Hollywood King

Chapter 327 | End of Shooting~

Weeks passed one after another.

The entire time, Ian went back and forth between directing and focusing on his first book. With the reactions to Kiara hitting the roof, Ian realised that it was better to focus on The Godfather.

Because if he diverted his focus from the directing of the movie, there was a lot at stake.

However, with the strict schedule and the packed jam, they were able to finish the shooting before the schedule. And in fact, it was the final day of the shooting.

And the fun fact was that according to Francis, the director who created the movie in the original world, it had taken sixty-two days to complete the shooting of the movie; from  March 23, 1971, to May 24, 1971.

"I never thought that we'd all be here on the final day," one of the characters who played a side role said aloud.

"Where else did you think we'd be?" his friends questioned.

The conversation was heard by several of those who were around. And that included Ian Renner, who attentively listened to the conversation.

"I thought once our part is done, we will not be invited to the set. But the managers were too nice. And imagine witnessing such a movie again. Would be in my dreams!"

The statement brought a smile to Ian's face.

He had experienced such a moment in his previous life when he was an actor. He remembered the first time he got to witness an award-winning movie was when Catch Me If You Can was being shot in the city he was in.

It was a memorable day for him as he decided that he wanted to become an actor when he grew up.

Ian looked at the two friends and waved. They waved back, reciprocating the enthusiasm.

'Look at me now. Living my American dream' he thought to himself and got back to the script that he was reading.


After a few minutes, the shooting began again. This time, everyone knew that the shot was the final shot because they had been working on the same scene for several days.

But Ian and Joseph both couldn't agree that a perfect—or a good shot came out of it. Which made things much harder for the actors.

This was also why they had agreed to take a break from shooting and come back to shoot the final scene.

"Alright, if this goes well today, we're all in luck. And unlike my other movies, where the ending is sad and everyone is in tears, I'm pretty sure all of you will be quite content and even party when the shooting is done!" Ian said, giving a smile to everyone present at the set.

The cast and crew cheered.

"It was because of how long the last scene dragged for. Ugh, I just need to get it done with," Angelina said from the side, while everyone else agreed.

"Well then, whenever everyone is ready, we'll do the takes," Joseph interrupted. "Hopefully in seventeen minutes."

He said, making Ian frown once again. This time his curiosity peaked as he wanted to ask what was with Joseph and his specific numbers.

"Hey, Joseph."

"Ian, what is it?" Joseph questioned immediately.

"Can I ask a bit of a… weird question?" he asked back.

The question was not weird in Ian's mind, but he somehow didn't want to make Joseph feel uncomfortable.

"Sure, please go ahead," Joseph immediately agreed.

"Why do you give specific numbers when you're… giving time? Is there something-"

"Hahaha…" Joseph laughed. "No, Ian. It's just for fun. I have no intentions with numbers whatsoever. But see, you're here questioning!" he replied.

Ian laughed along hearing the director.

"Well, that makes sense. It must be the same as when I want specific scenes to be very… specific in the execution," he said as a joke.

They both were very different things, and Ian couldn't help but think he actually questioned something of no use.

"Yes, exactly!"

With Joseph's reply, both the directors fell into a comfortable silence as they kept checking on how the actors were preparing for the final take.


The scene was set inside the Corleone house. In the background, big boxes have been packed; furniture prepared for shipping.

"Michael!" Connie came yelling.

She hurried into the living room, where she came upon Michael and Kay. Both of them are next to each other.

Kay's gaze fell upon the woman who came barging in.

She comfortably said, "Connie…"

But Connie avoided her and moved directly to Michael. Neri was watchful.

"You lousy bastard; you killed my husband…"

"Connie…" Kay's voice came after. She tried to soothe the angry woman.

"You waited until our father died and nobody could stop you and you killed him, you killed him!  You blamed him for Sonny, you always did, and everybody did. But you never thought about me, never gave a damn about me."

She started crying. Her tears fell one after another. The sobs didn't stop.

"What am I going to do now, what am I going to do?"

Two of Michael's bodyguards moved closer, ready for orders from him.  But he stood there, waiting for his sister to finish.

"Connie, how could you say such things?" Kay questioned.

"Why do you think he kept Carlo in the Mall?  All the time he knew he was going to kill my husband.  But he didn't dare while my father was alive.  And then he stood as Godfather to our child.  That coldhearted bastard…" she said and looked at Kay. "And do you know how many men he had killed with Carlo?  Just read the papers.  That's your husband."

She tried to spit into Michael's face, but in her hysteria, she had no saliva. It was a waste of an attempt.

"Get her home and get a doctor," Michael said.

"Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut! Oh! MY GOD! That was a perfect shot!" Joseph said, standing up with his weak knees immediately. He was old, but he was a great director.

"After our last scene, that'd be a wrap! Everyone, let's take it from there!" Ian said and looked at the cast who eagerly nodded with scripts in their hands.

"...And action!"


a/n; read ahead: www.patreon.com/TC_L. read 10+ chapters ahead! (Ian is going to meet Mark Hamill for Star Wars) you can share ideas!

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