Horror Camgirl

Chapter 10 - Mr. Long, Let Go

Chapter 10: Mr. Long, Let Go

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

I poured my gratitude to him, and he said, “If you want to hunt ghosts, you have to practice your qi. You don’t have spiritual qi in your body, so you can only hunt ghosts using normal means. But this way was only powerful enough to defeat resentful ghosts, but no so to defeat ferocious ghosts or evil ghosts. At the end of the notebook, you will find a method to practice your qi. You can follow the instruction. If you succeed, I will teach you better magic skills.”

Before he was about to log out, I asked, “Lord, have you heard of Retribution Sore?”

“Huh?” He was surprised, “Why do you ask?”

“I just want to know.” I grinned.

He explained, “Retribution Sore is a kind of curse. When the ancestor made a big crime, his penalty will be passed down to his offspring who would grow sores.”

It really creped me out. What sins had my ancestors committed? Why should I take the karma?

I was innocent.

“Is there any way to cure it?” I asked cautiously.

“It was not very hard actually, as long as you kill enough evil men or ghosts.”

At that moment I understood why my sores disappeared after I killed Dr. Zheng and An Shibing. It was the atonement for my crime.

Lord Zhengyang logged out when I was thinking. I tried to find a clue through his personal information but it was total blank.

He was so mysterious.

I printed out the notebooks and started to practice my qi. Unfortunately I felt no difference after I had learnt for a whole night, sitting cross-legged.

As the sunshine was streaming in through windows when the sun rose in the east, I felt a ray of purple light. I reached my hand for it and it got into my body through my palm.

I felt a warm stream flowing in my body at that moment. Although it was a tiny wisp, it could move freely inside my body.

I got excited. Was it the legendary spiritual qi?

All of sudden, I smelt something awful. I looked down and found that I got sweated all over. But I couldn’t understand why my sweat was particularly smelly which made me sick.

I took a shower and looked in the mirror before I walked out and found out that one more fibroma on the right side of my face was gone. It must be because of the dark smoke I He must be a goddamn evil man who had killed many people with his Golden Thread Worm.

It reminded me of the ruthlessness flashing in Tang Mingli’s eyes when he killed Gongcai with his dagger. He was quick and merciless. He was cool, good-looking, but also brutal.

He was no easy man.

I patted my face and said to myself, “Yuan Junyao, remember who you are. You are ugly and penniless, while he is rich, powerful and good-looking. There is no way he could be serious about you. He must have kind of unspeakable purpose to get close to you. You can’t let your guard down just because he is nice and gentle to you.”

I got dressed up and went to the hospital to see my brother. When I got out of the door, Tang was standing there on the corridor, smiling.

“Mr. Tang, is there anything I can do for you?” I asked.

“Nothing big actually. I just want to invite you for a dinner. ” Tang said.

“I don’t like eating outside.” I tried to refuse, but Tang continued, “I have materials that you can use on your live stream. We can talk about it while we eat.”

I heaved a sigh. If I wanted to do my live streaming without any other’s interruption, he was the only one who could be a help. I had no choice but to do as what he said.

He was driving a red Porsche today. My former boss of the restaurant I had ever worked for had one too. I envied him because I didn’t expect I could sit in one once in my life. But now it just happened.

“You haven’t recovered from the snake venom. We can have some vegetable dishes today.” Tang said, “I know a nice vegetarian restaurant in east district.”

He pulled over his Porsche in front of a traditional Chinese building. I looked up the plaque saying Mind Calming Pavilion.

A beautiful girl in white-blue cheongsam welcomed us and said politely, “This way, please, Mr Tang.”

We walked down the lantern-decorated corridor. The design here was traditional Chinese style. The front yard was full of bamboos and the air was fresh with sandalwood scent.

“Long time no see, Mr. Tang.” A young man in nice casual suit walked toward us. He was good-looking but I felt something wrong about him through his eyes. An exceptionally gorgeous woman was standing next to him. She looked familiar. Later I realized she was Xia Na, a world famous model.

Tang glanced at him, “Long time no see, Mr. Long.”

Long laid his eyes on me and smiled, “Tang, is she your new girl? She has a good figure. How does she look like? Why is she wearing a hat and a mask on such a hot day?”

I didn’t like the way he looked at me, so I quickly lowered my head.

Tang stepped between him and me, “Mr. Long, it’s been months. I didn’t know you have a hobby of minding other’s business.”

Long laughed, “You overreacted. Don’t worry. She is all yours.” He put his arm around Xia Na and blew an air into her ear, which made her giggled, “Mine is a supermodel.”

“Just another vulgar woman.” Tang despised and dragged me into a private room.

As we sat down at a red wooden round table, those girls in white-blue cheongsam walked in with dishes on their hands.

Smoked chicken, oil-free sweet and sour pork ribs, braised mushroom…

The dishes looked and tasted delicious, the best I could ever had in my life. I craved every cuisine.

A slight smile crossed his face when Tang saw how happily I was eating. He was spoiling me in a way that he didn’t realize.

He told me that my live stream was a big success. Journalists, agencies and even people from Guo’an were asking about me. But he shut them out because he didn’t want them to interfere my life.

I was really grateful to him about this. If it hadn’t been for him, I couldn’t have gone this far.

He gave me a few files that I could choose from for my next live streaming.

According to Heiyan TV’s rules, there were a few levels of camgirls or camboys. It started with wood level, then steel, silver, gold, and finally diamond, the highest.

The higher the level was, the more bonuses one would be rewarded. The wood level got the lowest bonus, while the diamond could get 90% of share and highest bonus.

So far there was only one diamond host on Heiyan TV.

Thanks to my last popular live streaming, I got upgraded to steel level with 70% share.

But one would be degraded if he or she stopped doing live streaming for a while, which would be a great loss.

I went through the documents and found the horror hotel very interesting.

Heims Hotel was a five-star hotel. The rumour said this hotel was haunted, especially Room 1814. A guest hung himself in this room not long after the hotel was established.

Since then, 8 different guests died of jumping off the building, cutting wrist, or poison.

People also heard strange voice coming out from the bathroom in the middle of night. It was like a woman  singing creepily.

The hotel had no choice but to shut down the room.

Tang told me that the hotel had a new owner now who was an atheist. He didn’t believe the existence of ghosts. In order to prove that there was no ghost in the room, he reopened the room but still no one dared check in.

We finally agreed to have the live stream in the hotel two days later. I went to the toilet in the middle of the meal. But the toilet down the corridor had been occupied. I had to go to the toilet across the yard.

A man showed in front of me when I was walking in the woods. I recognized it was Mr. Long from the blurred light.

“You are Tang’s date? Are you alone?” He flirted.

I frowned and just ignored him. He grabbed my arm, and sniffed me, “You smell nice. It is the most fragrant smell I have ever had. What perfume are you wearing?”

“Mr. Long, let go.” I hissed.

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