HP: The Crazy One

Chapter 4 – Punishment and Reward

[1130 PM]

"Why would you go into the room we told you so many times not to?!" my mother harped on.

Oh boy... my mother is really mad this time and I'm not even sure why.

"Why would the doorknob fuc- why would it shock me when I touched it?" I replied.

"To keep you out!"

"So you resort to electro therapy instead of just telling me why it's so dangerous?"

I heard a sigh in response, I knew I would win this one because I still feel my hand tingling. Frankly, this whole situation is ridiculous, who attaches a car battery or electric source to a DOORKNOB to keep people out?

"Im not even gonna explain that." She replied.



"I said, that's not for you to know." She put it in a different way.

Why wasn't I allowed to know what was behind that door? Is it a family secret so dark ill excommunicate myself? Just as I'm about to ask I got cut off by my dad.

"What did you even want in there."

Remembering that I just wanted to read some books I felt like crying. So much trouble just to open a damn book... though it might be completely worth it...

"I just wanted to read some books you have in there, the library doesn't have anything worth reading anymore, and the lady that manages it won't listen to my requests for new books."

At this point, I'm completely deflated. I can't wait to be asleep so I don't have to deal with this. Just as I'm about to walk back to my room, I hear my dad tell me something that nearly made me splooge right then and there.

"Ok, how about this, you tell me what books you want and ill get them. On the condition, that you don't ever try to get back into this room."

He is being strangely serious for what this situation is, but whatever, more books!

"Sure!" I agreed so fast, that I felt like I didn't read the terms and conditions.

"Ok, we will continue this in the morning when your mother will decide your punishment."

I started silently sweating, if I was a pack mule then my mother would make me walk to china if she had the chance, and there it is, the chance for her to do so...

Whatever she has in store for tomorrow, I know I'm not gonna enjoy it.



Im tired.

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