Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 74 – Selection of Champions

The days went on as usual, with the only change being the extra students attending some classes... but not all of them. For us, being only in the third year, it did not really play a big role as most of the guests were 15 or older. Weirdly, mingling with each other was not happening as much as I expected. I mean, the three schools were not mixing so well, probably because every side was thinking about protecting their secrets from the other.

The newcomers took it seriously as the Durmstrang students were sleeping on their ships and usually quickly retreated to it after dinner. The Beauxbatons were similar, but at least they kept up the facade of talking with the other students a little before returning to their carriage that now looked like a miniature castle. We were warned not to approach the two guests' adobes without a proper invitation. The lake would swallow us if we did, while in the Beauxbatons's case, the dragons would turn us into their meal. Charming.

I wouldn't say I wasn't curious about what their temporary homes looked like inside, but I was content not risking my life to find it out. I would have plenty of chances to do it when the competition finally kicks off! What I did not expect, however, happened on the fourth day after our guests' arrival. One of the Beauxbatons students, a surprisingly pretty girl, stopped me in my tracks. I was heading to our Common Room after getting two books from our 'secret classroom,' and she stopped me on the 4th floor's staircase.

"You are that boy they call Anguine, yes?" She asked with a heavy French accent, looking me dead in the eyes.

"Who wants to know?" I asked back, smiling, trying to look friendly, but all my senses were screaming that something was wrong. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I felt I was being manipulated. Or was she trying to control me, not by words, but by magic or... by my senses? I couldn't explain, but I felt as if I was being put under some spell without using any traceable magic. Was there power in her voice? What was she doing that alarmed me so much?

"My name is Fleur Delacour. I heard you were the youngest prodigy?"

"Well... I don't know what they say about me, but prodigy? I doubt it! I have average grades in many subjects."

"Subjects that has no use! No real... utilisation pratique1Translation: Practical use.!"

"Sorry, I don't speak French."

"I know!" She snorted, rolling her eyes, and momentarily, I was mesmerized by her beauty. Her long, blonde hair seemed to emanate a silvery glow, giving her the aura of a fairy, while her blue eyes were like the summer sky. It took me all my willpower to break free... it was only a second or less, but my heart was beating unreasonably fast.

"If there is nothing else-" I murmured, as I just realized she was as tall as me... standing way too close, so much so, I could smell her sweet scent. Even more.... she was exuding a domineering aura, making me feel like I was the target of some kind of... bird of prey or something... It made my blood boil, angry and aggressive. I was starting to think about killing her, which was absurd! I had to get away...

"I want to see your talent! You showed... bravoure2Translation: Bravery! You... m'intéresse3Translation: interests me
, Conrad Anguine!"

"Sorry, I'm already engaged."

"Hmph!" She snorted so loudly that it made me step backward to hit the wall. "Je pense à l'amour! Des enfants idiots!4Translation: Thinking about love! Stupid children!" And with that, she turned around, hit me in the face with her hair, and walked away, just so that at the corner, she looked back, meeting my eye. She held it for a second and disappeared only afterward with a seductive blink.

"What the hell was going on here...?"

While walking back to the Common Room, I debated whether I should tell Quincy or not... but... I came to the decision to do so. I would hope if someone did something similar to her, she would not keep it a secret from me either.

"She did what?"

I didn't expect her to flare up like this, and if not holding her arms, pulling her back to the chair, I think she would have stormed off, and dragons be damned, she would be knocking on the door to the Beauxbatons's carriage.

"It happened, as I told you! And as I said," I turned my voice softer, looking around, "my blood was telling me to finish her off! It felt the same when I was looking at Lucius or Draco last year!"

"..." At first, she said nothing but then asked in a much calmer voice, "Is it your blood?"

"I think the warning part... with the slight anger of being the target of someone... yes. But the killing intent... the darker feelings... the brutal ones... Those feel foreign. I felt it more clearly now!" I added, explaining it as I understood it. And it began to scare me... "I was still being swayed by that Delacour girl's scent and aura-"


"Listen to me! Please!" I urged her, looking into her eyes, seeing her pouting and sulking go away, replaced by worry, realizing I wasn't joking around. "Then I felt the urge to kill her at the same time! It was in my head, but it wasn't my own thoughts! Not completely!"

"What do you... want to say? There is someone... Ah!" She yelled out, then held her mouth in a hurry, looking around before turning back toward me.

"If it isn't Herpo's influence, I have no other ideas besides me going slowly mad. I don't know if I believe him anymore! That he is truly dead..."

"He should be... there is no magic, no matter what kind of dark arts are hidden in the world, that would make him truly immortal! That is impossible!"

"I hope... I just also hope there is no magic that can bring back the dead!"


"Sorry... for dropping two hexes on you from out of nowhere..."

"It's okay..." She whispered, hugging and kissing me... I think I needed that, as I felt better almost immediately. "I will browse the-"

"Books." I finished with her in tandem, chuckling, hugging her close, stroking her head, lifting my mood to new heights. "Somehow, the fact that when we get into a pickle, we always go and consult books... became a habit of ours, huh? Well... it feels being at home.... hehe!"


Only two days later, she pulled me away after our regular classes. I instantly knew she found something, so I waited for her to explain it.

"I didn't find anything about Herpo or thought-transference via bloodlines in Slytherin's books, but there is too much to go through... but I did find something that would explain your reaction to that wench!"

"I love it when you are this aggressive!"

"Heh! Stupid..." She chuckled but gave me a small peck on my lips. "What do you know about Veela?"

"The things that many people derived the succubus mythos from?"

"Something like that, yes. They are not human but look like humans and can mate with us! But they are magical birds in the stricter sense. Salazar Slytherin had multiple Veela slaves; he described them in his books."

"The old bastard..."

"In their time, they were not considered... intelligent. They were categorized as magical beasts." She murmured, feeling weird, but then, with a shake of her head, she continued, "What you described is the magical effect of a Veela. Especially the glowing hair, her scent, and the effect on your mind!"

"You want to tell me she is a bird and-"

"No! If she were a pure Veela, the others around her would be affected and start doing foolish things! Idiots... She must be a half-breed!"

"Huh... So my blood reacted because they wouldn't be able to affect a basilisk?"

"Something like that, yes! But you are not a basilisk, even if you can turn into one now!"

"True. I will have to be more careful around her! I still don't know what she wanted from me, so I think she will try to speak to me again."

"Don't worry! This time? I will be there; she won't be able to affect me!"


Quincy didn't joke around; she indeed followed me everywhere. Even into the bathroom... Waiting outside of the stall while I... well... you get the gist of it. Luckily, it didn't last longer than I expected as time marched on mercilessly... and the selection of the champions happened two weeks after the Goblet was put up in the entrance hall. When the morning came, it was gone; instead, it stood silently burning in the Great Hall, making it hard to focus on our breakfast.

"What do you think?" I asked, but Quincy just shrugged.

"It is not up to me anymore! I put it in; the rest is all up to chance! But I did write it with blood, who knows... maybe it can sense I have been... upgraded? Is that a good word for it?"

"Ahaha! That does sound badass!"

I didn't need to think about it for long. Only the morning classes were being held as usual that day, while the afternoon ones were dismissed in favor of the selection of champions. When it was happening, new faces appeared who we didn't see until then. To my surprise, my Father was amongst them, but there was no time to go up and greet him, only to exchange a slight nod to each other. I knew he was present to guarantee safety, while I guessed the others were also ministry officials overseeing the selection.

"Those are French officials..." Quincy leaned over, whispering into my ear, pointing out three of the blue-robed individuals. "You can tell by the cuffs they have! I have seen them in history books; their ministry uses the same type on official uniforms!"

"Hmmm... Now I understand why Father is assigned here to watch them... They could cause trouble, but I don't think they would try it. Not now."

"I agree, but... you never know!"

"It is time!" The Headmaster's voice echoed loudly inside the hall, silencing the hubbub swiftly. Everybody, be it us or the guests, looked at the Goblet, not even blinking, fearing we would miss something truly magical.

There was no fancy speech, no encouraging words as the Goble's fire turned blue, and before long, a paper was spat out from it straight into the hands of the Headmaster.

"Viktor Krum!"

I expected as much. At least I'm not first; that would... draw too many eyes.

"Martyn Poliakoff!"

Huh... another Durmstrung student... Will we go in order or-

"Quincy Anguine!"

Before I could ask myself the question, she stood up, glancing at me both happy and worried, before walking out to stand before the other two competitors. I could see the surprise on the faces of many others, including the guest Headmasters and some of our professors. Me? I was sure that she would be chosen! If that Goblet had any sense, she would feel the uniqueness of Quincy's blood!

"Fleur Delacour!"

Another name I was not surprised to hear. Watching her walk out, she looked directly at me before turning away and meeting the angry eyes of Quincy. She wasn't bothered, scoffing a little before standing right next to her... now if I am called, I wouldn't be able to stand-

"Conrad Anguine!"


Here we go. I knew I was going to be part of it, but... it was still weird. I stood up, going forward, and I pushed myself between Quincy and Fleur. I wasn't playing now, and she used our family's name! Like hell I will let a half-veela toy with me!"

"Celine Castillon!"

By then, I didn't pay attention to the last chosen one as I was stuck in the middle of two piercing gazes... maybe it was not a good idea to stand between them. Well... it was already too late... The competition was set in stone, and there was no going back now!

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