How the Cult Saves the World

Chapter 36

"Ky, Kyros?"

I was startled by Kyros' voice as I stepped forward. The puppy raised his head sternly.

"Ahem. Yes, it's me, Kyros."


I couldn't help but laugh. His attempt to look serious was both cute and funny. I was laughing out loud but Kyros continued to speak.

"I've gained a lot of power lately, so I was able to manifest myself. Of course, it takes a lot of energy to appear in my true form, so I had to borrow a more friendly appearance for humans. How do you like it? Can you feel my dignity?"

The puppy Kyros puffed out his fluffy chest as he said that. He looked nothing but adorable.

He seemed very proud of himself for accumulating enough power to manifest himself. I could feel his excitement.

I stroked his chest fur and tried to suppress my laughter.

"Yes. You are very dignified."


"Of course."

It was very hard to hold back my laughter, but I did my best.

"But, how long can you maintain this appearance?"

"Hmm. It's just a superficial disguise, so it doesn't consume much energy. I can keep it for a few hours."

"Then please manifest yourself more often in this form."

Because you're cute.

I swallowed the last part and rubbed Kyros' head. The soft fur felt good on my fingers.

'Ah, this is healing.'

As I rubbed his head and moved down to his back, Kyros showed me his belly.

Then, I saw his pink belly and pink paws.


This is totally... Cute.

Cute things are the best. Puppies are saving the world.

"Yes, yes. Scratch me more there."

I did as Kyros asked and scratched his belly. He looked satisfied with his eyes closed.

That's when I felt someone's presence.

"Master? What are you doing here?"

Zain came over, scratching the back of his head. I glanced at him and then looked back at Kyros.

"Taking a walk."

"Is that a dog? Or is it a wolf cub? What is that thing?"

As Zain approached, Kyros got up quickly. He shook his body and glared at Zain with displeasure.

"Wow. It's really cute up close."

Zain crouched down like me and reached out to touch Kyros, but I grabbed his wrist.

"No. Don't touch him carelessly."

"Huh? Why? You touched him too."

This guy.

"This dog, no, this person is Kyros."

Zain's face turned pale.


I repeated myself.

"He's Kyros' manifestation."

At that, Zain's eyebrows furrowed. He looked at me with concern.

"Master, are you very tired?"

I could feel his sincerity in his eyes. This kid?

That's when Kyros stood up on his two legs with a solemn face.

"That's right. I am Kyros, kid."

Zain and I opened our mouths at the same time.

"Is, is that true?"

Zain asked that, and,

"That's bad for your kneecaps!"

I quickly reached out and made Kyros stand on four legs. He grumbled.

"I'm fine, kid. This body is just a borrowed appearance. It doesn't affect my real self at all."

"I'm glad to hear that, but..."

Having watched a lot of puppy videos on YouTube in my previous life, I was worried without thinking.

"Yes, yes. You're a good child. You were worried about me, right?"

Kyros put his small front paw on my knee. He looked like a lively creature.

The difference between Kyros' real form and his puppy form was so big that I found puppy Kyros very cute. Even though his voice was the same in either form.

"Hu, huh... Master. Is this real?"

I nodded seriously at Zain, who still couldn't believe it.

"Hu, huh..."

Zain collapsed on the floor with a strange groan.

"Lord Kyros! You've manifested yourself!"

"Lo, Lord Kyros...!"

As I entered the temple building with Kyros in my arms, the kids ran out as if they sensed Kyros' presence.

All three kids greeted Kyros with sparkling eyes. Even Sasha, who was usually indifferent to anything, looked excited. They were so cute.

"Yes, my children!"

Kyros jumped out of my arms and ran around among the kids.

"Woah, Lord Kyros!"

"I missed you!"

"You're so cute..."

The combination of kids and puppies was really the best. I smiled warmly when Zain whispered to me quietly.

"So that puppy is really Kyros' manifestation."

"How many times do I have to tell you?"

"Wow... It was true."

Zain repeated himself and wiped his face. This kid, he couldn't believe it even after seeing it with his own eyes. He blinked his eyes and muttered something more,

"I'm glad I joined this side. This side has a real 'god'."

He added, "It'll be different if it's a real god." He seemed to be calculating something in his head in a short time.

That's when a translucent system window popped up.

[Your loyal servant 'Zain' has become a follower of Kyros.]


Wow. What's going on? He became a believer by himself. I thought it would take more time.

He must have tried everything to find someone who shared his intentions before he came to me.

Of course, he's tied to me now, but he must have been convinced by seeing Kyros' real manifestation and calculated the outcome.

'But the message also says loyal servant.'

Maybe it's because of the contract.

What was different from the original display was that Zain was my close aide.

That's interesting.

I closed the system window and looked back at Kyros and the kids. I saw a strange sight.

"Hello, Lord Kyros."

Zain knelt in front of Kyros and introduced himself politely. Then, Kyros, who had been running around among the kids, approached Zain with a solemn face.

"Yes. I know, kid. I also know that you helped my child with various things."


Zain was amazed by Kyros' words.

Zain's cheeks reddened a bit at Kyros' praise. Was he always like this?

Come to think of it, he was like this in the original too...

It was then that Kyros, the puppy, floated in the air. He stopped at Zain's face level. Zain's mouth opened wide at the sight of the levitating puppy.

"I'll give you a gift for always helping my children."

As Kyros said that, his pink paw touched Zain's forehead. Then, a pure white light flowed from Kyros to Zain.

Could it be...!

"Th, thank you, Lord Kyros!"

Zain was very happy. Kyros smiled smugly and said, "Ehem." I also smiled along with the children.

I didn't expect it to happen so soon. What a windfall.

In the original, Zain was one of the companions who accompanied Terdius, a so-called growth character.

At first, he was just an information broker, a very cunning and money-crazed archer who wasn't that strong.

But later, as he came to trust Kyros, he received power from Kyros and became one of the forces that strongly supported Terdius.

Although Kyros' power was weaker than in the original, Zain must have become stronger than before.

'Ah. This is an unexpected achievement, isn't it?'

I didn't expect Zain to trust Kyros so soon. I was very pleased with the faster pace than the original.

I can set him in motion more in the future. I grinned as I watched Zain nodding his head to Kyros.

It was dawn, before the sun rose.

The clear air of dawn filled my lungs and made me feel refreshed.

Today was the day we left for Veon Mountain, but I was warming up behind the temple.

Doing morning exercises in a spacious area where few believers showed up had become a routine ever since I came to the temple. Even if I left the mansion, I couldn't slack off on physical training.

'Sure enough, my body feels lighter after curing Malone's Disease.'

I increased my exercise amount compared to before when Fanatic had shown me what to do. Of course, there was a limit to doing it alone, so sometimes Chester helped me with my posture.

Today is 'lower body day,' so I did some warm-up.

"Oh? Brother Revelof!"

Just before I started my lower body exercise, I saw Cyril running towards me.

Cyril had been commuting to the temple even after becoming an official priest. Of course, there was a dormitory in the temple for Cyril's convenience. Cyril was helping his parents' shop while working as a priest.

"Hello, Priest Cyril."

I wasn't wearing glasses right now, so I wasn't the leader, but Revelof.

"You're up early. Are you feeling okay?"

Cyril asked me with a bright face.

"Yes. I'm fine."

"By the way, I heard you're leaving today."

"Ah, yes."

I had agreed with the leader that we were leaving for 'evangelism' while I was away at Veon Mountain.

Just in case, be careful on your way!"

"Thank you."

Cyril smiled brightly and moved away from me. He's so nice. He didn't even envy or resent 'Revelof', who was leaving with the leader. He had a true priest-like attitude.



As I watched Cyril's back getting further, something jumped down from the tree next to me.

It was Kyros, the puppy.

"He's trustworthy. He's a kind and pure child by nature."

Kyros had been in puppy form since yesterday. He looked cute and it was comfortable not hearing his voice in my head.

"That's good."

"Shouldn't we get ready soon?"

"Yeah. We should."

I can't skip 'lower body day,' so I did as much exercise as possible and then got up.

"Hooam... Good morning, Master."

Before the sun fully rose, I met Zain in a back alley.

Believers were visiting the temple early in the morning, so we changed our meeting place secretly.

We had already said goodbye to the children separately anyway, so we escaped over the wall of the temple. I also wore a hood over my robe to hide my appearance.

"Did you sleep well last night?"

Zain looked half-asleep, unlike me who slept well. Come to think of it, his shop was open at night.

"Go to sleep while we're on the way."

"Yes, yes. I should do that."

With yawns, Zain walked toward the carriage he had prepared in advance. He talked to the coachman for a while and then gestured to me.

We planned to leave the territory by riding on a carriage that Zain had secretly prepared.

No one in the temple knew that we were leaving except for those involved.

The children stayed behind to manage the temple. Anyway, we could still keep in touch and if I was in danger, the children would come over through the dimensional space, so it was fine.

"Get on. Hoaaam..."

I got on the carriage with Zain. It wasn't a very good carriage compared to Holden's, but it wasn't too bad either.

"Haaa... hmm."

Jain, who sat across from me, kept yawning. I took off the hood I was wearing and looked at him.

"It will take about three days to get to Veon, where Veon Mountain is located."

Zain stretched and reported,

"However, there is a limit to going by this carriage. Halfway through, we will take a break in Veares and then we will move by horse from then on."

It was roughly the route I expected.

"Okay. I got it. Get some sleep."

As soon as I nodded my head, Zain's eyes drooped.

"Okay, Master. You should rest too."

He closed his eyes and soon started snoring.


I wanted to skip it if I could, but I had no choice.

I closed my eyes like Zain.

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