How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain

Chapter 55

55 – Light Green Dream (1)

Early one morning. The first class of the day was an outdoor field exercise in basic biology, and Ellie and I were sitting behind the students.

Even after the demon summoning incident occurred, the students at the academy continued their daily lives unchanged.

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In addition to hearing news of similar incidents occurring outside the school, the principal’s strong measures prevented subsequent damage, creating a more peaceful atmosphere than before at the academy.

– Poke! Cock!


Although he didn’t talk to me openly, Ellie teased me by gently poking my back with her finger, avoiding people’s eyes.

At first, I thought about stopping Ellie, but I had a hard time sleeping last night due to a violent dream, so I kept dozing off, so I thought it might help, so I decided to leave it alone.

I realized one thing these days.

On the day I encounter Iris, my dreams are always wild.

Rather than having a conversation like last time, I just recognized its existence from afar and had a hard time sleeping that whole day.

Yesterday, I only saw it passing by once, and now it has become like this.

“Wow, look at that.”

As I was catching up on sleep, entrusting my body to Ellie’s fingers, exclamations of exclamation suddenly poured in from the front row of students sitting in their seats.

In a clearing in the middle of the academy’s forest, a huge beast appeared, with Professor Priscilla holding the reins.

At first glance, it just looks like a big horse, but if you take a closer look at its appearance, you can see many different features here and there.

It is about 1.5 times larger than an ordinary horse, has a jet-black muscular body, long horizontally slit blurry pupils, and a pair of horns that grow in a curved shape on both sides of the head.

It is a bizarre creature that looks like a cross between a horse and a goat.

“Oh my, then…”

“But it seems like you’re following Professor Priscilla too well…”

Most students just let out an exclamation, but a very few students seemed to understand what it was.

They each whispered in a low voice to their friend sitting next to them, and the students who heard them also opened their eyes and looked surprised.

When the whispers among the students showed no sign of quieting down, Professor Priscilla, who could not wait, stepped forward and calmed them down.

“Okay, I know you feel curious, but now it’s time to focus. This monster in front of you is the topic of today’s lecture. It may be unfamiliar, but it seems like there are no students who know its identity. Can anyone tell me its name? “Who wants to answer?”


“Yes, Harper. What is this creature’s name?”

“It’s a bicorn, Professor!”

When Professor Priscilla nodded after hearing Harper’s answer, the students began to make more noise again than before.

“Quiet! Why is the atmosphere so distracted? I will penalize students who continue to make noise.”

However, Professor Priscilla made the students quiet again and continued the lecture as if nothing had happened.

Although it looks ferocious in appearance, the bicorn is a monster that follows humans very well, its strength is so strong that it can be used more efficiently than horses in many ways, its horns and leather can be used as ingredients for valuable potions, etc.

As the long lecture neared its end, each student had time to ask Priscilla their own questions.

And near the end of the Q&A, a female student raised her hand and asked a somewhat unique question.

“Professor. As far as I know, the population of bicorns is extremely small, so I wonder how the Academy was able to secure them.”

“Evangeline donated what she was raising to the academy for educational purposes.”


“Oh my god…”

Professor Priscilla’s answer made the students’ atmosphere noisy again. All over the place, you can see boys in shock and girls laughing and blushing.

However, Professor Priscilla, who had previously remained silent, raised her tone of voice this time and admonished the students in an extremely stern tone.

“Stop. I was thinking about saying something, but I think it’s better to be clear. You probably know that there are bad jokes going around about Bicorn, but if you’re an intelligent person, you shouldn’t be swayed by such rumors or go around spreading them. We will do so. It has already been shown through dozens of studies that the likes and dislikes of individuals who display bicorns have nothing to do with specific issues…”

Professor Priscilla began her long explanation again, but the two male students a little in front of Ellie and I paid no heed and were still talking among themselves.

“I heard that the current head of the Monster Society is concealing the truth about Bicorn. Well, do you know what the rumors about him are? Last time, he…”

“Derek. I told you so, but you still haven’t come to your senses? You will get 20 penalty points. And after class, follow me to the office.”


However, Professor Priscilla did not miss the small whispers of the students, and in an instant, several students piled up penalty points.

And the last hour of practice. Each student took the time to give hay to Bicorn, and Bicorn, who maintained a calm demeanor, approached some students as if he was about to be hugged, causing a fuss.

And when Ellie’s turn came, the bicorn spat at her and eventually showed signs of trying to kick with its hind legs, so Professor Priscilla took the reins.



Late evening, in the deserted mountains within the academy grounds.

Right now, something like a white cotton ball is floating in front of me.

As if ignoring gravity, the cotton ball moves around me, changing its trajectory.

When I put my finger on the cotton ball, the cotton ball jumped up as if startled, then gradually became translucent and disappeared into the void.

The cotton ball was gone, but its warmth still remained at the tips of my fingers.

“Finally I can see… Oh my God, this is a spirit…”

Except for a few days off due to demonic energy, I continued to train here to use the Eye of Lakisia.

However, over the past few days, I have started to have a stronger feeling that something is coming up, and it seems like my spiritual eyes have finally bloomed today.

Once the spiritual eye is activated, the ability will always be activated without the need to draw mana to the eye to use it like before.

Now, it is safe to say that not only can you see the spirit, but all eye-related abilities have been permanently increased.

– Jump!

Suddenly, I felt a warm feeling on my palm, and when I looked down, the white cotton ball that had escaped earlier was back there.

When I put my finger on it again, the cotton ball did not run away this time, but instead rubbed its body against my finger.

And in the air in all directions, dozens of cotton balls began to appear, gradually taking shape from translucent ones.

Their sizes and colors are all different.

From small bird eggs to the size of large duck eggs.

The colors are white, brown, and blue.

It seems that the spirit from earlier did not run away but went to call its friends. Perhaps they were glad to see someone who recognized them.

However, as far as I know, it seems that the color of a spirit varies depending on its properties. So, does that mean that white is air, brown is earth, and blue is water?

However, no matter how much I search, I cannot see the red spirit. If this is because this place is in the mountains, the fire spirit may be found near a place such as a blacksmith shop.

As I move forward, the spirits follow me, bouncing their bodies and keeping pace.

And when I sat down on the floor, the spirits bumped into each other and tried desperately to occupy my cramped lap.

“They’re really cute… but can they communicate…?”

It’s funny that they do something that makes me laugh out loud, but anyway, I have to use these guys somehow.

As long as you master spirit magic, you can use magic appropriate for each attribute beyond the limits of your mana amount.

But I can’t ask this to anyone…

“Should I at least look for a book at the library…”

Whether they knew what I was thinking or not, the spirits just kept jumping around on my lap.

After trying for hours, I couldn’t find a solution, so I decided to be satisfied with my eyes opening today.

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While I was groaning and thinking, the spirits were repeatedly gathering and dispersing among themselves, forming several large clumps.

When I tapped one of them with my finger, the spirit did not run away but instead came into my arms.

Warm and fluffy things seem to bring a great sense of stability and peace to the mind.

Not to be outdone by one of them, the other cotton balls also jumped at me, and before I knew it, I was surrounded by soft fallen leaves below and warm cotton balls on top, and without realizing it, I closed my eyes and fell into sleep.



“Really… where are we going… this is the complete opposite of the main building…”


“Ugh… I wasn’t listening to you… What trouble is this, really…”

Late night. A girl is walking along a narrow path in the forest, relying on the faint light of the moon.

The girl’s light green hair and eyes, like blades of grass, reflected the moonlight and gave off a very mysterious atmosphere.

And in front of her, a small floating cotton ball was leading the way, keeping a distance from her as if guiding the way.

“It would be a big problem if the housemaster caught me… Should I go back now…”

-Wow! Wow!

“Oh, okay, I understand. Why are you so stubborn today?”

When the cotton ball insisted, the girl shook her head and started walking again.

In normal times, no matter how stubborn the spirit was, he would not have done something like this.

But recently, the girl’s heart was filled with loneliness and vacillation, and that anxiety led her to strangely impulsive actions.

Thinking of what happened earlier, the girl pouted and muttered to herself.

“Hmph, Eugene, you’re an idiot. Why would you follow Hellele like that just because girls from good families are looking for her? That’s enough. I just need to make a new friend and that’s it.”

Contrary to the words she spoke, the girl’s heart was full of anxiety.

Even after entering the academy, she always went only with her childhood friend Eugene, so she was unable to form what could be called friendships in the most important early part of the semester.

Even if you try to become friends with other people now, you end up lost alone in the crowd because everyone has already formed their own group.

With the personality of an introverted girl, she couldn’t dare to break through.

Come to think of it, it’s disgusting.

Although he had been following his childhood friend around to take care of him, without even realizing it, Eugene had made new acquaintances with girls from good families.

These days, it’s hard to tell when the last time I saw him in private outside of class.

So, she was left alone in this academy, and now only the spirits treat her kindly.

“…It’s too much. It’s really too much… What kind of childhood friend is this…”

The girl’s voice gradually became wet, as if she was feeling depressed for some reason.

After rubbing my eyes with my hand, I see a cotton ball bouncing on a large rock in front of me.

I guess that’s the place he wanted to lead me to, but why on earth did he drag me here?

… Since you’ve come this far, you should definitely know the reason.

If I just go back, I’ll feel even more depressed and won’t be able to sleep well.

After gathering her thoughts, the girl hurried her steps and approached the rock with the cotton ball.

“If you’re playing around again, I’m going to get really angry this time…”

The girl’s words could not continue until the end.

As you get closer to the rock, you can see the back side that was hidden in the shadow.

Before the eyes of the girl who had forgotten what to say, a very unrealistic-looking landscape unfolded.

What was there was the figure of someone in a deep sleep, buried in fallen leaves and spirits.

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