Horror Camgirl

Chapter 18 - Lightning-strike Wood

Chapter 18: Lightning-strike Wood

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

“It’s just some ordinary sandal incense.” She answered, “I like its sweet and fresh scent.”

“It smells not right. May I have a look?” I frowned.

She believed in me and nodded, “Be my guest.”

Right at the moment, a middle-aged maid who was standing behind us got a little nervous, which caught my attention.

Did she have anything to do with this?

As I walked into the room, the scent even got stronger. I picked up the purple clay incense burner and opened the lid, shocked, “It has spiral weed in it!”

Outta the corner of my eye, I saw the maid’s face turned pale quickly when I mentioned spiral weed.

“What is spiral weed?” Zhu Ling asked out of curiosity.

I answered seriously, “Spiral weed can stimulate delusion. When I was little, I met a fake witch in my village. She was invited to call back the spirit of the new dead. She of course didn’t know how but she made the family have a delusion by putting a large amount of spiral weed to the incense burner. My grandma exposed her in public by pouring out the unburned spiral weed. It had the same scent as this one. ”

“That’s why I am having nightmares lately. It is because of this poisonous plant.” Zhu Ling was frightened to death.

“Given time, it is no difference from taking drugs. You would become less healthy gradually, have more bad dreams and mental disorders, and eventually kill yourself. ” I said seriously.

Zhu Ling was shivering because she knew no one would doubt that she would kill herself because her face and career were both ruined.

It was a vicious plot.

“Miss Zhu, can you tell me who made the incense prepared? You cannot spare such an evil and vicious person.” I said.

Zhu Ling looked back at the middle-age maid by the door, “Auntie Xin, have I done wrong to you? Why do you do this to me? ”

Gritting her teeth with anger, the maid didn’t even try to deny what she did, “You killed my son! You should pay for it.”

“Your son died of sickness. Besides, I lent you a lot of money for his medical fee. I have done enough.” Zhu Ling was outraged.

“His father gambled away all the money you have my son!” Xin cried out loud.

“In that case, you should kill him instead of me.” Zhu Ling said.

“I asked for two hundred thousand but you only gave me one hundred. If you could lend me two hundred thousand even after his father lost a hundred in gambling, I would have the rest a hundred thousand to save my son. Zhu Ling, after so many years I have served you, don’t I deserve two hundred thousand? ” Xin shouted.

Zhu Ling couldn’t believe what she heard. She couldn’t believe it could be the reason. She once called the hospital and learned that the surgery only cost eighty thousand plus twenty thousand for medical care. So she only borrowed her ten thousand. What she didn’t know was that Xin wanted extra a hundred thousand for her husband’s gambling issue.

I was mad at her, “You can stop everything if you could stop giving your husband money! You are a coward. You are too weak to take revenge on your husband, so you turn to Miss Zhu, because you know that she is a kind person and easy to pick on. You are stupid and malicious. You deserve to die! ”

I got her right to the point. She screamed and darted toward me before she was kicked down by Tang Mingli.

Zhu Ling called the security and locked her in before she handed her over to the police tomorrow.

Her heart was broken by Xin because she considered Xin a close friend. She went to sleep early in sorrow in a different room

The next morning, I was waked up by a scream. I rushed to Zhu Ling’s bedroom and saw her crying in front of the mirror.

I panicked. Was there anything wrong with the ointment?

“Miss Zhu, are you alright?” My voice was trembling.

She looked back. What I saw was breathtaking.

She was shockingly gorgeous, ravishing!

Every moment she moved, her porcelain skin, rosy lips, bright smile, and shiny eyes were glamorous and bewitching.

“Look at me! My face is cured!” She cried for joy and grabbed my hands, “Junyao, thank you! Thank you for giving me a second life! You are my sister from now on. Your business is also mine too. I will help you whatever you ask.”

I nodded but I didn’t take it seriously. She paid for what she deserved. She was just too excited to say that. I wouldn’t be that stupid to believe that she actually meant it.

The security who was supposed to watch Xin rushed in, “Miss Zhu, Auntie Xin ran away.”

“What?” Zhu Ling was angry, “How could you let her run away?”

“It’s my fault, madam. Please allow me to quit.” The security apologized.

“Before you quit, you need to go to police station.” Tang walked in.

Wearing a gloomy face, he threw Auntie Xin on the floor like a trash. Auntie Xin was scared and begged, “Please, madam, please forgive me. I don’t want to go to jail.”

“Who freed you?” Zhu Ling was smart enough to sense something wrong.

Auntie Xin laid her eyes carefully on the security who jumped out of the window after throwing a kick at Tang Mingli suddenly.

Tang grabbed an ornament on the table and threw it at the security. The security screamed, then he passed out and fell on the floor with his head covering in blood.

Auntie Xin was frightened. Tang hissed, “Who ordered you to poison Zhu Ling? If you tell a lie, you will end up with things way worse than in prison.”

Xin trembled like crazy and said, “I will tell you everything. Ma’am, it is Song Na.”

Zhu Ling was startled and outraged at what she heard, “Song Na stole my boyfriend, my career and basically everything. Isn’t it enough for her?”

I once looked it up on the internet that Song Na was a junior schoolmate of Zhu Ling’s. Thanks to Zhu Ling, Song earned a little name. After Zhu’s accident, the entertainment company gave up on her and instead rooted for Song. Now Song became the top star of the company.

Fang Huajian, Zhu’s ex-boyfriend, was a nation famed agent. He and Song ended up together after he broke up with Zhu. The couple even showed off in public.

Their evil minds perfectly matched.

“Song said Fang often compared you with her and thought you are better than her. She hated you to the core. So she… ” Xin tried to pull her words together.

“She has gone too far!” Zhu gritted her teeth and said.

After a moment, Zhu said to Tang, “Mr. Tang, thank you for your help! I can take care of the rest.”

She made a call to her uncle right after. We left after the two of them were sent to the police station.

Tang asked me in the car, “Junyao, can you put the scar-removal ointment into massive production? ”

“Why?” I wondered.

“I own a medical company. I want to buy your prescription or you can exchange shares with it. What do you say?” Tang asked.

“I would be thrilled if I can make some money. But the problem is that it cannot be massively produced. I made it all by myself.” I answered with a bitter smile.

Tang sighed. If he could put it into massive production, the ointment would become a big hit and his company would become an international enterprise.

What a pity!

My brother’s VIP room was good enough but cost a fortune on daily basis. I paid 300 thousand of the 400 thousand I earned. The rest 100 thousand was for something nice. Rosy Cloud Fairy was right. If I died during live streaming just because of some lame magic weapon, it wouldn’t be worth it.

I bought the best herbs to refine good-quality cinnabar and a big branch of a hundred-year-old peach tree. On a thundery, rainy day, I tied one end of the kite tied to the branch and flew the kite up in the sky.


A lightning struck the peach branch with a rumble by following the string, producing a dazzling light.

I waited until the rain stopped. The branch was burnt by the lightning though, it was harder and heavier.

Taoists called it Lightning-strike Wood which could expel evil spirits and ghosts.


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