HP :Pokemon In Horgwart


Compared to the multitude they had found placing their tickets, the four were not surprised to find a considerably smaller group that had come to cash in.

But then, all of them were in the Griffins' line.

"Some of them are Manticores fans... freaking traitors," George commented, indicating the people with the Manticores robes and hats.

"I certainly would not. Come to think about it, they must have been trying to make up for the loss from the first round. If anything, they certainly won't be able to break even," Lee interjected.

Listening to their reasoning, Magnus decided the three had no hope of becoming proper gamblers... Emotional betting was the easiest way to court losses.

"They could, you know... I mean, that last round, Griffins had a three," Fred said, looking quite gloomy as he fell next to Magnus, who was now the third person in the Griffins' queue. The payout line was moving crazy fast.

"I just wish I had even ten sickles to risk," he said with a dreamy look.

"Yeah, but we would have still lost it on the Charizard, bro," George had to remind his twin where their allegiance had been.

"What I wish is that the Griffins did not forfeit the third round. I bet they might have won that too," Magnus bemoaned.

He was thinking of just how much he would have been cashing in had that round gone his way, but then again, that might have gone against him.

"Either way, the Manticores have lost the league," Lee said. "The Beast Brothers would have to lose two rounds for them to play each other in a tiebreaker. I say there is zero chance of that happening."

Just then, a silvery weasel materialized in front of them.

It was so sudden that Magnus had actually retreated a few steps back but when the weasel opened its mouth and he heard the voice he knew belonged to Mr. Weasley, he laughed at his reaction.

It was a Patronus... He had seen it quite several times in the film when he had the luxury in the children's home.

"Beast Brothers have won the league... I told you they would. I'm guessing the Griffins somehow managed to beat the Manticores... Anyway, I won five Galleons, and Ron and I are off to the Leaky Cauldron. Meet you there."

The weasel, having delivered its message, disappeared, leaving the twins looking unamused.

"That is our dad," George said to Magnus, having seen his reaction.

"Yeah, wait until we tell him we met someone who used three Galleons to get seventy-two. Dad only placed four on the Beast Brothers and got five—just a Galleon in profit."

As they had been speaking, the line had been thinning, and now it was Magnus's turn. The three friends surrounded him, all looking sternly at the clerk, as if daring him to try anything underhanded.

Magnus handed the man his ticket.

"Aah... that's right. You are the black horse... Let me see..." And with that, he began to carefully scrutinize the parchment as if he wasn't the one who had handed it to him.

Seconds into his scrutiny, however, he looked up with what seemed like a mixture of awe and suspicion.

"My... my... seventy-two Galleons down from three... must be one hell of a lucky chap."

And with that, the clerk lowered his head beneath the counter and began counting coins.

Magnus could already feel his heart thundering in anticipation.

I mean, this was going too smooth... Subconsciously, he had been anticipating some kind of push and pull. It wasn't his first time gambling. In the streets, they had often played cards to kill time. Winning was one thing, but getting paid, though—that was where the real struggle began.

"Seventy-one, seventy-two..." the man finished counting before pouring the shiny gold coins on the counter.

"Here you go, mate... I suppose you want to confirm. Here, take this as well," he beamed as he handed a grey pouch to him. "That's for choosing to play with the Lucky Brothers. We would love to see you again."

Magnus did not say anything. Picking up the pouch, he began to drop the Galleons one by one.

"One... two, three, four..." The three friends were counting loudly as Magnus continued to drop the coins. He eventually gave up counting and relied on their confirmation.

"Seventy, seventy-one, seventy-two..."

"It's all there..."

"It's good."

"Okay," the three chorused, now looking relieved, just like Magnus.

"Of course, it's all there... What do you take us for? The Lucky Brothers always pay their due," the clerk looked quite serious as he said this, and Magnus recalled one of the three telling him that these were the best in the business.

"Thank you very much," Magnus said as he turned to leave.

"Well... next time, I am sure you and your friends will be playing with us," the man called after them.

"Puh... They don't part with Galleons easily. He hopes you will return the money back to them, mate," Fred jeered as they began to head out to the stadium.

"Well, to be honest, he did not seem to care that much... and why should he? While he lost maybe a thousand Galleons, his brother won a hundred times that on Charizard losing alone. Either way, it's a win for them," Lee explained as they now left the stadium entrance.

There were several wizards waiting outside, and one of them approached almost mechanically.

"You four... Where to?"

"The Leaky Cauldron," the twins chorused.

"Then that Portkey over there leaves in five minutes," he said, indicating a broomstick similar to the one they had arrived through.

"Just grab tightly to each other's hands and then—"

"We know how to use a Portkey," George said, cutting the man's instructions.

The guy smiled before moving on to another group.

"Wait," Magnus called at the three friends to stop.

He really needed the money, what with all his predicaments. He, however, could not deny that had it not been for overhearing the three and them letting him join their group, he would still be having his three Galleons—or worse, he might have nothing at all.

Reaching within the pouch, he came out with a handful of coins. He counted to make sure there were nine before offering them to Lee, who was nearest to him.

"Three for each of you."

Lee did not move... Neither did the three. They were staring at him like he had grown a second head.

"But... but we didn't do anything," Fred said, still looking surprised.

"But you did... If I had not overheard you, I might not even have known there was a match today, let alone that I could bet on it. So just take it... really. Besides, it was fun tonight... I haven't felt this lively for a while."

His earnest voice seemed to convince the three. Besides, who in their right mind says no to free Galleons?

"Thanks, mate," Fred said as he received his three from Lee.

"Yeah, thanks, man... This is what we would have lost if we even had it in the first place," George smiled as he reminded them of the deal they had attempted to strike with Lee.

"So you really are a Muggle's wizard then?" Lee asked curiously.

"Yeah... Both my parents are Muggles."

"Told you guys... He is dressed like them," Fred exclaimed as if he had won Galleons.

"Then how come you know so much about Pokémon?" Lee asked curiously.

"Books," Magnus lied.

The twins stared at each other, almost sad.

"He can't be like Percy, can he?... I mean, he looks fun," Fred said.

Magnus wasn't sure whether that was a compliment. The twins' idea of fun wasn't entirely unquestionable.

"Hey... but how come I haven't seen you in Hogwarts? You aren't in Slytherin, are you?" George seemed to be petrified by his own thought, and so did his brother.

Just then, a grey owl swooped down, dropping an envelope in Magnus's hands.

"It's a Hogwarts letter!" Fred exclaimed.

"No way he's eleven... Dude, you're almost as tall as us, and we're in third year!"

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