How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 53

As the drill falls closer and closer, Ayanami notices crystal dust begin to cover the entire area. Shortly after, the drill makes contact only to collide with a red crystalline wall.

“Crystal Style: Crystal Encampment Wall.”

The drill vigorously tries to burrow through, sparks fly off the point of impact with only the formation of minor cracks to show for it. The drill gives under the pressure and shatters, forcing the attacker to leap back to Tobi’s side. Rito’s crystal barrier quickly repairs itself.

The new arrival appears to be a muscular, bipedal, tiger-like behemoth of a man. He has white shoulder-length hair with a blue tint. He wears an open black vest, tight black pants, and a dark brown belt which has a silver rectangular belt buckle. The feral man glares at Naruto with eyes full of a cold intense hatred while wearing a sadistic grin.

“Uhh… Who are you?” The Hero of the Leaf scratches the back of his head.

Annoyed by this question, the tiger-man stops smiling. “How could you forget about me? I was the one who told you that you could be a great ninja if you stole the Scroll of Sealing.”

“Mizuki?!” Naruto’s eyes widen for a moment then narrow again.

“Bingo, give this brat a reward! And now I’ll prove to the whole world you’re–”

“Oh my god, would you shut up?! Naruto, I’ll leave Tobi to you.” Ayanami grows more and more irritated by Mizuki’s whining. “I’ve had enough of this punk!”

“Yeah…!” Naruto responds as he cracks his knuckles. “I’m gonna enjoy ripping the mask offa you, Freak Face!”

Tobi reaches for his mask, saying, “To take off this mask… You’ll have to break some bones.”

As quickly as a bolt of lightning, the tension in the air skyrockets. Both parties are poised to strike. A droplet of sweat runs down the side of Ayanami’s face, her muscles grow tense, she knows this is the setting for the penultimate battle.

“Rito…? Take down your barrier…” Ayanami focuses chakra into her legs.

“‘Kay.” The young boy snaps his tense, sweaty fingers. I need to help in any way I can…!

Cracks begin to form on Rito’s barrier, the cracks grow and grow until the cracks cover it in its entirety. In the very instant the barrier shatters, the reanimate Four-Tails jinchuriki, Roshi expels a barrage of molten rocks at the heroes with tremendous force.

“Fire Style: Flame Bomb!” Echo quickly counters with his own gauntlet of fire balls.

As Echo and Roshi stalemate each other, Ayanami lunges for Mizuki. “Frog Kumite: Severe Leaf Hurricane!”

The kunoichi concentrates her skill into a spinning backwards kick enhanced with sage chakra, a powerful whirlwind generates around her; the kick is so fast, Mizuki can not see it and is knocked through several trees, crashing onto a lower branch. The young Hyuga can’t help but smile with satisfaction.

Mizuki seemingly picks himself up like he took no real damage, he gleefully sneers, “That might’ve hurt if I hadn’t grown a membrane of bone underneath my skin.”

The escaped criminal reaches for his back and pulls something out. Upon closer inspection, Ayanami realizes Mizuki is pulling out his own spine. More bones grow out of Mizuki’s left hand, taking the form of a drill-shaped spear. Ayanami’s right eye twitches with disgust at the sight before her, she feels her own spine squirm a bit.

That has to be one of the most horrifyingly disgusting things I’ve ever seen… Ayanami cringes as she builds up chakra and weaves a sign. “Bones as weapons, huh…? Talk about gross.”

The branches around them grow longer while taking the form of dragons. They all bare their fangs at the thug-turned-terrorist and strike at him with break neck speed.


In the air, Mecha-Naruto is caught up in a heated dog fight with the reanimated Seven-Tails jinchuriki, Fu. Naruto is in the emergent layer, engaged with the Two and Three-Tails jinchuriki, Yugito and Yagura, the Fourth Mizukage. In the undergrowth, Bee is trading blows with the Five-Tails, Han.

Rito battles the reanimated Six-Tails jinchuriki, Utakata in the canopy. The reanimation’s bubbles cover the entire area, but the young boy is undeterred as he builds up chakra while analyzing the situation he’s in.

The bubbles that surround the young genius crystalize in mid-air. “Crystal Style: Shuriken Wild Dance!”

The crystal balls transform into numerous shuriken that continuously revolve around Rito. He launches them at high speeds, each bubble they pop causes an explosion and creates a thick dust cloud that Utakata can’t see through.

“Crystal Style: Arrow of Light!” A beam of compressed heat and chakra burst out of the dust cloud.

The attack is so sudden, so fast that the reanimated Utakata can’t react in time and is bisected by the beam; the beam burns large holes into the trees behind the reanimation, some even plunge to the ground due to the damage. The dust clears to reveal a satisfied Rito has encased himself in a prism of transparent blue crystal. As the reanimation lays sprawled on the ground, he slowly regrows the lower half of his body; crystals quickly grow from the ground and completely encase his head, hands, and Pelvis.

Jin memories said the black rods were on their… Rito thinks back as he cautiously approaches the pinned jinchuriki.

The young genius reaches for Utakata’s chest and searches for the receiver. Just as he finds it, he leaps back to avoid the sudden flying drop kick from above by Han; the ground quakes and crumbles from the force of the reanimated Five-Tails jinchuriki’s attack. Hans' attack subsequently frees Utakata. Both reanimations retreat and hide in the dense forest.

These dags sharing eyesight is pissin’ me off! Rito grunts with annoyance.

Out of nowhere, Echo suddenly appears at Rito’s side and hoists him up. “Time to go. Mecha-Naruto, transform and roll out!”


“NARUTO BEAM!” The robotic double fires its eye beams.

The reanimated Fu gracefully evades the two lasers as they track her, she’s like a fairy dancing in the sky. Mecha-Naruto begins to calculate and track her movements, he opens several of its missile silos and takes aim.

“Mecha-Naruto, transform and roll out!”

Hearing new orders, the mechanized replica stops fighting and drops from the sky. As Mecha-Naruto descends, he grows in size; he transforms into Mecha-Kurama. As Echo leaps onto the robot fox’s head with Ayanami and Rito, the ground beside Mecha-Kurama begins to shake, trees fall over and dust rises into the air.

“Eight-Tails, that be me, the rappin’ Killer Bee! WHHEEEEEE!!” Bee roars as the Eight-Tails emerges from the ground.

“WHAT’S THE DEAL WITH THAT PUPPET ME?!?!” Naruto shouts from the Eight-Tails’ head.

Ayanami yells back, “WE’LL EXPLAIN LATER!”

Mecha-Kurama and the Eight-Tails both coil themselves in their own tails. Naruto, Ayanami, Rito, and Echo all desperately cling on tightly, sensing something of epic proportions is about to happen. Both kaiju begin to spin, they spin faster and faster with each passing second, forming an artificial tornado.


The combined force of their two rotations causes all the surrounding trees to be completely uprooted and blown away. Mizuki and Tobi’s Six Paths of Pain are all caught in the twister and crash into the many trees and boulders in the windy vortex with them. The funnel-shaped cyclone grows in size as the two beasts put more speed and power into their rotations.

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