How I Reincarnated Into Naruto

Chapter 36

As thick thunder clouds form on the coastline, it’s pure chaos and pandemonium due to the battle raging on with explosions going off all across the area. Dozens of Ninja, White Zetsu, and Mugonhei all fall with each passing minute, it’s so chaotic that no one can tell who’s winning the battle. It won’t be long before the beach is renamed, “The Scarlet Coastline.”

“Someone, get the reanimations to kill that--GAH?!” A White Zetsu is struck by lightning and drops dead on the sandy ground.

The lightning dragon has entrenched itself on the cliffs, it reduces both ninja and Zetsu to ash with the lightning it calls down from the heavens. Any who try to attack it in groups are either blasted by beams of pure electricity from its breath or halted by the multitude of mugonhei defending it.

Leaving a trail of blood, a mist kunoichi desperately drags herself across the battlefield with tears in her eyes. “I can’t find my legs… I CAN’T FIND MY LEGS…!”

The water dragon swims along the sea, sending powerful waves crashing onto the beach. Any caught in the waves are either crushed by the pressure or knocked unconscious and left to drown. The water dragon will quickly swim away from any enemies who try to close the distance and shoot them with a high pressure stream of water that cuts them asunder.

The worst location in this battlefield to be in are its very shores. Both dragons coordinate their attacks here, effectively turning the shores into a no man’s land with cold, ruthless efficiency.

After successfully sealing away Asuma, Ino finds herself surrounded by a group of White Zetsu, all prepared to deliver the coup de grace.

“Beast-Man Fury Kicks!!” A wolf-like creature lands right in front of Ino to deliver a flurry of powerful kicks.

The she-wolf knocks away all the Zetsu, saving the leaf kunoichi. While he’s sent flying, one of the Zetsu throws several of his flytrap extensions at the wolf creature, one hits her abdomen and the others, her arms and legs. Bleeding, she falls to the ground and reverts back to her normal form.

Ino immediately goes to help her ally. “Ryuka, are you alright?”

“Nnnnrrgh…! It’s only been… an… an hour since the battle started… and I-I’m already… low on chakra…”

Several mugonhei appear in an attempt to blind side Ino, but Choji arrives just in time and smacks them away with his giant arm. “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back!”

The three are now surrounded by even more White Zetsu and this time, some are merging into larger, tanky enemies and they brought the reanimation, Kakazu with them. While holding a heart, dripping with blood , he lays his eyes on the wounded and exhausted alliance ninja, thick, gray, hair-like tendrils emerge from all throughout his head.

“I remember you two. You were with the jinchuriki and Hyuga brats!” Kakazu crushes the heart in his hand and points at them. “Instead, I’ll use your hearts to complete my collect--huh…?”

Kakazu stops in his tracks due to a bright, green light suddenly appearing in the sky. The entire battlefield goes quiet with everyone looking up at the light in the sky as if they’re all entranced by the light. Choji and Ino look up to see the storm clouds created by the lightning dragon and within the storm cloud is a giant, glowing green silhouette of a shuriken.

Is that… Naruto…? Ino thinks as she stares at the mysterious shuriken in the clouds. “Why’s that idiot here? The whole point of this war is to protect him.

The clouds part to reveal a red-headed individual. “Wind Style: Gelel Rasenshuriken!”

He throws the jutsu into enemy lines, killing scores of Zetsu and Mugonhei in the ensuing explosion. The red-haired man lands on top of the cliffs just a few feet above Ino, Choji, and Ryuka. All eyes are on him as he surveys the whole battlefield.

All Ino can do is look at him, taken aback. …Jin?!

Message from HQ! Three of the Five Kage have negotiated with the rogue ninja, Jin Yamanaka.” Inoichi uses the Mind Transmission Jutsu to telepathically communicate with the whole Allied Shinobi Forces. “Jin and his team have agreed to give intel and fight at our side in exchange for full pardons. I repeat, Jin and his team are our allies now!

UZUMAKI! It’s, Jin Yamanaka Uzumaki, if you’re going to use my whole name, say it properly!” Jin makes several shadow clones and they all scatter across the battle to where they’re needed most


“He was a leaf shinobi, do you think we can truly trust him?” The Raikage asks the present leaf village ninja.

Shikaku, Tsunade, and Inoichi remain silent for a moment. Tsunade and Shikaku both glance at each other before saying anything.

Tsunade faces the Raikage with uncertainty. “I honestly can’t answer that, Jin went rogue before I even became the Hokage.”

“I think we should at least give him a chance.” Inoichi remains near the water sphere with blood dripping from his nose.

“Regardless if we trust him or not, we can no longer underestimate him.” Shikaku makes his thoughts known.

“What do you mean by that, Shikaku?” Raikage Ay presses.

“Think about it, he left the Leaf Village to join Orochimaru then joined Sasuke and the Akatsuki. While we were all butting heads with each other Jin hid himself under their shadows, amassing power. It’s almost like he knew all of this would happen, which begs the question.”

“What does he need all that power for?” Tsunade deduces.


The Alliance leaders are left silent as they ponder the situation as it escalates.


Isn’t that girl from that Naruto game for the PSP…? Jin thinks as he plows Kakuzu with a Rasengan, launching the reanimation far across the beach. …And she’s injured.

The surrounding Zetsu focus their attention all one the rogue ninja. “What are you doing Jin? You’d really betray the Akatsuki?!”

“How can I betray something I was never a part of?”

Jin emits a repulsive force that knocks away the Zetsu surrounding him. As Jin takes a few steps towards Ino, Choji, and Ryuka, he is stopped by the feeling of a hand gripping his ankle. Jin coldly glares back to see a defeated Zetsu stubbornly clinging to his leg.

“I won’t let you g--!! S…Stop--!!” The helpless Zetsu shouts before being impaled by a vacuum blade.

As Jin continues to walk toward his new allies, he notices that they’re still on guard with their eyes focused solely on him, but the Onikage pays it no mind.

“What are you doing here, Jin?” Ino wears a hopeful, yet concerned expression.

“A lot has happened… Long story short, I’m here to help.” With casual indifference, Jin kneels down and performs medical ninjutsu on Ryuka as he probes the dream kunoichi’s mind. The Hidden Dream Village, the Tenro Clan… the Beast-Man Jutsu? I can use this for my village.

“Where’s Ayanami?”

“She went to help Kakashi’s company.” Jin continues to treat Ryuka as he faces Ino. “Dream Ninja, I thought only the five great nations ninja and the samurai were fighting in this war, why are you involved?”

“Nngh… your criminals, Kabuto and Mizuki, attacked my village and kidnapped Gensui Amagiri and our village leader, Enzo Tenro.”


In another part of the beach, another Jin is seen near the lightning dragon. As they stare each other down. The many mugonhei protecting the dragon stand in Jin’s way, prepared to fight the ninja.

Highly compressed balls of wind chakra suddenly slam against the dragon and the mugonhei. “Wind Style: Air Bullets!”

“You’re late, Rito.” Jin remarks as a giant hawk lands behind him.

“I’m not late, you’re just too fast!” Rito and Mecha-Naruto both jump from Tsume’s back, landing beside Jin. “Thanks, Tsume! Go home and get some rest, you’ve earned it.”

“Understood, Master Rito.” The hawk disappears in a puff of smoke.

“LEAVE THE WATER REPTILE TO ME.” Mecha-Naruto rockets off toward the ocean.

The lightning Dragon recovers from the Tsume’s attack. It creates a thick mist to hide itself whilst recreating thunderclouds to attack the two who stand before it. Quick on the uptake, Rito weaves a sign.

“Crystal Style: Burst Crystal Falling Dragon!” Crystals emerge from the ground around Rito, taking the form of a dragon. “Quickly, add your Fire Style to my crystal dragon!”

Jin spews a Fire Style: Flame Bomb, infusing it into Rito’s crystalline construct.

The burning crystal dragon flies into the air as lightning comes down the strike Jin and Rito, but changes course and hits the crystal dragon instead.

What Jin just witnessed confuses him. “Crystals can conduct electricity…?”

“Only strontium titanate when it’s heated.” Rito informs.

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