How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain

Chapter 38

38 – String (4)

Why did Iris’s name come out of the principal’s mouth, and I felt such a twist in my stomach?

Could it be that the last time I saw her, that I treated her so harshly, remained as a debt in my heart?

Or did I still have feelings for Iris deep in my subconscious?

Everything else is fine, but why does my body react so violently when I hear about Iris regardless of my will…

it’s okay. Let’s forget what’s past You already thought something like this could happen. In the first place, my existence itself is different from the original, and everything cannot flow exactly as I knew it.

And if you think about it, the picture looks more plausible than the original. They ran into each other right after I went through something like that, so it’s not unreasonable for them to get close so quickly…

Anyway, there is nothing to do with me in the future, so let’s not worry about it anymore.

Now it’s someone else’s business.

It was fortunate that there were two days left before returning to school.

I spent the rest of the time doing chores such as cleaning the mansion and sorting out the knowledge of the original work that occasionally came to mind, and as I focused on those things, I was able to regain my composure to some extent.

And time passed quickly, and it was the day of returning to school, and I left the mansion and walked in the direction where Class D was located, not Class B, which I always went to.


As the class gets closer, I feel more and more students coming and going.

And at first I thought it was an illusion, but I could clearly see that the number of people whispering and glancing at me was also increasing in proportion to it.

I couldn’t figure out what it was because most of them were small whispers from a distance, but it doesn’t seem to be a very positive thing considering that every time I made eye contact, everyone turned their eyes away without exception.

Could it be that he recognized that I was Edwin and was gossiping? But how did you know me? Did that staff at the Office of Academic Affairs leak the documents…

As I hurriedly walked while worrying alone, I could see the stone pagoda where Class D was located in front of me before I knew it.

The ivy that grew all over the exterior of the faded stone pagoda and the green moss that grew in every nook and cranny of the shady stone crevices remained in place as if representing the past years of the building.

When I entered the classroom, there were already quite a few students taking up the seats in the front, so I went to the chair in the back of the classroom, which was still empty, and took a seat.

And when the bell rang in the building, signaling five minutes before the lecture was to start, the front door of the classroom opened and the professor in charge of Class D came in.

The professor was a nice-looking old gentleman, with white frost on his hair and beard.

His appearance, with a neatly fitted uniform and gold-rimmed monocle, was literally graceful in every corner of his body.

Although this old professor also appeared in the original work, I remember that he was not a very important person. The name is vague. Was it Professor Fletcher?

“Now, good morning, everyone. Did you all have a good holiday? I believe that everyone has fully recharged during the break, and let’s run hard for another week. Then, I’ll call attendance. Curtis?”






“Randolph? Isn’t Randolph a student?”

“Randolph is not feeling well and is in the clinic, Professor. I asked you to deliver the horse for me.”

“Oh, tsk tsk tsk. I said so, but it looks like it was a holiday again. I get it. Now again, Ellie.”


“Heh heh, I love being lively. Now, next time, Woodburn…”

The professor was calling the students by name in order to attend, and the students responded by raising their hands.

However, seeing that the vast majority of people do not have last names attached, it seems that the percentage of commoners among the students is high because it is also a lower class.

And this was also the reason why demotion to a lower class could act as punishment for some noble newcomers.

From their point of view, who had high pride in the abnormal part, they would feel a sense of humiliation and shame just by being assigned to a place full of commoners.

Of course, it has absolutely nothing to do with me now.

On the contrary, I feel much more comfortable because I can feel a little less the words with useless rhetoric exchanged between nobles and the bloody politics going on behind the scenes. I’ll go back to the upper class later, but I’m going to stay with the feeling of taking a break for a while.

“Oh, and there’s a new student. Excuse me. Edwin Reed?”

As I was about to finish checking my attendance, the professor opened the roll again as if he had forgotten something and called my name one last time. And a big commotion broke out among the students who heard the name.

“Edwin Reed? If it’s Edwin Reed…?”

“That’s right. I was told that I was suspended for 60 days or so, but now is the time!”

“You’re going to keep sharing the same classroom with that idiot…? Oh my god…”

“By the way, where is it…? I’ve heard that Edwin Reed resembles a troll in size and appearance, so he’ll be noticed right away…”

Each of the students made a noise and helped out with a bad comment about me, and turned their heads here and there, trying to figure out where I was.

Although I was prepared to be treated like this, honestly, experiencing it myself doesn’t make me feel very good. I can’t help it. It’s my karma, so I have no choice but to handle it…

I sighed and said, ‘Is there Edwin Reed? Edwin?’ I answered the old professor who was looking for me.

“Yes, Professor. Edwin Reed, here.”

“Aha, there you are. There are empty seats in front, so why don’t you sit in front?”


“Hmm, then shall we begin the lecture now? I would like everyone to turn to page 68 of Introduction to Magic and look at the third section of ‘On the Origin of Mana and Its Composition’. Now, I am a magician who wrote Introduction to Magic. ?According to Sir Benedict Hayward’s hypothesis…”

The old professor, who finished attending, opened the textbook and started the lecture, but the students seemed unable to concentrate on it easily.

When my voice was heard from the back of the classroom, each student turned around to where I was sitting, and after checking, all of them looked shocked and discussed with the student next to them in a fierce but quiet voice that did not allow them to hear the content. .

‘It’s a troll! Who the hell said that? Get him out of his academy. Do you even know what a troll looks like?’

‘But it really makes no sense… Is that a real aristocrat… ? It’s the first time I’ve seen someone like that since I entered the academy… ‘

‘Hey, wake up! You don’t know why that human is in our class? Being a commoner like us, bullying them… ‘

‘I don’t know! You’re not even sure How do you know they would have had a fight first? Hey there, Michelle. Shall we go and talk to you during break time? ? Aren’t you curious too?’

‘father! Me too, I go too!’

“Be quiet! Be quiet!”

Throughout the first period, whispers continued in the Class D classroom.


‘Something is going wrong.’

The third day after returning to school. I was able to get out of the stone pagoda only after finishing the regular class for today and supplementary classes to keep up with the progress I had been putting off.

The sun had already set and it was dark outside, and street lamps powered by magic stones were shining everywhere along the road.

And this was what I was thinking right now as I headed towards the mansion, leading my exhausted body.

‘Even if it’s wrong, it’s firmly wrong.’

I’m sure if I had heard my name during attendance, I would have known that I was the badass of the rumor, but the students in Class D had a completely different attitude than I expected.

Whenever there was a break between lectures, the students would come in groups of threes and threes near where I was sitting, and even though they were hesitant, they would continue to try to talk to me.

Thanks to you, I learned a lot of information I didn’t want to know.

The child with orange hair and freckles is Michelle, the tall child with black hair is Abi, and the fierce-looking child with red hair is Jessica…

Come to think of it, they are all girls. Since girls are sensitive to appearances, is it possible that they are curious about my appearance, which is completely different from what I heard?

However, if the male students were hostile, that wasn’t the case. They just didn’t approach me as actively as the girls did, and most of them looked at me from afar with curious eyes.

As originally intended, in order to portray an arrogant nobleman, he showed his prepared side by completely ignoring people who spoke to him or maintaining an overbearing and arrogant attitude when he was very annoying, but it didn’t seem to have the desired effect.

Looking at the steady stream of students trying to approach me at every break between lectures, well…

Looking at this, it’s highly likely that the students around me whispering to me on the way to school were not talking behind my back, but just curiosity…

The things I did were weathered in people’s heads little by little as time passed, and I wonder if it’s because no one in this place has directly experienced my evil deeds, so I don’t really feel the extent of it.

It was also a problem that there were no sharp numbers right away.

You can’t burn your hair or slap your face like you used to.

can not. I can’t do that anymore… Putting aside the things I don’t want to do, and then again, I’m really expelled…

If this continues, it could really go wrong with the plan I had made…

From noble mtl dot com

Trouble gets deeper and deeper


“Hey… wait…!!”

While I was walking toward the back gate of the academy, groaning for a while, someone suddenly blocked my path.

When I raise my gaze and look ahead, I see the silhouette of a woman standing about ten steps away.

Judging by his attire, which includes a white shirt and a long dark blue skirt, he appears to be a student at the academy. Why on earth did they call me over?

The day was already over, but the street lights were brightly illuminating the street, so I was able to see the female student’s appearance.

Long light brown hair and a small face.

Long eyelashes, large, round eyes, and a sharp, sharp nose.

A beautiful woman with an impression that gives a feeling somewhere between cuteness and neatness.

At first, I made a face with someone, but for some reason, I was able to find out its identity in my memory because it looked familiar.

… oh my god.

“…Remember me…? You told me my name back then…just in case you forgot…”


The woman spoke to me again in a shy voice, and I involuntarily uttered her name.

The fate that passed by in the back alley of Drachton,

It became the wind and came again.

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