip bounce hard against the moist, muscular opening to his throat.
Martha whipped the hair out of her face and moaned throatily. Her throbbing slab swelled thicker between his sucking lips. She perceived all the sensations of an imminent explosion growing inside her titillated body.
"You've got me right on the doorstep, honey!" Martha's wide hips snapped forward involuntarily. "Be quick about it. Stick a finger in my butt and I'll spray down your little throat like a garden hose!"
Jackson gripped her meaty monster hard in his throat, lodging it between his tongue and the pleasurably bumpy roof of his mouth. He slid his hand under her tightening balls and had only just wrestled the very tip of his pointer finger into her humid sphincter when it seized around him as if it were a vice and the first mighty blast of her massive orgasm had him struggling to keep pace with the flow of rich, buttery syrup spewing down his throat.
"This is what you wanted," she grunted breathily. "Fuck, yes. Choke it down. All of it! Brewed up special for Martha's special little sword swallower," she cooed, keeping her firing cock lodged down his throat. The thick volleys of potent seed flooding his mouth were impossible to count. They were endless and Jackson had no desire for them to end. He was in heaven, gulping down shot after hot shot of her delicious cream.
Jackson's finger dug deeper into her sweaty, squeezing asshole. His eyes were closed blissfully. He used his hand to pump her slick shaft, milking the sperm up that his stomach craved with a firm grip to match the one Martha had on the back of his head.
Jackson kept it up until he was confident he'd secured the final drops of her honey sweet discharge, gradually reducing the strength of his sucking down to a gentle, rhythmic suckle. Martha's rod began to shrink, she'd banged out two loads in the last hour and both had been massive. Jackson slowly took his finger out of her ass and then let her wet crown slip from his lips.
Jackson was reveling in the wonderful full feeling emanating from his stomach when Martha's expression took on a look of concern. She took her finger and wiped a stray glob of cum off her left thigh.
"You missed a spot." Martha brought the finger up between them, glistening with milky pearls of semen. Jackson reached for it with his greedy lips, but she pulled her hand away before he could get his tongue around it.
"I won't hold it against you." Martha smeared the buttery dribble across her thick, smirking lips. "Suck it off," she said.
Jackson planted his lips on hers with the intention of doing just as she asked, only Martha had ulterior motives. She wrapped her thick arms around his neck and shoved her tongue into his mouth, kissing him deeply. Jackson melted into her big body and moaned softly around her dancing tongue.
Jackson saw Martha for a special feeding every day over the next week. She complimented his growing oral skills each time. Jackson was like a detective as he learned her weak points and exploited them to devastating effect, coaxing Martha into some of the most powerful orgasms of her life. He was discovering just how to flick his tongue in a certain way or the exact right moment to shove a finger up her ass that would send her over the edge and earn him a full belly of sticky goodness.
One time he sucked her until she was ready to blow and then flipped her throbbing meat up so she splattered all over her chest and stomach again. He spent the next twenty minutes licking it off and sucking her tits, then spread the last drying glob of her cream across her lips like pancake batter and kissed it off for another ten minutes. It fast became usual for them to kiss for a while after the blow job was finished. There was a special intimacy between them during that time, when Martha's balls were pleasantly empty and her big load was fresh in his stomach.
So Martha was feeling especially naughty when she decided to change things up a little bit on the boy. Jackson strolled into her bedroom one day for their "regular appointment" already salivating at the prospect of swallowing her pole.
Martha stood in front of the dresser by the bed with a quirky smile on her face (Martha's smiles were never off-putting to Jackson anymore, they were lovably quirky) and a cock that was already three-quarters hard. It brought back memories for Jackson of the day he'd first stepped foot into her bedroom. She'd been turned away from him then, concealing a giant load that was coating her titties for him to lick off. Jackson smiled at the recollection and wondered what she had in store for him today.
"Hope you're hungry," she said.
"Yes, please." He nodded shyly.
Martha's quirky smile widened. She turned around and bent over the dresser. Jackson's eyes bulged as he saw a load of Martha's unmistakable cum ooze from her big, doughy butt cheeks. She reached back with one hand and spread the fat orbs, showing him all of her drenched crack and her dripping, little asshole. Her balls swung pendulum-like between the gap in her open thighs.
"Eat up, honey. Suck the hole and get your tongue way deep in there because it's been crammed full. The spunk is everywhere, I can feel it squishing around inside me."
"How... how'd you cum up your own ass?" Jackson asked, flabbergasted.
Martha laughed knowingly, like she'd expected him to ask. "I shot my seed in a bowl and then slathered it between my cheeks, smart-ass. After that I dunked a dildo in it and fucked myself hard and deep with it. I did that till there was no more cream in the bowl. My cock might be long, but I don't think I could shove it eight inches up my own ass, smart-ass."
"Oh," Jackson said, watching the butter ooze between her fat, meaty cheeks intently. His cock was rock hard but he hesitated, recalling vaguely a fear he had at the beginning of this whole naughty business. He thought only sissies could slurp down another person's cum like it was candy. Well, Jackson could conceive of no act more sissy-like than to slurp that virile splooge down from someone else's ass. That felt like it was in a category all its own.
"What're you waiting for? I thought you were hungry. Don't let your food get cold, dumpling." Martha slapped one of her plump cheeks, making it ripple for emphasis.
"I, I don't know. Isn't this a little... much? Sticking a finger or two in your ass was one thing, but..." his voice trailed off in accordance with his thoughts.
"Oh, Jackson, and we were getting along so well!" Martha smacked her lips. "Hand me one of those socks on the pile in the corner and I'll clean this mess off. Looks like I'm going back to filling up my socks. I so loved feeding you my loads instead, but since you've gotten cold feet about our arrangement that's going to have to be over."
A panicked jolt zipped through Jackson's brain. He couldn't lose Martha's sperm now, he wouldn't. Jackson lurched forward and collapsed to his knees before her massive ass. He dove headlong into the split between her cheeks and began lapping up her delicious seed like a thirsty wolf.
Martha shut her eyes and smiled. "There's my hungry boy," she said.
Jackson cleaned the cavernous insides of her sticky cheeks with long, circling strokes of his rapacious tongue. He licked her deep, steamy crack clean, savoring the taste of her potent seed on the tips of his taste buds before every satisfied swallow. All his doubts had disappeared by the time the main course, her dripping, little pucker, was the only thing left to eat.
Jackson sealed his lips around her hot opening, catching a dribble of cum on his tongue and gulping it down greedily before sucking gently at first, then harder, extracting another trickle of thick butter from her tender hole. Jackson swirled his tongue around the crinkly skin of her rose, causing a sharp moan to escape from Martha's lips.
He stiffened his tongue and dug it into her moist entrance. A gush of cum flooded out and tasted divine slinking down his throat. Jackson became more bold, wrestling his tongue past her clutching sphincter. The muscles lining Martha's asshole trembled and seized around his tongue. He kept going, shoving his rigid tongue deeper, making her grunt, collecting up globs of her sweet, tangy syrup as he went.
"That feels good, fuck... you're way deep inside me." Martha breathed harshly from her mouth.
Jackson wiggled his tongue with all his might inside her, cleaning every drop of the hot spunk and sending pleasurable jolts down her rock hard cock all at the same time. He persevered until he could go no farther in. Jackson withdrew reluctantly and ran his tongue around his mouth, purring quietly as he took in the full expanse of her incredible flavor.
"Oh god, you did it. Got it all! I can't stop trembling. Crazy how a little tongue up my chute can make me feel all that!"
Jackson wasn't done yet. He kissed her hole and nibbled lightly on the flared skin. He strummed his tongue over her opening for a solid minute before moving on to explore every inch of her crack with his flicking tongue. Jackson's hands came up and he dug his fingers into her doughy, mature cheeks. He got down to Martha's taint and munched on it ever so gently, making her squirm and rub her legs together. Moments later his nose was deep in that tender space as he caught her hanging testicles from behind in his mouth and sucked lovingly on her sack.
Martha couldn't stop smiling by the time he'd finished his adventurous journey. He was making it hard for her to pull her next trick. She turned around and he was ready to devour her stiff rod down his throat right then and there if she'd let him but instead she lifted him back to his feet.
"Can I suck out another load?" Jackson asked, biting his bottom lip.
Martha smiled wickedly. "Love that, wouldn't you?"
"Yes," he said, nodding sheepishly.
Martha gave her veiny member a couple of lazy strokes, teasing and enticing him further.
"Please, can I?" he asked again hopefully.
"Well, I've just had it dawn on me that when you're eating all my loads there's none left for me, honey."
"You were cumming in your socks before I came along!" he protested, rolling back and forth nervously on the balls of his feet.
"That was before I saw how much you love it. How you purr and moan as you guzzle down every last buttery drop. You deserve a future in commercials. Whatever you're selling that gets that reaction out of you, I'll buy ten." Martha dabbed the side of Jackson's mouth, collecting the smallest morsel of pearly swimmers onto her finger and sucking it clean. "I might have developed a taste for it now."
Jackson cast his eyes downward. "Please... I need it."
Martha lifted his head up by his chin. "We could share. One load for me, one load for me. Do everything equal. That wouldn't be so bad?"
Jackson nodded his assent faintly. "Could I suck it out for you?" he asked gently. "If I promise not to swallow it myself?"
"Since we're doing everything equal I should get to lick it from an ass. And since I can't lick my own ass, yours will have to suffice." Martha's eyes twinkled as the object of her desires began to come into focus. Every stop along the way had inexorably been leading to this.
Jackson blushed imagining what she was saying and tried not to think about too carefully. "I could still suck you off, then make you blow in a container and rub it on my ass for you..."
"Only reason I slathered it on by hand and used a dildo to do the rest is because, like I said, I can't fuck my own ass. But I could fuck yours."
Jackson's pucker cringed involuntarily at the mere mention. "That might really be going too far..."
"You wouldn't have anything to worry about. I'd take it slow," she said, stroking his arm.
"I'm scared to try that," he said cautiously.
Martha gave him a broad, reassuring smile. She'd thrown out her line and she could sense him nibbling on the hook. She nearly had him. She was so close to burying her cock balls deep inside him that she could almost feel it. She didn't want to eat her load off his ass, what she wanted to do was screw him nice and deep. Then it would be her turn to purr and moan. That way he'd be hers forever. Ever since she'd first noticed the naughty boy sniffing her crusty socks in the laundry room Martha had never wanted anything more in her life.
"You were scared when you first brought up the idea to me of selling my spunk. You were scared when you drank it for the first time. You were scared to use your hands on me and then your mouth. Each time you did it and you're glad you did, aren't you?"
Jackson nodded affirmatively, staring like a puppy dog up into Martha's big, twinkling eyes.
"And I've been there every step of the way to help steer you along, haven't I? This time'll be no different, honey. Won't you let me share in some more of the fun with you?" Her voice had a smooth, soothing quality that stirred a sense of comfort and security inside Jackson.
He thought about it and then he said, "We can do it, on one condition."
Martha's smile stretched across the entirety of her face. "Name it! Anything."
"You never threaten to give me up and go back to your socks again." He returned her smile and coiled his small hand around her still-stiffened member.
"I accept your condition," she said with a wink before swooping down and kissing him eagerly. Her hands were all over him in a flash, groping his body and removing his clothes with passionate precision. Martha stripped him just as naked as she was and pulled his little body into hers while their tongues wrestled. Her hands reached around him and kneaded his smooth, bubbly ass cheeks.
Jackson listened to Martha and did what she told him to. It was a different experience than any of the others. Oddly, even when he'd been pleasuring her cock with his mouth, part of him felt like he was still the one in control. She didn't grab him by the hair and fuck his throat. She let him take the initiative, he played and experimented and went at his own pace. Now as he climbed into her bed and bent down on all fours, his chubby, little ass aimed toward her, she was the one firmly in control.
Martha groped his butt and spread the hairless, little cheeks as a fiery smile twisted its way onto her face. "We're gonna do just fine together, you and me," she said, staring eagerly at his tiny, quivering asshole. She pounced on Jackson and bit playfully into one of his soft cheeks. He yelped and pulled away, out of surprise rather than pain. Martha chuckled, admiring the little love mark she'd left on him.
"Relax," she told him.
"You've done this before, right?" Jackson asked softly.
"Of course."
"And you've had it done to you?"
"Sure. Remember I had a dildo eight inches deep before you got here today, honey." Her fingertips grazed his lightly-trembling cheeks.
"Did it hurt the first time?" he asked finally.
"Yep, it hurt at first. And it felt good. It felt both ways at the same time until eventually the pleasure drowned out the pain. Some things are worth a little pain, sometimes those are the best things. The things you're most glad you did." Her hands stroked his hairless butt and thighs reassuringly as she spoke.
Jackson seemed comforted for the moment but jumped when she opened a bottle of lube from off the dresser behind him. Martha put the bottle back down for the time being and gently laid down on top of him, her heavy tits squashing against his back and hard cock lodging harmlessly between his thighs.
She kissed his neck and took his earlobe into her hot mouth before whispering in his ear, "Listen to me when I tell you to relax. Don't tighten up. Loosen yourself from within. Nothing bad's gonna happen to you. I've got you and I'll take care of you."
She squeezed his arm and then lifted off him. Martha dropped her head and planted a loving kiss on his butt right below where she'd left the little mark with her teeth. She grabbed the lube again and held it over him.
Her cock ached and strained desperately for the pleasures of his little ass. "Are you ready? If you need to, you can still say no."
"Do it. I want you to."
Martha sighed with relief. Both of their hearts were beating out of their chests as she drizzled the oil onto his wincing pucker. She squirted some onto her hand and after a few strokes had thoroughly covered her impressive length in the greasy lube, paying special attention to make sure the swollen tip was thickly-coated.
"It's coming at you. Don't tense up. Don't get scared. Let it in." Martha spread his cheeks and brought the fat, spongy helmet to the mouth of his asshole, letting it nestle comfortably there, she basked in the first sparks of pleasure that coursed through her horny, mature body.
"I forget just how big it is sometimes," Jackson said, ready to grit his teeth if need be, trying to keep his breathing steady and his body calm.
"When it's knocking on the door of your little rose for the first time, of course it feels big. You're gonna do okay. Think loose thoughts. You can't fight it. It's gonna go where it's gonna go. Do not clench. It's just me. I'm knocking on your door. Let me in. All I want to do is shoot my cum up your ass instead of in your belly for a change. You may like it just as much this way."
Martha's massive tip had started to work against his natural defenses, sawing its way inside, while she spoke to him soothingly, hoping to preoccupy his mind and pacify his nervous body. She was halfway through his hot, clutching sphincter and leaking pre-cum like a sieve before he knew what had happened. Jackson grunted and pushed gently around it, opening the way as best he could for its grand entrance. He winced with tremors of sharp pain but he forced his muscles gradually to ease as she wrestled all the way through his sphincter into the moist, trembling cavity of his ass.
"That's it, honey. You're doing great. Laying that tight, little red carpet out for me. I know it hurts, it's going to get easier. Just hang in there." Martha held him by the hips in her strong hands and began with deliberate slowness and steadiness to feed her pulsing meat into his tiny, twitching passage.
"It's so tight," Martha cooed. "Like my cock is being smothered. God, I could get used to this."
Jackson clenched his eyes shut and waited for the worst of it to be over. Behind the pain he could already sense something else lurking there deep within; a nugget of pleasure. Every time he reached for it he couldn't quite grab it, but no matter how much hurt her intruding member inflicted on his poor ass, that shiny, promising spark of hiding gratification was always there. All he had to do was catch it.
The greasy inches of her fat prick disappeared until there was none left outside his pucker and their bodies fully met. "That's all of it. You did great! How's it feel in there, everything all right?" Martha's words were coming out slightly slurred due to the immense pleasure she was reaping from him tender, throbbing insides.
Jackson mewled out an incomprehensible reply, but he didn't tell her to stop and he wasn't crying in pain. Martha took that as a cue to keep going, her fingernails dug into his warm butt cheeks as she slowly withdrew just a couple inches, curling her toes when his hole contracted around her girth.
At a pace similar to how she first had penetrated him, Martha eased those veiny inches back inside him. Jackson groaned and clutched the bed sheets beneath him. "So deep," he muttered.
"Don't listen to the pain, listen to me. I know what you're going through and I'm right here." Martha wrapped one hand around his body and grabbed hold of his fully hard cock. "Someone's stiff," she said, chuckling. She massaged his straining pole as she withdrew a few more inches from within him and then gently slid them back in.
"Still so tight. You sure are a gripper, honey. Bad for you right now, good for me because it feels so fucking fantastic. You've had the worst of it already. Loosen this booty up for me and I can really start to lay the wood on you." She continued to stroke his manhood, pulling her hips back in one long motion until just the engorged tip remained jammed within his pucker.
Martha relished taking her young lover's virginity, reveling in the intense pleasures of his tight clutches. Soon she could drop her responsible demeanor and do some real fucking. Jackson had the kind of ass that begged with all its little trembles and squeezing kisses to be ridden for real by a woman like Martha with her size and stamina. She put her hands back on his hips in pursuit of more control for what was soon to come.
She pressed back inside him until about the halfway point, looking down between their bodies at the fat inches she knew were up his ass, being gripped and massaged by his hot, moist anal muscles, and the inches just outside, throbbing, desperately eager to join their brothers deep within his utopian opening. Martha could never deny her cock what it wanted. She went balls deep inside Jackson with one steady push that was faster and more powerful than anything she'd done so far.
"Uhhmmghhm... fuck..." Jackson whimpered loudly, finding his voice.
"Too much? Is the pain very bad?" Martha asked, caressing the butt cheek she'd left the lightest of bites on.
"It feels... it feels... kind of good? Do more. Ohh, I feel something... way deep in there. Fuck! Don't stop, it, it's making me shiver, making me feel weird all over... I, I like it!" The pain was dulling for Jackson, transforming slowly into a tolerable ache that radiated through his ass while a dark, forbidden pleasure began to sweep throughout his entire body.
Martha felt similar elation. She'd been given the license she needed to enjoy the incredible pleasures of his tiny, clutching hole without worrying about the pain it was causing him. She extracted a few inches of her hard cock only to bury it back inside him. Martha did this a few more times, finally developing the sort of rhythm, though still slow and relatively gentle, that made it feel like real sex. It was glorious.
"Yes, ughh, fuck, ohhhh, fuck... yes!" Jackson moaned. "This, this is why people love getting fucked. I, I didn't know! Didn't know what it felt like!" His back arched and he could feel his toes flex stiff then bend tight.
"It's the greatest feeling in the world, honey. And this is why you love getting fucked. There's no one else here but you and me. One little hole and one big, fat cock." Martha's breath was coming out heavily now. "You're doing so good. You're an amazing first-timer and I'm so lucky to be the woman doing it."
After a string of unyielding thrusts inside her boy Martha was beginning to sweat. She listened to his soft moans and the slapping together of their bodies. They really did make beautiful music together. She wouldn't let herself think about how it would have to come to an end before too long. She wanted to stay buried inside him forever, luxuriating within the hot, delicate delights of his slippery insides.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck me! I'm all yours, Martha! I love the way you do me. Don't stop. Don't ever stop!" Jackson cried, beginning to jerk his cock and moaning into the mattress.
Martha buried her throbbing prick to the hilt inside him at the end of every thrust, digging her sharp fingernails into the soft meat of his ass more ferociously. It was too hot inside him. Too tight. No one could hold out against the unyielding grip of his quivering pucker. Martha knew her eruption was fast approaching and she was determined to savor every moment until then.
"You're the tightest I've ever had, the absolute best ass out there, Jackson. Keep clutching my pole like that and I'm gonna stuff your little butt so full with cream!"
Martha drilled his hole with forceful thrusts as his anal muscles wound even tighter around her girth and squeezed the semen up from her depths. Martha's big ass bounced with each snap of her wide hips. She felt pleasure-filled shivers run up and down her spine and the hair on the back of her neck stand straight.
"Do it," Jackson urged her, biting down on his knuckles, cum boiling through his shaft. "Shoot your delicious seed deep inside me! Fill me with it! Drown me in it! Make me yours for good!" he cried, shooting his load into the mattress.
It was during his orgasm that his ass violently seized around Martha's throbbing cock, sending her finally over the edge and into new, uncharted pleasures. Stars shone in her twinkling eyes as she slammed her fat meat as deep as it would go inside Jackson's quaking asshole and erupted with a triumphant, thunderous cry.
"I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING! Fuck, ahhhhh, yes-yes-yesss!" Martha's swollen prick lurched with each hot gush of thick syrup inside him. Their sweaty bodies trembled together as she crammed her sticky load all the way up his ass, shooting him full with rope after rope of boiling sperm. Martha grunted and groaned like a wild beast as her balls emptied deep within his tender, convulsing passage.
"I feel it all, fuck! I feel every shot. So much, there's so much!" Jackson panted, loving the way it splattered everywhere and coated his insides.
Martha's shaking legs gave out beneath her and she collapsed down on top of him, mashing her sweaty tits into his back, while her hard slab continued to blast, coating him in love goo. Time slowed down, she kissed the back of his head frantically, spewing everything she had inside him, squeezing out every last drop she could give.
They laid like that for a few moments, perhaps a few minutes. Neither of them was counting. Martha's big, sweating body seemed to wrap around him so perfectly. She didn't want to speak yet and break the mood, preferring instead to smell his hair and nibble at his neck. Her cock remained inside his aching channel, being massaged lovingly by his exhausted anal muscles. Jackson took her hand closest to his face and placed dozens of slow, gentle kisses on it.
Eventually she had to get off him. Martha carefully withdrew her shrinking prick from the depths of dripping hole and rolled over next to him. They turned toward each other, she brushed the hair out of his face as their eyes connected.
"I'm cold now that you're not on top of me," he said, smiling.
"You won't have to put up with that too much. I'm going to spend a lot of time on top of you from now on," she replied, smiling back. Martha took the blanket that was next to her and draped it over his soft, beautiful body.
"So I guess we won't be going into business selling my spunk, huh?" She chuckled.
"No, I want it all for myself." Suddenly he remembered something. "Did... did you want to eat the cum from my ass?"
"No. What do you think I am? Some kind of sissy?" she said with a wicked grin before catching on her finger a freshly-formed pearl of cum from the tip of her cock and bringing it up to his mouth.
Jackson got over his sudden shock at her ribbing when he saw the beautiful pearl shimmering there for him. "Being a sissy has its perks," he said, the smile returning to his face. He engulfed her finger between his greedy lips and sucked it clean. Martha's eyes twinkled when she saw his shut as he savored her taste.
"What I will take is half that blanket and a kiss," she said, snuggling closer to him and pulling it over her big body.
"You're going to need more than half."
"How dare you." She caressed his cheek.
"You started it with that sissy talk," he said, beaming at her.
"Next time you make a comment like that I'll throw you out of my bed." Martha winked at him, taking his hand and placing it on her breasts.
Jackson began to squeeze and play with them as he spoke. "I'd like to see you try. I wouldn't make it to the door before you saw the cum dripping from my asshole and begged me to come back for another round."
"You're right... smart-ass."
"It's sore-ass now after what you just put me through."
Martha chuckled, her smile broadened as she brought her face nearer to his. "Better watch out or I'll do it again."
"Yes, please." Jackson bit his bottom lip.
"Now who's begging?" she asked, reaching over to pinch his butt.
"I am. So kiss me already."
The conversation ended as their lips met