HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 study hard, improve every day

“Let’s talk about it, what’s going on recently?”

Sitting in the empty restaurant, Bella looked at Jon with scrutiny while cutting sandwiches.

There is no one in the restaurant at this time, because on Sunday, everyone has to get up at 8 o’clock. Bella will get up so early because Ravenclaw has a magical alchemy prop.

“Ravenclaw’s Awakening Bell” is an alchemy prop produced by several Ravenclaw graduates with a simple communication magic attached to it.

This prop gains magic power through Hogwarts Castle, and works through a magic wooden board with the names of all Ravenclaw students engraved on the back of the Ravenclaw statue. If you press the name on the board, then it corresponds Corresponding bells will ring in the students’ dormitory.

This noise generally corresponds to someone looking for it outside, or something important to be notified.

So as soon as Bella heard the noise, she put on her clothes and walked out.

She really did not expect that her brother would have the ability to enter the Ravenclaw common room by himself.

“Nothing, it’s been fine these days.”

Jon took a bite of the pie and said vaguely.

Bella would not believe him. Jon would never admit that if she hadn’t seen anything from Jon since he was a child, so no matter whether Jon was hiding something from her, there must be something hidden from her.

“My business has nothing to do with you.” Jon himself is not good at dealing with girls, so he usually doesn’t deal with girls at all: “You don’t have to worry about me, I’m doing well, but you, what are you looking for? ?”

“I’m looking for you?” Bella was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that she had indeed talked to Cedric about it, and then said: “Nothing, just find an excuse to talk to Cedric.”

Jon’s motion of pinching the pie into his mouth suddenly got stuck.

It’s alright, he should have known that this woman has always been like this, but if there are other things that attract her attention, his younger brother will be completely ignored.

“But you really haven’t looked for me recently, except to send me McDonald’s. By the way, how did you get McDonald’s? There are no chain stores near the school?”

Jon gave her a blank look and said, “I bought it from Greenwich, and asked my mother to put it in a parchment bag with a heat preservation curse and a preservation curse, and sent it with an owl.”

“No wonder, I said you can’t even get out of school, how could you buy McDonald’s.”

There was some calculation in Bella’s eyes, and Jon knew what she was thinking without guessing.

“Don’t think about it, your aunt is pregnant and can’t always run outside.” He poked the mashed potatoes in the plate with the silver spoon in his hand: “Besides, isn’t the school food very delicious?”

“You think it’s delicious now, but if you eat the same food over and over for two or three years, people who don’t mind will get tired of it!”

“That’s right, it’s time to lose weight.”


After a while, Jon heard a gloomy voice from the other side.

“Oh? You mean, am I fat?”

There is no younger brother in this world who cannot be beaten by his sister.

Jon rubbed his waist while walking to the library. He came out today mainly to ask Bella to buy something for him, because the third grade students can already go to Hogsmeade Village.

In order to ask Bella to help, Bella pinched his waist a few times. He didn’t resist—of course, there was no way to resist. Bella tied his hand with a binding spell.

So this time Bella not only caused huge damage to Jon, but also allowed Jon to see the strength of Hogwarts students.

is much stronger than he thought.

Bella herself said that she was a middle-level student in Ravenclaw, but she had already made several tricks for a binding spell, which greatly improved the practicality, which Jon had never thought of before.

Mantra is a very advanced knowledge—at least for Jon—this subject is used well, and it is often possible to learn different experiences.

Of course, it’s not like Harry Potter used the Disarmament Charm to the strongest, his practice makes perfect at best.

Helga said to Jon that a clever wizard can create extraordinary effects even with the simplest spells. A stupid wizard, even if he has learned all the powerful spells, is still There is no way to break through the limitations of one’s own knowledge and become a top wizard.

Jon understands this very thoroughly. It’s like studying. Some people can get good grades by rote memorization, while others can draw inferences about it. Although everyone has the same grades, the hidden things inside are indeed worlds apart.

“Good morning, Mrs. Pins.”

Jon smiled and looked at Mrs. Pince who was yawning, and didn’t mind the helplessness shown by the witch.

A little wizard like him who loves learning, shouldn’t he be welcomed by the teachers?

“Do you want to read those spell books that can only be read in senior grades today? I tell you, no.”

Mrs. Pince looked at this little devil head who was a little shorter than herself. She had been taking care of the library for so many years and had never seen such a difficult student. UU read www.uukānshu.com for a whole week, and he tried secretly every day. I went to read books that can only be read in the upper grades, and I have succeeded several times. If it weren’t for the books in the restricted book area, Mrs. Pince would even suspect that the little wizard was going to read those books.

“No, ma’am, I just came to read some history books today.”

Jon smiled very well, and I have to say that the expression on his face is very convincing.

“This is best.”

Jon didn’t say much, and walked into the library.

In the first week of school, there were few people studying here for self-study, but after that, the number of people began to increase, and it became less convenient to do anything.

Jon took a peek at the books of the upper grades here, mainly to practice metamorphosis. Recently, his practice of metamorphosis has been very fruitful, so he won’t come here much in the future.

And after waiting for two weeks, after Helga began to teach him the spell of hiding, he can go to Ravenclaw’s study every night and start learning magic.

Thinking about it, I was still a little excited, being taught privately by the legendary wizard, which was the treatment that Harry only had in the latter part of the plot.

And today Jon came to the library mainly to see a spell recorded in the book “The History of Transfiguration”.

Jon put the thick book on the table, took out the notebook and pen from his ring under the cover of the table, and then took out a copper coin from his pocket.

This copper coin is used to aid thinking. Jon likes to turn the pen when he thinks, but he brought one of his pens. There is no spare one. In case it breaks during the turn, it is not worth the loss, so Jon took it. A copper coin instead.

Anyway, turning is not turning.

“OK, preparations are over, start reading.”

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