How can I be the villain's follower

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

The dusky desert, the dark sky, stretch as far as the eye can see.

"I'm here?" Zhang Liang slowly got up from the ground, dazed for a while and recalled that he was teleported here.

However, the taste of the teleportation is really bad. It goes up and down for a while, which disturbs people's sense of space and makes people feel sick.

Fortunately, the teleportation took a very short time, only five or six seconds.

"Zhang Liang! Where's Zhang Liang?"

At this time, Zhang Liang heard someone calling his name nearby, and Zhang Liang remembered that it was the voice of one of the Zhou family's children.

He quickly followed the sound to find it, and joined several Zhou family disciples.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, Zhou Ji suddenly fell from the sky and landed on the desert with a slap.

"Ahem, where is this place? Why was it teleported into a desert?" Zhou Ji got up and asked strangely.

"Generally speaking, for something as high-end as the Peerless Cultivation Technique, there will be a special place for inheritance. There are dangerous trials. If you pass it, you can get the Peerless Cultivation Technique. If you don't pass it, you will die here."

"This desert is most likely a place of inheritance."

Zhang Liang recalled the routines of the novels he had read in his previous life, and thought about his words.

"Inheritance? Doesn't that mean that we all have the possibility to obtain peerless exercises?"

"Wait, we shouldn't be able to deal with this danger, right?"

"You still want to retreat at this time? That is a peerless skill! Even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance, we should fight!"

The Zhou family's children were either excited or terrified, but they were more looking forward to it.

Perhaps for people with great luck like Lin Tatian, peerless exercises are very common, and there are three or four peerless exercises on their body casually.

But for ordinary people, a peerless skill is a great opportunity, a treasure that can be encountered but not sought after, and it is an incomparable honor to even see it with one's own eyes, let alone get it?

"Then which direction should we go now?" Zhou Ji was at a loss. It was his first time entering the inheritance place, and he didn't understand much, so he asked subconsciously.

"Wait a minute, I put a tracking mark on Lin Tatian before, let me sense it." Zhang Liang tried to sense the previous luck mark, and the mark quickly responded to himself.

"Go this way." Zhang Liang pointed in one direction.

in the desert.

Lin Tatian and Cao Shaolan held their breath, lying behind a big rock with tense expressions.

The side of Lin Tatian's body was tightly pressed against Cao Shaolan, the warm breath that only belonged to men made Cao Shaolan very uncomfortable, Cao Shaolan couldn't help but glared at him, and shouted in a low voice: "Don't stick to me!"

Just as Lin Tatian was about to apologize, his face changed suddenly, because a huge shadow enveloped the two of them.

The two looked up and saw a sandworm magnified countless times with its mouth full of ferocious jagged teeth hanging above their heads. The mouth of the sandworm was still full of corrosive mucus, corroding the sand on the ground until bursts of smoke came out.

Sandworms are a common monster race in desert areas.The so-called monster races are non-human creatures such as beasts and insects, which absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and possess the ability of cultivation and low wisdom.

Just like a dog, after absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, it evolves into a dog demon, and its strength will be greatly enhanced.The same goes for sandworms.

A mere sandworm's strength is actually about the same as that of the eighth level of Qi training, and it won't make the two of them afraid.

But the scary thing is that there is not just one sandworm here, but hundreds of sandworms!
"Run!" Lin Tatian yelled, and rushed out like a whirlwind.

"Wait for me." The speed made Cao Shaolan a little sluggish, but Cao Shaolan's ability to escape is not weak, and she used her body skills to overtake Lin Tatian in an instant.


Behind him, the huge sandworm roared loudly.

Immediately, the ground of the entire desert shook. This was not an earthquake, but something more terrifying than an earthquake happened.

I saw strips of sandworms emerging from the desert, jumping out of the sand, and falling into the sand again, moving fast like dolphins swimming in the ocean.

Lin Tatian and Cao Shaolan looked back, and hundreds of huge sandworms followed behind, scaring their faces to turn pale.

As long as they slow down a little bit, they will be surrounded by these hundreds of sandworms, and then be swallowed into the belly of the sandworms.

"This desert is so big, where should I escape?" Lin Tatian asked in a hurry.

Cao Shaolan didn't say a word, and she didn't have the slightest thought. The desert is too big, and there is no sun, so I can't tell east, west, north, south, and I don't know which direction to run to be safe.

"Be careful!" Suddenly, Lin Tatian shouted.

Cao Shaolan looked down and saw a sandworm lying in ambush at some point, and she just landed on top of the sandworm.

The sandworm opened its ferocious mouth wide, and Cao Shaolan could even see the foul-smelling yellow gastric juice inside, which was quite disgusting.

"Death!" Cao Shaolan looked cold, pulled out the ice jade sword, and slashed out with the Luoyue Sword Technique.

The phantom of the full moon fell with a heavy sword energy, stirring the sandworm under its feet into a ball of minced meat.

However, Sandworm's attack was not fruitless. Before Sandworm died, a ball of yellow gastric juice sprayed on Cao Shaolan's calf, causing Cao Shaolan to frown in pain.

"No, the sandworm's gastric juice is quite corrosive, and can even corrode flesh and bones! It must be disposed of as soon as possible!" Lin Tatian's expression changed.

Cao Shaolan also panicked, because she felt a burning pain in her calf, and she was gradually losing sensation in her leg, and her speed was also decreasing.But at this time, it was too late to escape, so how could there be time to deal with these gastric juices?
Soon, Cao Shaolan completely lost control of one foot and fell into the sand.

"Am I going to die here? I really can't be reconciled." Cao Shaolan smiled wryly, watching the sandworms coming from behind like a wave, her heart filled with sadness.

Even though Cao Shaolan is the number one female genius in Qingshan City and possesses super strength, there is no possibility of her surviving under the siege of so many sandworms.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened to Cao Shaolan.

"Shaolan, come up quickly, I'll carry you on my back." Lin Tatian squatted down and said anxiously.

"You're crazy, you're not really fast, and you're still carrying me on your back, how could you escape? Go on your own, I don't want to kill you." Cao Shaolan was moved in her heart, but her mind was very clear, and she immediately refused.

If Lin Tatian ran alone, he still had a chance to escape.

But if Lin Tatian carried Cao Shaolan on his back, the chance of escape would be greatly reduced.

You know, there are hundreds of sandworms, chasing from behind, and there are more ahead, unknown sandworms will attack at any time, and there are many dangers.

With Lin Tatian's strength and speed, once he is entangled by a sandworm, he will die without life.

Rather than the two of them dying together, it is better to let Lin Tatian escape by himself.

"You go, I understand your intentions, but unfortunately, there is no chance between you and me in this life. If there is an afterlife, I may treat you better. I will stop the sandworm swarm for you, but I don't know how long I can last."

Cao Shaolan said calmly, gritted her silver teeth and stood up, her thin but tenacious figure stood in front of Lin Tatian.

 Cao Shaolan: Tatian, let's go, in the next life, we will meet again by fate!

  Lin Tatian: No!Shaolan, I can't let you die, don't! ! !

  Cao Shaolan: Ah!I am dead, Tatian, farewell!

  Lin Tatian: Woohoo, my Shaolan, I haven't seen what you look like yet, why did you die?

(End of this chapter)

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