HP: The Crazy One

Chapter 41: The Day After

The evening breeze gently blew across my face as I leaned off the edge of the Astrology Tower, as I gaze off into the forbidden forest’s vast lands, lost in thought. 

‘Douglas Family...’

I couldn’t stop thinking about the Letter that my parents had prepared in case anything had happened to them. While very paranoid of them, it unfortunately came handy for when they were attacked. The letter also made it obvious who they were guarding against, though I have only vaguely heard of their name mentioned in history books so far. Was it the Douglas Family? How can I be sure?


I look at my hand and clasp it.

“I want the power to make sure the Nest doesn’t get burned down in the future...”

I think back to all my random books I had purposefully kept even though I had read them. My precious collection, in ashes. I don’t remember what else there was of the house, aside from my parents. Even my own bedroom I have no recollection of, which is getting frustrating.

Why am I forgetting obvious things all the time? How did I not notice magic until I got the Hogwarts letter?

There is a lot I must do before I can even taste the power I want.

“Mom... Dad...”

I missed my parents. They might not have taken the spotlight of my early years, but they were my parents, my cherished life coaches. I regretted not leaning on them more before I went to Hogwarts.


More tears landed on the ledge of the Astronomy Tower as I silently mourned my parents' disappearance.


Dinner was bleak, with the food tasting like mush. Oddly, there was no interference from Nargle’s with my food or general safety. Maybe they decided to give me a break.  The chatter of students around me became white noise and I struggled to make out a word or two. I got up from the table and fled the Great Hall, the noise overwhelming me. If I am still hungry, I will raid the kitchen.

I quickly found myself in the makeshift nest that I had set up on the first day of Hogwarts, though it had received some modifications since the last time I had been.

There were now beanbag-like chairs that faced the window that overlooked the lake, with some odd trinkets in the corners of the room, set up in an organized manner. In one of the chairs, surrounded by the remains of a plant, was Luna who was working with a silver vine.

She waved at me, not making any noise, and motioned to the chair that was situated next to her. I obliged and sat down pointing myself towards the window. Gazing at the lake, I noticed the moon had risen enough to reflect off the surface of it. Shimmering in the distance, it soothed my mind with each ripple of the lake.


I unknowingly let out a heavy sigh, and leaned back into the beanchair that was supporting me. Staring at the roof, I think about what is next. Do I shut myself in the library, finding a way to save my parents? Do I trust they can take care of themselves and graduate safely? If they can take care of themselves why was the letter slightly burnt and not delivered by owl?

It was only after I had sent Hedwig to deliver a letter to my parents that I got the scorched letter back, and Hedwig seemed scared for life.

“Wait…” I unconsciously mutter.

Could it be that me sending Hedwig had revealed the location of my parents? What if I-


“Wha?” I let out a confused groan and held my face where it had been slapped.

I was then handed a silver bracelet, with a smile on Luna’s face. The bracelet was unremarkable, but she had a look of expectation in her eyes, wanting me to try it on. It fit my wrist perfectly, mostly because it wrapped around my wrist when I put it on, refusing to budge. I shot a look at Luna to explain what just happened.

“A family secret, its meant to calm your mind,” She vaguely explained what was now latched onto my wrist.

She didn’t seem to be malicious, so I let it slide. It’s not the strangest thing that’s happened to me so far.

“Thanks,” I thanked her, as she seemed to have been working on it for a while judging from the mess that was now around her beanchair. She smiled and returned to her chair, whilst I pulled out Pinky and looked back on my list of things to do, which seems to keep growing every time I check.

1 - Nargles

2 - Knowledge (Expand)

3 - Mind Magic

4 - Defense Magic


I guess I can add a new entry…

0 - Find Parents, ensure wellbeing

1 - …



I sighed again, thinking about the next few years ahead of me. The long next few years…




I woke up still in the chair, but covered in grass which was strangely comfortable. It was as if someone had mowed the lawn and dumped the clippings all over me, minus the unbearable itch and the smell that would follow with a regular lawn.

I also woke up not knowing what day it was, and an empty stomach. My belongings were all in place, so instead of some sort of prank, there is a good chance Luna dumped grass over me. This is reaching the ‘weirdest thing to happen so far’ threshold.



It was still morning, which was reassuring. Maybe I should investigate upgrading the spell to include what day it is. Let’s add it to Pinky for now. I get up from the beanchair, grass falling off my robes en mass. Patting myself off, I make my way towards the Great Hall to tame my hunger.

After having a good night’s sleep, my mood seems to have improved several fold. This is probably because my parents are not confirmed to be dead, thus there is hope. Entering the Great Hall was no different from the usual, except for the sudden quietness that was my arrival.

Everyone in the Great Hall paused to look at me whilst I was entering, making me freeze in place. Harry immediately stood up and made his way towards me, whilst the other two fumbled a bit before getting up as well. When Harry was in front of me, he put his hand on my shoulder.

“Sorry to hear about your parents,” he sounded extremely sincere.

“…” I was still frozen in place, unable to speak a word of gratitude for his sympathy.

“At least you two have something in common now,” Ron butted in, with a distasteful joke.

He seemed to understand that wasn’t the right move, has he saw both mine and Harry’s face, immediately frown. This did free me up from the initial shock of being overwhelmed, so I patted Harry on his arm as a silent thanks and made my way towards Ravenclaw’s Table, ignoring the ginger completely.

The breakfast seemed especially fancy this morning, with more variety than usual. This also seemed to be targeted towards the end of the table where I sat. Maybe it’s the house elves trying to make me feel better.

I smile at their kindness, whilst eating the food which also doesn’t seem to have any Nargle influence.


[POV - Harry, Yesterday Morning]


“Did you hear?” Ron started his usual gossip session.

“What?” Harry was disinterested as usual.

“You know that weird kid that’s been going around lately?”

“Luna?” Harry guessed.

“The other one,”

“…” Harry had no more guesses.

“Zane! The weird kid who mostly keeps to himself! Rumors going around how he offended some Slytherin students?” Ron tried to explain.

“Oh, yea? Wait, he offended Slytherin?” Harry was curious. His perception of Zane didn’t see any conflict arising from Slytherin, even if he isn’t a pure-blooded family.

“Yea, he stopped some bullies and they have been out to get him since. its probably why his parents were targeted by dark wizards.” Ron casually explained.

“WHAT?” Harry’s eyes blew up, his voice raised unconsciously, making most of the Gryffindor table look at him.

“Calm down man,” Ron was surprised at his outburst.

“It happened before you came to the Great Hall, Hedwig delivered a letter, then Professor Flitwick took Zane away to the Headmaster’s office. He hasn’t been seen all day since!” Ron got agitated.

“Some people are even saying Luna took the letter that Zane left at the table,” He continued to explain before Harry cut him off.

“So? What happened to his parents?”

“Oh, right. Their house was found in ruins, I am not too sure of the specifics, my Mum had briefly mentioned it in her letter to me this morning.” He started to complain about his mother’s nagging afterwards.


“So Zane still hasn’t been seen?” Harry asked.

“Nope, which is rather impressive since most of Gryffindor is looking for him…” Ron trailed off.

“I don’t think you should be looking for him and instead should focus on Professor McGonagall’s test coming up soon.” Hermione joined the conversation. “Though it is sad to hear what happened to Zane’s parents…”

Harry stayed in the Great Hall until it was nearly time for curfew, hoping to give some reassurance to Zane, who had long since fallen asleep in his Nest. It wasn’t until the next day Harry got to saw Zane, who was looking alright for someone who’s parents just went missing, though it was clear Zane was in a depressed mood.

Harry immediately walked up to Zane and put his arm on Zane’s shoulder. Harry tried to give reassurance, but immediately found himself questioning why Zane was covered in a grassy potion ingredient, which distracted him long enough for Ron to arrive.

“At least you two have something in common now,” Ron announced his arrival.

Both Harry’s and Zane’s faces soured, and they separated shortly after.

“Ron! What the hell man!” Harry was mad.

“Sorry!” Ron seemed apologetic, as if it was just an impulsive thing to say.

“Seriously, you have to apologize to him the next time you see him!” Hermione seemed more offended than Harry.

They all looked towards Zane, who was lightly smiling at the lavish breakfast laid out in front of him.

“He doesn’t even seem to care though…” Ron tried to defend himself.


Hermione huffed in frustration, focusing back on the breakfast which seemed decidedly less grand than Zane’s.



Author Pit:

Hey… Did you know owls can go through Fidelius charms? ;)

Tried my third POV change this chapter, let me know how it went.

Sorry for the lack of updates, ya boy when to Melbourne to see Babymetal live and then immediately got sick on my return flight back to Narnia and is still nursing it.

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