How the Cult Saves the World

Chapter 32

Zain was unfazed by Sevenus' glare.

He looked like "Zain the Merchant".

"The treatment is not over in one session. You may not know this, but the only way to cure Malone's disease is to expel the corpses of Malone worms from the patient's body completely."

"So you mean..."

"As you expected, you have to visit our temple until the Malone worms are expelled. As often as possible."

Sebenus' brows furrowed.

He clenched his lips and teeth. Seeing his reaction, I asked,

"How often do you mean?"

"Hmm, it would be best if you come every day."

At that, Sevenus clenched his fist tightly.

"Every day?"

"Yes. That's right."

Zain still had a smile on his lips. Sevenus glared at him and reluctantly loosened his fist. He seemed to want to observe him more.

Then, Zain rummaged through his clothes and said,

"Let's start the treatment."

What Zain took out of his pocket was a glass bottle containing Pasrel poison. Fortunately, Sevenus didn't seem to know what it was. That's good.

"What is that?"

"It's a medicine. Young Master Revelof, please drink it."

Zain handed me a glass bottle with one dose of Pasrel poison prepared in advance. As I took it, my wrist was grabbed.


Sevenus' gaze was not on me but on Zain.

"What do you think this is and tell him to drink it?"

His words were short and clear.

"I told you. It's a medicine."

Zain seemed a bit annoyed by Sevenus' sensitive attitude. But he still added with a smile,

"I have already proven everything to the Countess. But if you don't want it, Young Master Revelof doesn't have to get treated."

[E/N: Zain is referring to chapter 30 - when the Countess used the 'Sphere of Truth' (a lie detector) to interrogate Revelof.]

Zain's attitude was like 'I don't care what you do, I have nothing to lose'.

Seeing this, Sevenus let go of me. He knew there was nothing he could do.

Sevenus' eyes turned to me. He looked indifferent, but he cared about me. He's still my family, right?

"Don't worry, brother."

I tried to smile at him and drank the Pasrel poison.

As the poison went down my throat, something hot came back up.


Blood flowed with a cough. It was much less than the first time I took Pasrel poison. There was only a little bit of blood on my lips.

The effort to take the poison on time was paid off.

Unlike me who was happy,


Sevenus was startled to see the blood. Zain also looked a little surprised, but he wasn't too flustered because I had warned him beforehand.

Sevenus hastily handed me his handkerchief with trembling hands. Then, he got up from his seat and rushed to Zain.

"What did you do?!"

Sevenus, who didn't know what was going on, grabbed Zain by the collar.

Oh no, my slave will be in trouble!

I quickly wiped off the blood and ran to Sevenus. I grabbed his arm and shouted,

"Brother, I'm fine!"

Sevenus, who was about to hit Zain with his fist, looked at me. His eyes widened a bit.

"Revy? Are you really okay?"

"Yes. I really am. Look. I'm fine. I feel less tired than before."

I acted as if I was perfectly healthy. Then, Sevenus let go of Zain's collar.

"Haah, you scared me."

He sighed deeply and brushed his messy hair roughly.

-I would have been scared too if I were him. Didn't I, too, freak out the first time you drank the poison?

'Haha... Sorry.'

There was a brief silence in the reception room. Zain, who had been grabbed by the collar by Sevenus, fixed his clothes and cleared his throat.

"Ahem, if you don't trust me, you can check with your doctor. Young Master Revelof's condition should be healthier than before."

Zain had regained his composure by now, but Sevenus was still glaring at him.

"What did you feed Revy? Poison?"

Then Zain smiled faintly.

"I can't tell you that."


"Hmm. A trade secret, shall we say?"

"Ha... You call yourself a religious leader, but you are blinded by greed?"

Sevenus' eyes seemed to glow. I sighed inwardly.

Zain, do you have to provoke him so much?

Well, he must be annoyed because he was grabbed by the collar.

"No. That's not it. We plan to announce the cure for Malone's disease to the world when Young Master Revelof's treatment is successfully completed. So that no one in the world suffers from this disease."

Yes, yes. That's what I want.

But, Sevenus' eyes were still irritated.

"That sounds like you're experimenting on Revy."

Oh. That could be true. This is my mistake. I hurriedly called Sevenus.

"Brother. I'm fine. Whether I'm used or experimented on. I just want to be free from pain as soon as possible."

Although Sevenus seems to hate the Kyros Faith right now... I had no choice.

I didn't expect him to care for me so much.

I haven't had any good memories with Sevenus. Since he, and the original Revelof, were very young in Revelof's memory.

We weren't on good terms, were we?

"If that's what you want... I understand."

Fortunately, Sevenus' expression softened a bit at my words.

Phew. I breathed a sigh of relief and Sevenus asked Zain.

"Is the treatment over for today?"

He was back to being polite. He's really something.

"Yes, that's right."

Zain answered with a business smile.

"Okay. We'll decide on the next treatment after we check your condition, Revy. Let's go, Revy."

Sevenus pushed me out of the reception room by force. Thanks to him, I left the reception room without even greeting Zain.

Sevenus didn't say a word until he got on the carriage. His mouth opened only after the carriage started moving.

"Revy, are you really okay?"

Sevenus asked in a sigh-like tone.

"Yes, I am. It's easier to breathe than before."

Of course, my condition wasn't improved solely by the 'Pasrel Poison'.

It was mostly thanks to Kyros' divine power becoming stronger, and also the physical training with Fanatic.

Anyway, when I got to the mansion and got a blood test from the doctor, I would be able to know the progress of Malone's Disease accurately. That's when I would make a precise judgment.

"Alright, I see."

Sevenus closed his mouth tightly afterward.

As soon as the carriage arrived at the mansion, Sevenus went to find the doctor. I returned to my room after receiving Paul's greeting. I lay down on the bed right away.

It would take some time for Dr. Frank, the Holden family's doctor, to arrive. I planned to roll around in my room until then.


As soon as I lay down comfortably, Zain contacted me.

"What is it?"

[It's about your brother, sir. I thought I was going to die from suffocation because of my collar that he grabbed earlier. No matter how angry he is, is this how a knight should behave?]

Zain grumbled. It sounded like he wanted me to compensate him for his injury.

"Ugh. Fine. I'll give you more allowance."

[You're truly a master!]

The guy who was acting all hurt until a moment ago became cheerful as soon as money was mentioned.

I cut off the communication with him and sighed.


This money-grubber. He always talks about money, money, money, whenever something happens.

The good thing was that I had a lot of wealth. Revelof's personal assets were considerable.

As I was weak since childhood, I saved up all my pocket money and had a lot of assets.

If I had to compare, it would be more than what Kyros Faith owned.

Well, I was still the second son of a noble family, so I had to have this much.

Knock, knock.

With a knocking sound, the door opened. Sevenus and Dr. Frank came in. Dr. Frank had a warm impression and he was sweating as if he had just run.

He must've heard the story from Sevenus on his way here. As soon as he entered and greeted me, he came to my side and made me sit down while starting his job.

"Then, I'll draw your blood, Young Master."

A blood drawing tool with a sharp needle appeared from Dr. Frank's bag.

-Ouch, that must hurt.

Kyros groaned as if he was more hurt than me.

-I can't stand to watch this!

Why is he overreacting more than the person involved?

'I'm fine.'

Meanwhile, the blood drawing process was over.

"The result will come out in about an hour."

Dr. Frank wiped the sweat on his forehead and hurried out of the room with my blood.

Sevenus watched the process and looked at me for a while before leaving the room.

Knock, knock.

The knocking sound woke me up. When did I fall asleep?


I cleared my throat and answered. Sevenus came in.

"Revy, were you sleeping?"

"Yes? Yes."

Unlike me who was calm, Sevenus looked very tense.

At that moment, another knock sound was heard and Dr. Frank came in.

He ran hastily like before and shouted.

"Young, Young Master!"

Dr. Frank opened his eyes wide and shouted.

"It worked!"

Dr. Frank's eyes were filled with emotion as he said that in one breath, Sevenus staggered. His legs seemed to have lost strength.

I already knew this fact, but I pretended to be happy and acted.


"Yes! It is! The Malone worms have moved much less than before, and your body's nutrients have increased noticeably!"

Then, Dr. Frank continued his explanation. It was hard to understand because it was mixed with the empire's medical knowledge, but anyway, it meant that my condition got better.

"Just in case, I tested each drawn blood with magic tool, but they all showed the same reaction!"

The diagnosis in this world was done using magic items, so there was almost no misdiagnosis.

"This is nothing less than a discovery of the century!"

Dr. Frank shed tears and rejoiced and Sevenus looked relieved next to him.

"Phew. I'm really glad."

He said that and put his hand on my shoulder. But somehow, Sevenus' eyes seemed moist.

Could it be, he's crying...?

After Dr. Frank left, there was a lively atmosphere in the mansion.

It was because there was finally a breakthrough in my disease. Dr. Frank asked me and Sevenus what had happened, but we didn't open our mouths.

It would be announced to the world in the name of Kyros Faith later.

Dr. Frank was very curious but he had to leave.

'Besides, Pasrel poison is a substance that can't be detected by blood anyway.'

There was no risk of the treatment being leaked.

Anyway, when there was hope that I could get better, the servants of the mansion were very happy.

Especially Paul, who cried like a waterfall. The servants were happy as if it was their own business.

That's how it was late at night.

When I was resting comfortably in my room, someone burst into the room with the door wide open.

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