Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 61 – Avada Kedavra (1)

The news left a tremendous impact on not just us but the whole school. Watching the Malfoy pair's expressions told us they were also in the dark about it. We heard from Professor Slughorn that Lucius received the official letter of the duel at the same time it appeared in the Daily Prophet. I don't know how much the Professor's hand was in it, but I think this mainly fell on Lord Voldemort's shoulders. My guess was that he had enough of this farce, especially because this made it much easier for the Order to move around and plan their next move. A splinter in the community of wizards and witches was dangerous and could not be permitted.

At last, that was the main sentiment, in my opinion. I don't really remember how the remaining days went by, as my stomach was the size of a pinhead. I tried to not show my nervousness on the outside, but I don't know how well I managed it. When the day of the duel finally arrived, I had no chance to speak with my Father as he was welcomed by the Headmaster and led away, giving us no chance to say anything… even if we may never be able to do so after today. But I tried not to think about that possibility.

The duel was to take place outside, at the lake on the shore. Spring was coming up on us, so the snow was already melting; everything was wet, muddy, and damp. The sky was still grey with clouds, ready to rain at any given moment, and the air was filled with the coldness of winter, lingering around like some kind of ghost. Of course, none of this bothered anybody as people gathered around, waiting for the spectacle… and for the judge to arrive.

As part of the 'problem,' Quincy and I stood with the teachers. Behind us stood Professor Slughorn and, to my surprise, Professor Lockhart. I glanced toward the Headmaster, who was standing with my Father, Lucius… and Draco. Who, because of being a Death Eater, was also a 'supervisor.' Or something… Tsk. I was about to grimace when my eyes met with Father, who only smiled, looking casual and unbothered, exuding such confidence I felt my heart rate slow down a little.

"It should be… alright!" Quincy murmured, squeezing my hand, which I returned, nodding at her, but both of us knew. We were more anxious than when we dealt with the basilisk.

When HE arrived, the man we were waiting for, HE did so on a flying carriage, pulled by four thestrals. After landing, a woman stepped out first, who I recalled was Bellatrix Lestrange. A relative to not just Draco but to Quincy, a cousin to her Father… and an aunt to Draco. I hadn't had to ask whose side she was on… I guess. What was a bit surprising for me was the reverence she had when she opened the door and helped the man down from the carriage. It was my first time seeing HIM in the flesh.

HE was tall but thin. I wouldn't say HE was at a healthy weight at all, a bit more on the skeletal side. Still, HIS features had an otherworldly charm or… power to it. HIS dark hair was well-kept, and as HE looked around, sometimes HIS eyes looked like they were flashing with a crimson color. Wearing an elegant traveling suit, HE walked forward, almost as if HE was floating above the ground, unbothered by the muddy earth below HIS feet.

No matter where he went, the sea of people parted before HIM, and anybody caught looking into HIS eyes quickly lowered their heads. When HE finally turned towards us, and I gazed into those snake-like pupils, I couldn't tear my eyes away. Something in me stirred, and I felt… threatened. Like when a predator meets another in his own territory… Which was simply laughable as HE was so much stronger than me.

"Good kid." HE said in a clear voice before looking at my Father, forming a small smile. It was a sudden and surprise exclamation, and it brought me out of my weird stupor, realizing Professor Slughorn put his hands on my shoulders, squeezing them a little.

"Thank you for the high praise, My Lord," Father answered, bowing respectfully, hand on his chest.

"Now, now! I am happy to see talented youngsters rise in these troubled times!" HE smiled, looking towards Draco, who quickly puffed out his chest with pride. "I am only ashamed that the parents forgot to learn how to behave… like a civilized person." HE added with another smile, glancing towards Lucius first, but then the cold, dreadful gaze turned towards my Father.

"I agree, My Lord." He answered before Lucius could open his mouth to say anything. "But sometimes enough is enough. Others may think I turned soft if I don't show some teeth."

"That they do…." HE nodded, looking around everyone silently before continuing to speak in an amicable tone. "Coming here made me remember all those good years!" HE chuckled, nodding towards Professor Slughorn, who smiled back, but his hands squeezed my shoulders so hard I felt them crack. What the hell? "In turn, it also made me think about the principle being taught here!" With a slight raise in HIS voice, Lord Voldemort turned towards the others, but HE was clearly questioning Lucius and my Father. "Unity! We are pureblood wizards and witches, equipped with power that nobody else has! Do we really need to kill each other? When others would want to do it, waiting for the opportunity? You all know who I am talking about…" HE asked, looking at my Father first, letting HIS gaze linger a little before moving on to Lucius.

Was HE here to smooth things out? That was the first question that popped into my head, and I think many others were thinking the same at that moment. I saw the sudden surprise in my Father's eye, too; this was clearly not in his calculations.

"I am asking you two, of course!" HE turned towards them for real this time. "Is a worthless blood traitor truly a prize I have to risk losing two capable men under me?"

HIS words were harsh, not just to hear, but the power behind them was also infused with magic, making my blood start to boil immediately. My gaze quickly snapped to Bellatrix, who was standing there bored, unimpressed, and she wasn't bothered by it. Yet this was simply declaring openly what HE thought about the most ancient of families… the Blacks. I felt Quincy's nails dig into my palm, but I just let her do so. I totally understood her feelings at that moment.

"I am asking this from you!" Lord Voldemort continued, speaking to my Father.

"We were approached first." He replied firmly, without stuttering, controlling his surprise and answering cleanly. "We agreed on all terms. This is about the honor of my family and its name. Its reputation."

"But they betrayed that, didn't they?" HE continued, sounding like a dad trying to teach his son about something straightforward he was refusing to understand, "Like the worthless bloodline they are, they immediately betrayed their words and wiggled out of it, didn't they?" I could swear while watching HIS face… HE was enjoying this. This was nothing but a play... a farce that HE was going along with. "Why do you want something like that in your family? In YOUR bloodline?" HE asked again, but this time, it was a question directed at Lucius.

"Everyone… deserves a second chance," Lucius replied, trying to say something that would resonate with most people present… but it was the wrong choice of words.

"No, that is not true." Lord Voldemort replied with a smile, "So not true. Now… I understand the Anguine family's decision. Youngsters are like that. Falling in love, following their immature desires… be it dreams… love… or jealousy. I understand that." HE continued holding HIS smile as HIS eyes looked at Quincy… me, and finally, Draco. "To me, this is… childish. A squabble between kids. Why should I lose my capable people over something trivial? Why not let them settle it?"

My body flinched the moment HE asked it, and I knew my eyes were filled with excitement. I could feel my mind switch to overdrive, my darker thoughts resurfacing and clamoring at the chance to put Draco into his place… right into the dirt. Looking to the side, I noticed my Father put his hand behind his back to hide it from trembling. He was angry… I could tell that much.

"My Lord…" Lucius opened his mouth, wanting to speak, but Lord Voldemort simply raised a hand, waving him into silence.

"I decided!" HE spoke, raising HIS head slightly, "Draco is a Death Eater, is he not? Isn't he my youngest? He should be capable enough to deal with this on his own! Come on! Step forward!" HE laughed, and from nowhere, a wand was already in HIS hand, directing us like a conductor does with his orchestra.

"Conrad…" Quincy opened her mouth, but I just kissed her cheek before walking forward with steady steps. I wanted this… Deep down, I was enjoying it… Especially when I saw how horrified Draco's face was.

I briefly looked at Father, seeing him ready to make a move, only stopping when I told him with my eyes that I was prepared for it. Seeing him hesitate but then stop himself further raised my courage. I was standing in the mud a moment later, facing Draco, who had no way to back out of it this time. I wanted to ask him how it felt to wear that tattoo now? Was it still such an honor or not? But there was no time to talk as Lord Voldemort continued to conduct our duel, his personal show, which I was sure he was enjoying to its fullest.

"The duel was set to be fought to the death!" HE clapped, speaking in a kind voice as if we were only participating in some friendly competition. "And that is what we shall do! The traditions are strong within Hogwarts! We can't disrespect them! Bellatrix!"

She simply laughed, walking out from the crowd and becoming our referee. I could tell that she was enjoying it just as much… even though it was her nephew who was facing me. Maybe she was so confident in him that she thought I would have stood no chance? Then I had some surprise for all of them… We were supposed to start at the count of three. I was standing there without any tremble, my eyes focused, looking straight at him, registering all the little shudders in his body and the twitches in his fingers. After the ceremonial bow, my mind shut out all unimportant noises, smells, and feelings… the only thing that remained for me to hear was Bellatrix's countdown.

This time, I wasn't playing around. The moment she finished counting, I had my wand in hand, raising it. At first, I wanted to cast the killing curse, my feelings ordering my body to do it, but seeing how Draco was trying to use a different spell… I hesitated. I could read from the movement of his hand that it was the disarming charm he was trying to cast. In the end, my rationality, the feeling of resisting the urges that seemed too strong to be really mine, managed to overcome my desire to eliminate him, and I did the same, calling it out faster than he could. It was finished before it had a chance to start. Draco stood there, pointing his empty hand at me, saying the spell's name, just realizing he no longer had the wand between his fingers.

"He looks faster than his father."

I knew Lord Voldemort spoke just now, and I could sense his sadistic enjoyment radiating through every spore on his body.

"But it is a duel to the death!"

"My Lord…!" Lucius spoke up, his voice so weak, and I almost looked towards him… but I kept my eyes on Draco, my arm raised, wand pointed at him. I couldn't lax my senses, not now.

"I said… it's a duel to the death…" HE repeated, now HIS voice cold and authoritative. HE was commanding us.

"Lord Voldemort." I opened my mouth, lowering my hand, turning towards HIM, seeing HIS raised eyebrows and curious glance, interested in what I had to say. I think HE was expecting me to beg for an amicable resolution. But… I knew HE wouldn't want that. HE was already half disappointed in what just happened, and I could feel my emotions swirling in turmoil, also wishing to explode out… I had to release it, or the pain gathering in my spine and head would be worse than ever.

"Speak, child."

"I want to challenge Lucius… and let him replace Draco."

"Oh?" HE formed a surprised smile, and I knew HE wasn't expecting it. Neither did my Father and Quincy, who were now shouting my name… but I barely could hear them. "Are you sure?"

"Lord… You have nothing to risk here." I repeated, feeling an involuntary smile creeping up on my face. "If he wins, you lose nothing…If I win, you only lose a worthless pawn that caused more trouble than what it's worth to keep him around."

"Angus… Anguine…” HE looked at my Father, and I could feel HIS voice growing excited once more, "You spawned an interesting son… Lucius!" HE snapped towards him this time, "Fight the kid!"

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