Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 213: Prep For War; Stress (P3)

The Western and Eastern gates of Aste were the only ones left operational and taking in what visitors the city received on a daily or weekly basis.

These two gates are the least defended. Of course there are men manning the ballisters atop the wall but the bulk of guards have been deployed to patrol the streets and break up whatever angry humans or elves start a fuss.

They've also been deployed to the locked gates, the north and south gates. These were the gates with the most chance of receiving an attack of sorts.

Serue from the north and the cultists from the south. It's best to be prepared. 

I have to leave Shaco behind to monitor my prisoners scheduled to be turned into undead at the news that Maylin and Yelenia have bee spotted. 

Although, the words of the Diviner ring loudly in my head. A preacher... What could I use a preacher for? 

Well the answer to this is immediately obvious, I use the preacher to spread the word and faith of Frozia and keep up my end of the deal until I'm strong enough to... Well.. Slap the shit out of her and get Anselm's captured soul. 

Thinking about it I realize that I'd only be making her more powerful and thus more difficult to slap the shit out of should the time to do so ever come. I'd need to be a deity of sorts to even begin making these plans as plans rather than the heated delusions of a mortal man they currently are.

With this in mind I figure it's best that I put this... Preacher to use as my very first messenger to the world.

If I am to someday become a deity... If this Mark of All thing is indeed as Frozia and Lotar have said, then I might as well get a head start on those worshippers.

Still, as we approach the western gates I find many flaws with my arrived conclusion, most pressing being how to enact the plan without being smited by Frozia.

But such thoughts will have to be set aside for another day to come, we arrive, Panda, Anselm and I. 

Kaylin and Hastra are already on site by the looks of it, the litter of guards that linger ahead tells me this much.

The cluster of guards part at my presence, giving me view to what waits.

Kaylin is on her knees with Yelenia in her arms and Matlin stands tall and proud. I can take a quick guess at what happened here.

"Hello Maylin." I greet with a frown marring my face. I look behind her as I continue to speak, "I don't see any of the thousands of elves you took here with you, are you forfeiting the deal we had?" 

She sighs and pulls her hair back, "Hello Asher, and I don't particularly intend to but circumstances within the city made it unsafe for us to camp in wait for you any longer." 

She meets my narrowed eyes with her calm uncaring ones and shrugs, "You're invited to give that recruitment speech of yours at our new location, perhaps when you've figured out a place for all the elves you already have." she says this glancing at Yelenia in Kaylin's arms. 

My suspicions must be right. 

I groan, massaging the bridge of my nose, it's just one problem after another isn't it. 

"What did she do?" I ask.

It's Maylin's turn to level me with a stare, "You mean apart from lead a band of dumbasses as hard headed and resilient on an attack on my group? Well, she destroyed some food and clothing."

It hard to save face when you've been so badly smeared. I look on at Yelenia, unconscious and still being cradled in Maylin's arms and realize, "You didn't kill the others did you?"

"The elves she brought along on her mad crusade against me? No, they're just being held back at camp, I thought to hand over your... Pet before setting the others free."

Suddenly Kaylin stands with Yelenia held up in her arms, bridal style, "I'll be taking her to one of the lodges in the palace...since no one else seems to care."

I frown at this but nonetheless make way for Kaylin and Hastra as they silently and broodily make their way out. 

I'm worried about Hastra.

"Did you say something to her before I got here?" I can't help but ask Maylin. Knowing their tumultuous relationship I can't be far off from the answer.

Maylin let's out a sort of growling sound and then simply sighs, "You shouldn't be the one talking about her being upset, you're the one that's made her this way, ever since I let her out the door with you she's become an entirely different person."

I chuckle, "You mean she's become bolder?" she glares, "It must be true because she's filling into her ambition of changing the city the way she has always wished."

Not missing a beat, Maylin bites back, "I can see how that's working so well for you and her."

"So you knew something with the humans was going on and you didn't interfere? Why not? Stop caring for your daughter just because she won't do as you say?"

"Of course not!" she screams, mana flaring, "She chose her path, whether or not we are to be together again will be up to the Goddess."

I feel like pressing on and asking why, why lending even a single spell or warning her way wouldn't be prudent but I don't. I know better than to meddle in family business, especially when there's nothing I can do to help. Besides, I'm fine the way it is.

"Take me to your elves then, I've got to make the most part of my deal."

She snorts but nods, "Nothing goes for free I see..."

I put on a sheepish grin, "Of course not."

She turns and begins a silent walk out the gate meanwhile I prep myself to give a powerful public speech that will hopefully turn over even as little as two hundred of the thousand fled elves under her care.

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