HP : The Chronicles

Chapter 149: Chapter 149 : Stormy Skies at Hogwarts



It just made no sense. The man was either desperate, Harry thought, or was following some sort of a plan. And considering that he wasn't the brightest man around from what he had heard so far, if he was following a plan he wasn't in this alone. And it seemed he wasn't the only one with such an opinion; Severus approached Dumbledore a few hours later, posing the exact same question. Why in the world would Pettigrew, a man who only ever cared about himself, behave so recklessly?

The days passed quite swiftly after the Gryffindor Tower incident as it was now called among the students. Harry's concentration was forcefully swayed from trying to make heads or tails from Pettigrew's assault -but not Severus's who was stubbornly obsessing over the incident- because of Quidditch of all things. The first game of the season was Slytherin versus Gryffindor and Harry had been mentally preparing himself for a dirty game. But the Slytherin team had other issues.

To Harry's -and Severus's- great annoyance, a day before the match, Marcus Flint, Slytherin's captain, marched in the field while they were practicing and informed them that Malfoy had had an accident during practice and therefore couldn't compete. So the match effectively became Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff. Neville, who had been observing the confrontation from the sidelines, simply rolled his eyes and poined upwards towards the cloud-ridden skies. Harry nodded in understanding.

"Hurt my arse!" George exclaimed after Flint left the field. "They just don't want to play in this weather!" And Harry completely agreed; it had been raining non stop for the past three days and all the signs pointed that the day of the match would be even windier than the one before. On more news on the subject, it seemed that Hufflepuff had a new captain; his name was Cedric Diggory and he was also the Seeker of the team. Harry smirked bemused at the reaction that titbit of information caused to the female players of the team but he seemed to be the only male to do so. George and Fred sure didn't like it, and made a point to express exactly how much over dinner later that day, while Harry simply nodded and tried to choke his amused snorts in his mashed potatoes. His best friend just managed to choke on his mashed potatoes and the two teens started laughing openly when Fred and George left the table.

Nevertheless the team resumed their school activities, unable to do anything more; for one they decided not to steep low enough and bail out of the game and two, the weather really didn't allow them to practice any longer so even Oliver had to concede taking their minds off the game was probably the best strategy they could follow. The next day Sirius, who was teaching that week mostly because of the full moon, was more than happy to provide him with tips on how to stabilise his course while flying under heavy rain. Harry didn't have the heart to tell him that he probably knew more about the handlings of a broomstick than he did, so he just stood back and listened carefully. Surprisingly, Neville had seemed interested on what Sirius had to say and Harry filed that information away for further reference, his attention focusing not on what was being explained but on the dog animagus himself.

It was obvious to all those in the know that his godfather had been put under great amounts of stress lately; black circles were always prominent under his eyes and he seemed to have lost some weight. Harry already knew he was taking Pettigrew's escape personally; he didn't even dare to think how he had felt once he realised his once friend had entered the school while he was supposed to be guarding it.

He already knew that his mother had almost had a heart attack. Adrian had received an extremely long letter on how he should be more careful than he had been up to that point, how he should never leave the common room after nightfall and other similar instructions that had sent his older brother into a sulking fit. Harry just hoped Adrian wouldn't try to do something dangerous just out of spite at this point. Knowing his brother's risky nature, he might just. The Weasley twins had been sending his brother weird looks all week too. What was that about?

All his thoughts on the subject were stalled as the day of the game arrived; he was in the process of waterproofing the goggles and clothes of the whole team when a very wet Sirius and an equally drenched Adrian entered the room.

"Hey there!" Harry greeted them, placing the last spell on Alicia Spinet's goggles. "That should do it, Alicia."

"You're a lifesaver, Harry."

"Are you casting waterproof spells?" Sirius asked his godson, smiling proudly.

"I figured they might be a little helpful." Harry admitted casting the spell over his own clothes and gear. Thunder boomed close to the Quidditch pitch temporarily halting all conversation. "I don't know if you noticed, but it's raining." Harry stated breaking the silence.

"I sort of did." Sirius admitted, drying his and Adrian's clothes with a wave of his wand.

"So, ready for the game?" Adrian asked.

"Yep." Harry assured him, trying to sound as confident as possible. He wished once again that he could be riding his Firebolt instead.

"You sure?" Sirius asked. Harry rolled his eyes and turned to face his godfather.

"Broom, check." He started, showing them his Nimbus Two Thousand. "Waterproofed clothes to survive the cataclysm, check." He continued, making his brother chuckle. "Waterproofed goggles so I can actually see where I'm going amidst said cataclysm, also check. Wand, because I'm paranoid, check."

"Okay, kiddo. You convinced me." Sirius stated, clapping the teenager on the back once.

"We just came to say good luck." Adrian offered. "I just really wish it could have been Malfoy you'd be beating; but Hufflepuff will do." Harry smiled at his brother's encouragement; it was nice to hear that he could do it from someone else other than Severus from time to time.

"Your brother's right, Harry." Sirius added. "You'll do just fine." Harry nodded and smiled at their retreating backs as he got ready to enter the field.

"I'll second that!" Neville's voice sounded from the back of the room where Oliver had roped him in trying to explain how the teem would operate during the game. "And could you please remind Oliver that I'm actually not a part of the Quidditch team? I think he forgot." Harry laughed openly at that, casting a glance to a now silent Oliver, frantically going over the schematics he had come up with over the last week.

"I don't think it matters at this point, Nev." Harry admitted, chuckling once more. "I believe that Oliver would had tried to explain his strategies even to Trevor should he decide to stroll by." The boys shared another round of mirthful laughter before Neville wished his friend good luck and run outside to join the rest of their House at the stands.



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