House of The Dragon-The Beauty, The Bold, And The Black Dread

Chapter 60: Night of Intimacy

(Baelon's POV)

I walked down the halls, clenching my fists, "Fucking assholes...." I muttered under my breath, "How dare fucking dare they...." 

"Brother..." I heard Aemond call out for me, "Wait." 

I didn't stop and merely walked as he followed. 

"Baelon!" He said

I stopped, "What?" 

"Listen to me." He said as he reached me, "I understand how you are feeling. And look, I am not going to tell you how to live your life. But you need to maintain composure. What you did right there, well....I mean, I do not disagree with it. It is best if people know their place. But you cannot just lash out....." 

"What did you expect to happen?" I asked him, "For me to stay quiet when they insinuate things? They may not say it but they think it, Aemond! They think foul things about my wife!" 

He sighed, "I know." I said, "I know that I am the one who put you on this. But I only wanted to make you aware." 

"I am aware." I said with annoyance, "Helaena is a dragonrider yet they treat her like some common woman, whose only use is to breed. Two years pass and no children, well so what? Their first assumption is that she's barren, that she's not fertile. The fuck kind of shit is that? A Targaryen Princess, that is what she is. She is my wife, Aemond! She is much more than that! She's larger than life!" 

He patted my shoulder, "I understand." I said, "But this is more than mere slander, Baelon. What happened two years ago, I am aware of your suspicions....." 

I narrowed my eyes, "What?" 

"We cannot talk here. Too many ears." He said, "Tomorrow after noon, meet me at the remote Island where we typically go." 

I nodded, "Fine." 

He then moved his head to the side slightly and I noticed a faint change in his eye, as if he saw something or someone behind me. 

"Mm." He said simply

I turned, "What?" I said as I stopped and saw who he was looking at, "Oh." 

Standing a few meters away, wearing a blue dress, Rhaenyra stood. She looked surprised, as if she didn't expect to see me. 

"I..." She said as she looked past me, "A-Aemond, Aemma had been looking for you." 

"Tell her I will see her tomorrow." Aemond said, "Brother, I will take my leave." 

I nodded and began to walk past Rhaenyra, not saying a word. I could feel her stare as I walked past her, not even looking in her direction. 

There was nothing but silence as I walked away, feeling a strange sensation in my stomach. 


"Baelon." Helaena said as she sat on the bed, wearing her nightgown, "You are here earlier than expected." 

I stood in front of the bed and nodded, "Yea, well some stuff happened." I told her, "I smacked a Lordling across the face and had to walk out because things could have gotten out of hand." 

She frowned, "Why did you do that?" 

"Oh, you know.....he.....well, he said some things." I told her

"I see..." She said as she looked down, "What is on your mind now?" 

I stood there, rubbing the back of my neck, "So you've been speaking with her, I assume?" I said, "Our Sister." 

"W-Well, yes..." She said

"Hm." I said as shifted on my feet

"I saw her after we got here..." She said, "I am sorry if you did not want that." 

"It's whatever." I said as I looked away

"Come. Sit." She told me as she patted the spot next to her

I walked over to her and sat down. The moment I did she placed her hand on my lap and looked at me, her beautiful eyes. 

"Tell me what bothers you." She said, "I only wish for you to be happy and comfortable." 

"Nothing." I said, "Everything is fine." 

"I know you." She said, "Everything is not fine." 

I sighed, "I...." I said, "I don't know...." 

She patted my cheek, "Tell me, Baelon..." she said, "Is it me...? My decision?" 

"W-What? No." I said, "It is not that." 

"Then what?" She asked

"Helaena..." I said, "We spent two years alone and at peace over there...I was was quiet...nobody bothered us. Whatever issues we had, we dealt with it by ourselves...but the moment we came back has been nothing but be reminded of what happened...." 

"Oh..." She said, "We can leave." 

I shook my head, "It is too late now." I said, "There are some things I have to do." 

"But Baelon, if you are not comfortable here, we do not need to stay." She said

I looked at her, "You want to be here." I grabbed her hand, "I will do whatever you wish for. You know that." 

"What I wish for the most, you won't do it. And I will not force you." She said softly, "We are contradicting each other...but...that is okay. As long as we is fine..." 

I leaned closer to her and placed my head on her chest, "I do not deserve you....nobody does..." I said as I embraced her, "I love you so much....." 

I felt her arms hug my neck, "Baelon..." She said, "You are the only man I want to be with....." 

"I will not ask you to not speak to her." I told her, "I just want you to know that the moment her husband arrives, for whatever reason, to stay by my side at all times." 

"Why?" She asked

I looked at her, "I don't trust him." 

"I see...." She said softly

"Have you seen anything?" I asked her

"Like what?" She looked at me

"Anything." I said

"I have seen a lot...plenty...." She gave me a smile, "But....many....worry me.." 

"You saw the fight, Helaena...." I said, "Didn't you?" 

"I did..." She said

"What else?" I asked

"I..." She said softly, "Well, I saw that we....spend every night one.....and I saw your eyes, locked in with mine.....a passionate stare.....every single time we are together.....every single time we share our warmth...the way you hold my hands when you give me your love...I have seen it...." 

I pulled back, "Oh?" I said with a smile, "So it's like that?" 

She blushed, "It is." She said, "A pleasant dream." 

"Hm." I said, "Shall we start it then?" 

She patted my cheek, "I also saw something else. You are not ready to listen..." She said, "But know will happen....and I want you to matter what, I am fine with it." 

I frowned, "What?" 

She leaned in, kissed my lips briefly, and blinked, "Baelon Targaryen, I am yours...." She said, "I belong to nobody you understand?" 

I nodded, "Right...." 

"When the moment is ready...." She frowned sadly, "I will speak to you my fears, my love....for now.....I...wish to be embraced by you.....all night.....I want to feel your love..." 

"Of course...." I said, "If that is what you wish for...." 

"I will give it to you." 

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