How to Catch a Celestial Fox

I Need

“Then you draw the the circle...and the three characters from this page here…”


Zhou Lieren listened intently and followed Bai Luo’s instructions. They were at one of the watchtowers and laying out a ward to help protect the village. Huo Cheng had coordinated the construction of the watchtowers not just by weak points, but strategic formations that would help strengthen certain wards cast. Now that they were all up, they could put them to good use.


It was interesting to watch the Heavenly Lake sect work. Their time was split between a nose buried deep in a book and then implementing the passage they read. This style explained why it took so long for them to get through basic sword work from any of the manuals they brought. 


He was done setting down the ward and looked to Bai Luo for approval. The other alpha looked from the book down to their drawing, bobbing their head along as they compared. Finally, Bai Luo slapped the book shut and grinned.


“Looks good to me!” They stood back up and Bai Luo snapped his fingers and the drawing glowed white then faded and the ground near the base of the watch tower looked undisturbed. All evidence of their formation was hidden.


Bai Luo wiped his brow with the back of his sleeve, “Ugh, it’s been such a hot day for Spring. I think that means the rain Huo Cheng talked about is coming soon.”


“Hm…” he hummed noncommittally. He was worried that the rain may come during Huo Huli’s heat. Zhou Lieren knew that Huo Huli would be disappointed if he was unable to help. His sense of service ran deep, and the cultivator issue was troubling him. It was troubling them all, really.


There were only a few rogue cultivator groups, and most were closest to the capital. Some good, some bad, others fairly neutral and didn’t act any better than the Seven Star sect by taking money in exchange for services. There were very few, if any at all, sects or groups dedicated solely to demonic cultivation. Even the most upstanding sects sometimes employed something next to demonic cultivation by toeing the line. This is what made the spiritual energy signature yesterday the most frustrating.


What Zhou Lieren failed to tell Huo Huli was that the traces of energy revealed a big clue. The technique that the cultivator used was one that his own sect used, which was exactly one of those methods that was just a step behind demonic cultivation. Shadow Step Illusion was a method of altering your own energy signature to pass as something else and remain undetected. From his own personal observations, this was different from what Huo Huli did, which was to draw everything inward and tamp it down close to him, thus refusing his energy to extend.


By blending instead of suppressing your energy, a cultivator acted like a chameleon with its surroundings. To a disoriented undead or demon, a cultivator was everywhere but nowhere at the same time. What made this slightly sinister was that the user was essentially forcing their own energy onto objects and nature. That may be excusable, but if one were in the middle of a crowd and wanted to hide, they’d do the same to individuals. That was the imaginary line made by righteous sects and others. Zhou Lieren believed that the only reason he and Huo Huli were able to sense anything spoke to their sensitivity to energy and the tiny bit that had leaked out.


The troubling part was that the person using Shadow Step Illusion was also cleverly masking their own actual energy signature by using someone else’s. This added a layer of complexity that was unheard of, but if his time with Huo Huli proved anything, people could alter the typical to suit their needs with enough determination and skill.


But Huo Huli’s question was still relevant - was the cultivator skilled enough to do such a sneaky tactic but not strong enough to maintain it, thus leaving the clue? Or was the cultivator purposefully manipulating them by peppering little bits of information in order to toy with them?


Bai Luo waved a hand in front of his face. “Hellllooooo, Zhou Lieren - are you there, Zhou Lieren?”


Zhou Lieren snapped out of his thoughts which were running in circles now. He recovered by clearing his throat and straightening his spine. “I’m sorry, I was lost in thought.”


“I’ll say! I was calling your name several times now,” Bai Luo laughed and held out his upturned hand. “Do you have the last bell?”


He nodded and stuck a hand inside the belt of his robe and took out the tiny silver bell hanging from a bit of string. It didn’t make a sound as he moved, appearing broken or missing a clapper. Bai Luo took the bell and lashed it to one of the rungs of the small watchtower then withdrew his sword. His sword glowed faintly and he gently poked at the bell, making it sway and an echoing chime radiated from it, carrying out towards the village. The bell triggered another that was laid out in a path, then another, until the series of bells finally stopped when it reached the village.


Bai Luo sheathed his sword, looking pleased. “That should help alert us if someone isn’t on watch or something happens.” The fellow alpha turned and pointed his thumb at the bell. “Anything with a hint of spiritual energy comes near it, it will trigger these enchanted bells and we can tell what direction to head for.”


How effective will it be against someone who is suppressing their energy? He couldn’t help but worry. Suddenly a bell in the middle of the path they’d created rang and sent a cascade of jingles back towards them. The bell in front of them glowed faintly and shook as it chimed and fell silent. Frowning, he shared a look of concern with Bai Luo and went on alert.


Both of them moved through the sparse amount of trees that stretched out towards the village. Halfway to the village they spotted Huo Huli leaning against one of the trees with one of the bells they planted hanging high over his head. He stopped and Bai Luo did the same, standing a few meters away.


Huo Huli wasn’t casually leaning against the tree like it first appeared, but was instead using it for support. His cheeks were flushed, his breathing labored, and his temples had a sheen of sweat to them. 


“Bai Luo, please don’t step any further.” Huo Huli’s demand was still polite. His voice was cheerful, but there was a hint of strain. Huo Huli’s dark eyes looked to Zhou Lieren, “May you please help me, Zhou Rong?”


Zhou Lieren looked to Bai Luo at his side then approached Huo Huli. He stood in front of him, blocking him from Bai Luo’s view. Huo Huli let out a short sigh, his shoulders sagged like a weight had been lifted. He closed his eyes and spoke in a low whisper to Zhou Lieren.


“My heat is here,” his quiet voice held a slight edge. “I’m focusing my energy to hide my pheromones but I am finding it hard to do so. I was lucky to hear the bell and I came as quickly as I could, but I could only make it here.”


Huo Huli swayed forward towards Zhou Lieren and his pupils dilated, staring at Zhou Lieren’s chest. His mouth opened, exposing his soft pink tongue, and he inhaled deeply through it. Huo Huli’s gaze slid up to Zhou Lieren and the heat in them made even him flush.


“You good.”


“Bai Luo,” Zhou Lieren spoke over his shoulder, a little louder than necessary. He met Bai Luo’s eyes with his sideways glance. “Huo Huli is unwell. Would you please let his family know?”


Bai Luo nodded with a look of understanding, his eyes sympathetic though his goofy grin was there. “I understand. Take care!”


With that, Bai Luo leapt forward and disappeared in the direction of the village. He waited until Bai Luo was out of sight before he took Huo Huli’s hand and turned. Zhou Lieren looped Huo Huli’s arm over his shoulder and leaned forward while reaching behind to grab one of his legs. He hoisted the smaller man effortlessly onto his back, and even through his own clothes, he could feel how warm Huo Huli was.


He made haste, using his qigong to quick-step towards the spring he once found Huo Huli enjoying. All the while Huo Huli buried his face into the back of Zhou Lieren’s neck, his hot breath tickling the hair and skin there. He shuddered and focused on moving, only to land next to the incinerated stump that Huo Huli had torched.


“Do you know which way the hut is?” He asked and Huo Huli lifted the arm that Zhou Lieren wasn’t holding. He pointed in a northeast direction and Zhou Lieren headed there.


It wasn’t that far, just like Huo Ningjing had said when he came to give Zhou Lieren information about omegas in heat. The wooden hut was sizable and was elevated off the ground with a thatch roof that looked recently cleaned. He opened the door and stepped inside, still carrying Huo Huli on his back.


Inside neatly laid out was a large bedroll with fresh sheets and several pillows. A brass incense burner was in one corner, and the other a small table with a small sack laying on top beside a washbasin and filled water pitcher.


Zhou Lieren stepped over to the bedroll first and gently lowered Huo Huli down onto his feet, then guided him to sit. He inspected the contents of the sack first, finding a note on top, and read it.


Dear Zhou Lieren,


Here’s some sheets and jerky for you and Huo Huli. I’ll bring some food later in the evening on the day when I find out Huo Huli has gone into heat. Don’t do anything too crazy, and be sure to give Huo Huli the big special item in the bag. Hehe!


This Humble Disciple, Huo Ningjing


He set the note aside, curious about what was inside. On top of a small stack of sheets was a short, fat jade object. Blinking, he picked it up and stared at it. It was a short phallus with a bulbous and generous sized fake knot carved at the bottom. The base was flared and had a long neck that could easily fit a small hand. After a few more moments of staring, he realized that this was the toy surrogate that Huo Ningjing had spoken of.


A moan behind him pulled his attention back to Huo Huli. The omega in heat was laid flat on his back and squirmed, pulling at the belt of his robe. Huo Huli looked clear headed but his coordination appeared off. Zhou Lieren came back to the bed and set the toy aside for now and knelt down.


“Here, let me,” he encouraged Huo Huli to let go with a gentle nudge of his hands and proceeded to help Hup Huli undress. Zhou Lieren took off Huo Huli’s boots first and set that aside and laid Yuexia next to them. He began to peel the layers of robes off Huo Huli and the closer he got to his skin, the more he could smell Huo Huli’s pheromones as the man relaxed his tight hold on them. With each bit of clothing removed, the stronger it became and he almost lost himself in it. Zhou Lieren bent down when he opened Huo Huli’s shirt and buried himself in his neck, drinking his pheromones in.


Huo Huli pushed at Zhou Lieren’s clothes and grunted. Zhou Lieren lifted his head back up and quickened his pace, shedding off his own shirt before diving back into the task of removing Huo Huli’s clothes. Warm calloused hands roamed over Zhou Lieren’s chest as he yanked Huo Huli’s robes over his shoulders and interrupted the tantalizing caresses by slipping his arms through the sleeves one at a time.


Next came Huo Huli’s pants and as the hem dragged down over his smooth abdomen, it caught on Huo Huli’s erection. His lithe, gorgeous body arched up from the bedroll and he gasped. The sound made his own cock leak, bringing his focus on how hard it ached at the moment.


As his pants went further down, it revealed his creamy thighs that were covered with slick in between where they met. Some clung to the fabric as it pulled away only to have the slither of moisture break as he finally ripped them down the rest of the way. 


Zhou Lieren growled and reveled at the sight of Huo Huli spread out before him. Huo Huli’s breath hitched and he parted his thighs, reaching out for Zhou Lieren. Before he could let himself taste Huo Huli, Zhou Lieren looked towards the jade toy and picked it up. Huo Huo’s eyes darted to where Zhou Lieren reached then widened. His big brown eyes tracked Zhou Lieren’s movements, and if possible, his cheeks turned a darker shade of red.


“W-what are you doing with that?” Huo Huli asked.


“Your brother left it for you,” he answered and held the toy up to Huo Huli. “You said you’ve never used it?”


Huo Huli scrubbed his hands over his face and groaned. He shook his head and kept his face covered with his palms. “O-once, when I was younger. I hated it.”


Zhou Lieren examined the jade cock in his hand. It wasn’t that large and the knot appeared to be the most prominent feature. The knot itself was smaller than his own, at least from what he’d been able to feel when he’d locked inside Huo Huli and again when he tried to take him in the forest. It had swelled, so he got a good look at it, but it was wasted since he wasn’t buried inside Huo Huli and only situated between his lush thighs.




“ was cold, and weird, and…” Huo Huli’s voice trailed off and his body shook.


He leaned over Huo Huli and pulled one of his hands down, exposing half of his face. He stared until Huo Huli finally opened an eye and looked at him.




Both hands came away from Huo Huli’s face, but his eyes drifted away. “It was hard to use on my own…”


He took what Huo Huli said in consideration and pressed the jade toy into Huo Huli’s hands.


“Hold this,” he ordered and leaned back to take off his own boots and pants. Huo Huli looked down at the toy in confusion but held it between both hands.


Huo Huli’s sweet face and equally honeyed scent was rocking him close to the edge. Zhou Lieren found enjoyment out of taking his time with Huo Huli, touching and teasing him as he pleased. He was worried about how long he could hold himself back because the tang that underlied Huo Huli’s natural jasmine scent prickled his senses, calling to a deeper, baser need inside him.


Now that they were both naked, Zhou Lieren pulled Huo Huli’s legs far apart. Though he whined in slight protest, they stayed open and Huo Huli’s cock dripped precome onto his belly that trickled down into his navel. With his legs spread open, he could see every part of Huo Huli’s body and he reminded himself that he was the only one that had the privilege to.


Zhou Lieren touched the jade toy, testing its temperature, and sure enough it warmed up from being next to Huo Huli’s overheated body. Warm and pleasant to the touch, he took the toy from Huo Huli, who stared wide eyed at him. He smiled, hoping it was reassuring, but by the way Huo Huli’s throat bobbed with an audible gulp, Zhou Lieren guessed he must have failed.


He let his hand trail down the curve of Huo Huli’s chest, down towards the slightly rippled valley of his stomach. Zhou Lieren delighted in the long, guttural moans that came out of Huo Huli as he touched him. Is his heat making him so sensitive?


“Please…” Huo Huli panted and his hips squirmed.


He wrapped his fingers around Huo Huli’s slick cock that leaked enough that he could smoothly pump him. Huo Huli’s hips thrusted against Zhou Lieren’s closed fist, his eyes shut tight. Zhou Lieren brushed the head of the toy against the wet ring of his hole, teasing it. Again Huo Huli’s hips lifted off the bed and the sounds he made had an effect on him. The vein in his cock throbbed and it felt like more blood pooled down to that one appendage.


“In!” Huo Huli cried and initially Zhou Lieren didn’t know what he was saying until he rambled. “In, in, please...please!”


Zhou Lieren growled and let go of his cock. Huo Huli let out an affronted gasp and whimpered. He moved the toy away and tested how loose Huo Huli was with his fingers by dipping them in. The ring fluttered and stretched easily to take two fingers right away. Huo Huli’s insides sucked his fingers in and a small amount of slick dribbled down the length of his fingers to pool in his palm.


“You’re so wet, Huli…” He could hear the gravel in his throat as he spoke. He tried to reign back from the edge he was on, but it felt like a thick layer of fog filtered into the hut that threatened to cloud his senses. “You look so, so beautiful like this.”


It was true. Huo Huli’s skin shined like polished jade from the sweat that covered his chest and neck. His cheeks were flushed, wet mouth hung open and his tongue peeked out. Huo Huli’s breaths were deep, drawing attention to his pert nipples whenever his chest rose and fell. 


Eager to see more of Huo Huli like this, he removed his fingers and before Huo Huli’s growl turned into agitation, he pushed the curved top of the toy inside. The toy slipped in one fell swoop and stopped at the knot. Huo Huli howled and reached for Zhou Lieren, but he was just out of reach. His hands dropped down to the sheets and Huo Huli clawed at them as he cried.


“Lieren...Lieren, Lieren!” He shook his head side to side and Zhou Lieren pumped the toy in and out of him. He watched as Huo Huli stretched and clung to the toy while it moved, and before long there was a fine coating of slick clinging to the toy.


“Do you think you can take this knot?” He felt his smile around the words and finally touched his own cock with his other hand. Covered with Huo Huli’s essence, he rubbed the generous amount coating his hand around his shaft. When he growled, Huo Huli moaned.


“Lieren…” he panted Zhou Lieren’s name, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes. His body writhed, trying to push against the toy but his head kept shaking in a no.


Zhou Lieren’s voice dropped low and deep, “What, my little fox? You can’t take the fake knot?”


“I….I...Lieren, I need…” Huo Huli shut his eyes and raked his nails over his own stomach, leaving faint pink trails along the flesh.


His pulse pounded harder and louder the longer he stared at Huo Huli. The hand that pumped the fake cock inside Huo Huli stuttered as he tried to fight the instinct to push it in deeper. His own needs clawed at him from the inside, telling him to fill Huo Huli.


“What do you need?”


Huo Huli’s lips mouthed silent words and for a long moment his throat worked and only crackled moans and pants came out. He lifted his torso up slightly and grabbed at the wrist of Zhou Lieren’s hand that held the toy. Huo Huli pulled on the hand, not closer to bring the toy deeper, but to make Zhou Lieren let go.


“Need…” Huo Huli groaned pitifully and pulled on the hand, not closer to bring the toy deeper, but to make Zhou Lieren let go. When he did, Huo Huli brought Zhou Lieren’s hand up to his stomach to cover it and pressed it firmly against his skin.


The scent of jasmine became overwhelming, digging into Zhou Lieren’s senses like it wanted to merge with him. Huo Huli’s muscles trembled and flexed under his palm which Huo Huli encouraged him to press harder. Huo Huli opened his eyes back up and  a thin trail of tears fell from one eye. He couldn’t tear his gaze away from the look of desperation and the need clouding Huo Huli’s eyes which hung him over the edge by a thread.


“Need you…” Huo Huli whimpered. “In here…”


Every sense and urge that he kept under such tight control through his self-discipline and will snapped. His instinct to fuck Huo Huli, to make him cry and cum on his cock spilled forward as the wall crumbled.


Zhou Lieren didn’t just need to fill Huo Huli - he needed to mate.

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