How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 51

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Madara runs straight into the army of ninja, ramming them and sending several unfortunate souls flying. The ghost of the Uchiha matches fist with the army surrounding him, the devastating speed and strength behind each of Madara’s blows raises contusions and breaks limbs of multiple combatants. Madara makes numerous shinobi fall like it’s as natural as breathing, he takes a sword from a combatant he defeats and begins to cut down even more alliance ninja. He toys with the alliance like they’re fools, his blade repeatedly finds flesh; their blood seeps into the sand, painting it a bright cherry red.

A Hidden Stone ninja throws a kunai at Madara, but he casually catches it and throws it right back at him. Madara leaps away as the kunai had a paper bomb attached to it; the ground quakes under Madara’s feet as he lands some distance away with an explosion going off in the background, killing numerous shinobi. A mist ninja runs at Madara with sword on hand, Madara grabs a severed arm and tosses it at the ninja; the mist ninja knocks it away, but those few seconds were more than enough time for Madara to get close. The ghost of the Uchiha quickly grabs the mist ninja and uses him as a human shield for oncoming kunai and shuriken. As the now dead ninja’s corpse gets heavier with each new kunai, Madara throws it back into the crowd.

A leaf kunoichi catches the body; as she sets the body aside, she realizes her misfortune as she notices a paper bomb attached to the corpse. Another explosion rips through the ground, killing more shinobi.

A cloud ninja charges at Madara with a sword being enhanced with wind chakra. The Uchiha easily disarms his opponent and grabs him by the neck, he hoists him into the air and begins to choke him out.

Still choking the cloud ninja, Madara stares at the crowd of enemies around him with cold stoicism. “Does anyone else wish to dance with me?”

A strong gust of wind knocks the reanimated Uchiha off his feet and into the air, he’s sent flying away and lands some distance away from the Fourth Division.

“Do not underestimate me!” Temari stares down Madara with the boldness possessed only by the young and the righteous.

Madara doesn’t respond to her prattle, he simply gets back up and dusts himself off. Temari becomes visibly annoyed by his blatant disregard for her.

“Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation!” Madara expels intense flames from his mouth.

Quickly rushing toward the alliance, the fire takes the form of a literal sea of flames with wide-range. Jin swiftly rushes to the front of the mob, kneading the chakra in his body and converts it into water.

“Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!” The young Uzumaki spews a rapid stream of water. Summon your damn meteor already!

Jin creates enough water to fill two Olympic-sized pools, the water takes the shape of a dragon and flies headfirst into the flames with the recoil causing Jin to slowly sink into the sand. The two jutsu collide, matching each other in strength; after a brief standstill, they cancel each other out and create a colossal smoke screen, somewhat impairing everyone’s vision.

Several feet above the alliance, an undeterred Madara bursts through the steam cloud with several fire balls right behind him. Jin watches as they bombard the alliance, killing numerous shinobi; Jin is startled as a sand kunoichi falls right next to him. Her lower half is just gone with blood gushing out of scorched black openings. The chaos happening around them slowly tunes out as she stretches out her arm, her eyes stare at Jin, telling him to help her. However, her arm falls to the ground and her eyes now blankly stare at Jin.


In one swift motion, Madara beheads a leaf shinobi with a sword he took. More ninja charge at him, but the reanimation cuts them down. One by one they fall, and his would-be-next victim is suddenly shielded by sand, so Madara kicks them away. Madara makes a dash for a mist ninja and as he thrusts his sword forward, he is protected by sand as well.

A crystal pillar suddenly erupts from the ground in an attempt to skewer Madara, but the ghost leaps back. More and more crystal stalagmites burst out of the ground, chasing after the reanimation; Madara backflips away, avoiding all of them with finesse. A glowing light catches Madara’s attention, he looks up and sees a blonde-haired boy in an orange jumpsuit with a large ball of chakra falling right toward him.

“Massive Rasengan!”

“Earth Style: Mobile Core!”

The ground under Madara’s feet speedily rises, leaving Madara no room to dodge. Naruto plows his Jutsu into Madara, the Rasengan creates a shockwave so powerful that some alliance members are blown away. A large blue hand punches the chakra sphere and Naruto away; the arm grows, turning into an ethereal warrior with four arms.

Some ninja back away while others ready their weapons. Jin arrives with four other shadow clones, Rito and Ayanami, all five Jins surround Madara and his susanoo at the ready while Ayanami and Rito hang back.

C’mon Jin… you’ve always wanted to say this, so say it. An intimidated Jin tries to maintain a poker face with great difficulty. “Hey, Madara, I have a question! Would you like these clones to use susanoo or not?”

All five pairs of Rinnegan turn red, yellow chakra erupts from their bodies like flames. All five susanoo grow armor and shields, each of their swords transform into even longer 6-part segmented blades; each segment is wider than the one preceding it from the hilt, with 2 pick-like protrusions on the front and back of each segment, with the ones on the front much longer than the ones on the back.

Each of Jin’s five susanoo take a swing at Madara’s, their blades collide with a loud clang. With each swing, their attacks become increasingly more violent and rapid. Their attacks are so fast and violent, they’re creating gale force winds that blow away all the weaker shinobi. After each clash, Madara slowly forms a smile, his eyes narrow and hyper focus on Jin.

“More! Keep dancing for me!” The speed and power behind Madara’s susanoo begins to increase.


Oh, no…! Don’t tell me… Upon hearing the monstrous roar, a now frustrated Jin looks up. What shitty timing. Dammit!

A colossal green dragon with large bird-like wings and long, sharp talons soars high in the sky, flying over everyone. Jin recognizes it as the Wind Dragon of Mt. Koryu. In one quick move, the dragon swoops down at high speeds and rams into several alliance shinobi before going back up in the air. Blood and crushed bodies drip from its scaly snout.

The flying reptile turns its attention to Jin and Madara, it opens its maw and takes in a deep breath. As Jin begins to mold fire chakra to counter the dragon, a large blue blade composed entirely of chakra flies at the beast and pierces its jugular. The gravely injured dragon falls to the ground. It disappears in a cloud of black smoke before it even touches the ground.

Huh? But that sword belongs to… Befuddled, Jin rears his head back to see it was Madara who threw the sword.

“I was finally starting to have fun, but that bastard reptile ruined it…”

Losing all interest, Madara takes a big leap back to the outcrop where the Second Tsuchikage stands. Madara's eyes close for a brief moment, they reopen with the Rinnegan activated.

“It seems my hypothesis was correct… The Rinnegan is the natural progression of the Sharingan.” Kabuto speaks out through the reanimated Kage.

Madara eye’s meet the Second Tsuchikage’s. “I managed to awaken the Rinnegan just prior to my death. Your name was, ‘Kabuto,’ correct? What exactly did you do to this body?”

“Like I told you, I made you better than you were at the peak of your power.”

“Bastard… you know the secrets of my flesh. You managed to decipher the Uchiha stone tablet without possessing the Sharingan!” Madara grows annoyed by Kabuto’s tampering.

“I’m just testing out a hypothesis built on many years of experiments Lord Orochimaru and I performed. And now, you’re proving it to be true… you were able to achieve a piece of six paths power thanks to the might that I built into you.”

“Don’t misunderstand, this power is not of your creation!” Madara summons his susanoo again, he and his avatar weave signs.

The sky begins to grow dark. As soon as each alliance ninja looks up, their eyes widen as they’re overcome with despair; some even drop their weapons and fall to their knees.

Still looking up with her jaw dropping, Ayanami nudges Jin. “Hey Jin? Your Rinnegan can do that too, right?”

“Yep, your Tenseigan can do it also--only better.”

“Really…? Good to know…”

“It’s still far too early to consider giving up…!” The elderly Tsuchikage shouts from within the despairing crowd, trying to rally them. “Never quit without trying! Always do something, however small an effect it may have!”

Onoki flies headfirst towards the meteor with large volumes of sand right behind him. Everyone watches as Onoki and the heaps of sand try to stop the meteor. The sand turns into a giant pair of hands; from a distance, it all vaguely resembles one colossal sculpture to Jin. Cracks form on the meteor as Onoki and Gaara struggle to stop it, the meteor’s descent slowly decreases before finally coming to a halt with small pebbles breaking off.

Ignoring the roars of cheering in the background, Ayanami asks, “It looks like things are wrapping up here, should we dissipate?”

“We’ll disappear when the five kage assemble. Still need to earn brownie points with the Alliance, I don’t need them to love me, just… not want me--ya know--dead.” Jin vividly remembers the alliance members that gave him a hard time.

Rito proceeds to build up chakra. “Since we’ll be here a bit longer, I’ll take that as my cue…”

“Rito…? What’re you talking abo–” Jin is interrupted as he has been completely encased in crystal.

Ayanami and Rito are all suddenly encased as well, all three crystalline boulders subsequently sink underground and burrow deep into the earth.

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