HP: Dance of the Veela

Chapter 64: Chapter 29 - Corellia Uprising (Part 1)

984 ARR…

The state of the galaxy was a growing sense of unease as the Empire grew more and more harsh in its occupation of planets that it felt might be rebellious, coming down hard on any potential sign of trouble and establishing more and more restrictive rules to keep order and quell more uprisings and the vast increase in military spending to expand the Imperial Military so it could 'ensure stability for all territories and protect Imperial Citizens' was straining the galactic economy, a lot of funding was being pulled to fund the building of new warships, ground vehicles, train and equipping Stormtroopers and building up general infrastructure for the military.

Lothal, a planet that had been a political and geological backwater for centuries since it had been colonised, given it was far from regular space lanes suffered greatly as Imperial Survey Units discovered the vast resources it had beneath the surface for both building starships and extremely rare and valuable Kyber Crystals. Overnight or rather over a month, the planet's local government had gone from nearly begging for help to struggling to retain any sense of power as the Imperial machine moved it. Setting up mining facilities, factories and clearing out sections of the city for new buildings, evicting people who lived there ruthlessly and deploying a garrison which handed out harsh order on the people.

The recession in the galactic economy was having a dramatic effect on a lot of worlds further out, this only enflamed opinions against the Empire more as people found themselves struggling to put food on the table while Imperial factories demanded long and hard days for little pay and any complaining could easily see you arrested or fired with little chance of another job anywhere.

This of course did create opportunities for some people, the black market was thriving under the harsh conditions and many people would turn to crime as a means of supporting themselves and their families if they had them. Pirate gangs across the galaxy along with crime syndicates that could actually help feed people, swelled with fresh recruits, as did grass roots rebel units.

The Ravagers, already a large force by pirate standards were the most affected. Before they had only numbered about twenty clans across the galaxy but now their numbers swelled enough for the number of clans to rise to sixty, each a different faction which while usually operating alone could co-ordinate for larger scale raids. They had even started setting up their own shadowports for places to hide, to sell their wares, swap supplies and information and also where they could build their own ships. They belonged to the Ravagers alone and would be shared with no-one.

The Empire in response to the rise of piracy added a new ship to their fleet to escort their convoys to save having to detail the expensive Imperial-class Star Destroyer to protection duty, they chose the Kuat Drive Yards latest design, the EF76 Nebulon-B Frigate. With a much smaller crew complement and the limited ability to carry Tie Fighters not to mention a fairly good number of weapons for its smaller size it was the perfect ship to assign to convoy escort jobs and to support larger vessels in campaigns.

They were effective and the Empire was soon building as many as they could, but their small crew complements made them vulnerable to boarding actions. The Rebels and Pirates began to learn the vulnerabilities in the design and exploit them, not to mention realised their potential as smaller capital ships and captured as many as they could.

500 Republica, Coruscant…

A despondent Mon Mothma and Bail Organa sat sipping on some tea as they considered yet another failure to get the senate to try and curb military spending, they might have more luck moving the moons of Yavin then actually getting the senate to try and fight the Emperor.

There were so many people desperate for power they would follow where he went while those like them who were willing and able to fight grew smaller in number every day.

It was now more than apparent to both of them that what they were doing simply wasn't enough, it just wasn't working. They needed to do more and find other ways to fight the emperor.

Potentially, even military options. Bail had been gathering resources and contacts for some time now for this very purpose with Ahsoka Tano acting as his agent but hadn't actually used them yet.

Both decided to start founding rebel cells wherever they could find people willing to fight and maybe…at least they hoped the sign that opposition was growing even inside the Empire's borders might get enough people to start working with them rather than simply bowing down to Palpatine.

Mandalore, the Mandalore System…

After years of construction, it was finally finished.

The enormous ring structure around Mandalore which would serve at the main shipyard for their considerable fleet, was at last finished!

It was a huge achievement for the Mandalorian people, every house and clan had sent representatives to witness the opening of the shipyard which was a proud achievement for their people. Korkie was standing there with his wife Lagos and Aunt Bo-Katan looking very proud of the accomplishment as it gave the Mandalorians a shipyard even better than the ones at Fondor or Kuat itself. The Iokath technology they had reverse engineered or directly incorporated into the design meant it could assemble high quality ships at an impressive rate.

Haron stood with the guests, proud of the achievement and in the ceremony to launch their new facility, Haron gave a speech to them all.

"Today we welcome a new and important advantage, a shipyard with facilities and scale to upgrade and maintain our growing fleet. One that will allow us to compete with other galactic powers and give us a new jewel to our crown. To the future!" He toasted and everyone echoed the statement.


Haron inwardly while glad of the shipyard as at last they had somewhere to do some much needed repairs and upgrades to their larger ships was worried as the Lucrehulks were now going to have to be taken out of action for a much-needed refit. It was essential since they had recently started showing signs of wear and needed repairs and some upgrades to keep them in service and this was the only time that they had a shipyard capable of doing that.

He just hoped they didn't have a need for them anytime soon and that the Aden class warships could take over.

Haron watched as the leaders assembled all mingled with each other, he was distracted though as he felt something through the force, he looked down at the surface of Mandalore, scarred and barren but he could feel something down there. He wasn't sure just what it was, but he knew the first moment he was able he was going to check it out. Mandalore had little force presence so if something was down there creating one it would be a good idea to see just what it was.

- x -

The next day Haron descended to Mandalore's surface alone.

He shouldn't really be doing this by himself but he was unsure just what was waiting down and his force tracking led him to the abandoned beskar mines near the capital Sundari.

Entering the mines, it was spooky and he felt the force strongly here, it confused him somewhat as to what might draw him here and create such a strong aura in the force but it was neutral, Haron noted, not light or dark. That was unusually but not unlike the aura that was forming on Reijar after Luna had begun training force sensitives there.

Arriving at a large pool he was surprised as these were the living waters that were almost mythical to his people, no-one followed the extremist old way anymore other than the Armourer's Tribe so hardly anyone came here but as he was wondering just what might be making such a presence in the force, something in the water caught his attention.

Looking at the simmering waters he saw a disturbance just below the surface and reached for his weapons when out of the waters came the most incredible creature he had seen in a long time.

It rose up and looked straight at him, an enormous head with sharp fangs and huge horns on the sides of its head, scales covered what he could see of its large body and its yellow- and orange-coloured eyes looked right at him for a moment, like they were staring right into him.

A Mythosaur, Haron thought with astonishment. They had supposedly died out a long time ago, thousands of years in the ancient days when warriors had ridden them into battle. The idea that at least one of them still existed, that shocked him and he was almost hypnotised by the creature.

For a moment Haron thought it was going to attack him but after taking a look at him for a moment, it dived back under the Living Waters and disappeared. He was almost tempted to dive in after it but respected that this was its domain and left it alone.

The Mythosaurs, Haron thought as he left the mines, unbelievable. They still existed after so many thousands of years when his people had long considered them extinct. If he mentioned this to his people, they were sure to be as in awe as he was and come to see for themselves.

But that thought made him stop as he considered just what all his people coming here might mean, they would hunt for the creatures leaving them with no peace and quiet as they either wanted to see them, ride them as their ancestors had done or outright kill them for the challenge.

He couldn't let that happen, so for now he decided to keep what he had seen to himself for now…maybe it was better that way till he could be sure they were safe rather than simply leave them to be exploited by his people.

- x -

Reijar, the Ordo System…A Week Later…

For the fifth time in her life, Ara Ordo or as she had been named on Earth Daphne Greengrass was in labour. Luna had assured her this would be the last time and she bloody well hoped it was!

Because Luna had been right about this one being different, this time she was having twins!

Haron to his credit took the abuse she was sending at him, not batting an eye as he did anything he could to get her through it. He took a punch to the jaw and crushing his hand and all the verbal insults she could muster but never moved from her side throughout the entire ordeal.

Finally, after hours of hardship, Siri and Tyus Ordo came into the world. As they held their last two children, Haron told her what he had encountered on Mandalore. Ara listened patiently and was surprised that the mythosaurs could still exist but understood his reasons for keeping it quiet. They should be protected, not hunted for sport.

It was bad enough that Vysa had eloped with Eliza Kane! Those two together were easily the most unpredictable pair that either of them had ever come across.

- x -

Ruins of Gringotts, Earth, Wild Space…

Luna had left the Mareks and other Akaans to teach the younger students, young Galen was in particular doing well in his training she thought remembering with a smile. He had an extremely powerful connection to the force and would with time become an extremely strong Akaan.

Their numbers were slowly growing, Trilla and Cal were both quickly reaching the point where they would be awarded Akaan rank, Luna however remained as the sole leader of the group. The only official master.

She knew eventually she would need to promote someone but for now none of them had the experience.

Meanwhile personally, she was investigating the ruins of Gringotts in hopes that something else might be salvageable there. The others all thought it was a lost cause but she hadn't given up.

Luna pressed deeper, finding several chambers that had been built from natural caverns and managed to survive. Nothing alive in them of course but some protected vaults with magic preserving the contents had managed to survive. But these she realised were in the very depths of the bank and unlikely to be customer vaults, no she thought with her interest heightened, these likely belonged to the Goblins themselves.

So, she carefully made her way through the old chamber in hopes of finding something useful, the complex magic that guarded the place was still strong after all these years and it had to be broken carefully so she didn't bring down the whole chamber.

It took quite some time but she was able to open some of the vaults, inside were various bits and pieces, Goblin steel weapons and such but what she found in the most heavily fortified vault was what was truly priceless.

A pair of books, ancient and written in the goblin language but with some effort she was able to translate them, the script was detailed as a textbook. The Goblins had always been masters of making metal, Luna had always known that but never quite how advanced they were. The first book detailed the process for making goblin steel, an extremely strong and light metal but what had surprised her when she read it was just how it was made. She like many others had always presumed that magic was involved and it was but only in the slightest of ways.

The steel came out of a special recipe of different materials, some she would never have even thought of. But it wasn't just the ingredients, but the way in which they were combined at different stages and subjected to specific temperatures. Magic was only used to simulate certain conditions that helped remove impurities and aid the mixing process because it was the only way back then to reach those kinds of temperatures or the speed they needed to mix at.

She now had a chemical formula when she returned to her ship and checked it with the computer, seeing it might work exceptionally well with Beskar and they could strengthen each other. For warriors who didn't have pure beskar armour this was an absolute blessing and make all their warriors far better protected in battle. Mass producing it for starship hulls probably wasn't practical given how intensive and delicate the process of making it was but maybe in the future they could.

The second book on the other hand was a guide to enchanting metal, what runes worked best and the process of weaving magic into it. It was usually added to special weapons like Gryffindor's sword or other weapons like it, or to vault doors to increase their effectiveness if the client could afford it.

With this, they could enhance the beskar armour of the Akaan's armour and make it even more effective she realised, it might even heighten the connection to the force of the one wearing it.

Worth it, she thought with pride, smiling broadly as she made her way back to Reijar.

Rebel Camp, Ryloth…

The cave systems of Ryloth were extensive and allowed a large number of hiding places for the local resistance to go to and plan the eventual liberation of their planet.

It was also a place they could train their fighters and hide equipment; they had managed to gain some of the spice trade to fund their rebellion and gain supplies although some mysterious backers had provided them with some weapons and equipment.

Bly and the other clones were busy teaching the Twi'leks in the art of war, shooting, explosives, piloting and many other things to give them the best chance of survival and of striking a major blow against the Imperial Occupation.

But elsewhere in the caves a different type of training was going on, Aayla Secura was sitting with some young Twi'leks including her padawan Leli. She was guiding them in meditation exercises so they could deepen their connection the force.

Originally there had only been Aayla and Leli here but as some Twi'leks began showing force sensitivity they had taken them in as the Empire was openly hunting anyone with the force now. Not only did they have fresh native recruits but a few former padawans who had survived Order 66 had found their way here. On top of that two other surviving Masters who were Twi'leks had begun travelling the galaxy to look for other members of their people with the force before sending members of their people here to learn from Aayla, thinking it was the best way to see to their education and hide from the Empire, blending with the crowd.

Garm Bel Iblis's Safe House, Coronet, Corellia…

Garm was a very patriotic man, he loved Corellia…he loved his people and would bend over backwards to see them treated with the respect they deserved, he had represented his planet in the Senate for years and been called a maverick by many. Garm had seen long before anyone else that Palpatine was too hungry for power to be trusted.

So, seeing his people exploited and oppressed by the Empire he had campaigned against, it was a hard burden to bear. He had tried peaceful resistance and gotten nowhere. With things getting worse and many of their civilians were being forcefully drafted into Imperial service, building equipment for the growing Imperial war machine which would likely be used to oppress the same people who had built them ironically.

Garm had simply had enough of this, and knew it was time for action. He had gathered many people who thought the same as he did, in a meeting secretly to see if they were prepared like him to take a huge and dangerous step.

"We all know why we have gathered here tonight." Garm said as he stood at the head of the table, roughly thirty or so people around the table with him. "The Empire is only getting more confident in the oppression of our people, exploiting us to the full and leaving us with nothing to show for our efforts. This cannot stand any longer." He said firmly to those he had gathered, many of whom had smaller groups of their own or controlled some vital areas.

"What is it you are proposing?" An older bearded man named Harlon Fane asked, one of the most intelligent and powerful business tycoons on the planet. He had a reason to be angry at the Empire as his shipyards had been seized by the Empire along with most of his factories for their own purposes and so he wasn't making any money, not to mention he was as much of a patriot as Garm himself.

"I think we all know what he is proposing, or are we too afraid to admit it?" Shrona Bel-ll, a fur covered Selonian warrior for their nearby sister planet who led a large number of their best fighters. A murmur went round the room as they all knew full well what Garm was planning and it scared many of them given the incredible risk to not only them but to Corellia, its sister planets and all the peoples who lived here.

"Does this even have any chance of success?" Jonah Carter said, chief of Corellian Security Forces who had been largely made subservient to the Imperial Garrison but still commanded the respect of his own people. "We would be risking potentially millions of lives if we do this and if we fail it will be all the worse for our people."

"Planets have resisted the Empire before." Lanah Malo, a human female with dark blonde hair that was one of the various guerrilla group leaders around the system said, trying to get people on board.

"They have resisted Imperial Invasion, not overthrown an already established garrison." Aerowynn, a small male member of the furry Drall race which also were native to the Corellia System. He had quite a few misgivings about this as it was directly spitting the eye of the Empire.

"But if it works, not only do we restore freedom to the system, it might encourage other planets to rise up against the Empire." Nejaa Halcyon, the master of the Corellian Jedi was probably taking the greatest risk by attending this meeting.

"The major centre of Imperial power in this system is based in Coronet." Garm said with a small feeling of relief that at least some of his potential allies were considering this. "If we can retake and hold the city, rally the people to fight. We can free this world and all the others, there are others who would aid us in this endeavour. Two old friends of mine have been supplying weapons, supplies and a brand new starfighter which will be very useful in this fight."

"And the factories are packed with Imperial equipment and ordinance, vehicles and there are a number of ships in the yards which are nearly complete. All of which could be turned to our own use if we can capture them." Harlon said with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Besides, Corellia needs to be free. Its spirit is unbreakable and we need to let it show itself again. We have everything we need to be truly independent, all we need to do is show the people there is hope and they will rise with us." Garm said, knowing his people and their strong spirit, they only needed a spark to light it.

The others around the table all absorbed his words and knew in their hearts that he was right, they had to do something and passive resistance was getting them nowhere nor was the small more aggressive measures they'd made so far. They needed something, anything that would rally the people and give them hope that they could have a better future than this.

So, they began to plot their uprising, taking great care and considering every single angle they possibly could to make sure it was a success.

Dathomir, the Outer Rim…

Dathomir had so far been forgotten by the Empire, far from the normal trade lanes no-one bothered much with the place. It remained a mysterious and foreboding planet that few dared to visit.

Asajj Ventress, older and perhaps wiser had been glad of that as it allowed the planet's remaining inhabitants to stay safe and free from outside interference and also let her train her apprentice in peace.

Apprentice, she thought with surprise, never having thought that she would end up with one of those.

Asajj was standing at the side of the battle circle as Merrin fought against the Nightbrothers, using training sabers she had constructed for their use. She had honoured her vow and not left Merrin since finding her years ago, teaching her as they wandered Dathomir and explored their home world. Meeting the various other force witches and even the Nightsister clans that existed here, Asajj had been shocked to learn of their existence at first. To hear Mother Talzin talk about it, you would have thought that she led the only ones on Dathomir but as it turned out she was just one of many leaders, many clans all of which had their own techniques, lands and in some cases culture and species. Some even had Rancor war mounts! She thought with astonishment.

Asajj honestly had no idea just what the woman had been thinking, leaving Merrin alone like that and lying to her that no-one was left. She could at least have sent Merrin to one of the other clans so the poor girl wouldn't have been alone, she wouldn't have struggled to survive as the other clans could have taken her in.

Her personal feelings about Mother Talzin had taken a great shift, no longer seeing the woman as wise or indeed someone to take advice from. But at least she and Merrin had each other now, she thought with some relief.

Merrin was perhaps the only real light in her life, Asajj thought with a smile as she saw the girl skilfully move her training sabers around in a graceful dance. Not a daughter but a younger sister who made her get up out of bed out of morning and made her worry if she was okay. After being so bitter for so long it was a big leap to finding something else to move her forward other than her own anger.

Their travels across Dathomir had revealed many secrets of their own world that hardly anyone was aware of, apart from the various ruins and clans they had discovered evidence that both Jedi and Sith had been involved in the planet in the past.

The first had been the easiest to find, a crashed Jedi Training Ship named Chu'unthor that seemed to have come down on the planet about two hundred or more years ago. It was a large vessel and had for years served as a mobile academy for the Jedi Order, teaching apprentices about the galaxy and the force as it travelled. It was a good idea and she had wondered just why the Jedi had abandoned it?

But either way this ship had crashed here and the Jedi had agreed not to salvage the ship as part of a peace treaty with the Force Witches back then although survivors had been allowed to leave. But all the training tapes and several holocrons had been left behind, not to mention a large amount of lightsaber parts in surprisingly good condition.

She had managed to fill in many of the gaps that Ky Nerec had never had the chance to fill in her training, helping her refine her techniques and even help Merrin learn to master the force and to construct her own lightsabers around some Dathomiri blood stones, a special form of Kyber Crystal that were native to their planet and again something they had found on their travels. The crystals worked well with their magic and produced a strange blade with a crimson core and a lighter red outline that seemed to wave like their magic.

But more to her surprise, the Sith too had a presence on this planet as they had discovered a somewhat ruined Sith Academy here from the age of the Brotherhood of Darkness, a thousand years ago. Some Sith scrolls, tomes and even a holocron still existed within it and it had aided Asajj in completing her training in dark side techniques that Dooku had left unfinished, not to mention refine her fighting style.

All of which, she was teaching to Merrin.

Not only that but Merrin had been learning different techniques from the various clans they met on their journey, she had even tamed a fully grown bull rancor and rode the creature around like it was the harmless mount. Asajj herself had tried but never managed that nor did she anywhere near the skill Merrin did when using the magic of their people.

Merrin was surpassing her in just about every area she could think of, Asajj thought impressed. The girl had incredible focus and picked things up easily, she even fought with a grace that Asajj herself just couldn't manage, effortlessly moving around her opponents with her twin lightsabers.

Asajj in the past would surely have been jealous of Merrin who it seemed had a rocket strapped to her back, but now she was proud of her Asajj thought with pride. Merrin had done so well and soon she would no longer have anything to teach her, and she didn't mind at all.

Just as Merrin finished her training fight there was a sound in the air, none of the Nightbrothers knew what it was but Merrin had heard something familiar before and Asajj knew exactly what it was and her already pale skin, lost what little colour it had.

"Bombers! Take cover!" Asajj yelled out and they all scattered as Tie Bombers came in and dropped their payload on the village. Some Nightbrothers were caught in the explosions that ripped the settlement apart, Merrin and Asajj both made it clear of the blast zone with most of the Nightbrothers but both were stunned at the suddenness of the strike, Asajj had struggled given the little technology that existed on this planet to keep aware of what was going on in the wider galaxy. She knew the Republic had become the Empire but little more than that and had assumed Dathomir would be spared the Empire's gaze as there was nothing here that would warrant their attention.

But clearly, she had been wrong.

Landing craft that descended, strange shuttles had replaced the highly effective gunships of the Republic but before Asajj could remark on the fact they had chosen a lesser design, landing ramps descended and she felt the distinct cold aura of the dark side as two figures disembarked from the shuttle, followed by a group of soldiers in white armour.

Asajj already was feeling incredibly uneasy about this and turned to Merrin, looking her square in the eye.

"Merrin, I want you to go to the ruined settlement while I meet with whoever they are. I don't know exactly what is going on here and I won't risk both of us." Asajj ordered and Merrin immediately rejected it with a slight look of panic in her eyes.

"No! It's happening again! We have to stay together." Merrin said, almost desperately as it felt like a nightmarish memory that had been haunting her for years was happening again. Asajj was touched and understood her fear so she gently took her by the shoulders and told her.

"Merrin, I don't know what is about to happen and if this goes badly you will be the only hope for our people. Trust me, I will do what I can to come through this but I must know that you are safe." Asajj told her and her eyes intently stared into Merrin's until her will finally overcame Merrin's determination to stay.

Merrin with tears now in her eyes nodded and with one final look back, turned and ran into the jungle.

With her apprentice safe, Asajj stiffened her resolve and with the remaining Nightbrothers at her back, she walked forward to confront the two mystery force users and their soldiers.

The closer she got though, the more unsettled she was by at least one of them. He was tall, covered in black armour and had a disturbing breathing sound but his aura in the force was completely dominated by rage! She had known Grievous who was a miserable angry person all the time but this creature whatever he was took it to a much higher level than she would have thought possible.

However, as they came closer, she felt a shiver, something similar to what she had sensed in the force during the Clone Wars, specifically around a particular Jedi who had been a thorn in her side. But while it was similar, it was…off was the best way she could describe it. Asajj didn't know what to make of it, never having felt anything like it before.

She finally saw dark warrior look at her before suddenly, without warning it screamed out in rage! Asajj and her Nightbrothers were thrown back by a sudden force wave, so was the other force user accompanying him and the Stormtroopers, some thrown hard enough to bang hard into the shuttles which themselves moved, just a fraction from the force of the wave.

Asajj struggled to her feet, sure now that whatever that thing was, it couldn't be Skywalker! Skywalker was arrogant but not a raging beast like this thing was and so she reached for her lightsaber ignited her yellow blade, besides her the Nightbrothers reached for their weapons and the warrior or beast as she was beginning to think of it ignited a red blade of its own.

The Stormtroopers were the closest to it and as Vader flew into a berserker rage, they felt his wrath first now in a state that he didn't care what he hurt as long he killed someone.

The red lightsaber cleaved men in half or took heads off, they begged and screamed but Vader was completely out of control. The Dark Disciple that accompanied him leapt away, running as far from Vader as he could, filled with fear.

But the Nightbrothers then felt his rage too, throwing the bodies of the Stormtroopers he had killed straight at them before advancing, he grabbed them by the throat with the force and crushed their necks or cut straight through their weapons to kill them with his lightsaber and soon they too were devastated in number.

Leaving only Asajj.

She had honestly never felt so scared in her entire life as when she faced this creature, he was rage incarnate and she almost shook as she stared into what looked like an erupting volcano but held her ground and raised her lightsaber to meet him.

Vader sensing her challenge charged at her and began like a beast possessed to batter away at her defences, Asajj had to employ all of her fast moves to avoid being pinned down by him and managed to get a swipe to his leg but this only angered him. He started throwing objects at her including body parts that were scattered all over the place.

The objects hit her from all angles, far too many for her to avoid them all and while she was busy trying to dodge them, she saw Vader had managed to get close to her and grabbed her by the throat. Asajj managed to get one last slash in, wounding his side which made him let go but it was only a brief reprieve as she felt the burning sensation of a lightsaber to the gut.

As she fell backwards, knowing she was about to die…she took comfort in the fact Merrin would survive this, she would live, oh by the force don't let her turn into me! Asajj thought with sudden worry but could do no more.

- x -

Emperor's Palace, Coruscant…

The Emperor read the report from Taron Mallicos about Vader's conduct with considerable worry, he had been completely uncontrollable and, in the end, they had been forced to use a bombing run to end him because he simply wouldn't stand down. The scientists had claimed the new stimulants they were using had damaged his mental faculties and would correct this issue in the next Vader, Palpatine had electrocuted one of them to death for this as what possible use could he have for a weapon that he couldn't control? He was having to use Sith Alchemy to purge any potential memories of Skywalker to make sure the clone didn't turn against him and yet the sight of Asajj Ventress, an old enemy and Vader had flown into a rage. He would need to delve deeper to ensure such a thing did not happen again. He had at one time hoped to try and track Anakin using Vader, the clone would hopefully have a strong enough connection to him but the connection seemed too unstable and to prevent Anakin finding his clone operations, he had been forced to sever it.

His concerns over the force slipping away from his control had grown considerably, everyday things seemed to be getting harder to see, like the Jedi before him he had been losing the ability to see the future although he could sense some things it had become much harder of late and he could tell some event was coming that might be a shatterpoint, something that would affect the future considerably but he had no idea just what that was.

The rage inside him was boiling over and every object in the room shook before being crushed with his rage, he had become Emperor of the Galaxy and yet now everything he had built was threatened. Worse his lack of a capable apprentice and the Dark Disciples being so consumed with their own power did nothing to help him.

He could take some comfort in the fact that the Inquisitors had managed to kill quite a few Jedi who had been hiding this month and force sensitives that had the potential to be Jedi with leads on several more. Not to mention the treatments and the use of clone organs seemed to be helping him fight off his affliction.

Also, he had the new prison they were building on Dathomir. The prison would be a good place to put people that were too valuable to kill but too dangerous to let free till he had a use for them or just to hold many people where it was unlikely anyone would find them.

His own concerns about the force, that was something he needed to rectify…he knew he needed to find more sources of knowledge and had dispatched a large-scale team to Korriban in hopes that they might find something in the tombs that hadn't already been discovered. He had sent other teams to other worlds of the Old Sith Empire but it might be some time before those operations had anything to show him.

But in the meantime, he had found a new opportunity to learn more about other dark side cults in the hopes it gave him something that would be useful, a member of the Wyrd from the planet Cularin who had survived the Jedi's attempts to wipe them out and had been careless enough to be caught. She had little to teach him he thought with disgust but there were some useful skills that he could add to his own, namely that he could now fly unassisted with the force alone.

He still thought that she might be keeping some back so he blasted her again with force lightning, her screams filling the air as he grinned with great malice, enjoying her pain and suffering before he finally gave her the reprieve of death but they had a long time to go before that he thought with a sinister chuckle as he kept up the stream of lightning on the Wyrd.

- x -

Hours later, when he was confident that he had drained every last morsal of knowledge from his prisoner, Palpatine was sitting on his throne wating for his most capable Imperial Officer, not that he always seemed to be.

Moff Tarkin walked in, looking impeccable as usual but a clean uniform said nothing beyond him being a narcissist who was obsessed with his appearance Palpatine thought with disgust. The man's ambition was plain to see and it centred on the monstrosity that was currently being built over Geonosis. He knew to watch him and several agents in his service were watching every move Tarkin made. If he gave even the slightest sign of trying to betray him…he would endure agony unlike any other Palpatine thought with malice but for now he was useful to the Empire and had after his earlier failures been making himself useful.

"It seems the facilities you have been building up along the Outer Rim and in the Mid Rim have become useful to the expansion of the Empire, despite your failures so far you have been putting down a sturdy base for the enforcing of Imperial Law and expansion of our forces. The Outer Rim is far too lawless and this is something that needs to be remedied especially if we are going to enforce law and order onto this chaotic galaxy, so I am making you the first of my Grand Moffs, Governor of the Outer Rim Territories. You will have charge over all other Moffs there and indirect control of all Imperial Forces in the area…but remember, no one can rise so high that they can't fall. And the higher you rise, the greater the fall." Palpatine warned Tarkin who blinked, understanding the threat and not caring in the slightest. He was that sure of himself that he honestly believed nothing could touch him.

Both men stared at each other for a moment before Tarkin bowed and left the room, leaving Palpatine alone and plotting on how to destroy both his enemies and dangerous servants alike.

Liber 8 Base, Location Unknown…

Anakin was sparring with Kagame as the man had given them leave to stay with his organisation while his wife was pregnant so they could ensure her safety. Anakin had to admit that despite moving between bases as the organisation expanded, it had been much better for them. Liber 8 was growing larger; cells were being formed on several new worlds across the galaxy as more and more likeminded people heard their ideas and realised it wasn't pointless or hopeless to fight. Kagame was giving a lot of speeches both personally and by holonet to inspire people and Anakin had to admit that Kagame was a talented speaker. He never failed to rally his people or to find the right words to inspire someone.

He also knew how to fight; he thought with a grimace as Kagame again stonewalled him before receiving a knock on his head for not listening.

"Control your energy, expend too much and you will tire long before your opponent will. For those that fight, controlling your energy is a skill that will let you stay ready and able." Kagame said with calm detachment as he with completely controlled and precise movements checked Anakin's every move. It was he thought, extremely frustrating but also very humbling Anakin thought, despite all he had learned and his power…there was still much more to know.

"Your opponent has energy, so you must find ways to turn it against him." Kagame said, using leverage to make Anakin overextend himself and despite being many years younger, got him into a hold Anakin couldn't break.

"Understood." Anakin said and Kagame released him and frowned.

"I hope so, because next time the opponent you face will not be so forgiving. You must not rely on greater power or a belief in a fight, but your own wits and skills. Know your weaknesses, so you can overcome them." Kagame told him with the air of a very stern teacher.

Anakin honestly was reminded of Master Windu in Kagame; he was very stern and hard edged but you knew that he was only doing it because he thought it was right and to make you sharper. He was never cruel or unreasonable but would push you if he knew you could achieve it.

"You must learn, for the future of the galaxy depends on those that can see the true pillars of the Empire so they can be torn down." Kagame told him with some urgency and to demonstrate his point he picked up a Kyber Crystal, it was its natural colour, clearly never having been imprinted on. "See this and watch." Kagame said as he closed his eyes and held the crystal in the palm of his hand, before Anakin's very eyes the crystal began to change, changing to a blue, then a green, to a red, to an orange and to a yellow before turning into a simmering silver. Anakin could hardly believe his eyes as the crystal's aura in the force changed so rapidly.

Kagame passed him the now silver crystal and explained.

"A skill forgotten by the Jedi Order, I learned of it by digging deep into the archives. Kyber Manipulation, taking the natural process we undertake when choosing a crystal and being able to consciously control it. Master Lodaka, a master that has been overlooked by later generations who was as skilled at Soresu as your former master, who was fascinated by Kyber Crystals and spent her life studying them till she learned how to manipulate the crystals with the force alone. She could make them whatever colour she wanted and make the crystals take on traits they normally wouldn't have. Her lightsabers could do whatever she made them to do and even resist contact with cortosis." Kagame explained and Anakin was immediately fascinated by the idea that it was possible to actually control the way Kyber Crystals were structured and to alter them to suit your needs.

"A crystal lattice is a complicated structure, but if you can understand it, then you can find the part that needs to change or that the whole structure depends on." Kagame said, continuing his explanation of Kyber Manipulation and how to successful bring down power structures at the same time. "Learn its geometry, what part rests of which other part and all structures can be understood, learn to know people as well because like crystals they have a structure that you can learn to know." Kagame told him.

Anakin honestly wasn't sure just how you learned to 'know people' like that but Allara then appeared to tell him.

"Master. Its time." Allara told him with some urgency.

Anakin knew exactly what that meant and without a word, rushed off to the medical bay, leaving Allara and Kagame alone. The old man turned to Allara and told her.

"Now it is your turn." He said, reigniting his lightsaber and nervously, Allara ignited hers.

- x -

Under the care of a young Rodian doctor named Averu, Padme for the second time in her life was enduring the trials of childbirth.

Anakin had missed the birth of Luke and Leia and was determined not to miss the birth of his third child.

So, he was with her and hold her hand all the way through the labour, mopping her brow and trying to reassure her.

"Okay mamma, nearly there." The young woman said. Anakin to be honest doubted that she could be a fully trained doctor given her age but Kagame had assured him she was fully qualified and very good. "Ready, here we go." She said with an enthusiastic voice which was grating somewhat after hours of labour.

But instead of yelling at the doctor which didn't seem to bother her in the slightest Padme concentrated on pushing and soon enough a baby's cry was heard.

"A boy." Averu said with a pride as she carefully cut the cord and wrapped him in a blanket before passing the baby to his parents who both smiled as they looked at their little son. He cuddled into Padme the moment he was handed to her and fell asleep almost immediately, Anakin kissed Padme on her forehead as they both stared down at their little boy.

"He's perfect, just like Luke and Leia." Padme said with a warm and loving smile on her face. Anakin too was smiling and rubbed his thumb over his son's tiny forehead, not able to believe for a moment that people would be this small for a moment and yet knew one day he would be a man like him. If he could though, Anakin would have frozen time in this moment so his children could stay children but knew that was one power no one had.

"Mace." Anakin said with a smile. "After the Jedi who saved my life."

Padme nodded, knowing that without the sacrifice of Mace Windu Anakin wouldn't have made it out of the Jedi Temple alive, it seemed right to name their son after him. The serious look he had in his eyes already made them think of him.

It was a while before Allara came in with the Noghri and the twins, Luke and Leia were so young and only just starting force exercises with Kagame and him. Allara too sometimes if they were both busy.

But the moment they saw their parents with their little brother in their mother's arms, they were themselves curious. They were feeling subconsciously through the force their own connection to him, how on some level they were the same and yet different. They walked up without fear and Anakin lifted the two little children onto the bed so they could cuddle into their mother. The presence his three children created in the force was incredible Anakin thought with astonishment as he looked at the three as they cuddled into their mother, each of them was just as powerful as he was and all three together were so at ease with each other, he and Padme had been afraid that the twins might resent their younger brother but instead they seemed completely at ease with him.

It brought a tear to his eyes and wondering just what he had done to be blessed with such a family.

The Bastion, Coronet, Corellia…Two Weeks Later…

The fortress which served as an administration centre for Corellia and its fellow planets was an impressive and fortified structure. Built on the site of the previous one from the Great Galactic War thousands of years ago. It had been the headquarters of the Corellian Security Forces but they had been forced out by the Empire who now ran their local garrison from here and where the regional governor ran the system and other areas under his purview.

But the garrison had been lured into a false sense of security, sure of their own safety and security given the power of the Empire and the two Imperial Class Star Destroyers they had in orbit.

The first and greatest mistake they had made was keeping most of the domestic staff that cleaned and cooked. People who not only knew the security forces that had been kicked out well, but also were highly patriotic themselves.

So, they had no problem with sneaking sedatives and poisons into the food and drink served in the building but also with opening the checkpoints so others could get in.

Garm himself led an armed group into the Bastion made up of his own people and also the Green Jedi entered the Bastion from the loading dock as planned. Across the city, members of the resistance stood in position to ambush Imperial officers and stormtroopers in the city.

In the shipyards and the factories workers with tools in hands waited for the signal, keeping a close eye on their Imperial taskmasters.

The signal was high pitched whistle on the same comm channel, broadcast across the city.

When they heard it, the same moment that Garm broke into the Bastion all the resistance forces made their move, at the same time the factory and shipyard workers stopped whatever they were doing and with their tools now becoming weapons and they all charged the Imperial taskmasters, across the city resistance ambushed the Imperials they had been shadowing.

A vicious fight though erupted near the Den of the White Worms; Imperials regularly patrolled this area to keep an eye on them. The Corellian Resistance Unit there had been caught out of position at the time of the signal and were now bogged down against the Stormtroopers.

The White Worms were keeping out of sight while this firefight was going on but then two of the scrumrats decided they couldn't just stand by and do nothing.

They only had a blaster pistol each and old ones at that but they still worked and before even they knew what they were doing, they raised their pistols and fired.

Two Stormtroopers went down straight away as they were good shots despite being young and relatively untrained, this created enough of an opening for the resistance unit to throw a grenade in and catch the remaining troopers off guard.

The resistance members came up and made sure they had got them all and turned to the scrumrats who were looking shocked at what they had done, the leader of the small unit spoke to them.

"Thank you, what are your names?" He asked them. The pair who couldn't be more than 16 or 15 at most answered.

"Han." The sixteen-year-old boy with shaggy brown hair said.

"Qi'ra." The girl, fifteen years old with dark brown hair to her shoulders.

"Good on you kids. Now stay out of sight, things are likely to get crazy around here." The leader warned them but the girl looked at them with conflicted feelings before asking.

"Can we come with you?"

The question stunned the resistance fighters along with the boy next to her, the resistance unit leader looked at her with worry.

"This is not something anyone your age should get themselves involved in, it's dangerous." He warned her and her 'boyfriend' it seemed had similar opinions.

"We should go back in." He told her, eager to get away from the resistance but Qi'ra stood her ground and told him.

"It could be a way to something better Han. Something more than this." She said, waving her hand in the direction of the White Worms base. Han however urgently took her wrist and told her.

"It's also a way to end up dead. Qi'ra…come on." He told her but the girl was stubborn like a lot of other Corellians and pulled her wrist free and turned the resistance fighters saying.

"I want to join up."

The resistance unit leader was torn as he didn't want anyone who wasn't a legal adult fighting but given what was coming, they might need all the hands they could raise. So, he sighed and gestured for her to get on the speeder that was waiting nearby with the rest of his unit, she went eagerly and Han with a growl of frustration followed as she was likely to get herself killed if he was there to watch her back.

- x -

In the Bastion was the heaviest fighting took place as the remaining Imperials tried to resist the uprising but Garm was a military genius and had planned this to the last detail and knew the entire layout of the building like the back of his hand.

Underneath the Imperials feet the floor plates were broken by a green lightsaber blade as a circle was cut out from underneath them, leaving them to fall through the floor as Jedi leapt up and joined the fight from underneath.

It didn't take long before they had the command centre under control and as any Imperial prisoners they'd taken were rounded up, Garm turned to his slicer and ordered.

"Get on it, quickly."

The Selonian nodded and sat at the desk, working her magic on the controls to neutral the two biggest assets that the local Imperials had.

- x -

Orbit of Corellia, above Coronet…

The Imperials had stationed two of the largest star destroyers over the planet given its importance to both defend it and to scare the local population, but aside from the ships there was another line of defence they had deployed just in case some of the enemies of the Empire came to try and take Corellia. They had installed two brand new w-165 planetary turbolaser cannons to provide fire support to the larger ships, both of which were controlled by the Bastion.

Garm, now in control of the Bastion had control of the cannons too, and he had no regret in turning them on the star destroyers in orbit.

The cannons warmed up and took aim at the star destroyers, both of whom were stood down with their shields lowered to aid any shuttles traveling between the ships and the surface. When they had positive target locks, they fired.

Enormous blasts of green energy erupted from the cannons, speeding into the atmosphere and towards the star destroyers who had little to no warning of the threat till it was too late. The bolts struck the ships hard, both sagging with huge gashes in the hull, knocking systems off line and leaving the ships in a confused panic but the cannons did not let up and they fired a second volley.

The ships were already damaged by the first attack and unable to raise the shields due to the damage that they had taken, nor could they move quickly so when the second volley struck, they and those aboard where doomed. The ships broke in two from the powerful hits, falling down towards the surface as they were caught within the planet's gravity, hitting the ocean not far from Coronet City.

- x -

The Bastion, Coronet, Corellia…

Garm Bel-Iblis smiled, trying to project confidence even if he knew that the first part, taking over Coronet had been the easy part. Now came the real challenge…defending it. There was no going back now, they had committed to this and would have to see it through, no matter what the Empire threw at them. They would need to resist.

He set up the holonet transmission and broadcast his message to the rest of Corellia and the other worlds in the system.

"People of the Corellia System, for those of you that do not know me, I am Garm Bel-Iblis, I am a proud Corellian and always have been. I saw the corruption in the Republic that led to the Empire, I have seen the exploitation of our people by the Imperials. I will stand for it no longer, so today I have led rebel forces in seizing the city of Coronet to liberate it from Imperial forces. This will be the first step in a free Corellia that will decide its own destiny, free from the whims of Coruscant and its Emperor. So, I encourage you all to fight, fight today, fight tomorrow. Keep on fighting until the Empire is gone from our system and we have the right to make our own decisions again. This battle has only just begun."

Emperor's Palace, Coruscant…Two Days Later…

Senior military officials gathered around the table as the Emperor took the main chair at its head, all of them were sweating about the situation that they were being presented with and more importantly the anger the Emperor had towards them for allowing it.

"What is the situation in the Corellia System?" The Empire said with a harsh, cold voice that sent shivers down their spines.

"All planets in the system had overthrown their Imperial Garrisons and they have begun to dig in." One general said timidly and Palpatine scowled at him.

"We have managed to effect a complete communications blackout from the system, no transmissions will escape the system." One admiral said but another interjected.

"But word is spreading, through secret transmissions or messengers sent from the system itself word of the uprising is spreading across the galaxy." The male human said with a considerable concern in his voice.

"If Corellia and its sister planets can successfully break away from the Empire, then other worlds are sure to follow." A Moff said and they all stopped when the Emperor used the force to snap the neck of the one admiral that had lied about the situation and downplayed its seriousness.

"This is what you are going to do." The Emperor told them with a cold, biting voice that scared all of them. "Gather a fleet to send to the Corellia system and they will as brutally as possible put this pathetic and pointless attempt at rebellion down to show the galaxy that such actions only bring death and destruction. Spare what serves the Empire best but destroy anything else. Lord Vader, Regera Girawn and a group of Inquisitors will join this force to deal with the Jedi that have come out of hiding to support the rebels. They must die for their treason against the Empire." Palpatine said while making other plans of his own.

The Battle of Corellia was about to begin, and it would be a victory for the Empire, he thought, sure of his vision.

Marauder II, Unknown Location…

Hunter was sitting in around the main holotable with his squad, Tech was briefing them on the situation in the Corellia System.

"The Empire has enforced a complete communication blackout regarding the situation but the news has spread by word of mouth and other sources. The Imperial presence in the Corellia system has been expelled." Tech told them all.

"That won't last long." Crosshair said with bitterness, his recent return to them was still awkward for all of them. While he had at first joined the Empire and been loyal to it, his opinion had changed when he had seen their complete disregard for not only the clones but for any that served it. He had killed a commanding officer who had refused medical aid to a dying clone, Commander Mayday. Crosshair had burned his bridge that day and with a heavy heart, run from the Empire now seeing it as his brothers did. He had found them in time to help them escape from the trap Cid had put them in and they had escaped with Omega but it was hard to find jobs when the Empire was nipping at their heels and no one they could trust would help them now. Not to mention it was taking some time to rebuild the bonds of trust they once had.

"Sounds like a big fight." Wrecker said with a loud chuckle as he ate his lunch.

"This is more important than just a fight Wrecker." Echo said as he sat next to him. "If Corellia successfully manages to break away from the Empire then a lot of other worlds might be tempted to do the same, it also acts as a rallying call to other rebel factions. That rebellion can work."

"So, are we going?" Omega asked as she perched herself on the holotable. "I mean, we need a new place to live and Corellia sounds perfect."

The entire squad turned to Hunter, who was deeply worried as they might be heading into a battle worse than any they had seen so far. Crosshair was right, the Empire would surely throw everything they had at Corellia but it was a developed world so it might have a chance.

Omega too was right; they could sure use a place to base themselves and look for jobs. With Cid betraying them they had few people to contact that they could trust, so this might give them a good chance of finding somewhere safe.

"We go." Hunter said with some trepidation, shared by Crosshair as they both knew the dangers of what they were facing.

Organa Castle, Alderaan...

Bail Organa was like many others watching the situation, not able to believe Garm would take such a risk with his people but aware that if he succeeded then it would be a great blow against the Empire and make the rest of the galaxy aware that it was possible to fight and win. He and the rest of the galaxy would be watching what happened next with baited breath to see if they could win.

But he wasn't just going to wait and watch, he had been helping Garm equip himself with the new X-Wing Fighters but they would not be enough so he turned to the holograms in front of him. Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex both stood before him, now understanding the situation completely and he told them.

"There is great danger in this, I cannot ask you to go there but this could well decide the future of the galaxy." Bail told them both and they nevertheless smiled and told him.

"Of course, we'll go. This rebellion needs to succeed if we are to have a hope against the Empire." Ahsoka told him and Rex nodded.

"It's our pleasure Senator, take care." Rex warned him, knowing he was the one who was really risking his life by going to Coruscant so much under the emperor's very nose.

Bail nodded and the holograms of the two disappeared while he worried that had had sent them and their people into certain death.

Liber8 Base, Unknown Location…

Kagame was meditating when he learned of the uprising and thought deeply on his course of action, not sure whether or not it had a chance to succeed this early but it was a strong opportunity to spread rebellion across the galaxy.

Even if it did fail, the future being in such flux he couldn't be sure exactly what would happen, he could feel though it was too important to stay out of it.

He turned to Anakin and Padme who had come to see him, opening his eyes as they came in through the door. Kagame could feel Anakin needed to go through the force but not more than that, Padme looked determined he felt and Anakin anxious.

"Are Liber8 going to help the people of Corellia?" Padme asked before Anakin could stop her. Kagame raised an eyebrow at her outspokenness before telling her.

"Indeed, I am gathering forces to go and wondering who should take charge of them." Kagame said before looking at her and sensing what she was hoping for. To go, to help the people of Corellia.

He was honestly surprised but feeling how strong her will was he actually smiled as he saw Anakin trying to convince Padme that she should stay back as she had not too long ago had a baby and they had two other children to care for. He was for once not that keen to go while she who had been forced to stay back was pushing to go. How the tables had turned Kagame thought with amusement.

"The answer to your question Padme Skywalker, is that you will lead them. Perhaps it best to take your husband with you while I and your Noghri friends will stay with your children to keep them safe." Kagame offered, knowing that she had to do this for her own sake.

"Master!" Anakin exclaimed in shock, not sure what had gotten into the pair of them. Padme smiled as she asked Kagame.

"What have you managed to acquire?"

"A couple of hundred volunteers, old clone wars era tanks and gunships but also a number of starfighters. Not much but it is all we can spare. Be prepared for a harsh fight." Kagame warned her.

Padme meanwhile was inwardly terrified as she was going to be leading a mission for the first time in three years, more than that it was the first time she would be away from her children. She loved them but at the same time she wanted to do this, to go and make a difference in the galaxy again. Gods she thought with dismay, she was so nervous Padme realised, before she had thrown herself into dangerous situations without any worries…but now she was already worried about her children and whether they would be safe.

Padme put her feelings aside and concentrated on what she had to do, Anakin wasn't keen for her to go but if he was going to put his life in danger and worry her endlessly, it was time for him to get a taste of it himself she thought, keen to let him know what she had been put through again and again.

Titan, Mon Calamari Cruiser, Deep Space…

Aboard the enormous Mon Calamari cruiser that was currently hosting the meeting, having been refitted for non-aquatic lifeforms, an emergency meeting of the Rift Alliance was being called.

"The odds of success aren't good, but they do exist." San Hill said from his seat as they discussed the situation, both San and the Mandalorians had sources in the Empire and the massive activity was not going to go unnoticed regardless of what the Empire did, not to mention Haron had been supplying weapons to the Corellians for a while now although he hadn't expected Garm to do anything so bold.

"The question is, do we help them?" Admiral Ackbar said before making his own opinion known. "If Corellia manages to free itself, it could inspire other worlds to do the same."

"Not to mention business with a planet as developed as Corellia would be very helpful economically for all of us." General Pykkl, the Salient representative said with a hopeful look. Economically they were all doing okay for now but if Corellia joined them it would be a major boost to them all.

"But it means a large deployment of forces, at least until Corellia can defend itself." General Sky Falls in Thunder, the Than representative said with disapproval. Corellia was unlike other worlds not an undeveloped backwater that a small fleet could deal with. It was a large and highly sophisticated planet with several other planets around it, that was far too much of a prize for the Empire to simply wave away. A large force would therefore be needed to protect it.

None of them could send a force that large alone, not without compromising their own security and leaving themselves open to invasion. It would need to be drawn from all of them and that would reveal their hidden alliance.

Haron honestly was worried about that, they could defend themselves now but it was a big step to reveal it to the galaxy. Ackbar was right in the effect this could have on the wider galaxy but it was a huge risk for them to get involved. He himself was divided on it, not sure which option to take while the others debated among themselves.

"The massive facilities of Corellia would be an enormous advantage to us." Minister Kyburn from Namzor said and Admiral Etahn A'baht of Dornea countered.

"But can we hold them? And if the planet is liberated, will they side with us?"

Both valid points.

"My people are not afraid of a fight." Tarfful, the Wookiee representative said.

"And we will not be either." Haron said, his voice loud and clear bringing an end to other conversation. "The fact is that we will need as many worlds fighting the Empire as possible if we are to have any chance of survival let alone victory. Corellia is a planet that has been important for many centuries and will continue I suspect to be important for centuries to come. It is a risk, but without risk, can there ever truly be gain. We should act, aid Corellia for if we don't, why should anyone fight in the future?" Haron asked them pressingly.

The table was silent as they all considered his words, before finally putting the decision whether to assist Corellia or not to the vote.

Coronet Spaceport, Corellia…

Large transports under escort of fighters landed at the spaceport, transports that unloaded the Liber8 volunteers and the fighters they'd brought with them. Nearby a corvette landed with a team of free clones disembarking. Elsewhere the transports under Allara's direction were unloading their cargo of vehicles and troops.

Garm stood with his guards as they arrived, first was an old friend of his that he hadn't seen in years.

"Padme, you look as beautiful as ever." Garm said with a friendly hug which she returned, Anakin felt a spike of jealousy but he trusted his wife and so he forced it down.

"Garm, well you never did anything small." Padme said with a worried smile. "I've got some more people and fighters but not much else. Anakin, this is Garm Bel-Iblis, former senator for Corellia. Garm, this is Anakin Skywalker, my husband." Padme introduced, Garm extended his hand to Anakin who took it quickly enough and felt the strong will of the man, admiring him for that.

"A Jedi no less." Garm said with a smile before they were interrupted by the arrival of Ahsoka and Rex. Behind them clones in different states of armour all disembarked from their corvette, Anakin immediately went over to them and Ahsoka gave him a hug which he returned warmly and then knocked fists with Rex while Ahsoka hugged Padme.

"How are the twins?" Ahsoka asked and Padme whispered in her ear.

"They're fine, safe alongside their new little brother." Padme whispered to Ahsoka who blinked in surprise before smiling broadly at the great news.

Then for Rex another reunion was dawning, he saw the Bad Batch coming over and Wrecker grabbed him in a tight hug.

"Good to see you too Wrecker." Rex told him as he was held above the ground in a hold tight enough to choke someone.

"Captain." Hunter said with a smile before the presence of Crosshair was noticed, Rex was immediately suspicious but Omega jumped in.

"Crosshair helped us! He's on our side." She protested, Rex looked at him for a moment, not trusting him before extending his hand. Crosshair was unsure himself but took it. Things eased a little after that before finally Garm made an announcement.

"Well, intelligence has revealed the Imperial Fleet will be arriving tomorrow. So, we have one day to prepare. Get some rest, we'll all need it." He told them with a considerable sense of dread in his voice.

They all were silent as they knew that they were facing a full Imperial Invasion tomorrow and with no real chance of reinforcements or support, they were on their own.

None of them noticed a figure that was cloaked not far away, he was hiding himself in the crowd as he blended in, determined not to be seen.

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