How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 344

As I stood before the Fairy Queen, she approached me with unwavering determination, her hands grasping mine without hesitation. Meeting my gaze with a steady stare, she spoke with a resolute voice.

"You must follow my instructions as closely as possible."

"Okay," I replied, feeling a sense of urgency in her words.

"First, try to clear your mind of distractions and maintain inner peace. If Sihyeon's mind is unstable, it will be more difficult to create a new fairy world."

Although the situation around me was far from peaceful, with a rift above my head emitting sinister energy and the screams of fairies ringing in my ears, I knew that I had no choice but to remain calm. I couldn't ask the expanding rift to wait, after all. So, I nodded in agreement to the Fairy Queen's words.

"If you can remain calm and focused, I will draw Sihyeon's power. At that time, please don't resist my will and accept it naturally."

"Is that all I have to do?"

"Yes, I'll take care of the rest,"

‘I thought it was gonna be harder than this, but maybe it won't be too bad?’ I wondered, but quickly pushed aside my doubts. I didn't have time to overthink things. I looked up and saw a massive rift looming above me, like it could tear the entire fairy world apart any second.

"Now let's begin."

The Fairy Queen grabbed my hand tight as she announced the start. My heart raced as I closed my eyes and tried to focus.

"Come on, Sihyeon, cheer up, Popi!"

"I wish everything goes well, Pyori!"

"Queen, Mr. Sihyeon, please succeed, Pyoki!"

Gyuri and the baby fairies cheered around me, but I tried to block out the noise and concentrate.

‘She told me to maintain inner peace, right?’

I closed my eyes and tried to remember a peaceful moment, and boom! A familiar scenery popped up in my head.

– Booooo Wooow woooo

I could hear Yakum's cry echoing through the vast, green meadow. Every now and then, the cute cries of small Yakums tickled my ears.

And beyond the meadow, I could see the farm building with a cute fox girl and friendly demons waving their hands.

As I started to relax, a smile formed on my face without me even realizing it.

As I focused on the peaceful scene in my mind, I suddenly felt a tingling sensation in my hand where the Fairy Queen was holding it.

It was a warm and comforting feeling, like a cozy blanket on a chilly day.

She had told me to accept it naturally, so I let myself fully embrace the sensation.

I pulled the energy I felt from her hand and let it flow through my body. It was like a wave of warmth that covered me from head to toe in an instant.



I heard a loud noise, but it didn't distract me since I was fully concentrating.

I could only feel the intense heat that spread throughout my body and the bright light behind my closed eyelids.

As I lost track of time and my mind started to drift, the Fairy Queen's voice broke through my thoughts.

"You have such a warm heart, Sihyeon. If only we had met earlier, we could have had so many conversations,"

The fairy queen expressed regret and her words trailed off.

"Your energy was much stronger than I anticipated, and it was challenging for me to manage. But don't worry, there won't be any side effects that you were concerned about,"

I was dying to ask the most pressing question on my mind: was creating a new fairy world going well?

But every time I tried to speak, it was like I had been injected with a powerful anesthetic that sapped my strength.

Unaware of my frustration, the Fairy Queen kept on talking.

"I'll say it again. Thank you so much for helping us."


"It's a bit shameless of me to say this from a position of receiving help, but…I trust you to take care of the fairy world. I know you'll do a great job."

What does that mean…?

"I hope we can talk more next time…."

Her last words faded away, leaving a small echo as my consciousness began to blur.

Before I lost consciousness completely, I saw the Fairy Queen smiling at me with a bright smile.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

– Kukiiii.

-Kuii Kukiiii.

I woke up feeling all wet and itchy on my face, and that brought me back to reality.

When I finally opened my eyes, everything looked blurry at first. But as my vision started to clear up, I realized I wasn't in the pink skies of the fairy world or facing any dangerous rifts. Instead, I found myself surrounded by a gloomy forest.

– Kukiiii!

“Uhm… you?”

– Kukiiii! Kukiiiii!

I got up, and the little baby demon beast started crying happily. It was the one that I gave the potion to first. Other baby demon beasts also came over to join the celebration.

"Uh-huh. You guys look cute and healthy,"

I patted their head one by one and looked around, and soon a huge shadow cast over my head before I could even recognize anything.

– Uh! Are you finally back?

A giant demon beast towered over me, and I couldn't help but shake at its intimidating presence. But then I noticed that it wasn't being aggressive, so I calmed myself down and responded coolly.

"Yes, I'm back."

– What happened to the Fairy Queen who was going to bless my children?

"Uh… that's…"

I was stumped when the demon beast asked me a question, so I just scratched my head in confusion. I had a feeling that I had helped the Fairy Queen, but my memories were hazy, like a dream.

I couldn't even remember most of what the Fairy Queen had said to me. Maybe my trip to the fairy world was just a dream after all?

As I was trying to make sense of my fuzzy memories, the giant demon beast suddenly shoved its face toward me, exhaling loudly and sniffing its nose.

– Sniff, sniff!

"What? What?"

– What is this? The fairy's energy that I can feel from you has become stronger. And this feeling… It’s the fairy queen’s energy.


-I can feel the queen's energy from you. Could it be that you crossed over to the fairy realm and ate the fairy queen?

"What nonsense are you talking about? Of course not!"

I quickly denied the beast's wild speculation, but it continued to stare at me intently.

– Tadadat!



"Oh, everyone!"

I turned my head as I heard footsteps approaching. The farm members, Bardan, and Terzan were making their way toward me.

I kept a bit of distance between them and the giant demon beast beside me as I spoke to them.

"Sihyeon, are you okay?"

"Yes, Andras. I'm fine."

"Did everything go well with the Fairy Queen?"

"Um, well… I'm not sure."

Once again, I was struggling to explain what had happened and kept scratching my head in confusion.

My confusion seemed to make the others uneasy, and they kept glancing nervously at the giant demon beast beside me.

Meanwhile, the giant demon beast didn't pay any attention to the approaching group and kept looking around me.

Rustle Rustle.


A small head popped out of the pocket of my coat. It was Gyuri who returned to her original small appearance.


"Oh, my head is dizzy, Popi!”

Gyuri touched her slightly tousled hair with both hands and then moved her wings and flew into the air.

“Queen? No. Is it Sihyeon? Popi? Who is it?”

"Why are you acting like this? Gyuri, snap out of it! It's me, Sihyeon!"

Gyuri answered with a confused expression, “This is strange, Popi! For some reason, I can feel the queen's energy strongly from Sihyeon, Popi!”


– Just like that fairy said. I can definitely feel the energy of the fairy queen from you. You really ate the queen…

"Oh, come on! I really didn't eat the Fairy Queen!"

I was getting irritated, so my voice came out a bit loud. It scared the baby demon beasts around me, and they started shaking.



"Ah, it's all right, you babies. I'm not mad at you guys."

I quickly soothed them with a gentle tone and petted their fluffy fur. Meanwhile, I gave a fierce glare to the giant demon beast.

– Huh…

It snorted and looked away, seeming to care for its offspring.

"Oh, Sihyeon, Sihyeon!"

Suddenly, Gyuri called my name in an urgent voice. I thought she was going to say something weird again, so I reacted sluggishly.

"What, Gyuri?"

“Popi! Look at those baby beasts, look at them, Popi.”

Before I could even look in the direction she was pointing, I heard loud reactions coming from the others.

-What is this?!

"This is unbelievable…!"

"How did Sihyeon do it?"

Terzan, Bardan, and the giant demon beast were staring at the baby demon beasts I was petting, muttering in disbelief.

I was confused. What was going on?

The baby demon beasts, which had seemed normal just a moment ago, now emitted a faint, mysterious glow around them.

Their pupils became even brighter, too. The giant demon beast, which had been inspecting its young, raised its head.

-Ahh! There is no mistake. This is the Fairy Queen’s blessing.

"Fairy queen’s blessing?"

Wait, what? Faire queen’s blessing? And why is the giant demon beast talking about this all of a sudden?

I looked around in confusion, not sure what was going on.

"But there is no queen, how can there be a blessing…?"

– What are you talking about?



– Didn't you just give the blessing yourself?

"What? What do you mean by that?"

I reacted like the giant beast was being ridiculous, but the giant beast, Terzan, and Bardan all of them had serious expressions.

And they looked exactly where my hands were.

"What about my hand… huh?"

When I finally looked at my own hands, I was completely shocked by what I saw. It was because I couldn't comprehend what was happening right in front of my eyes.

Wurrr! Wurrr!

The mysterious energy surrounding the baby demon beasts was coming from my hand.

(To be Continued)

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