Honghuang: I lead the Chaos Demon God to penetrate the heavens!

Page 16

Pan Gu looked at Shi Chen, they had all received the invitation message from the Temple of the Gods to participate in the first meeting of the gods after the 12 Yuan Meeting, so Pan Gu came to find Shi Chen to see what they knew.

After all, as the ruler of the long river of time, time can see a corner of the future with the help of the long river of time.

"I don't think so, it's just discussing how to deal with those demon gods!"

(For convenience, the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods are collectively referred to as Chaos Demon Gods, and the demon gods on the other side of the road are all called Demon Gods. Don’t get me wrong!)

"Oh? What is there to discuss? Just let them do this, isn't it good?"

Pangu couldn't figure it out, what is there to discuss about this thing?Isn't that how their three thousand Chaos Demon Gods came here?How come they need to worry about the Chaos Demon God when they come to the Demon God?I didn't see anyone bothering them before!

"The chaos is changing dramatically now, and the future will become more and more suitable for living beings to live in, but at the same time, the cultivation environment will become worse and worse. Under this environment, if you don't find a way to restrain the demon god in time!"

"The chaos in the future will be chaotic, and no one will be able to stop it!"

After Shi Chen paused for a moment, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes. He had observed the long river of time before the Demon God was born, and he saw something there!

"Are you saying they'll intervene?"

"Those who are ambitious will naturally want to intervene, and the rest will probably sit on the sidelines!"

Shi Chen thought for a while, it seemed that among the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods there were still some ambitious people who were ready to move, after all their claws, Shi Chen they were not blind, they couldn't see anything, they just didn't care about it!

"Okay, why do you have to think so much?"

At the last moment, seeing that Pangu still wanted to ask something, he interrupted him directly, and there were some things that Shichen didn't want to think about for the time being.

When he returned to the Enlightenment Room of the City Lord's Mansion, he looked at the big Dao characters on the wall, and finally let out a long sigh.

The long river of time, a river flowing in the chaotic and unknown dimension, surging and surging, has no beginning and no end!

But at this time, Shi Chen's huge Taoist body was entrenched on the long river of time, quietly watching the rolling river water.

After a long time, he finally moved. He saw Shi Chen's body going down the river with time. He wanted to explore the future again, looking for that corner of footprints!

And with this movement of time, countless great powers who pay attention to the long river of time know it!

"Who are you! How dare you explore the future from the past!"

A loud shout stirred up the long river of time, but it was questioning the origin of time!

"Humph! I don't know whether to live or die!"

The ear of the person who made the sound was like thunder, he only felt his ears ringing, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth!


That man was horrified!In his age, the Supreme has already become a legend. He never imagined that there would be a Supreme who descended from the past along the river of time!

Fortunately, Shi Chen didn't pay much attention to him, and just taught him a small lesson, otherwise he would have to lie there directly, and there would be no chance to talk!

And after knowing the power of Shichen Supreme, he directly became a turtle, after all, he didn't want to die yet!

And those other strong men who have been paying attention to the river for a long time also withdrew their consciousness in an instant when they saw this, and they didn't want to die if there was a big brother going along with the flow!

Although you will bear the infinite karma brought by the long river of time if you make a move through the ages, but you can't hold back others, Shichen is the master of time!It can be said bluntly that the river is his toy for a long time!

Do you think toys can hurt their owners?Anyway, Shi Shi is not afraid, but it doesn't mean they are not afraid, and they can't beat Shi Chen in the first place!

And Shi Chen's unscrupulous downstream flow naturally alarmed some old antiques!

"Huh? Who is going downstream? Do you want to cause turmoil in the years!"

A voice full of vicissitudes and a heavy sense of history spread into the long river of time, and even Shi Chen had to treat that voice with caution!

That is a supreme being in the same realm as Shichen!

"Why, you also want to intervene in the deity's affairs?"

Although Shi Chen is cautious, it doesn't mean that he is afraid. You must know how arrogant Shi Chen is as the Chaos Demon God and the controller of the Dao of Time!

"Hmph! If you take another step forward, the world will be turned upside down!"

That person wasn't used to Shi Chen, so he just let go of his cruel words, it seemed that he wanted to compete with Shi Chen in the long river of time!

"There are so many looking for death!"

"The avenue of time, the turbulent flow of time!"

Now that the talk has come to this point, Shi Chen will naturally not let him get used to it, and immediately hit him with a big move towards the time and space where the person who made the sound was!

"You are him!"


The man seemed to have thought of something after Shi Chen shot, his voice was full of fear, and then he decisively abandoned the time and space he was in!

Then escaped into an unknown place, not even daring to fight back!


Shi Chen was confused about this, this person was pretending to be aggressive one second, but wilted the next second!

Afterwards, he continued to go down the river, but after searching for several epochs, he still couldn't find the corner of the years that he glanced at last time.

In the end, Chen Chen had no choice but to choose to go back. This time going back against the current time, no one would dare to force Lai Lai anymore!

If anyone pays attention to the long river of time at this time, they will be able to see that huge Dao body of Shi Chen standing on the long river of time, and the monstrous waves can be rolled up with a random wave of its tail!

In the end, Shi Chen returned to his current time and space, and when he got nothing, Shi Chen finally chose to sleep. After all, he has not slept for a long time, and it is also a pleasure to sleep occasionally!

The chaotic world doesn't remember years, and the ages pass by in a hurry, but for Chaos Demon Gods like Shi Chen, time is the least valuable.

But this time, Shi Chen chose to wake up from his deep sleep!

Chapter 33 The First Meeting of the Gods

At this time, the temples that originally existed in the different space of the chaotic world appeared in the chaotic world!

And for the other demon gods in the chaotic world, it's as if they don't exist, and it has nothing to do with them.

Although the temple of the gods has appeared, the meeting of the gods has not yet started, making the temple of the gods stand quietly in the chaotic void at this time.

Until the last ten thousand years before the start of the meeting of the gods, countless projections did appear in the chaos. The projection was a huge hall with three thousand seats!

And just when the demon gods were shocked and confused about what it was, a demon god who knew how to perform gossip calculations stood up and told all the demon gods that this was a meeting of the demon gods of chaos, and it would be held ten thousand years later!

At that moment, the demon gods knew that the Chaos Demon God engraved in their memory was real. They were high above them, looking down on this chaotic world, and they also looked down on these demon gods!

Some pessimists began to lament the injustice of the avenue, why are they still struggling in this chaotic world when some people are superior!

At this time, the ambitious person is not thinking about making himself stronger, but actually thinking about slaughtering the gods!They want to slaughter all three thousand Chaos Demon Gods. They think that Chaos Demon Gods are not worthy of being superior!

And their ridiculous ambitions also made them put into action. They knew the location of the temple of the gods through their huge eyeliner. At this time, they were already outside the temple of the gods, waiting for the appearance of the gods!

They want to fight to become famous, they want to become the master of this chaotic world!

For this matter, all the Chaos Demon Gods are watching it. To them, it is just a clown!

Of course, among the demon gods who were born later in the chaos, there are also disbelievers. They think that these are just tricks made by some conspirators!

But no matter what these demon gods think, the first meeting of the gods of Chaos Demon God has arrived as scheduled!

Chaos demon gods began to enter the halls that were originally empty. Of course, the first ones to enter the arena were the relatively low-ranking chaos demon gods!

After all, they don't dare to let those real bosses wait for them, especially the ten thrones in front. If they all arrive and you don't, let them wait, then your good days are probably coming to an end!

And in the chaos, a group of demon gods can also see through the virtual image that the chaos demon gods began to enter the arena one after another.

But this time, no one was present at the scene, but all came with some energy bodies with a trace of origin!

After the following demon gods entered the arena, neither the top ten demon gods nor the order demon gods had arrived. After all, they were supreme beings, so they naturally had the ability to make other chaos demon gods wait.

However, some ambitious people can't sit still, thinking that it's almost time to come!


A loud noise came into the hall of the gods, which made the gods slightly surprised, but soon they understood.

But those devil gods who don't know how to live or die are attacking the temples of the gods, and they want to slaughter their three thousand devil gods!

And the attack outside the temple was naturally transmitted to every corner of the chaos by the images of the temples!

"I don't know, fellow daoists, who is willing to take action to deal with these jumping clowns?"

Among the temples of the gods, the Yin-Yang Demon God, who was considered a good guy even among the crowd of demon gods, asked.

There was silence in the hall for a while, and it seemed that no one was willing to make a move. After all, they could be regarded as old seniors!

"Come here, my deity! It's time for my sword to drink the blood of the Demon God!"

After a long time, the Slaughter Demon God stood up, a Slaughter Sword appeared in his hand, and strode towards the outside of the hall!

And everywhere in Chaos, those who saw the Chaos Demon God and no one responded to the Yin-Yang Demon God thought that the Chaos Demon God was afraid, but at this time they saw the Slaughter Demon God stand up!

Their spirits were shocked, and they also wanted to see if these Chaos Demon Gods really had enough strength to stand above them all!


Just when the demon gods were still trying to break through the temples of the gods, the door was opened!

"Haha! The gate has been opened! Let's go in and slaughter the Chaos Demon God! We are the masters of this world!"

Seeing the door open, all the demon gods were very excited, as if they had seen a bright future!

But what welcomes them is not a bright future, but a sword in the hands of the Slaughter Demon God!They didn't even see the face of the Slaughtering Demon God. In just one breath, all the Demon Gods who participated in the attack on the temples of the gods fell!

As for their dao, they naturally returned to the chaotic world. The sect is not like the Chaos Demon God. The three thousand Chaos Demon Gods are the product of the original Dao, and they are the masters of the Dao!If they fall, as long as their Dao is still there, they can return!

As for the demon gods of the side sects, they are just the products of the Three Thousand Dao to strengthen themselves, and they fall as well, and the original source returns to the corresponding Dao!

Unless the corresponding Master of the Great Dao is willing to allow them to be bred again!

And with the fall of those careerists, the demon gods everywhere of the Chaos Demon God fell into silence and horror.

Only now did they discover that the reason why those Chaos Demon Gods are so high is that they really have this strength!

You must know that the Slaughtering Demon God is only ranked more than 500, and he alone can kill them all. Thinking of the eleven Chaos Demon Gods who have not yet appeared!

For the first time, the demon gods who are the boss and the second child these days finally know what fear is!

They also began to really think for the first time what the Chaos Demon God's meeting was this time, and why they had to face all the Chaos Demon Gods in the entire chaotic world!

After the Slaughter Demon God returned to his seat, the gates of the temples were closed again. Some of the Chaos Demon Gods whispered in twos and threes, while others were resting with their eyes closed, waiting for the arrival of those few!

Finally, after the Demon God of Order entered the arena, the Demon Gods of Chaos in front also entered the arena in this order!

However, there was a delay in entering the arena in the following hours. The world tree and Pangu here are a little different. Why did they come together? You haven't arrived yet. Are you fishing outside the door?

What are you doing at this time?In the deepest part of the temple, I saw the mysterious existence.

"Why did you come to me at this time?"

Shi Chen was very curious, the meeting was about to start, and as soon as Shi Chen entered the arena, he was pulled over by the mysterious man in front of him!

"Hehe, I just want to chat with you about homework!"

The mysterious man just looked at Shi Chen with a smile, and there seemed to be a magic power to see through people in his eyes, Shi Chen's heart felt hairy when he was seen.


Then Shi Chen turned around and left!

And with the time being seated, the first meeting of the gods officially started under the attention of the creatures of the entire chaotic world!

Chapter 34 Three Camps

The first meeting of the gods begins!

With the sound in the void, a blank book appeared in front of all the Chaos Demon Gods!

On the cover, there are a few large characters in divine script——Compendium of the Gods!

There is no content in it, and its main function is to record the content determined at this meeting, which will be signed by all their Chaos Demon Gods, and Dao will distribute them to the Demon Gods.

Let all intelligent creatures in the chaotic world know the rules set by the Chaos Demon God. In fact, three thousand big bosses sit together to discuss a rule, and then everyone below must abide by it.

It's up to the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods to respect or not, they are all rule makers after all!

"Do we need to intervene in today's chaotic world?"

One of the Chaos Demon Gods raised such a question, and this question was solved by directly putting an unspoken rule among the Chaos Demon Gods on the table!

At the beginning, the Chaos Demon God had a casual attitude towards the birth of the Demon God, but later, some Chaos Demon Gods chose to intervene.

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