Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 42 – Summer Break (2)

The first month of the summer break was going very slowly. Surprisingly so. I remember that it usually flew by before it was school time again… learning to write, read and count to infinity. Okay, not that far, but I am not fond of math. I couldn't wait until I was admitted to Hogwarts to finally attend a real school, not that… muggle, mundane version of it.

Well, the moment Quincy arrived, and we welcomed her, along with her grandmother, the days started to really fly by me. Luckily, her grandmother did not stay for long, and Father was the one entertaining her. When we could, we escaped into the town, spending most days with Neville as we explored the surrounding forest and fields, trying out our spells in duels. Or just racing on brooms. It was liberating.

"Ouch…" I hissed while Quincy cleaned a scratch on my knee with alcohol back in our estate's garden.

"Man up already!" She chuckled while I sat on the grass, looking like someone who just crashlanded. Okay… I did precisely that. I tried a new move with my broom, but I ended up hitting the ground instead. It wasn't a big crash, but I slid on my knees a little, scratching them up.

"It's just stings… I am not complaining…" Looking to the side, I murmured, "Why not use magic?"

"Because then you forget that acting like an ass has consequences! Magic can't solve everything for you!" After finishing the quick 'first aid' care on my knees, she berated me, giving the alcohol back to Squeaky, who appeared at once when I 'landed.'

"Master should be more careful!" She said, nodding when hearing Quincy's words.

"Yeah, tell him that more!" She agreed wholeheartedly. "Were you trying to impress me? Because it did not work!"


"Master did mention Mistress a lot to Young Neville."

"Squeaky!" I barked, but she just snapped, disappearing with a loud pop.

"I see." Quincy chuckled, blushing a little, "Well, I am happy to say, your blood looks normal and human! You did not turn into a snake! Yet!"

“I hope I won’t… the spiders did flee…”

"Yeah, you mentioned it." She crossed her arms, thinking, "But I wouldn't worry about it! I was thinking about something else! I read about many snakes back home, going through old bestiaries and whatnot, and a new idea came to mind!"

"Venomous bite?"

"Err…" She flinched, looking at me weirdly, but then she did consider it, "Maybe. I… Well, if you feel like spitting and it smells foul, I would consult Madam Pomfrey about it first! Maybe better mouth hygiene is what you need!"

"Ha. Ha." I rolled my eyes but did smile at her jab.

"What I was thinking is being an Animagus!"

"Ah!" My eyes flashed, intrigued by her idea, "That is not a bad idea! Wait, you think we should be able to turn into snakes?"

"Why not? Of course, I don't know if that is possible. If our new gift would give us any advantage regarding it… but yes! I do think it is a good idea to master it!"

"I can also see that! That totally slipped my mind; nice job!"

"Ehehe~ Of course, I am smarter than you, anyway!"

"Ha. Ha. So, Miss Smartest Girl in Britain, how do you think we should go about it?" I asked, standing up, no longer feeling pain in my knees, excited by the idea she brought forth.

"It is not easy, and it can go extremely wrong very quickly!"

"Isn't that the description of all of the spells?" I shrugged, "We did some pretty dangerous stuff a few months ago! I don't think turning into an animal will be any more risky."

"True." She conceded at once, not even sounding angry, "I read up on the process! The first step is keeping a mandrake leaf under our tongue for a month! From full moon to full moon! Swallow it, spit it out; we have to start over!"

"Err.. okay… that already sounds bothersome."

"It is. But we have spares from those that I did not turn into potions. The second phase is that the full moon has to be clear! If it's cloudy… we start over."

"..." I simply blew air out of my nose, too tired to even be surprised… and this was only the first step?

"Then we will have to spit the leaf into a vial within range of the moon's pure rays. Then, we add one hair of ours, a silver teaspoon of dew that had not seen sunlight or been touched by human feet for seven days, and the chrysalis of a Death's-head Hawk Moth."

"Okay, that does some feasible! At least it is more straightforward than sucking on a leaf for a month."

"Then, the resulting mixture has to be put in a quiet, dark place and could not be disturbed in any way!"

"Manageable. Easily, in fact. The Room of Requirement is perfect for it."

"Here comes the worst part!"

"Hit me!" I shrugged and saw her crack a smile with a bit of pain on her face.

"We wait for an electrical storm, whenever that might be. At sunrise and sundown every day without fail, we would also have to chant the incantation Amato Animo Animato Animagus with the tip of our wand pressed against our chest. Exactly where our heart is! When the storm comes, we must immediately move to a big place, drink the potion and recite it one last time!"

"And if we screwed up, then?"

"Permanent transformation. Or half-beast appearance. Disfigured for life! It is tedious, I know! But our previous ritual was also somewhat sucky, wasn't it?"

"Yeah… you are right. It was. Okay! We can do that! Now… thinking about it, this is not that bad… We just need to fiddle with a leaf, from full moon to full moon, make a potion, and then on its nothing, just chants every day until we do the slurping!"

"If you say it like that… yep. Not that problematic!" She chuckled. "Should we start?"

"I'd love to say yes, but no." I groaned after considering it. "My mother will be back home… the place will be anything but quiet! It is best to do it at school."

"Maybe ask the teachers for help?" Quincy thought, but then I shook my head.

"Any animagi has to be registered. Let's not do that."

"Ah… okay. Yeah… good idea!" She nodded, blushing that she had forgotten about it.

"Plus, imagine we do everything, and no storm comes! Then we head back to school, and bam, it hits! I don't think the Hogwarts Express is the best place to finish the ritual!"

"Err… yeah, that is for sure!" She shrugged again.

"Hey, it is summer! Let's enjoy it! There is a small river not that far here; want to go tomorrow and enjoy it a little?"

“Y-you… you mean…” She blushed from head to toe, listening to me.

"Duh! We could splash around a little! Or you didn't bring swimsuits?"

"N-no… I did… not." She murmured, looking at the ground, kicking small pebbles around.

"No worries! I bet we can ask Father to order some! Or we can go and buy it together!"

"Let's order it!" She replied hurriedly, almost biting her tongue while saying it.

"S-sure." I nodded, not really getting why the sudden weirdness. It was… just so we could have a little fun. I liked the cold, clear water; sometimes, fish swam past my legs. It was… tranquil. Nice. Beautiful. Haahh… girls.


With Quincy accompanying me through the summer, it indeed went fast. I could barely believe it was already time to buy our books and get ready to travel to Hogwarts. Father couldn't see us off this time, so some of his subordinates took us into London to King's Cross. I won't lie; it was good to stand on the platform, watching the red engine again and hearing the bustle around us. I looked around, trying to see if I could spot Draco, but I did not see him. A bit weird, but I was also glad of the fact.

"What's up?" I nudged Quincy, who was a bit lost in thoughts.

"I was wondering if I saw it right."

"Saw what?" I asked as we climbed up to one of the carts and helped her lift the heavy trunk up.

"You know, I mentioned that some of Neville's caretakers, especially those brothers… What was their family name? Rubio?"

"Ah, yes… you mentioned they are looking at you constantly." I remembered, a bit concerned. I started paying attention to it after Quincy told me about it, and true enough… they were undoubtedly watching her. Especially the one named Jack. Muggles… are weird, so I ensured Quincy never wandered too far. Magic or not, people can be dangerous.

"I could swear I saw them just now!" She said, but her voice was unsure as she looked out the windows, trying to find them in the crowd.

"Impossible! They are muggles!" I countered, yet still stuck my head out, searching, but what I could see odd was only two weird-looking dogs sitting not that far away, one black and one grey. Weirdly enough, they were looking at us too, or so it seemed.

"Let's go!" Quincy shrugged, pulling on my robe as we continued walking down the cart, finding an empty compartment.

"Say," I opened a box of chocolate frogs, giving one to her, "do you have any idea who will be the new professor added to the roster this year?"

"Nope!" She answered briefly, catching the escaping frog and popping it into her mouth, already forgetting about feeling stalked. "Ehhh, I got myself a Bellatrix again…" She grumbled with a mouth full of chocolate.

"I have it worse." I flipped over my card, which was Lucius Malfoy. "Funny enough, I only got my dad 2 times."

"Is he rare?" She asked curiously.

"Nope, I just usually pull people I don't want. Maybe I'm jinxed!" I laughed, throwing the card away.

"Like Professor Lockhart?" She joked, making my face sour and twitchy, yet she just laughed.

In August, that idiot showed up at my home… He only stayed for a few days, supposedly on a mission nearby, and he lodged at our place. At first, he was to stay in the village, but Father insisted on offering his hospitality to a famous Professor from Hogwarts. Not to mention, my mother was really eager to agree. Seeing the two, I knew why... I did think about jinxing his crotch. Or my mother's. Giving them some itch that wouldn't stop… or something.

We talked briefly while he was at our place, but it was mostly about memory charms, practicing, and some school stuff. He tried to ask me leisurely about my family life, what Father does in his spare time, and I gave him some… answers. Ones that I rehearsed with him because, of course, I told my Father everything about Lockhart. The moment I saw his expression change and come up with what I should say to him, I was 100% sure he was dabbling in something dangerous. Something that would mean he could be killed if it came to light, and he was trying to spare me from it… for now. I had to get stronger so he could rely on me for real and tell me what is going on!

"Conrad?" Quincy asked, seeing my face change as I was immersed in my thoughts. "When we are alone, you tend to show everything on your face…" She smiled softly.

"Ehehe… because I trust you. So?" I cleared my throat, "Your guess about our new professor? Mine is on Bellatrix!"

"A prime-time Death Eater?" She laughed, "Surely not! I think any of those guys would feel it to be a demotion! An exile, being chased out of HIS inner circle!"

"Or an important job. For example, like the Headmaster's position!"

"Our Headmaster does not teach." She reminded me.

"Yeah, I know, he has other, important things… like torturing others."

"And helping you? Why the animosity?" She asked with honest surprise.

"Sorry, sorry… I know... You are right; I do like him. Really! He did cover for us a lot; I do trust him! It's just… knowing what is happening behind the hidden corridors and walls is… it taints the school's image for me."

"Why, the curses we are going to be taught do not? Or how punishment works?" She smirked, "Don't forget, we start learning how to use curses for real this year! Not the deadly ones, but… you get it."

"Point taken!" I shrugged, feeling a bit weird, "With Professor Lockhart, eh? I don't know if I trust him teaching us curses… the spells he did all went awry every time! The only thing he is truly good at is memory charms! The rest? I think I could do them without a wand at the same efficiency as he does!"

"That… I do not doubt!" She grinned, making me laugh, too, as we headed straight toward Hogwarts to start our second year.

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