Hogwarts’ White Lord

58: Potter Vs Malfoy

Ivan didn't have much personal interest in flying on brooms. It was relaxing enough to float around and observe others as they practiced.

Interestingly, Ivan wasn't particularly fascinated by real flying magic either, though he knew it had its merits. In the original story, only Snape and Voldemort were shown using that kind of magic.

Ivan suspected that Snape's flying abilities might have originated from the same source as Voldemort's, given how similar their styles of flight appeared.

'It looks like I'll have to find a way to learn this magic from Snape,' Ivan thought to himself.

Though Ivan already had ways to fly—such as transforming into an Obscurus and soaring through the sky in the form of a black storm—he knew that using this method would expose his identity as an Obscurial.

Ivan was careful to avoid causing any unnecessary trouble, especially for Dumbledore, who had been incredibly kind to him. He was far from ungrateful and didn't want to put the old headmaster in a difficult position.

Ivan didn't doubt the integrity of the Hogwarts professors, but he was cautious of the reactions from the wider wizarding community.

He remembered how poorly Harry had been treated after Voldemort's return in the original timeline. He wasn't about to let himself or his friends be exposed to similar dangers.

The Ministry of Magic, the parents of the students, the board of directors…

Ivan was sure that once his identity as an Obscurial was exposed, there would be no place for him at Hogwarts.


Lost in thought, Ivan suddenly heard Hermione calling his name, snapping him back to reality.

"What's wrong?"

"How am I flying?"

Ivan glanced at Hermione, who was floating a few feet off the ground. "You're doing well! Keep it steady, just like that."

Thanks to Ivan's guidance, both Hermione and Neville had managed to balance their brooms about two meters above the ground. Their progress hadn't gone unnoticed, and Hermione's roommate, Parvati, approached shyly, hoping to ask for some tips on flying.

Of course, Ivan wasn't going to refuse.

Parvati was an Indian witch with delicate features and a warm smile. Unlike Hermione, who as a child was more focused on her studies than her appearance, Parvati had an air of elegance even at her young age.

She was charming and had a natural sense of style.

Ivan recalled that in the original books, the Patil sisters—Parvati and her twin Padma—were considered some of the most beautiful girls at Hogwarts.

'Too bad they weren't portrayed as such in the movies,' Ivan thought to himself, remembering the casting decisions that hadn't quite captured the characters' appeal.

Thankfully, in this real world, the Patil sisters were just as striking as he had imagined.

Whether it was Hermione, whose beauty was often hidden behind her bookish demeanor, or Parvati, both had a pleasing presence.

"Very good, you've all got a handle on flying," Ivan said, standing on the grass while Hermione, Parvati, and Neville hovered above him.

After some time practicing, they had managed to reach a height of about 3 meters—a big improvement from where they had started.

"Ivan, don't you want to practice too?" Hermione asked, feeling a little guilty that Ivan had given up his own time flying to help them.

Parvati and Neville seemed to share her thoughts.

"Me?" Ivan grinned, stepping onto his broom with a smooth motion. The next second, he shot into the sky like a gust of wind.

Ivan soared through the air like an arrow, performing several advanced moves he had read about in Hermione's Quidditch Through the Ages. His movements were fluid and controlled, and after a few more impressive maneuvers, he descended gracefully, landing right next to the trio.


"Ivan, have you been practicing in secret?"

"I think Ivan's good enough to try out for the Quidditch team!" Parvati chimed in, thoroughly impressed.

The three were amazed by Ivan's flying skills. Hermione thought for a moment that maybe Ivan had been secretly practicing, but then remembered that they spent nearly every day together. There simply hadn't been time for him to do that.

As for Parvati, she was completely captivated by Ivan's graceful and heroic figure as he flew through the air, unable to shake the image from her mind.

Quidditch, as a sport, might not hold much interest for Ivan. But he had clearly underestimated its significance in the wizarding world.

For many of the young wizards, like Parvati, Neville, Lavender, and others, Quidditch players were nothing short of the most dazzling celebrities in their eyes.

Because of this, Ivan's impressive display of flying skills had drawn the excited cheers of all the young wizards, who now gazed at him with admiration and awe.

"Is there anything he can't do?" Ron muttered, a hint of jealousy in his voice, while Harry watched Ivan with admiration in his eyes.

To Harry, it almost seemed as if Ivan were the real savior, rather than himself.

Seeing the group gathered around Ivan, Malfoy's eyebrows shot up.

Unwilling to let Ivan steal all the attention, he sidled over to Harry and Ronald and began his usual routine of provoking Harry, or "Scarhead," as he liked to call him.


Suddenly, a scream echoed across the field.

Everyone turned to look, and their eyes widened at the sight of two figures flying high into the sky, one chasing after the other.

"What's going on?" Ivan squinted, focusing his gaze. He quickly realized the two people were none other than Harry and Malfoy.

Ivan was a little confused.

In the original story, Malfoy had taken Neville's Remembrall, which led to Harry's famous flying scene. But now Neville was standing there, and the Remembrall was safely in his pocket.

"What on earth happened between the two of them?"

The crowd parted as Ivan walked up to Ron, who still seemed a bit dazed. Hermione was shouting at the two boys in the sky, "Come down quickly! You're flying too high—it's dangerous!"

"Hey Weasly, what's gotten into them?"

"It's Malfoy!" Ronald quickly explained what had just transpired. "He insulted Harry's parents."


Ivan quickly pieced the situation together.

Malfoy must have mocked Harry with cruel words about his parents, and Harry, unable to hold back, probably tried to confront him. But instead of facing him, Malfoy arrogantly flew into the air, continuing his taunts from above.

Good grief!

Who could stand that?

If you could tolerate that, you wouldn't be Harry Potter.

Ivan shook his head, feeling at a loss for words for both of them.

'Let's get them down first, then I'll deal with Malfoy.'

With that thought in mind, Ivan had already drawn his wand.

But before Ivan could cast a spell, Malfoy, high up in the sky, swerved and hit the top of a tower in the distance. He tumbled down, falling straight toward the ground.

"Oh Merlin!"

"He's falling!"

The sight scared many of the young wizards present.

Especially Pansy Parkinson, who screamed as her face turned pale. Without thinking, she sprinted toward where Malfoy was falling.

"Ivan!!" Hermione called out anxiously.

Ivan's eyes narrowed as his grip tightened around his wand, ready to cast a cushioning charm.


However, the next moment, Ivan's hand paused mid-air.

Harry, still airborne, suddenly dived with incredible speed and agility, catching Malfoy just in time.

His movement was so quick and precise that it left everyone around in stunned silence.

"Harry Potter!!"


Cheers erupted, with Seamus shouting the loudest, amazed at the sheer skill Harry had just displayed. "Did you see that? That was a fake move like Gerron! Harry just pulled off a flying skill that even professional players don't know!"

The young wizards were buzzing with excitement, astonished by Harry's impressive reflexes and flying ability.

Ivan, now lowering his wand, couldn't help but be impressed as well.

'Is this what a 4-point reflex score looks like?' he mused to himself. "Incredible."

Ivan was a little surprised. He hadn't expected that, even with his presence, Harry would still show such extraordinary flying talent.

Of course, Ivan wasn't upset or jealous. To him, the kind and simple Harry was like a younger brother—helpless, often living in the shadows, with no real support.

If anything, Ivan didn't mind letting Harry have his moment in the spotlight, enjoying the cheers and attention that came with being the Boy Who Lived.

'Well, we'll just have to work on this kid's impulsiveness,' Ivan thought, smiling as he joined everyone in welcoming Harry back, victorious.

"Ivan, how's Malfoy?" Harry asked, concern in his voice.

"He's fine," Ivan replied.

Using magic, Ivan had gently laid Malfoy flat on the grass. After checking him over, he concluded that Malfoy was more frightened than hurt—no real injuries.

But Malfoy's face was still as pale as a ghost. It wasn't the fall that embarrassed him—it was the fact that Harry Potter, the person he disliked most, had saved him.

"Harry Potter!"

After the flying class, Professor McGonagall came rushing over, calling Harry's name.

Without explanation, she whisked Harry away, leaving Hermione and the others worried about what might happen.

But Ivan wasn't concerned. He knew exactly why Professor McGonagall had taken Harry away—she had seen his incredible flying talent and was likely about to invite him to join the Gryffindor Quidditch team as a Seeker.

Sure enough, at dinner, Harry shared this matter with everyone with great excitement.


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