House of Amarin

Chapter 5 – Arriving at School

Traveling with the Pearl still took them more than 10 hours to arrive, where the Academy was established. Yet instead of descending below the clouds, they started to climb higher.

"Where are we going?" Lia asked, now dressed the same way as Aurora. After getting near, Parthorn ordered them to change. For the youngest, this was not a problem; she even liked the uniform, trying to look as much of an adult as possible wearing it. On the other hand, Koadriana was moaning and fixing it on her body, feeling uncomfortable with so many clothes on. 

"The Institute of Eight Elements is not located on the mainland. It is only accessible via flying." He explained, and suddenly they felt like passing through an invisible barrier. It was as if they were gently pushing through a veil made of silk before coming out on the other side. Looking forward, the girls' mouths, including Aurora, who had already traveled around the continent, were agape. 

A massive, floating island had appeared before them from nowhere. It was a 100 000 square-kilometer landmass with trees, mountains, and even some significant satellites orbiting it. They were also clearly man-made chunks of land, the size of cities with weird tower-like spires built on them, numbering eight in total. On the main island, they could see a vast clearing with an extensive, five-story tall palace in the middle of it. It had multiple wings, forming an H-shape, looking at it from above. It had a luxurious garden in the front with fountains, green hedges, and blooming flowers everywhere. Watching it get closer as Parthorn slowly drove the Pearl towards it, Lia felt like their family was living in some rural town. 

Around the Academy's main building, a city was established, serving as the home for many staff members, teachers, and even some students. They had their own economy and their own laws as most of the jobs in the city were filled by the students, gaining experience in multiple ways. Parthorn slowly approached the docks, and after anchoring down at one of the open ramps, he clapped, drawing back the girls' awed thoughts to reality.

"Wake up! You all look like bumpkins coming to the big city! Don't bring shame to our name!" He walked forward, looking at them. "The showcase of wealth is one thing. We do not do that. Our priorities do not lie in showing off but in producing results!"

“But you have to acknowledge… this city looks awesome…” Koadriana murmured, looking at the many beautifully designed buildings before them. Even the docks had buildings made out of white brick, clean and sparkling, decorated with statues of ancient beasts, figures of women and men, and elaborate heraldries. Further in, there were not just different shops and houses but also manors and estates owned by influential people and families.

"Yes, yes it does." Her grandfather nodded, not arguing with that.

"Where are we going to live?" Aurora asked, writing a straightforward question in the air that also drew the excited eyes of Lia toward Parthorn.

"In the dorm of the Academy, of course." He replied with a sly grin. "You didn't think we would let you live in one of the houses here? Or in your own courtyard with maids, did you? Nononono~ You are not coming here to have a vacation, girls!" He explained, quickly turning Koadriana's face sour. Bringing boys and girls into a dormitory was exceedingly more complicated than bringing them home. "You are here to study and learn. This is not a vacation for you troublemakers!"

"..." Aurora remained silent, finding it pointless to argue as she was sent here to do her task and not because of punishment… like the other two. 

"You three are lucky!" Parthorn added.

"Why?" Lia asked, already excited and not minding the fact she had to live in the dormitories. She could have fun either way.

"Because you three will share a room! At least you won't be separated~" Parthorn answered with a smile.

"Yey! That is so cool!" Lia clapped happily, looking at the other two. Aurora just nodded, knowing this way, she could protect her the best. It was evident to her that they would be housed together. Only Koadriana let out a small, defeated sigh. She knew this was mainly because she was not trusted enough… for a good reason. Now she really couldn't bring back anybody just like that. 

"Come!" Parthorn walked forward, coming down the Pearl, already looking at the arriving four people, wearing a similar uniform as the girls, only they had three stripes on their shoulders, signaling they were third-year students working at the docks of the Academy. 



"Haaahh…" Koadriana sighed audibly after looking around their new home for the upcoming four years. 

Their room was in the bottom left wing of the Academy, on the third floor. It was the wing specifically for female students, while the right wing was for male students. This part was highly regulated, and the school's disciplinary members enforced the rules with an iron hand. Many people attending the Academy came from prestigious backgrounds. A scandal was not something that either party would want to deal with. The room was still considered spacious; it had enough room for the three beds, their own fireplace, and a leather couch before it. They also had an empty but sturdy bookshelf, going from floor to ceiling, an ample wardrobe for the three of them, and their own bathroom. Lia already rushed forward, throwing her bag onto the bed next to their window, claiming it as her own, while Aurora just nodded towards Koadriana, letting her choose from the remaining two.

"Whatever!" She sighed again, plopping her butt down onto the nearest one to the door.

"This is going to be great! We are sharing a room so we can always be together, and we can play a lot!" Lia clapped, grinning from ear to ear, almost bouncing on her bed by just kneeling on it. 

"We came to learn and not to fool around," Aurora added, writing it in the air, opening the wardrobe, and starting to unpack her suitcase.

"I know, but if you just work all day long, you are going to get sour!" Lia countered. "I don't want to turn into a grapefruit!"

"She is right!" Koadriana agreed.

"All of you need a bit of balance," Parthorn said, who arrived not long after them. He had already met up with the Headmaster, finalizing everything, and came to say goodby to the girls. "Aurora, you need to let up a little! While you two need to pull yourself together a bit more!" He said, looking at them. "The moment I leave, you are going to be left to your own. It is time you start making your own decisions and bearing their consequences. If you steal something again, it is going to be different this time!"

"It wasn't stealing!" Koadriana and Lia said in perfect sync, "We just borrowed it!" 

Parthorn shook his head with a slight smile, hearing their almost immediate answer as if they had rehearsed it.

"Keep in mind that you are all wearing the name Amarin above your head. Don't bring shame to it." As he was saying it, Lia looked up by reflex before turning a bit red, realizing it too late, trying to act as if nothing had happened. 

When Parthorn finally left, and they remained alone, it was Koadriana who sighed again, breaking the silence.

"Well… whatever, it's not like a prison! I hope!" She leaned back on her bed, watching the ceiling before Lia's excited face crept up above her, climbing up onto her bed. 

"Koa… you were sent to prison once?" She asked with a low voice, whispering as if it was some kind of scandalous secret.

"Eh? No! Why would I be sent to prison?" She asked, sounding hurt by her idea.

"Because you said…." Lia murmured, now a bit confused.

"She could easily be sent into one. For indecent acting. Or sexual harrasment.” Aurora said, signaling it with her hands that only Lia could read.

"Use your powers!" Koadriana protested, sitting back up. "You know I can't read sign language! Damn it! Don't talk about me behind my back!"

"I can't talk at all," Aurora answered, now writing into the air.

"Fuck you, you cheeky bitch!" Koadriana scoffed, crossing her arms while Lia looked at her with an open mouth but with sparkling eyes.

"Language." Aurora wrote again, "Don't twist Lia's vocabulary."

"Ugh…" Koadriana flinched, looking at her, but it was too late.

"What is a bitch?" She asked, tilting her head. "I know the word fuck! I heard it once! I had a bad dream, and I wanted to sneak into the bed of mom and dad… but they were doing the sex thingy!" She said nonchalantly. "Mom was shouting at dad, saying he should 'fuck her harder!' Hehe, Mom's face was very pleased then! When I am going to find my own papa bear, I will also tell him to 'fuck me harder!' Nyahaha!" She said proudly, with hands on her hips while laughing.

"Now what…" Koadriana blinked her eyes rapidly, gulping, looking at Aurora for advice, who was just as flabbergasted. 

"Beats me… act like this never happened?" She wrote back.


"Sooo… what is a bitch? I know the fuck is the sex thing… When the penis goes into the-"

"Khm!" Koadriana cut in before Lia could go on a weird rant and try to explain what they were taught back home when their body came to age. "A bitch is someone who sleeps with anyone! And I mean, does the sex thing. With anyone. For money."

"Oh!" Lia clapped, gaining a new understanding. "School is going to be so much fun!" She laughed.

"Huh?" The two looked at her again, but she just stuck her tongue out.

"I already learned something new~." 



In the middle of the H-shaped main building of the Academy, at the topmost floor, a spacious office overlooked the main entrance and the garden before it. It was the office of the Headmaster, and he was standing before his giant window, looking at the many students, walking and talking, getting ready for the new semester. Behind him lay a sturdy table made out of bronze, stacked with documents, forming multiple towers. The walls were filled with bookshelves, many items protected by a gently pulsating forcefield, forbidden for many people to touch or read their titles. Before his desk, four chairs were placed, and they were seats that none of the students here ever wanted to sit on. That would mean they were in some deep trouble that not even their royal background would manage to pull them out of. 

"This year is going to be interesting…." The Headmaster murmured to himself.

He was a good-looking, charming man with long, white hair flowing freely behind him. On the top of his head, he had two sharp and fluffy fox ears, and he wore his white fox tail wrapped around his waist. He was wearing an elegant, navy-blue suit with multiple golden decorations on his chest, just like a legendary general would, which was almost a perfect description of his past.

His name was Lucian, a fox demon who was already 500 years old, and he rose to fame centuries ago. His background was a simple boy from a poor family who rose to the top of the continent without being part of any of the big shots of the realm. He was one of the few independent figures who stepped into the prestigious ranks of those who reached the level of the Three Ri. He was at the level of Magi Supri, and since reaching that stage, 200 years ago, he took over the role of Headmaster. Before that, he was someone who led an adventurer group and fought side by side with two of the Six Houses, exterminating undead nests all around the continent. His crimson-colored eyes were watching the students, and they quickly stopped at a trio of girls who were exploring the garden before the school.

"The last time one of the Houses sent their children to the Academy was 400 years ago…" He formed a small smile, letting his canine teeth show. "Right after that, two of them butted heads for the position of First of the Realm… Huh… I just hope my lovely school and my beloved children won't be affected by it~"

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