Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 216: Prep For War; A New God

I gave the speech as many times as I needed to to the large crowds of elves. Which came down to a total of three heart inspiring times I had to give it. 

Personally I think my talk of fighting for one's future instead of running away with the currents of destiny was wholly inspiring.

However, it turns out that the people, my audience, did not share the same sympathy. As a result, my total haul of men and women and that one orphaned elf child is thirty.

Thirty. Only thirty eves stolen back from Maylin. Of course I understand entirely why the turnback ratio would be so low and frankly, I'm grateful for the few I got.

These elves have been under Maylins protection, under her wing and feeding from her metaphorical udders. They've found safety and stability in her care, and while it may be far from true comfort, freedom to do whatever they please or even freedom to serve themselves, it was still a good, sturdy life.

They were just glad to be alive and safe. 

With me, a human, it's a no-brainer choice to have distrust towards me, after all, I am jut suddenly appearing and demanding they serve me, it's reminiscent of their oppressors. 

As such, I gladly accept the thirty of them and begin to make way back to Aste, bidding Maylin and her flock a merry and safe journey toward whatever Maylin is marching towards, as far as I see it, she's just asking for trouble, none of this will go right. 

I missed the chance to get her explanation of her plans, something I doubt can even be given an explanation, but I didn't miss the chance to retrieve the seventy-five neatly tied up elves that Yelenia led to defeat against Maylin. 

Capturing these elves and Yelenia failing so spectacularly does me much good. These seventy re-captured Elven warriors are just what I need at the forefront of my army, right behind the undead scourges I intend to raise. 

After several minutes of marching my entourage and I arrive back at the western gates of the city. There I'm met by the guards Kaylin left behind after she stormed off with Yelenia softly cradled in her arms, but there are noticeably a lot more extras to the originals.

Still I let them know to direct the captured seventy-five to either Red, Quen or more preferably, Juri. My reluctant commanders, Red and Quen have been having some trouble adjusting to their new responsibilities as leaders in my army. 

Although I understand why they'd be reluctant to do the good bidding of the sinister Necromancer who nearly killed them and then captured, cursed and enslaved them, I can't help but be a bit impatient with them, a thought occurs to me that they may need a reminder to inspire proper productivity. 

Perhaps later, for now I have some unfinished business with the emissary of the Synagogue, the Diviner. 

I haven't sat to ponder on the man's offer to proselytize either my fame and legend or that of the goddess who covers the land I'm standing on now, Frozia. 

Considering that if I choose myself, Frozia, although she can't kill me directly she can still make my living a whole lot harder, I don't need any other God hounding me, Phien is plenty. There's also the fact that she literally holds Anselm's soul in her hands, she can ressurect him and end him completely if she wishes to. 

I figure it won't do me much good to gain her ire in this way. But at the same time, if I choose her I may end up never being able to surpass her power even if I become a Demi-God, she would be far too strong- thanks to my efforts no less- for me to handle. 

Setting my eyes on the shivering bunch, the Diviner is quick to notice my presence and resume his pathetic sniveling. 

"Please! PLEASE! Spare me, I will do anything you ask!" 

The others, who earlier didn't bother beg out my name for mercy join in with the Diviner, as thought reasoning it wouldn't hurt to beg for their lives if that's what it takes. 

Unfortunately for them, I've already made up my minds and their pathetic groveling only served to irritate me, "Silence!" I command, shutting them all instantly. "Diviner, you spoke of preaching, is this something you can do well regardless of Deity?" 

He nods fiercely, "Yes, yes it is! I can preach the word and love or hate, of any Deity." 

I smile at the man and be on Panda who has trailed behind me so obediently, "Well then, if that is so then consider me a God, you'll be preaching me, Panda, break the chains." 

The massive beasts lifts its paw and brings it down on the chains, shattering them in an instant. 

"You... You mean to make yourself up to be a God?" the diviner stutters once free. "That is the ultimate heresy." 

I shrug uncaringly, "Heresy often performed by kings and queens and all monarchs, look where you stand Diviner, you stand in the presence of an Emperor." 

He steps out of the huddle and muddle of his former peers and conspirators and comes to my side. 

"Of course, I am not yet so arrogant, so you wi preach my good deeds and powerful, protective ways whereever you go... Under the umbrella of the Goddess of Winter and Ice." 

He frowns, taking his time to digest what I've just said, "You mean... I should preach of you as her avatar?" 

I'm not sure what that means exactly but if the vague understanding I've gleamed from the context is accurate then, "Yes, yes as her avatar, preach of me with her, side by side and both equally needy of worship, glory and prayer from the masses." 

His frown remains, "You want me to preach of two gods then? One of Winter and Ice, Frozia, but what of you? What will you be the God of?" 

It's and intriguing, thought provoking question no one has ever asked me, not even Anselm. What would I be a God of? 

Thinking of it now I realize I'm getting ahead of myself, I am no where close to even defeating a Beta warrior, a mere servant of Phien, a fallen God and still strong spirit forces, like the Spriggan and Icktar, the daemon from Reais still threaten me. 

It's obvious I've got my head in the clouds. But now I suppose this is all in preparation so I can truly become that God, the God of... 

Undead perhaps? But I am certainly not the first to wield Necromancy, undead are perhaps even natural to this world. There may be other, natural systemless Necromancers out there. Or perhaps not.

Still, I suppose I could take it...could I? Surely a God of undead doesn't exist. 

"How about God of Undead? Or is there one?" the Diviner winces at my words, "What's wrong? Is there already a God of Undead?" 

The Diviner let's out a huff and gulps, "Well, there is no God of undead or undeath in any of the blasphemous pantheons I know of." he sees my look and corrects himself, "Ah, blasphemous as in you're the only God to b worshipped!" 

I roll my eyes at the ass kissing, "Get on with it please." 

He nods, "Ah, yes. Well, the problem is, it will be a bit difficult to proselytize a common man to a God of something as...terrifying and generally considered as evil as Undead creatures. Not only would it be strange and uncomfortable for a living person to pledge devotion to a God of undeath but it would be difficult to prepare sermons and praises. If you wish to go that route perhaps some actual, sentient undead can worship you."

He makes sense but it pisses me off. True enough it would be difficult to get living people to worship me as a God of Undead.

"Do I need to be a bit common friendly then..." I him, thinking upon it for a moment and I snap my fingers. It's plain and easy to see what I should choose.

"Well then preach of me as the God of Undead or Undeath and Unrighteous souls."

"Unrighteous souls?"

Grinning at my new found servant I answer, "Yes. I am where the souls of evil doers, outsider's cast off by their societies, pariahs and fools go to. The people should pray to me to take up the souls of evil ones so peace may reign on the earth, on their home. I am the one they pray too when they wish an evil doer to be spared, I am the one to redeem the Undeath."

The Diviner looks frightened but he nods his head, "Understood, I will prepare a church for you and Frozia, I will prepare temples and shrines in your name and God." 

Good, very good. 

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