How I became the Empress of Hell

2.10: Get your insulin ready

Long Chapter. Definitely could not split it up. Enjoy!

I would like to dedicate this chapter to my wife, Ashley. Fourteen years ago we got married after we met on a Black Friday, I drove 711 miles to meet her in person, and I fell totally and completely in love with her from the moment I laid eyes on her. Eight days later... we were married. It feels like it was just yesterday she was teasing me at how bad I was at Halo 3, and now we've been together almost a decade and a half.

To my darling wife, I love you more than words can ever express!



We both slept peacefully until morning when I heard Jade knock gently on the door and speak quietly.

“Emily, Allie, you two awake?”

I rubbed my eyes and yawned before answering. 

“We are now. Everything OK?”

“Yep. Just checking to see if you two are still alive in there. Can I come in?”

Emily pulled the sheet over our naked bodies and nodded to me.

“Sure Jade, come on in.”

The door opened and Jade walked in wearing a tank top and pajama pants. She sat on the edge of the bed and smiled at both of us.

“You two are freaking adorbs.

I laughed through my nose and Emily snorted.

“Is that all you came in to say?

“No… actually classes got canceled today. Apparently there was a major gas main break near the student union building and it flooded the whole area with gas. They also said it would be a few days before it's safe to go back to class. If you ask me that's just the author's thinly veiled excuse to justify us not going back to class.”


"I said that it would be a few days before it's safe to go back to class because the construction they were doing setting up that new science wing was likely what caused the gas main break."

Emily sat up suddenly and the sheet dropped, exposing her large breasts. The only one who seemed to take any notice was me, and as usual I could hardly tear my eyes away. I absolutely loved the milky white skin with her puffy pink areola and perky nipples that ached for attention; just seeing them makes me happy and horny all at the same time. I jerked my head as I heard Emily say something and I reluctantly tore my gaze away from her radiant orbs of sexiness.

“Allie, quit staring at my tits and pay attention. Did you hear what I asked you?”

I shook my head and frowned as she tucked the sheet under her armpits to obstruct my view.

“I’m sorry… I think your boobs have powerful hex magic… every time I see them my whole body just goes numb and I can't focus on anything else.”

“Oh my god you’re such a dork. But I asked you if you wanted to play a bit today before you have to head back. I remember you told your manager you were taking five days off… and… today's the fifth day.”

I could hear the sadness in her voice and it made my heart break. Fortunately she had misunderstood something, so I grinned widely.

“I took five days off… but I still have off my two normal days that I get off every week. So… I technically have two more days that I can spend up here. I mean unless you don't-"

She squealed happily and wrapped her arms around me. 

I kissed her forehead and turned to Jade.

“You know I'm down to kick some ass today. I just need to shower and get some food and I'm good to go.”

Jade nodded and stood up. She moved over to the window and pushed it up as high as it would go.

“You guys need to get some fresh air in here… the smell of sex is so strong I can practically taste it. I'm not against the taste of pussy… But damn!"

Emily and I both blushed and giggled softly as Jade turned and walked out, closing the door behind her. Em pulled the sheet off of us and scooted towards the edge of the bed. I saw the black straps of the harness and realized that she had never taken it off last night. She stood up slowly and undid the tight black straps. She winced as she pulled the head of the dildo out of her and slid the harness down her legs. 

“Oh my god… I feel like I’ve been riding a bike for hours. Everything is so fucking sensitive and sore that it's like the slightest touch is either excruciatingly painful or overwhelmingly pleasurable.”

“How do you think I feel? You fucked me so hard last night I feel like I've been bull riding for hours. I'm going to be walking bow-legged for the rest of the day…”

“Hey Allie… are you sure?”

“Huh? Sure about walking bow-legged… yeah pretty sure.”

“No… I mean about you loving me. I feel like maybe I pressured you into saying it… I know I tend to plunge into a relationship head first 100% all in, but I don't want you to feel like I dragged you in along with me. I-"

“Emily… shut up.”

“But I-"

“No seriously, shut up. When I said I loved you, I meant it totally and completely. I wouldn't have said it if I hadn't meant it. I'm not that kind of girl. I may be snarky and overly sarcastic, but when it comes to expressing my love for someone I take it very, very seriously. I love you with all my heart, Emily Lynn Jameson. And I’ll tell you something that I had been rolling around in my head for the past few hours.”


“If you were to ask me to marry you right now… I can't think of a single reason to say no. I know it's crazy to be so head-over-heels for someone in such a short amount of time… but I don't care. I need you like I need water, like I need air. I feel like I would die without you. If you were a drug… I am totally hooked with no chance of recovery.”

Tears streamed down her face and she pulled me up off the bed and into her arms. At first I thought she was upset until she started kissing every inch of my face with the biggest grin I have ever seen. I felt warm tears hit the skin on my back as she rested her head on my shoulder and barely heard the words as she whispered softly.

“Marry me.”

My heart thudded in my chest and I felt like I had been sucking from a helium machine. My body tingled and I felt like I was going to start hyperventilating. It was my turn to open the floodgates of my eyes and tears poured down my face. I could hardly speak around the lump in my throat, but I managed to squeak out two letters.


Jade burst back into the room and we barely even noticed her as we clung to one another.

“What the heck are you two… oh shit… you’re both still naked… and… what the hell happened to cause you both to start crying? Do I even want to know?”

My heart thudded even harder and I felt a giddy rush of excitement as Emily answered for both of us.

“I asked Allie to marry me… and she said yes.”

“Ummmm… I'm waiting to hear the ‘gotcha’ any second now… but judging from the nude sob fest I'm going to guess it’s not coming and you're being totally serious.”

I pulled away from Emily and I nodded my head slowly.

“I didn’t believe in soulmates or love at first sight until I met Emily. Something in me just clicked that said being with her forever was the only thing that makes sense.”

Jade looked too stunned to say anything for a moment before shrugging and sighing softly.

“I have absolutely no clue what to say beyond… I am so happy for both of you and I support you both 110%. Hell… the only way I could support you both any more was if you were both clothed and I could join you in a group hug.”

All three of us laughed and Emily and I took the hint. We each threw on a bathrobe and Jade pulled us both in for a hug.

“You two are fucking crazy you know… I'm truly happy for you, and I really do support you… but talking about marriage after five days is… well… crazy. I guess what they say about lesbian relationships is true.”

“I can't make any sense of it either… but I know in my heart that there's nothing that I have ever wanted more. Allie is the missing piece of myself I never knew I needed until she came into my life.”

We all hugged, and cried, and then hugged some more. Finally after about ten minutes Emily and I headed to the shower. We talked quietly as we washed each other, more in a romantic way instead of a sexual one.

“So… would you take my name or do you want me to take yours or… We can keep it the same, obviously… Or maybe come up with some combination of the two? Or-"

She pressed a finger to my lips and smiled.

"I like the idea of taking your last name the most. Emily Raynier. I like it.”

“I like it too. I mean… I would change my name if you wanted. Although… Allison Jameson does sound kinda funny.”

“Heh. Yeah. Oh my god… I wonder what Aaron is going to say… or my parents. Oh wow. Huh… What about your parents, Allie? How are they going to take it.”

“I’d like to think that they would both be totally floored by the news, but also totally supportive. Both of my parents were such open-minded loving individuals who accepted everyone with open arms.”

Emily’s face darkened for a moment and she looked at me with concern. 

“I couldn't help but notice the ‘were’ in that sentence. Do you wanna talk about it?”

I smiled at her and nodded.

“It’s OK. They both died in a car accident when I was 16. It still stings a bit every time I think about it, but after 12 years and many many therapy sessions I've moved on. Now I only try to remember the good things about them.”

“I'm so sorry… but I'm also happy you were able to move forward. I would be so devastated if something like that happened.”

“At the time I was. Beyond devastated. It was a very very dark time in my life, but I've put all that behind me. So… tell me a bit more about your parents. I probably need to know a bit more about them before I tell them I'm your fiancée.”

“Mmmmm…  I love hearing you say that. My fiancée... I feel like I’m floating right now.”

“I know what you mean… but come back down to Earth for just a minute so you can tell me about your parents.”

“Oh, right! Ummm… Well, my dad’s name is Marvin and he’s a contractor and certified electrician. My mom’s name is Kimiko and she’s a pediatrician at University Hospital. They both live down in Denver along with my younger brother Evan. Evan is 16, but he is already 6’0 tall. Umm… what else?”

“I know you said they’re supportive of you and Aaron… but are they the “we’ll support you in everything cause we love you and we’re you’re parents” or the “I’ll stand right next to you at Pride and wear my LGBT Ally shirt all week and brag about my lesbian daughter and trans son?”

“Ummmm… both? My mom has LGBT+ stickers all over her office and she wears a rainbow pin next to her name tag. My dad has a huge LGBT pride bumper sticker on his work truck, and he gives special rates for LGBT families.”

I laughed and smiled.

“That’s awesome. My parents were super gung-ho about it, but it seems yours take it a step above. OK… now the big question… How are they going to respond when you tell them that you proposed to me?”

She sighed heavily and gritted her teeth.

“I have no idea… I’d like to think they’d be supportive… once they got to know you. Aaron is actually the one I’m nervous about telling. We’ve always been super protective of each other and I honestly have no clue how he’s going to respond.”

“He won’t try to talk you out of it, will he?”

She shook her head and her forehead creased as she thought about something.

“More likely than anything he’d pull you aside and give you a thorough interrogation to make sure you are on the same page as me and it’s something you really want.”

“Great… Now I’m totally looking forward to that conversation.”

“You’ll be fine… you handled Jade like a pro… and she’s scarier than Aaron by a vast margin.”

“If you say so…”

I was about to say something else when something nagging the back of my brain finally surfaced.

“Wait… Kimiko… Is your mom Japanese?”

“Babe… are you seriously telling me you couldn’t tell I’m half Japanese?”

“Well… I mean… Sort of? I didn’t want to assume. I mean, now that you’re pointing it out I can definitely see it. To me you’re just… Emily.”

She beamed at me and kissed my lips softly before letting out a contented sigh. We chatted a bit more as we finished showering, and quickly dried off and hurried back to her bedroom to get dressed. Because of the gas leak the cafeteria was closed… so Emily drove us over to a drive-thru for a quick bite and then back to the dorms. When we got up to Emily and Jade’s dorm, the rest of the clan, including our newest recruits, were waiting for us. Em and I sat silently on the couch next to each other and everyone just stared at us. I nearly jumped in fright as Bray spoke suddenly.

“Jade said you two have something incredibly important to tell us. She refused to even give us a hint as to what it was… only that everyone needed to know.”

Oh… shit. I was so not ready for telling everyone all at once. Well… here goes everything…

“So umm… well... “

Emily put her hand on my arm and stood up. I looked up at her and she smiled down at me before dropping to one knee in front of me. Even though she had already technically proposed to me and I had already eagerly accepted, my heart pounded in my chest and I felt giddy and light-headed all over again. 

“Allison Rose Raynier… I know I just met you… and I know that there’s so many things we don’t know about each other… but when I found you I knew in my heart that you were the missing piece of my soul that I have always been searching for. You are fierce, strong, passionate, super smart, hell… let’s call it like it is; you’re a straight up nerd. You and me are two sides of the same coin. You complete me, and I know I want to spend the rest of my life, physical and digital, with you by my side. Maybe I’m partially crazy for feeling this way, but I really don’t care… I love you with everything that I am. With all that said, will you marry me?”

I was so stunned by her loving speech that I teared up again and was struggling to find words. Both of us knew that I was going to say yes, I was just so happy to have her say all of that in front of everyone that I couldn’t find my voice. Everyone was on the edge of their seats waiting for me to answer, and all I could do was nod vigorously. Finally I was able to swallow the frog in my throat and find my voice.

“Yes, absolutely completely, totally yes!”

Everyone cheered and Emily pulled me up into a tight embrace and we kissed like it was the end of the world.

When we both came down from our emotional high we moved to the couch and grinned like we’d both won the lottery. (Which, in my opinion, we did.) I had waited for Aaron’s eventual response, and when he spoke up I felt like he was going to tell me just how crazy I was and tell me to leave his sister the hell alone.

“Allie, I have never seen my sister this happy. Ever. Not on the day she came out, not on the day she started in college with a major she was passionate about, never. From the moment you came into her life, I knew without a doubt that you two were meant to be together. Part of me thinks you two are completely insane for falling for each other so quickly, but the other part of me, which is the one I’m choosing to listen to, says that when you know… you just know. My only question is this: does this mean that you won’t be bouncing on my lap anymore?”

Everyone laughed and I stuck out my tongue at my soon-to-be brother-in-law. 

“You’d have to ask your sister on that one. I am always up for a good lap bouncing… but my fiancée may not be keen to share me.”

“Get your own plaything, little brother. This one is mine.”

“Plaything? Here I call you my fiancée and you refer to me as your plaything… OK… at least I know where we stand.”

“Shut up you dork and kiss me.”

We kissed and I felt the giddiness spread through me all over again. 

“Before you two start making out on the couch in front of us… what I thought you were going to bring up was the new clan battles that just got announced today.”

We turned to Bray and listened intently.

“I’m intrigued… tell me more oh great human wrecking ball Braylon.”

He rolled his eyes and continued.

“Clan battles are held in a PvP arena specifically designed for this event. There is a fairly lengthy list of rules, but the main ones are as follows: Teams are made up of four members. Members can be any class, but must all be from the same clan. Multiple teams from the same clan are permitted, but are still limited to having four members per team. In the arena your levels count for nothing, so a level 1 will be able to stand toe to toe with a level 100. The only thing that carries over are your skills and abilities, so a high level character will have significantly more skill selection than a low level one. Let’s see… it goes to list some skills that are not permitted… hmmm… what the heck is a world tier skill or spell?”

“That huge ice spell I cast is considered a world tier spell. It’s basically any spell that has the kind of dramatic effect and damage like that one did.”

“Oh… yeah… I don’t see that being much of a problem. Anyhow… the rule that got me was this one though: Each clan leader must register their clan prior to entering the tournament. Do we have a clan leader?”

“Of course we do… I am the clan leader. Only a summoner of my caliber could lead such a drab band of misfits.”

“I think you’re hardly qualified to lead the things you call summons, Blaine. Even Lucifer is more qualified than you.”

“Ouch… my pride. How will I ever recover?”

“I’m sure you’ll be fine. But I think it goes without saying that we’ve had a leader from the start, and we all know who she is. We wouldn’t have made it this far without her, so it shouldn’t come as any surprise that we’d choose her to be our clan leader.”

“Wow… I know being your guy’s healer and necromancer is important… but to think you’d all nominate me- I’m just kidding. Allie, you have already been our leader in everything but name, may as well claim what’s already yours.”

I stood up and curtsied.

“Thank you. Thank you. I am the demon lord Allexus, and I knew it was only a matter of time before you all accepted my omnipotent power and knelt before me. I will be sure to treat all of you fairly, like I would with any of my other corrupted servants. Just remember that everything you do is to bring glory to my name.”

“So much for not letting the power go to her head. Maybe if we all rush her at once we can take her.”

“Try all you want… I am the-”

Emily yanked me back onto the couch from behind and kissed me in order to cut off my tyrannical rant.

“And back to reality… Once our clan leader registers our clan, we have to register our teams and each member’s classes and skills. After we’re all registered we will be moved into a waiting area with the other clans. Fighting within the waiting room is automatic grounds for disqualification. There will be a total of thirty-two teams competing, and there will be four rounds. The first three rounds are 4 on 4 objective based battles. The top four teams will advance to the fourth round, while the bottom will be eliminated from the competition. The second half of the tournament will be a head to head 1 on 1 elimination style competition. Prizes will not be announced until all teams are in the waiting room.”

“Well, what do you guys think?”

“I think that if it will bring more glory to the name of the demon lord Allexus what the hell are we waiting for?”

“I somewhat agree with powertrip lady. Trevor, Sabrina, Tiffany, and I all have our own N-visions now and we all got a copy of the game, so why are we still debating on doing this instead of logging in and signing up?”

“Awesome! Once everyone is logged in we’ll figure out teams. Annnnd break!”

“I didn’t dismiss you! Get back here you miserable wretches! I am the demon lord Allexus! No one walks away from me!”


“Yes, my love?”

“Shut up.”

“Yes dear.”

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