How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain

Chapter 36

36 – String (2)

“Now, sit comfortably. What would you like? honey tea? black tea? Or, sweet hot milk? These days, kids’ tastes change so quickly. It wasn’t like this even 10 years ago. If things change so quickly, how can people like me keep up? How are you? “Don’t you think it’s really too much?”


I am now sitting on the sofa in the principal’s office at the top of the west tower.

And in front of me, an elf woman was talking to herself incessantly, choosing the kind of tea to serve me.

“I was looking at the crown grass in the garden in full bloom, and I heard your voices there, so I came to see what was going on. And I’m sorry about what happened earlier. I’ll apologize instead. One of the priests went back to his hometown last week and there was a temporary vacancy.

And it wasn’t that bad originally, but Eloise has become a bit sensitive these days. Well, you broke up with the guy you were dating last week or something? Did I say it was the wind? I wonder how many times this is… I think that kid is old enough now, but I don’t know how he still has no eyes for men. It’s a really big deal, it’s a big deal.”

I think Eloise is referring to the employee from the academic affairs office earlier.

The headmaster muttered to himself for a long time, then shook his head and began to concentrate on brewing tea while humming again.

The afternoon sunlight was seeping into the office, which had a west-facing window, illuminating the entire room warmly.

The atmosphere here was full of peacefulness, but I couldn’t enjoy the atmosphere at all.

‘This person is particularly difficult to deal with, but what the hell is this… ‘

At first glance, the principal boasted a flowery spring maiden-like appearance that seemed pure, but that was literally just packaging.

Don’t be fooled.

No one in the present Empire is older than this woman.

As if to represent her long life, the woman had many titles.

The headmaster of St. Clifford Academy, the Seeker of the High Forest, the daughter of the archer of the first warrior party, the 3rd seat of the 10 Empires chosen by the rich, and so on.

Although no official title was given to her because she stubbornly refused, it must have been because it was literally unnecessary to her.

Even if you just list the titles above, the prestige is already overwhelming.

According to my knowledge, one more line will be added to that title in the near future.

This is the title of ‘Helper of the Hero Party’.

And that also means that he is a major character from the original work that I didn’t want to be associated with.


Unlike me, who was just thinking about jumping in and seeing the opportunity, the principal was still very excited.

“I don’t know how long it has been since a student came to the principal’s office. Everyone is busy shaking when they see me, but it’s been a long time since I’ve had a student make eye contact and say hello like that. I always thought I treated my kids with sincerity, but was I actually making a mistake? Because children may feel differently from me. “What do you think?”

“hahahaha… ”

In response to the principal’s question, I smiled and gave an appropriate answer. make eye contact? When did I? And you didn’t come for me, you dragged me there by force, right?

At first glance, this person may be mistaken for a bright natural personality, but there is a completely different aspect hidden in him.

It is not for nothing that he has held the position of principal of this academy for over 100 years.

Who in this country can bear the deep sorrow that has accumulated over a long period of time?

It wouldn’t have known if there was only the mind, but the principal was a person who even possessed a judgment, a powerful supernatural power that backed it up.

I can’t. I was caught by the principal and brought here halfway by force, but if I made a single mistake while talking with this person, I might lose all my money. It would be better to just leave this place, documents and all.

“Um, Principal. Excuse me, but I’m in a hurry…”

“Oops, look at my mind. I was so excited that the student came after a long time and only talked about me. Yeah, you said you need dorm eviction papers, right? Simple paperwork can be handled here too, so let me help. Let’s see, my name is Edwin… Edwin Reed… ? what… “

Just as I was about to run away with a suitable excuse, the principal clapped his hands in pairs as if he had remembered his business, then looked at the name tag attached to my uniform and recited my name.

“Edwin Reed… Edwin Reedra… ”

The principal’s expression upon seeing my name somehow changed very subtly.

I’m just feeling uneasy… wait for a sec.

If it were the principal, major incidents in the school would be reported on a regular basis, and since the discipline I received was very serious by academy standards, of course the details might have gone up to her as well.

If so, the report would of course include details about the parties, and perhaps the principal still remembers my name.

If that’s the case, it’s understandable for such a strange reaction.

He is the headmaster who cares deeply for all students at the academy, regardless of status. If it is confirmed that the instigator of the incident and the me in front of me are the same person, I can’t imagine what the principal will do to me…

Bad luck. so bad luck I shouldn’t have been brought here in the first place… Why on earth was the principal looking at flowers at that time?

“Hmm… Edwin Reed… Class D… ”

Unlike me, who was burning up inside, the principal muttered my name leisurely while looking for documents, and it seemed that he found the documents he was looking for shortly after.

And the principal’s expression began to change moment by moment as he flipped through my documents.

“Hmm… indeed… ”

The principal, who continued to flip through the documents, paused for a moment and suddenly started looking at the documents and at me alternately.

I feel like I’m comparing my face to the section where my portrait is drawn in the school records.

It seems that she is experiencing the confusion that the staff of the Department of Academic Support went through earlier.

The principal looked at me alternately for a long time, then suddenly sat down on the sofa in the office and started talking to me.

“My student, I said Edwin. Shall we talk for a minute?”

The principal’s voice seemed to suddenly thicken, and suddenly I began to feel a creepy gaze from the front.

This… Is the principal showing off his abilities to me?


It is of course what I want to be verified that the portrait of my school father and I are the same person, but nothing more than that.

I closed my eyes to avoid the principal’s gaze, praying desperately that she would not see the most intimate parts of me.

After a while, I felt the creepy gaze disappear, and I carefully opened my eyes and looked at the principal in front of me.

The principal tilted his head as if something was not going well, and had a dubious expression on his face.

“I’m not feeling well today… It’s not… ”

The principal seemed to have forgotten that I was in front of him, and he continued to mutter to himself.

“I’m really, is this just getting old? It seems that I can’t help it in front of the years. No, but obviously… ”

“I… principal… ?”

“Uh, huh?”

When I spoke to him, the principal seemed to have come to his senses and returned to the real world.

The principal cleared his throat for a while, then looked back at me after managing his expression again.

However, that kind and dignified attitude from the first time I saw him had disappeared somewhere, and now only a businesslike and cool expression remained, taking its place.

“… First of all, I’m sure you’re right. I wonder what the hell happened in the last two months that a person can change like this, but it’s a student’s private part, so it’s right not to touch it. It’s not like I used magic or did anything. I’ll put the word in the Academic Office, so go and change the portrait later when you have time. If you don’t want this annoying thing to happen again.”

“… I’ll keep that in mind. Then I’ll just get up… ”

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“Sit down, Edwin Reed. My words are not over yet.”

The principal stopped me when I was about to get up.

Judging by the facial expression and tone, it feels like he is trying to pour out a sermon…

“… Yes, Edwin. Looking at the school register, it turns out that two days later is your return to school. How did you do some reflection?”

“… What if you say reflection?”

“You are asking the obvious. Of course, you are asking for reflection on what you have done to your classmates. I must have said it at the welcome ceremony. The moment you enter the academy, the distinction between your previous statuses becomes meaningless. And this is not simply my will, but also a matter protected by the strict laws of the land.

But is it really right for you, a student, to dare to ignore all of that and suppress your classmates simply for the private reason that you don’t like them? Edwin Reed. Please try to answer my question.”

It looks like the principal has no intention of letting me go easily.

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